The Chasm and the Bridge Ch. 02


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When she had said that she could not wait to feel him inside her, he had anxiously said,

"It might take me a few minutes to get hard again," and she had laughed. Seeing the worried look on his face she had explained that it took while for all men and then added,

"But maybe not that long for you Jake as you seem to be getting hard again already".

Greta had crawled up his body, careful to rub herself over him and especially his now hard cock as she went. Then she eased herself back until she was rubbing the tip of his cock up and down her pussy lips. Even though she could see the strength of his need, he still managed to say,

"I hope I'm not going to hurt you Greta, if you don't want ..."

She did not let him finish but impaled herself on him in one swift movement. In truth there was some discomfort, and an odd sense of being stretched she had never really experienced, but she had steeled herself for that and it was quickly gone. The combination of the open adoration with which Jake gazed up at her as she slowly rode him, together with the way his girth pulled her clit against his cock on the downstrokes brought her to a swift and unexpected orgasm.

Once she had finished spasming and clenching around his cock, Greta was struck by the irony that while she had set out to give him a special experience, she had in fact just had her first climax from penetration alone. And he still had not come.

She pulled him over on top of her and told him,

"Like a gentleman, you've made sure I got off first, so now I want you fuck me hard and deep ... and don't stop until you've cum".

He did exactly what he was asked, and without any conscious thought on her part she wrapped her arms and then her legs around him, even scratching his back a little when he brought her to a second orgasm with his steady powerful thrusting, finally reaching his own climax with a triumphant anguished growl.

And then he was crying.

He was sobbing desperately as she held him. Jake was venting the accumulated anguish of the past years. When the worst of the storm had passed, he started to apologise, sounding a little ashamed, but she had told him honestly that she felt honoured that he could do that with her.

It struck her that she had achieved more with him by seducing and fucking him than in the many therapy sessions before that. So much for her professional skills. Or maybe she should really change careers and become a prostitute!

Later, Jake had asked her to teach him how to please a woman in bed. At first, she had demurred, saying,

"I'm not sure you need any training, Jake. You made me cum twice, which I think is a bit of a record!"

However, he had persisted and for mostly selfish reasons she had agreed. That meant that they had spent many pleasant afternoons and evenings swapping bodily fluids. Greta had sometimes imagined herself training him for an Olympic level competition in cunnilingus. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it!

In the end, to wean him from her, or if she was honest, also to wean her from him, she had encouraged him to try out his newfound sexual skills and confidence. She had even helped things along by the classic ruse of telling a girl in the audience at one of his little gigs that Jake fancied her, and then doing the same with him.

It had worked and she had voyeuristically (and perhaps slightly masochistically) got him to report back to her at the next 'therapy' session.

The knock at the door she had been waiting for came, abruptly bringing her out of her reverie and back to the present. Greta squared her shoulders, and resolving to accept her fate, called for him to come in.

The Jake who entered Greta's office was surprisingly similar to the boy she had known some six years before. There were subtle differences as well. He was definitely a man now, and his posture and body language were rather more confident than she remembered.

She was shocked to find she still had a very physical response to him and caught herself with a certain wry amusement glancing down at her wedding ring, to remind herself of the husband who she very much loved. Then Greta noticed the ring he wore and felt the tiniest twinge of disappointment. She had never had the slightest problem retaining her professional detachment with any of her male clients since her time with Jake and yet here she was, beginning to respond in the same way!

She pushed these thoughts from her mind, motioned for him to take a seat and said, in a voice that she struggled to keep level and normal,

"Before we begin, Mr Greville, I just want to apologise for what I did when you were my client. It was completely inappropriate, of me to initiate a sexual relationship with you and it was my fault. I will fully understand if you want to make a formal complaint to my professional body and I will accept the consequences."

It would be very hard for her in reality since it would most likely mean the end of her career and she could not imagine doing anything different, but she knew she would have to accept it.

Jake looked at her completely astounded. He did not say anything for a bit, leaving Greta feeling increasingly agitated but trying not to show it. Then he actually laughed and shook his head.

"My god, Dr Weinberg, er, can I still call you Greta? It sounds kind of weird to call you that. You really thought that I was here to do that? That's crazy. You are the one person, aside from my sister, who helped me turn my life around. And you think I would make a complaint? Wreck your career?"

Greta found herself almost slumping in her chair with relief, but before she could say anything he continued.

"When I came to you, I was broken. I'd been close to suicide. I saw myself as unloved and unlovable. Since that time, no matter how bad things have been, I have never once seriously considered killing myself, not even when Julie, my wife ..."

Now he trailed off and, no longer so focussed on herself, Greta could see that something was troubling him. She realised she needed to say something.

"OK. Well thank you. I really appreciate that, and I've got to admit I'm so relieved. So, in that case what can I do for you ... Jake?"

Now he hesitated. He then tried to put it into words.

"I am not really sure. It's just that before you were the one who was able to help me see things straight. For a while now I thought life was going well, and then it kind of all fell to pieces and I don't know how I got it so wrong. I thought she was happy with me and then ..."

Greta reached into her professional toolkit and coaxed the story out of him, bit by bit. Her first reaction was a tremendous sense of anger toward this Julie, who she had never even met. The anger was not just on Jake's behalf, but also if she was honest from a feeling that Julie had somehow sabotaged the work Greta had put in salvaging Jake from the wreckage of his early life.

As she listened further, she was beginning to grasp the outlines of a story that did not paint Julie quite so black, and she was forming an idea of how she needed to help Jacob, though it very much came under the heading of 'tough love' and she wondered if she would be strong enough to follow through.

Greta gave him a look that suggested an interview with a particularly demanding examiner, and asked him a question.

"OK, Jake, so how do we know that Julie did not fuck Urquhart-Drago?"

For a moment Jake's mind went blank. The change in tack and the brutal way she had asked the question had caught him by surprise. After a moment he asked, genuinely puzzled,

"Do we? Know that?"

She gave him a look that suggested he was a disappointing student.

"Oh yes, we do. Or at least I do."

He couldn't help himself.

"OK. So how do you know?"

"Think about it, Jake. Think about what that scumbag would have done if that happened?"

Jake was still trying to get his head around what she was saying. Thinking about it was so hard given how painful the whole idea was.

Greta tried a different tack, which at first left Jake even more adrift.

"Jake, did you study any Shakespeare at school?"

"Yes, it was Othello."

Greta gave him an encouraging smile.

"Bingo. I hope you still remember the basic story?"

"Yes ... pretty much."

"So, tell me this? Did Desdemona actually do anything wrong?"


Jake began to have an inkling of where this was going but felt the parallel was not very accurate.

"So basically, Othello jumped to conclusions, on the basis of a handkerchief, right."

"Er, yes, but in this case there is a bit more than a hanky, I mean Julie ..."

Greta cut in on him.

"Oh, I am not saying that Julie did not do anything wrong, but I think if she had fucked Henry, we can be sure that there is something he would have done. To use another literary allusion, Watson, this is the case of the dog in the night. The dog that didn't bark."

Jake was still struggling so Greta took mercy on him.

"Look, if he had managed to get her into his bed, he would have made sure he got evidence of it, or even if he so much as got her to kiss him. He would have filmed it, photographed it, recorded it, and then delighted in sharing that with you. But he didn't, so he had to do an Iago on you, and let your imagination do the rest."

And now Jake could see it. He only had to remember the horror of what Henry had done to his poor sister, and his cruel delight in sharing the pictures he had taken. Or what he had done earlier with his girlfriends.

He had a moment of at least some relief. Things were not as bad as they might have been. Greta however was only just getting started.

"You know, maybe a little part of the blame lies with me, and how I trained you."

Now he was back to being puzzled, and it showed on his face.

"What ...?" He struggled to frame a question.

"Most men are selfish lovers. They start out that way and never really change. They may make perfunctory efforts at foreplay, but it is really all about them getting off."

She could see he was back to being puzzled and ploughed on.

"The thing is, that was never your problem, but I still trained you as if it was, teaching you to pleasure me as if that was the only thing that mattered."

At this Jake laughed and said,

"You know it did not seem so bad at the time."

Greta ignored this and continued.

"Yes, but it meant you learned to give, but not to take, to ask for or even sometimes to demand."

Jake seemed more confused than ever.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"I think it is in a marriage, Jake. A marriage is meant to be an equal partnership."

Greta took a breath and went on.

"I have a feeling that Julie is not really so selfish, just a bit thoughtless. And you expected far too little of her."

Greta had continued, giving a little more detail, and making sure Jake realised she was not talking just, or even mainly, about sex.

Jake left a little later, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Once the door closed, Greta slumped back in her chair, took a deep breath, and addressed the photo with her husband,

"You are going to get laid tonight, my love. I am going to fuck your brains out."

She knew that she could tell Paul, and far from being annoyed that Jake had stirred her lust, he would tease her about it, confident in her love for him.

Greta packed up and left, wondering whether Jake and Julie would be able to find a way back to each other. It was out of her hands now and she could only hope that in some small way she had helped. If anyone deserved to be happy it was Jake.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

First chapter was better. This would have been fine but all the sexual history with the psychologist was disturbing. Wtf? Wad she married at the time? Probably not but was not made clear. But beyond that it is a horrible ethical breach. Just seemed like an attempt to toss sex scenes into what was an otherwise emotionally taut story. And agree with Anonymous comment from five months ago. Julie is a bit stupid and thoughtless, raking Jake for granted, but she is not a slut and is not worthy of a btb. Not remotely. Jake meanwhile appears to keep a lot of his life and past hidden from her. His sister was able to sort it out in a few minutes. Jake can't be bothered? Or too introverted except when banging his therapist or playing music in front of an audience. The craziest thing is that his wife, admittedly only married like a year, knows zilch about him being one of the top guitarists in the UK. What? That makes no sense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To the BTB crowd: have you even read the story? While Julie is not faultless and was stupid dressing up lingerie underneath, she is not a slut. Yes she hurt her husband by agreeing to be a PA for the evil asshole but (a) she was setup and tricked by her boss and (b) she did not know almost any of the backstory, something that Katie set right with like 3 minutes of dialog. That being said, Julie took her husband for granted and did something stupid going out to a so-called business dinner. It was obviously a setup. As was the stuff with Carole and her going to.his house before getting a taxi. Her problem is proving that she did NOT cheat. The psychiatrist Greta had some telling points for Jake. But Julie certainly has her own cross to bear. But how does this merit torching the supposed slut? How does it even merit divorce, assuming Julie can convince there was no sexual contact. We know from the doctor's logic (which is spot on) that they didn't even kiss. The really enemy is the evil asshole. I also liked how after talking to Katie and her mother, Julie cane to realize that she had been setup and told Carole and her boss to basically fuck off. They do have communication issues but that is a two way street.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Divorce the slut julie. Kill the rapist henry.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I like the tale, it's becoming interestinger & interestinger. LP

WargamerWargamerabout 3 years ago

Enjoying this story


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Very good need to finish these short chapters

maninconnmaninconnabout 3 years ago
You had me at Billy Shakespeare!

Loved your use of the Othello parallels. You’ve pushed your plot well into the “this is possible, but...”. I do hope Wifey goes #metoo on her boss, ‘cause dayum!

On to ch.3...

Thanks for writing!

whateverittakeswhateverittakesabout 3 years ago

Wish I had a teacher like her...

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 3 years ago

I saw Chapter 3 come out and looked back at this one to get current on the story. I have no recollection of Chapter 2, so somehow I missed it. I loved the twist you inserted that could lead to their reconciliation, and possible growth of the marriage. "Greta" was right. If Julie had actually cheated Dragos would have rubbed it in his face with pictures and all. Well done - 5*! (Now...on to see where you really took us)

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