The Collaring of Chloe Ch. 24


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"Actually, we won't be much longer." Mittens replied. "I just want that slow dance with Chloe and then we'll be headed home too. Even if you beat us there, wait and we'll be there soon."

August regarded her a moment, Chloe certain there was a note of remorse in her eyes, then nodded. "Okay. I'll see you there then. I had an awesome time. A REALLY awesome time." She gave a wink and a coy smile to both of them before turning to Sugar. "Okay, let's get these sots home."

"Let's go barflies!" Sugar said in a semi-commanding voice.

"Itsh Bufferlie." Butterfly mumbled, seeming to be struggling with not falling back to sleep. "I mean Busserfie." She amended. "Bu-ller-fie."

"I know." Sugar laughed, helping her to her feet. "Let's flutter you home to Papa."

He and August wrangled the three drunk girls back across the bar, Sally stopping them part way to try to dance with some random guy, and finally out. Chloe found herself very happy to see all of them gone and alone with her beloved Mittens at last.

"Wow. What a night." She laughed.

"We fucked in a toilet." Mittens added with a laugh.

"We fucked August in a toilet."

"What a night, indeed!"

They laughed together, cuddling up and spending a little while just enjoying the sound of the band playing and being alone together. For the first time, Chloe felt truly comfortable and at ease since the evening had begun.

When they heard the band announce that they were about to play a slow one, they rushed to the floor, arriving just as the song started. The house lights, already fairly dim, turned down a few notches and filled with blue and gold twinkling. The other dancers had instinctively paired up for the slow song, but most looked too tired or drunk, or were simply paired with a stranger, to be fully in the emotion of the music or the moment. For Chloe and Mittens, however, the song might as well have been only for them, lost in the sentiments of the lyrics.

In truth, Chloe couldn't really hear the music at all anymore, no longer saw the other people dancing around them. August and Sally and Chad all had ceased to exist. All there was in her whole world was this amazing cat-girl whom she loved with all her heart, dancing here with her in what could have been an infinite space occupied by them alone. The drum of her heart was her real beat that she danced to, the look in her lover's eyes the real melody that held her.

Though the song could not have lasted as much as four minutes, it seemed to stretch out into forever, an eternal moment locked in time. Their mouths found one another's, coming together tender and soft, a kiss as gentle as summer rain, but with all the power and passion of a thunderstorm.

And then it was as if all time sped up back up to catch them in their vacuum of existence, the sounds and people resolving back into her senses as though returned by magic. It took her a moment to realize that the song had ended and the band was quickly shifting back up-tempo. With a giggle, they fled with one another back off the dance floor and returned, for the last time, to their booth.

"Happy Birthday." Chloe said, catching her breath a moment, looking at her dear sister submissive. "I love you."

"I love you too, Chloe."

They sat there for a few more minutes, saying nothing, but needing nothing said. They just soaked in what there was left to absorb of the night, recovering their breath and preparing for their exit. Finally, Chloe rose and extended a hand to Mittens. "Ready?"

"Ready." She replied, taking the hand in her paw and rising with her. They started towards the stairs before she quickly added. "Oh, we need to find Shawn and say goodbye." However, when they looked around, they could see no sign of him.

"He's probably in back or busy." Chloe said with a sigh. "I think he'll understand."

Mittens gave a little pout, but nodded. "Okay. Let's go home and jump on Master."

Chloe gave a hearty laugh as they crossed the bar, Mittens pausing at the door to give an energetic wave of her paw to everyone, a couple of people, too drunk to fully register why, returned the wave as though they knew her. And then they were out into the night, which felt unexpected chill compared to the humid heat of the bar.

They clung to one another as they made their way away from the building, moving through the still mostly full parking lot, looking for Mittens' little pink sportscar, the fluffy cat-toy mouse dangling from its mirror. Giggling together about nothing as they walked, they paid little attention to their surroundings, completely failing to see the figure who emerged from behind a van that they passed until he reached out and grabbed Chloe's arm, pulling her away from Mittens.

"Hey! You didn't l'me finish!" Chad growled into her face as he pulled her close to him. His eyes looked a bit glazed and his breath stank so stale of beer and whiskey that it made Chloe cough. "I bough'cha drink. Least ya do's lissen' ta me."

Chloe choked on her own gasp, pulling away from him and feeling a rush of panic grip her. "Let go...please..." She whimpered.

Chad's hand tightened on her arm painfully, giving her a shake. "Look! Shut up! Ya suppos' ta lissen when a man t—"

The sound that came from Mittens seemed somehow inhuman, part cat, part demon. In the next instant, she was up and on Chad's back, one fluffy fist batting at his head and shoulder, the other paw and legs holding on like a wildcat going on the attack. Chad immediately let go of Chloe who, still struggling, stumbled backwards and fell onto her rear in the gravel.

Chad flailed with his arms, trying to reach behind him to grab, claw, or hit Mittens, but she was squirming and moving so much he couldn't get a good blow on her. Though her own hits seemed more nuisance than anything, he let out a feral roar of his own, seeming almost out of his mind. For a moment, he seemed about to lose his balance, but then suddenly shifted his weight, turning and lunging backwards, pinning Mittens hard against the side of the van he'd been waiting behind.

The impact instantly took the wind, and the fight, out of the little cat-girl, loosening her grip. Bucking forward, then backward again, Chad slammed her against the van a second time, forcing a grunt of pain out of her, and stepped away, leaving her to fall crumpled to the ground. For a long moment, he stood there, glaring at Chloe, swaying unsteadily, eyes full of rage. Utter terror keening through her mind, Chloe tried to pull herself up from the ground, struggling to put feet under her to escape.

Chad burst into motion before she could get halfway up, crossing the space between them instantly. He slammed his weight into her, throwing her, face down, back to the gravel. And then he was upon her, grabbing her roughly and pulling her upwards towards him, one arm cocked back to strike her.

However, another hand snatched his wrist before he could release the blow, holding it as firm as an iron chain. Both Chad and Chloe looked towards the owner of the hand, finding Shawn standing there, his face a mask of cold fury. Releasing Chloe, Chad swung up awkwardly, a wild swing meant to make Shawn back up and let go. However, Shawn's grip on his wrist remained firm and he merely turned his body into the punch, letting his muscled torso take the hit.

Chad let out a cry of pain as the blow landed, looking as though he'd just punched a brick wall instead of a man. Shawn showed no reaction what-so-ever to the strike, but took the opportunity of Chad having let go of Chloe to rip the drunk red-neck away from her, slinging him upwards as effortlessly as swinging a stuffed toy. Chad tried to throw another punch, but Shawn yanked him to one side, spoiling the attack.

And then Shawn threw a punch of his own, pulling Chad forward into the hit, the fist landing solidly into Chad's sternum, stunning him. Finally releasing the wrist, Shawn brought his right hand back, then snapped it forward. There was a sound like old wood cracking, a fountain of blood gushing from Chad's nose. He had no time to even sputter and yell at the pain, however, the fist hammering back and forth again two more times, catching Chad in his left eye and lower jaw.

Chloe saw one of Chad's teeth go pinwheeling out of his mouth on the third hit, seeming to be spinning in slow motion as she watched, half dazed, as Shawn brought his left fist into his opponent's stomach, driving him backwards, making him drunkenly stagger backwards. Before he could collapse backwards, Shawn snatched him from the air and directed his fall, keeping him from landing on Mittens and driving him hard enough into the side of the van to leave a deep dent.

Chad hit the gravel face down, blood running from his nose, mouth, and a gash below his eye. He stirred awkwardly, but was in no shape to even try to stand back up. Shawn, however, leaned down and plucked him from the ground, hauling him back to his feet and held him against the battered van by his even more battered face.

"You're banned." He said, voice firm as stone, but also calm as a still pool. He wasn't even breathing hard from the effort of pummeling the man. "I'd tell you to get in your van and leave now, but you're too drunk to drive." He slammed his fist into the side of the vehicle beside Chad's head, getting his drifting attention. "You are going to go to the motel across the street. Sleep it off. Get your van in the morning. And then you don't ever come back here. Am I clear?"

Chad's expression was almost blank, as though the booze and bludgeoning had taken away all ability to think. Shawn slammed his fist into the side of the van a second time, putting a fresh dimple in it. "AM? I? CLEAR?" He demanded into Chad's face, which lit up with a sudden flush of understanding.

"...yeah..." He muttered timidly.

Shawn stepped backwards, giving him room to get his balance. He gave him a few seconds to wipe the blood from his face with a sleeve and glance miserably towards the motel, left eye already quickly swelling closed. Shawn moved to the side to reach down and help Mittens to her feet, but kept himself facing Chad, guiding the little cat-girl to move behind him to go to Chloe.

An instant later, she was beside Chloe and hugging her tight. "Oh God, Chloe! Are you okay?" She said, clutching her. "I was so scared for you. I love you so much!"

"I...I'm okay, Mittens." Chloe lied, trying to make her voice calm. Inside, she felt so rattled and jangled that she wasn't even sure she could stand up.

Mittens pulled back a second, inspecting Chloe's face, eyes searching for any signs of injury. She immediately noticed a small abrasion on her cheek and began making over it as though it were a severed limb. Chloe, however, couldn't take her eyes off Shawn, standing like a sentinel between them and Chad, silently watching him stumble off towards the motel across the street. She caught sight of Chad glancing towards her and Mittens for a moment, but couldn't make out his expression for all the rising swelling and blood.

She became slowly aware of several other people approaching them from the bar, apparently summoned by the brawl. However, she ignored them, not really caring. All that mattered was that she was okay now. She kept telling herself that in her head, over and over. Mittens and her were both okay.

Suddenly, she broke into tears. Mittens gripped her back into a hug. A moment later and Shawn was on her other side and hugging her as well. For a long moment, the three of them just held onto one another, letting her cry out the burst of emotion. Almost as quickly as they had come though, the tears stopped and she felt steady again.

More, she felt angry. Wanted to leap to her feet and run after Chad and kick him in a knee or, better, somewhere a bit above there. She looked at Mittens, eyes remorseful. "I'm so sorry, Mittens. I didn't want him to ruin your Birthday."

The cat-girl blinked at her. "Chloe." She said sympathetically. "It's not ruined. I got to dance with you. That's all I needed."

"Are the two of you okay?" Shawn asked softly, drawing both their attention. "I'm just glad I saw you two leaving and came to catch up. Seriously, are you okay?"

"We are." Chloe said, finally feeling the sentiment for real. "Just a little shaken up."

"Thank you for coming to our rescue." Mittens added, smiling at him.

"Thank you for coming to mine in the beginning." Chloe said to her, remembering the image of Mittens leaping onto his back fearlessly. It made her feel a little warmer and more solid to think about.

"I just hope we've seen the last of that asshole." Mittens said, looking over her shoulder to the retreating figure staggering up to the door of the motel office across the street.

"I should have never let him talk to me." Chloe grumbled.

"Well, it doesn't matter." Shawn said, rising and helping both girls up. "It's over now. You two should get home to James. I'll handle the police report when they arrive."

"Police report?!" Chloe said, alarmed.

"Considering the state of his face, I'm sure the night clerk of the motel is going to call them." Shawn said, but his manner seemed not to be too worried about this. "They'll come check the situation and I'll explain. Unless you want to file charges against him. I witnessed him grab you."

"No." Chloe said quickly, just needing this to be done and get home to Master. Get back to her safe. "Just let it go. He's just a drunk idiot."

"I'll walk you to your car." Shawn said, putting an arm around each of them as they began walking.

"I do have one regret." Chloe said as they reached the little pink sportscar.

"What's that?" Shawn asked, taking the bait.

"I would have given all the money in the world to see you have beat his ass dressed up in a French maid's dress." Chloe said, unable to keep her face straight.

For several minutes, the three of them just laughed a long, deep, healing laugh.

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MemoryofSnowMemoryofSnowover 1 year agoAuthor

If I have learned anything about people, it is that having someone there to listen, even if that is all they do, allow you to be heard, then it always a blessing. Thank you for reading and I hope that you were able to return to the story and enjoy it.

MemoryofSnowMemoryofSnowover 1 year agoAuthor

If I have learned anything about people, it is that having someone there to listen, even if that is all they do, allow you to be heard, then it always a blessing. Thank you for reading and I hope that you were able to return to the story and enjoy it.

HiFrancHiFrancover 1 year ago

All I’ll say on the issue is that I find it easier to make friends with women than men, and that I am always there for them when they need someone to talk to.

MemoryofSnowMemoryofSnowover 1 year agoAuthor

I hope that your need to pause was due to concern for Chloe and not due to any personal trauma you've experienced that the story may have dredged up. If the latter is the case, I am very sorry. I've tried to keep things in the story from being too graphic when tackling moments like this, but I also don't want to pretend that such things do not exist or never happen.

While there are occasional dramas in the story, my majority aim is for the story to be more funny and romantic than most anything else. I do hope that what points that are in where the reader might find themselves uncomfortable are mild enough that the more humorous moments are able to balance things back out.

Thank you for not giving up on the story and I honestly hope you are able to continue to enjoy it. If not, I do understand and am glad I got to at least share some of it with you. :)

HiFrancHiFrancover 1 year ago

I might start reading this again but i’ve forgotten half the characters. I stopped reading when the confrontation with Chad started. I was so worried on Chloe’s behalf that I pressed pause on the story.

MemoryofSnowMemoryofSnowover 2 years agoAuthor

Shawn coming to Chloe's rescue was easily one of my absolute favorite moments to write. I loved seeing Chad get his due and getting to show that strong side of Shawn. I agree that so many men have such flawed and ridiculous delusions about what it means to 'be a man'. I have met far too many men just like Chad, mistaking 'confidence' with 'arrogance'.

I have to say though, while a lot of people have cheered over Shawn battering him effortlessly, I think Mittens' own fearlessness, coming to Chloe's aid without a thought, was more heroic to me.

nthusiasticnthusiasticover 2 years ago

Only Surprised Something Didn’t Happen Sooner

I’m constantly amazed at the male propensity for self delusion. Many men are convinced they are irresistible to women and if a woman indicates a lack of interest, she’s merely masking her cravings for his body or “playing hard to get.” Although he may be 30 years older, decidedly overweight with an obvious aversion to soap and water, in his own mind he’s still attractive to women. So he’ll feel entitled to dismiss any protests as just games, since he knows she wants him! Ugh! Thank you for letting Shawn take Chad done and sharing your talents with us.

MemoryofSnowMemoryofSnowabout 4 years agoAuthor
Regarding: A Perfect Resolution

It is very tough for women and the sad truth, whether it's fair to them or not, they do have to be extra vigilant about so many things. So often social groups go on about how a woman shouldn't have to worry about what they wear in public or have to consider ways to keep themselves safe. The ideals behind this argument are good, people really should know how to control themselves, but it's still just -ideals-. Reality is that women must be cautious all the time because of men like 'Chad'.

I am glad you feel this was a good ending to the chapter and I'm glad you seem satisfied with how it went. I tried to make sure to illustrate the idea that Chloe did know better than to do some of the things she did, but, like with reality, sometimes we make mistakes and sometimes an attempt to defuse something just lights the wick.

I tried to make sure this wasn't overly traumatic in it's execution, as I didn't want to have worry about it causing trigger issues. I figured keeping it from getting further than the initial scare and the firm resolution of it would help with that. I'm glad that seems to have been so.

As always, Tess, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and I hope you continue to enjoy it. Feel free to drop me a line through feedback if you ever want to discuss things from the story in more depth. I enjoy your insights and would love to talk more with you and get some of your own experiences with the lifestyle.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
A Perfect Resolution....

....To the assault by a drunken arsehole. I don’t think it’s something that most men understand, I tried to explain it to my husband and I was shocked that he didn’t get it.

Women have to assess every situation with a view to personal safety. What clothes to wear, whether it’s safe to go anywhere alone, planning routes to get from one place to another even in broad daylight, how to speak to people, deciding if it’s even safe to speak to people. Ironically we’re even made to feel guilty if some cretin attacks us because we “should have known better”.

Tess (UK)

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