The Date


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Vee you are a fucking idiot, my boss is here I told you that. He has met you before he knows what you look like you bloody moron.

I am trying to make it look like Georgie is a temp I hired.

Vee smiled oh I see so you are going to sneak her into your room??

Vee what the fuck are you talking about? She has her own fucking room. Vee you are a conniving scheming lying bitch. You and I are going to sort this shit out once and for all when I return. This isn't over.

By the time I hung up Vee was sobbing.

I went to Georgie's room and knocked.

She opened the door with her eyes red and puffy she had obviously been crying. Pull yourself together Georgie. I am sorry you got dragged into this but if I am going to make this work you are going to have to be my assistant. I need you to go and buy some clothes that an office girl would wear.

She complained that the only shops open would be department stores.

I said fine just get whatever you can. Nothing sexy or dressy, I need you to look like an office girl. I gave her my credit card. Be ready in the foyer at eight in the morning.

In the morning we all got together in the foyer.

Georgie walked out of the elevator looking every bit the office girl.

I introduced her to the group explaining she would be doing modifications and updates as we talked to the clients and we aligned our presentation to align with their requirements.

During the presentation she sat quietly taking notes and writing down comments she heard from the clients and their team.

At morning tea she showed me her notes and we talked about possible changes that I could run in the afternoon session.

During the tea break the clients were all over Georgie she made quite an impression. Even in office attire she looked bloody sexy. It was amazing how far she had come in just a few months.

She was quite a hit.

My boss congratulated me on my choice of personnel, he whispered in my ear that was pretty sneaky Oliver, well done.

Georgie took a bigger role during the afternoon and we made changes on the fly.

The presentations went really well and I realised having an assistant present was actually a bloody good advantage. I wish I had thought of it earlier. Something to remember for future presentations I noted.

After the days meetings we again convened in the lobby for a quick debrief.

That night we were doing the big dinner. My boss asked Georgie if she was coming.

I nodded yes she would. Georgie looked at me questioningly.

We went up in the elevator together; as I walked her to her room I thanked her for her work today then suggested she could wear one of her cocktail dresses for the dinner party.

She smiled OK Oli what do I tell people when they ask about who I am?

Georgie you are just a temp, we have never met before, we don't know each other. You are just an office temp.

She looked disconsolate Oli I thought we could at least say we are friends?

No Georgie for me to sell this to my boss you are not known to me.

Dinner was great Georgie looked sensational she was very pretty. She played the loyal employee and mixed and mingled with the crowd. She was the belle of the ball so to speak. She was intelligent and cute; she flirted with all the right people without taking it too far. She was perfect.

She talked endlessly with the CEO's wife about fashion and families; she had her eating out of the palm of her hand.

A couple of the chaps commented on how lucky I was. One of them asked me whether I was banging her. I choked on my drink, no Dave she is just a bloody temp. He laughed well if my wife wasn't here I would be trying to get her in my bed!!!

When I watched her gliding gracefully around the room I realised I was lucky she was indeed beautiful. Every man in the room was taking furtive glances at her.

After the dinner we rode the elevator up to the rooms. Once we were alone she asked if she had done OK.

I patted her on her shoulder you did great Georgie thanks for being a good sport. See you in the morning.

Georgie smiled coyly, Oli I am here to keep you company in all aspects of that. If you want I could come in for a nightcap??

I laughed no Georgie that won't be necessary. See you in the morning. I opened her door for her, she tried to lean in for a kiss but I held out my hand and shook her hand.

As I got back out of the shower my phone rang, it was Vee, she was hesitant and uncertain, Hi Oli how did your day go? Is Georgie OK?

I snarled Vee you already know how Georgie is because you just got off the phone with her.

She sniggered you know me to well Oli.

So how did it go she enquired?

I was honest she did all right, she would make a good secretary for someone.

Is she coming over to stay with you tonight Oli?

Don't be ridiculous Vee; you know the answer to that.

Oli why don't you just invite her over? Where would the harm in that be? She was hoping to spend the night with you. Margery and I were expecting you two to be sleeping together. Oli it's OK with us!!!

It might be OK with you Vee but it certainly isn't OK with me.

Oli this is going to sound a bit off now. We all thought you and Georgie would have hit it off and would be sleeping together. So seeing as how you were going to be spending the night with Georgie I invited Marg's over for a sleep over with me.

Sleep over I barked, bollocks Vee, what does sleep over mean??

Oli don't play dumb it doesn't suit you. It's a sleep over in name only there wasn't going to be much sleeping.

I didn't say anything, we sat listening to each other breathe down the phone. Eventually Vee asked Oli are you still there?

Yes Vee I am listening.

So is that OK Oli?

No Vee it's not, you know my thoughts on this.

Oli after the sailing trip and you know the game we played I thought you had changed your mind.

No Vee I have never changed my mind. The answer is no Vee a definite no.

Oli I have already asked her, Margery and Ryan are already here.

Well Vee you had better give her the bad news before she gets to comfortable hadn't you.

Oli it's late, Ryan is already in bed.

Oli please what harm could it do??

Vee I said no. I didn't think I had to explain my reasons. I thought there would be no cheating.

Oli I am not cheating I told you what I was doing. I haven't lied.

Vee you have been manipulative. This whole thing was to get Georgie and me together so you and Margery could get together guilt free. You should be ashamed of yourselves; the pair of you needs help.

You have used your friend to get one over me Vee. You should be bloody ashamed.

She broke down Oli you have got the wrong idea love. I am not trying to use Georgie. Yes I, well we Marg's and I hoped you would open up and accept Georgie. This was going to be a very special night for Georgie. Oli she wants you to be her first true male lover. Oli she wants you baby.

Vee I have told you we are just friends.

Vee whimpered Oli what am I going to do about Marg's?

Let Ryan stay tonight and send Margery home, I will pay for a taxi.

Oli I can't kick her out, we will just share the bed, nothing will happen.

Cobblers Vee, you and Margery couldn't share a bed without fucking. Don't think you can pull the wool over my eyes. All that would happen is you would do is ask for my forgiveness afterwards.

Vee if Margery doesn't go home tonight then there will be trouble when I get home.

OK Oli she sobbed, if that's what you want.

I gave Vee half an hour and called her back.

Hi Oli she sniffled, what's wrong?

Well Vee I called to see how Margery took the news??

She was pretty pissed off Oli, what did you expect? Did you think she was going to be happy? You are with her partner and she has to sleep alone.

I guess that the price you pay for being a conniving bitch I mumbled.

Vee was mumbling and I couldn't make out the words, but I thought I could hear voices in the background.

Vee promise me that Margery has left I hissed. Promise me on your mother's grave.

Oli do you think I am lying to you she sobbed, is that what you think of me.

Actually Vee it's exactly what I think. The phone was silent except for the guarded mumbling in the background

Oli Marg is still here OK. I couldn't ask her to leave but she is going to sleep on the sofa.

You lied to me again Vee. You promised me there would be no more lies. It's what we pledged to each other, no cheating and no lying. You fail on both counts Vee.

Oli I haven't cheated, I haven't done anything, and Margery was just going to stay tonight. I didn't want to be alone after our fight.

Bollocks Vee, bloody bollocks I don't believe a word of it.

I stripped and climbed into bed. I just knew that Vee would be fucking Margery as I was lying there and it pissed me off.

In the morning we again all convened in the foyer, Georgie looked hotter than ever. She had definitely mastered office chic. She looked bloody gorgeous. We ran over the day's program and the luncheon that was being held at the firm. It was to kick off at twelve.

As I was heading into the office I called home, Keith answered, we had a quick chat and I asked if Margery was there?

He replied yes she had slept over with Ryan. I said no problem mate. What's mum doing? He said getting ready for work.

OK mate just tell her I rang.

I turned my phone off.

During the presentation as I looked around the room every bloke in the office was fixated on Georgie. Nobody was really listening to my presentation. It turned out to be a good tactic, as I kept asking their team about aspects of the presentation and they were all just nodding along with me. They were sold.

During the luncheon the CEO of the firm cornered her and talked her ear off. She stood holding onto his arm as he chatted away to her.

Later he came over, Oli you didn't say you were a sailor.

I shrugged, didn't know you would be interested I responded.

He pulled out his phone and showed me pictures of his yacht.

I pulled out mine and we were comparing notes as Georgie walked up.

He looked at the pair of us as he asked Georgie if she liked to sail.

Georgie replied in the positive gushing about how great a sailor I was and about the trip to France.

He was impressed and suggested he his wife and me and my wife should go out sailing one weekend.

As we rode down in the elevator I grabbed her arm, Georgie how did the sailing come up in conversation?

She looked nervous, Oli he started talking about his yacht and I thought he should know you are a sailor as well. I thought it might go in your favour.

Georgie you are supposed to be just a temp, we aren't supposed to know each other!!!

At our final debrief the boss thanked Georgie for being part of the team. We finalised our notes and headed back to the hotel to get changed and packed. On the way to the airport Georgie muttered she didn't have a ticket. I grumbled she could take Vee's seat which was unused. During the flight home nothing more was said. I focused on updating my notes, Georgie sat stoically beside me without speaking.

At home we shared a taxi home again nothing was said until I dropped her off at Margery's place.

Georgie said Oli be gentle with Vee she thought she was doing the right thing!!!

I patted her arm Georgie if Margery slept with Vee then I am bloody leaving. I know I have done it before but I am sick of the lies and bullshit.

Oli don't fly off the handle babe, please give Vicky a chance, she loves you.

I love her as well, but I hate her as well.

Oli you can't love the way you do if you don't hate as well. Great love means there must be great sorrow as well.

They are bedfellows Oli.

Georgie I just don't get it, we lived together for fifteen years and there were no signs of this. Then that arsehole Richard came along and suddenly she is a lying cheating slut who will fuck and cheap sleazy arsehole that comes along.

As I walked in the boys raced up dragging me to the floor in a wrestle.

As I stood up Vee walked up hesitantly and reached in for a kiss.

I pulled back and she gave me an anxious look. Oli.....

Save it Vee we can talk later.

She walked away as I played with the boys before going upstairs to get showered and changed.

Through dinner the boys chattered away endlessly Vee tried to get me to talk about the trip, I just said it went well and that I thought we had snared a new client.

She smiled that's good.

The boys helped with the cleaning up before hitting bed.

As I flopped in the lounge, Vee came over and curled up beside me.

I held her head tightly in my hands, OK Vee did Margery stay or not?

Yes Oli she stayed.

Where did she sleep Vee?

In our bed with me she whispered huskily, a tear forming in her eye.

So you had sex?

No Oli, nothing happened,

She couldn't hold my gaze. Vee you are lying to me. Did you kiss her?

Yes Oli we kissed. But that's all.

So she didn't caress your face as she kissed you?

Oli please stop, it's not an inquisition is it?

Tell me Vee did she hold your face as she kissed you?

Yes Oli she held my face.

Was she naked Vee?

Yes Oli you know I always sleep naked.

Did she caress you Vee?

Oli please can we stop this. Please what's to be achieved by arguing about this?

What's to be gained??? Fuck Vee you cheated. I want to hear it from your mouth. Did you have sex??

She sobbed yes Oli we had sex. Oli why not? Where was the harm? You know how I feel about her. Bloody hell you were with Georgie.

Victoria you are nothing more than a lying conniving scheming cheating little bitch.

Oli please she whined don't say that.

Fuck off Vee you manipulated this whole thing so you could sleep with Margery. Vee I rang the school, I know there were no interviews. There was nothing stopping you from coming with me. The only reason you didn't come with me on the biggest deal of my life is you wanted to fuck Margery. Vee you put our whole lives in jeopardy for a sleazy dirty fuck. You are a fucking bitch. I was the only one their without a partner. Every other member of the team had their wives and loved ones with them. I had to stand around by myself looking stupid, just because of your fucking twisted fucking fantasy world.

Oli love it wasn't like that.

Bullshit I barked that's exactly what it was. You three are carrying on like fucking schoolgirls, manipulating me to get what you want.

Oli you had Georgie there she was going to be your partner.

Fuck of Vee I told you already she couldn't go as my wife, my boss was there.

Oli she could still have been your partner, lots of business men have travel companions.

Fuck Vee I am not some sleazy cheating fucking arsehole. That's not what I want people to think about me.

Georgie's nothing more than a friend; we are nothing more than mates Vee.

Mates my arse she spat out. You are attracted to her, bloody hell the hard on you got on the boat when you were kissing her, don't tell me you don't want to fuck her.

Vee I said I wouldn't cheat and I won't. It is unfortunate that you don't have the same level of loyalty.

Oli don't make this into something it isn't. OK Marg's and I had sex, you could have been making Georgie's day but no you had to be Mr high and mighty, Mr fucking perfect. Oli just let your fucking hair down for once and enjoy life a little. You are so worried about what people would think you are missing the most amazing experience.

Oli I love you, but you are making this too difficult.

There's that word you keep using Vee "but" you know that everything said before the word but is bullshit.

Well Vee there is one thing you won't have to worry about. You won't have to worry about me getting in your way.

I got up and walked up to the bedroom and started packing.

When she saw me walking down the stairs with my bags she cried Oli please not this again. Every time we fight you run away.

I'm not running away Vee. I am coming to my senses. You are nothing more than a lying cheating slut. All you care about is fucking me over. Well that's the last time.

Oli please don't do this. The boys will be broken arsed again.

Tell them why I left Vee then they will understand. Tell them that you fucked their auntie Margery in our marriage bed. Tell them how you promised me you wouldn't but decided to do it anyway.

I slammed the door behind me and drove away.

I decided that I would stay on the yacht.

I went in to work the next day and was pulled into the boss's office. At first I thought I was in trouble but he couldn't keep a straight face. He said that our new client had rung yesterday and were so impressed by my presentation and proposals that they are signing. We have a new client; the only pitfall is they want me to manage the account which would mean a lot of travel.

We shook hands and he poured us both a whiskey. Congratulations Oliver. You did it.

I asked if I could have a couple of days off, he was so stoked that he patted me on the back and said take as much time as you want Oli.

I went back to the yacht via the supermarket and bottle shop on the way. I was stocked and ready to go.

This time I sailed south, I was going to head west along the southern coast and see how far I would get.

I was barely out past the headland before my phone rang. It was Vee, Oli can we talk tonight. You are right I shouldn't have lied to you. Can we get together and talk about this before it gets out of hand. Oli we can fix this.

No we can't Vee; this is what happens every time. You fuck me over, I forgive you. You promise never again, well not until the next chance arises. No that's it for me Vee. I won't be fucked over again. Mr perfect as you called me has quit.

Oli please don't say that, I know you are angry and it's just the anger talking. Oli please come around and we can talk it through.

No we can't Vee I am not going to be there.

Oli please just come around for dinner, talk to the boys. You cannot just walk out on them!!!

I will explain it to them when I see them Vee, but I can't come tonight I am out on the yacht. I am already out.

Fuck Oli you have to stop running away from your problems.

Vee I only have one problem you!!!!!

She barked fuck you Oli and hung up.

I turned my phone off and turned the music up loud.

I stayed out for four days and didn't set foot on land once.

As I sailed back into port I tied up at the marina and as I tidied up and stowed away all the sails I decided to make some dinner. It was back to work tomorrow.

I turned my phone on and listened to a myriad of phone messages and text messages.

I went into the office in the morning with a fresh take on life. The trip had been a good chance to clear my mind once and for all. Yes I loved Vee, I loved her so much, maybe there was some truth in what Georgie said, you have to hate if you love this much? Either way I couldn't take the lows. The highs were amazing but the lows were gut wrenching.

As I worked at my desk my mind kept going back to Georgie's words, and I thought of my time with Lorraine and how it was nice but never mind bending no fireworks, no skyrockets. I liked Lorraine but I didn't love her.

I thought of my time with Margery, that was closer to what I shared with Vee, I did love Margery, maybe that's why this hurt so much? If I wanted the highs then I would have to accept the lows. The only alternative was to accept mediocre, the vanilla Lorraine.

I purposely didn't answer any of Vee's messages or calls. I got my secretary to screen out her calls. I ignored Georgie and Margery's calls.

Thursday night after I had settled down after dinner I heard someone clambering about on the boat. I turned on the outside light and it was Vee.

I left the door locked, she rattled it Oli let me in love we need to talk.
