The Challenge Ch. 08: To The Haven


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"Uh huh," Allen said, another hard thrust into Krista.

"Ahhh!" She cried. "Maybe take your date back here and sleep with her. Just not in our bed."

"You won't be upset?" another hard thrust.

"Yes!" she moaned from pleasure, "I mean, no, I won't. Because you are mine in every way, forever. I love you unconditionally. If you have sex with some girl your dating, it's nothing compared to making love to me. You'd just be using her for a quick fix."

"What if my little sham girlfriend wants to get married one day? How do I handle that?" Allen asked thrusting again.

"You marry her, and on your wedding day, you and I would make love. At the reception we would sneak off and do it again," his mother said. "You could get married. I have no desire to. But we would always have this," She added.

"Wouldn't you be sad? I would. I don't mind going out on a date every once in awhile to throw people off, but the thought of moving away from you, getting involved in a sham marriage," Allen cringed at the thought.

"We could always tell your grandmother and other relatives that you're gay," Krista smiled, attempting to alleviate a bit of tension.

Allen laughed, giving his mother a few more hard thrusts, "Yeah let's wait and see how things are in a few years before spreading that lie, ok?"

"Ok, sweetie," Krista kissed along his jaw line, while Allen guided her hands above her head, tying them together with the same silk belt from her robe.

"Now, then, let's continue," He grinned down at her and resumed his methodical, hard thrusts into her, never taking his eyes off hers.


"No, I can't. I won't," Krista told her mother the next evening. Robin had asked her to speak to Bob about getting her old job back, or at least seeing if there was another position that was open in his company.

The last thing she wanted to do was go back to the sex-filled corporate life she once led that took her away from her beloved son. Krista was done with that, admitting to herself that the hypothetical marriage situation she and Allen discussed last night would be heartbreaking. She could never be separated from him again.

"I understand that you want to keep an eye on him, that you're suspicious of him, but I can't be your spy. I'm sorry," Krista added. Thoughts of her secret sexual relationship with Bob, before she introduced him to her mother, flooded her mind.

Krista's aunt, Joanne entered the room with more tea, "Are you sure?" she asked, having heard the conversation from the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, I just can't. I've settled and calmed down. Working at the company is not something I want to go back to. My life if simpler now, more enjoyable," Krista said, thinking of the love of her life, Allen.

Robin and Joanne traded looks. Joanne spoke up, "Who else? Do you have any friends in the Atlanta area that could get closer to him?"

"No, I don't," Robin replied.

"What about Nikki?" Krista asked of her youngest aunt. "I don't know if she could infiltrate his company. Plus she may have a hectic work schedule, but you never know. It wouldn't hurt to ask her."

"She would probably love to do something like this," Robin thought out loud. "She and Bob don't know each other very well, but she always flirted back with him."

"She's a bit of a tease and, well, she gets around," Joanne added.

Robin took a deep breath, "Yeah, I guess I'll call her then."

Chapter 5 - Nikki's Input

Nikki was so excited about this spy and infiltration plan that she decided to drive down from Charleston, South Carolina the following weekend to discuss the details in person.

"Now then, let's begin," said the butt-length, long haired brunette in her late 40s. "I can't do it, but we can talk about who can."

"Wait, what?" Robin asked. "I thought you could and that's why you're here."

"Oh, no, I can't. I'm going on a 10 day singles cruise this month, plus a few extra days off here and there. I'm tapped out for days off," Nikki explained, gulping down her wine.

Robin and Joanne sighed, sharing another look.

"Ok, that's fine; maybe you could share some insight with them?" Krista added. All four women sat in the living room with their wine glasses in hand. Nikki brought several bottles with her.

"Oh I will, sweetie," Nikki winked, taking another gulp. "Bob is up to something. You want someone to stay with him, to get close with him, to SLEEP with him," she smiled. "You want someone to gather intel. I love this! We, I mean, you, will use what you gather to CRUSH him on your wedding day," Nikki added.

"Wait what?" Robin asked again. "No one said anything about sleeping with him."

"I've been thinking about this all week," Nikki grinned. "On your wedding day, you say 'no!' when asked if you want to marry him. At that point, whoever we can find to go up to Atlanta will come forward, bringing photos, documents, and other files incriminating him. The police will show up, he'll be arrested and maybe, just maybe, you can sue him for millions for emotional damages."

"That sounds ridiculous," Robin shook her head. "And I said nothing about sleeping with him!"

"Nikki, you still have an active imagination I see," Joanne added.

Nikki rolled her eyes, sipping more wine. "Why do you think he's up to something anyway?"

Robin glanced to Joanne, who nodded her head, downing her own glass of wine.

"Nikki," Robin sat on the edge of the couch, "Bob issued a challenge to me. One that I didn't agree to. This challenge made me think about what sort of perversions Bob may have. It was one that made me question how he feels about me."

"What sort of challenge?" Nikki asked.

Robin took a deep breath, glancing at Joanne once more, "He challenged me to have sex with Joanne."

"What!?!" Nikki exclaimed. Krista's face reddened, her eyes widened.

"He offered me a large sum of money to cross that line with Joanne," Robin added.

Nikki settled, quietly pausing for a moment, "How much?"

"$45 million," Robin answered.

Nikki's eyes widened as well, "And you said no?!? Are you crazy?!?"

"Well, I mean, come on. You don't expect - " Robin tried to answer.

"For that amount of money? Yes! Yes to anything!" Nikki shook her head, disappointed in her sister.

Nikki got up to retrieve more wine, coming back to the couch, "Close your eyes and go at it. It's as simple as that."

"No, I don't think it's that simple, "Joanne said. "We've never been with a woman before. You might have, but not us. Plus she's my sister."

"Right, and that's a lot of money," Nikki said flatly.

"Listen, he gave me a web camera thingy to record it, should we decide to go through with it. If we don't, then we don't," Robin said.

"Look, I know he probably has you in his will and all that, but that's even more money on top of whatever you get when he kicks the bucket right?" Nikki asked.

"Yes, but," Robin said.

"Then do it! Turn on the camera thingy, close your eyes, and go at it! Pretend she's someone else!" Nikki said.

"Listen, you're missing the point," Joanne said.

"No you two are," Nikki glared at her older sisters.

"That rich scumbag is giving away money, or should I say, even MORE money than you would get when he dies. All you have to do is get it on with a woman you love and care about. Right? You never have to do it again, and you collect an extra $45 million," Nikki said. "This seems like a no brainer to me."

"We aren't lesbians! We aren't bi. Or whatever it is you are!" Joanne fussed. Krista remained perfectly still and quiet, hoping her red flushed face wasn't noticeable.

Nikki went quiet for a moment, "Is that the only issue? Sex with a woman?"

Joanne glanced at Robin, the two women shrugged.

"You didn't state the incest part was an issue. I'm just saying," Nikki added.

"Nikki, please," Joanne shook her head.

"Why don't we take baby steps. Alright? I can help. Maybe, just maybe, that large sum could be yours. You could split it with her, deposit it, and invest it, whatever. It'd be yours. Then at some point down the road, when Bob passes, away, that'd be even more money. I'm sure he's got other people he'd be giving his fortune away to. Well, you'd have a little extra, if you went through with this challenge," Nikki calmly explained.

Robin sighed once again. Nikki got off the recliner she was sitting in, taking a seat next to Robin. She put her arm around her, pulling her in tightly for a hug. "You could even give me a couple million if you wanted," Nikki whispered, quickly bringing a hand to grab Robin's nearest breast.

"Nikki!" Robin pushed her sister away.

Retrieving more wine from the kitchen, "Just think about it. It'd be a onetime thing. You don't have to give me any, unless you wanted to."

Chapter 6 - Their Plan

"You know what we should do," Nikki said after taking another sip. "We continue with your infiltration plan. Get someone to get close to him. Find out what we can. IF he is indeed very shady, we expose him at the wedding and get as much of his fortune as possible."

"Nikki," Robin sighed.

"Expose him AFTER you two get it on. You'd collect $45 million. At the wedding, whatever crimes or shady things he's up to you expose, then you try to get even more out of him. Did you sign a pre-nup?"

"Yes and it wasn't anything that I could use against him. It was basically saying in the event of divorce, I get a smaller sum of money - $10 million. I'm old, I'm not young, and I don't have many years left. I'm not too concerned with trying to bleed him dry."

"I understand that," Nikki said. "But what about your children and grandchildren?"

"You could leave a lot for them," Joanne said, glancing at Krista.

"Ugh, now you're on me about it as well," Robin chuckled.

"I'm just thinking that maybe he could be investigated. It couldn't hurt," Joanne stated.

"If whoever we get to go to Atlanta, we can see if Bob seduces her, then she could get closer enough to snoop around," Nikki added.

"There you go again with wanting someone to sleep with him," Robin sighed.

"Maybe we could say he assaulted this woman or drugged her. First collect the challenge money, expose him at wedding, sue for some BS reason and get even more money!" Nikki explained.

"I don't think that's how it works. The cheating exposes what kind of person he is, yes. But I don't feel like accusing him of crimes he wouldn't commit," Robin said.

"Ooh! How about blackmail? We find out what he's up to, then blackmail him to give you everything in his - " Nikki said, before being interrupted.

"No! Enough," Robin said. "This is getting silly. I'm ok with someone going up there, one of you, and seeing if he'll cheat, I guess. If so, maybe even snoop around a bit to see what you can find. I'm even ok with," Robin paused, turning to Joanne, "attempting to take baby steps toward, well, you know."

"Um, what? Really?" Joanne spoke up, her eyes widening. "It's the wine talking, right?"

Robin shrugged. "IF we find out what he's up to, I'm even ok with saying 'no' on the wedding day, AFTER we get the $45 million," Robin continued. Krista still remained quiet, watching her mother and aunt's plan and scheme, her insides tightening.

"I don't want to blackmail, I don't want to expose and sue and get him arrested. If he is indeed up to something, I'll want that money and then end it with him on the day of the wedding in front of everyone."

"The money we'd get if you and I," Joanne attempted to ask.

"Yes! Now then, let's drink some more wine and think about who to send," Robin said, Joanne quietly sipping her wine in shock.

"Krista is out, so she's can't go. Nikki, you said you couldn't due to work and time off. Joanne?" Robin asked. "If you go there, would you be willing to do what we discussed?"

"Well, she can't go," Nikki spoke up just as Joanne was about to. "We have to work on getting you two to feel more comfortable about sex with each other."

Robin and Joanne both sighed heavily, "Oh yeah, that," Robin said.

The women thought for a moment. "What about Denise?" Nikki asked, referring to Robin's younger daughter.

"She lives in Miami though," Robin said.

"Maybe she could take a long vacation from work. Perhaps she'd be willing to spend it in Atlanta, claiming she's looking for a new job in the area. Staying at Bob's could be cheaper than a hotel," Joanne added.

"She did go through a horrible divorce; perhaps taking some extra time off work would be great for her. Plus I don't think she's seeing anyone. I know she's only met Bob a couple times, but I know for a fact she's always been attracted to older men. Her first husband was considerably older," Robin explained.

"It could work," Nikki added. "If she's single and willing to help us with our little plan, then call her up!"

"Krista you've been quiet. Everything ok?" Robin asked her daughter.

"Yep. Just mulling this over," Krista replied, thinking about Allen and wondering if he was home from his date yet, her pussy starting to ooze.

"How's Allen by the way?" Nikki asked of her nephew.

"Oh. Um, he's good. He's actually on a date tonight," Krista said, hoping her and Allen's little strategy would keep their incestuous relationship a secret.

"Great. He's a hunk of a guy," Nikki said, causing Krista to blush again. Luckily no one noticed.

"I do need to call Denise anyway. We haven't spoken since her birthday last month," Robin said.

"You do that. In the meantime, I want you and Joanne to work on getting more comfortable with each other. Kissing, hugging, undressing in front of each other, all of that," Nikki said. "I'm going on a singles cruise this month; you two better be getting more acquainted with one another while I'm gone."

Robin and Joanne shared another look, attempting to hide a giggle.

Chapter 7 - An Excited Mommy

"Ahhh!!" Henry screamed in agony. "Get off me! Get off me!"

"What! What happened?" Denise yelled back. "Henry!?!"

"It's hurt mom! Something happened," Henry said, sitting up, throwing his legs over the side of their bed.

"What do you mean?" Denise asked, going to her knees in front of her son. "Let me look!"

Henry winced, removing his hand from his cock, "We, we, gotta go to the emergency room," He struggled to say.

"Let me look," his mother said. Denise carefully removed his hands from his penis, going in for a closer inspection. "Oh my."

"What? What is it?" Henry shut his eyes, the pain radiating over him.

"It's red and swollen," She said.

"I heard it pop. It made a popping sound when you landed on it that time," Henry tried getting out.

"Ok, let's go. Hurry," Denise grabbed their clothes, helping Henry dress, his hands cupping his injured penis once again. Helping him to the car, Denise sped to the nearest emergency room.

The last several sex-filled months have been amazing. Henry's cock was usually inside Denise every second they were at home together, before and after work.

"Still hurt?" She glanced over at her son on the way. Henry closed his eyes, nodding his head.

"Almost there, I'm so sorry baby," she said, tears streaming down her face.

"It's ok mom, just please hurry," Henry replied.

They rode in silence the rest of the way, Denise ducking and speeding around the slow drivers. After some paper work, Henry was taken by a nurse, leaving his mother alone in the waiting room worried sick. She was worried that it was damaged permanently, all because she got too excited and wild with her baby boy.

The hours crawled by. Thoughts of surgery entered her mind. She came down with all her body weight onto it, Henry's cock wasn't aligned perfectly to re-enter her, and then they heard it - a popping sound, followed by Henry's scream of agony.

Henry emerged, finally, with the aid of a nurse. She helped him to his mother. "Well?" Denise asked, meeting them in the middle of the waiting room, running her hands up and down his arm.

"The doctor said it's severely bruised. The urethra wasn't torn or damaged. There didn't appear to be any nerve damage. He said it bent," Henry paused, cringing over visualizing his penis bending, "sharply, but the damage doesn't appear permanent and I should be back to 100% in several weeks. I won't have a crooked penis or anything. He gave me a prescription for pain. He said to ice it down too."

"Whew, ok, good," Denise said, running her hands through her thick mane of brown hair. "Henry, I'm so sorry."

Henry made sure the nurse was out of earshot before speaking Denise's title. "Mom, please, it's fine. You got really excited. You do that often," Henry said, turning to her, smiling weakly. "I'll tell my boss I injured my leg."

"Good idea," Denise answered, mom and son sharing a chuckle. She drove back, holding her son's hand on the way back to their home. She helped him inside, slowly guiding him down on their bed, taking his shoes off, climbing in next to him, kissing his cheek several times.

"Please forgive me," She pleaded.

"Mom, I do, it's fine," Henry caressed her face. "When I get all healed up, we need to remember to take it easy, to make sure I'm lined up perfectly if you want to start bouncing on me like that again."

"Mommy was very excited," Denise kissed at Henry's ear, "a very naughty mommy."

"Whoa, whoa, hold on. We can't be doing anything that'll get ME excited," Henry moved away from his mother.

"Awww, no kissing?" She pouted.

"No. And don't even think about walking around naked like you usually do. Getting an erection is the last thing I want to do in my injured state."

His mother was tearing up again, "Henry."

He shook his head, pulling his mother close to his body, smelling her hair, breathing her in, kissing her head. "I'll be fine. We just have to wait for it to heal."

"Do you think we're being punished for, you know, having this type of relationship?" Denise asked, wiping away a tear.

"Ha! No. We're being punished because you got too excited during sex and we weren't paying attention. You were practically jumping up and down on me," Henry said.

"Mmm, I sure was," Denise smiled seductively.

"No, no, no sexy talk. Tomorrow morning is going to be a nightmare when I wake up."

"Morning wood eh?" his mother asked.

"Yep. So you wear a bunch of baggy clothes, we'll keep the affection light. No mashing those big boobs against me when we hug. No talking about your big boobs either. Nothing to make the blood flow to my injured little guy," Henry said.

"Well, I wouldn't say he's little," Denise licked her lips, glancing at his crotch.

"See? You can't stop being sexy can you?" Henry joked. "In all seriousness mom, please, let's hold off for awhile. An erection will be extremely painful for me."

Denise sighed, snuggling into her son, "I know. No flirting, teasing, and so on, I'll let it heal."

Chapter 8 - Asking Denise

The next few days Henry rested, icing his injured penis, while his mother waited on him. She worked half days, leaving after she saw he was comfortable and watching TV, coming home to prepare dinner. Mornings were the worse, as he predicted, his mother offering to assist him with urination, to which he declined.

Denise was growing more and more anxious. With each passing day, she wanted to pull her hair out. Sex with Henry had been constant in the last several months. It was what she needed, it was what she craved. As his mother, he was her most prized creation, as his lover, he was her everything. Suddenly, she was without the cock she craved most, her addiction wasn't being fed. She was miserable, but also felt bad for injuring her son. She had trouble thinking straight, work was difficult, her mind often visualizing his penis - then eventually any penis. She was incredibly horny. She wanted to ravage him, but knew he had to heal first.

"You know if you want to, you can go out on a date or hang out with someone," Henry suggested Friday night as the two lovers were lying in bed watching TV.
