The Date


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I spat out no Vee we don't. We have said everything there is to say to each other. The last thing we need is more bullshit.

Oli it's not true baby please let me in its cold out here.

Go home Vee, just leave me alone. Go back and fuck yourself happy with your bitch lovers.

Oli please we can talk this through.

Vee you have lied to me at every turn ever since Richard and maybe before that but I was too naive to notice. No Vee you lied about Richard, then promised never to lie again. You lied about John and promised never again. You lied about Margery and promised never again. How many times do I have to forgive you Vee? How fucking many??

She banged on the door, Oli please let me in.

Vee let's just leave it aye, let's just end it now. You have a suitable replacement. The one you keep choosing over me. You obviously love her more than me. I am not putting up with it.

She banged away for ages before she cried Oli one last time before she walked away.

I turned up on Saturday unannounced and picked up the boys. I took them out sailing. They loved the yacht and they loved the adventure. We were having so much fun I decided to ring Vee and let her know we were staying overnight.

It was late Sunday before we got back home. We sat in the car for ages the boys begging me to come inside, to come home. I tried to explain that I couldn't. I walked them to the door.

Vee opened the door and tried to kiss me but I pushed her away softly.

The boys knew when to disappear ran of upstairs leaving Vee and I to talk.

Oli what would I have to do to get you to come home? I will do anything you ask.

OK Vee you want me here. Then call Margery and tell her you will not be talking to her or Georgie again.

Oli why do we have to do that??

Vee you just asked, I have laid down my expectations if you don't want to then that's fine, we can get together with the solicitors next week and finish all the paperwork.

Oli please it's not that simple, what about the boys Ryan is Keith's best friend.

They can be friends without us having to see Margery.

But Oli why do we have to??

Well it's because I said so that's why Vee. It is that simple. You cannot be just friends with Margery, she will not accept that and you know it. She will always push for more.

She took a deep breath choosing her words Oli you could move back home and we could talk about it later??

No Vee, the time for talk is over. You get to choose its either the two sluts or me. Your fucking choice Vee.

I walked back to the car.

I didn't hear from Vee for the rest of the week, as I was cleaning the boat one night a very attractive young woman came up looking over the boat. She said hi and we talked about boats for ages. She was living in a much smaller boat further up the marina.

I invited her on-board and we chatted for ages, it was getting late so I started to get some dinner ready. I asked if she wanted to stay for dinner.

Over the next couple of days we spent more and more time together. I was scared because she was so young. She couldn't have been more than twenty four or five at the most. But she was beautiful and oh so captivating.

On the weekend I took her out for a sail. It was apparent she knew her way around boats. We had a great day out on the ocean.

As we pulled up at the marina Vee was standing there waiting.

She watched us intently as we worked together to dock the boat. Amanda whispered in my ear who is the green eyed monster??

I looked up at Vee, that Amanda is my ex I murmured.

Oh she sighed, she is beautiful!!!

Yeah on the outside I hissed.

She smiled and as she climbed up off the boat she leaned down and kissed me, see you later Oli she called nodding at Vee as she walked by.

Vee climbed down on board, who the hell is that Oli?

That's my friend Amanda I retorted offhandedly.

Huh didn't take you long to replace me did it Oli.

Vee she is just a friend OK. She lives on her own boat. We just went out for a sail. She loves boats.

So I am expected to believe that. Oli she is young enough to be your bloody daughter.

Vee we are just friends.

Oli how come I am expected to believe you but you wouldn't believe me.
The difference is I am telling the truth. If you don't believe me go and ask her yourself.

Look Oli I can forgive you, it's only fair. Oli we need to try and sort this mess out. Oli I fucked up I know that I realise I behaved badly. Can we please put it all behind us? I will do anything you ask, anything Oli. I just need us to get back to where we were before the trip. Oli the trip was a big mistake I see that now. You were right we were like naughty school kids. It just seemed so innocent and it was exciting trying to get everything right for you and Georgie to connect.

I do apologise Oli, I should have been honest with you.

Yes Vee if I thought there was any chance for us I would take it in a heartbeat, but I don't think your heart is in it. Vee I would love to come back home, all you have to do is tell me you have finished your relationship with Margery and Georgie and that you will never speak to them again and I will be there in a heartbeat.

Oli they are my friends, they are the ones that are supporting me at the moment, I can't just turn around and cut them out of my life altogether. Oli we can be just friends, they will just be our friends. It could work Oli they would be just like all our other friends nothing else.

OK Vee, what say this.

You can stay in touch with them. Go shopping occasionally but they aren't welcome in our home and I will never talk to them again. There will be no late night girl's nights. There will be no sleep overs but you could see them occasionally.

Bloody hell Oli, why are you being such and arsehole about this?? Oli they are your friends as well, they are missing you as much as I am.

Cobblers Vee, Friends don't fuck their friend's wife. I grabbed her have you fucked Georgie this week??

She was crying Oli we don't have to do this.

I shook her hard; just tell me Vee, did you fuck Georgie this week??

Yes she screamed yes I did are you happy. She slumped down curled up in a heap by my feet. Are you happy she wailed?

No Vee I am not. My wife is still fucking the same people she tells me are my friends. No Vee. If you want me to come home it has to be a complete split. It's them or me. I am sick of talking about it. Make your mind up and give me a call.

Oli can I stay tonight I need you.

No Vee, this is my space go back to your own bed.

Oli it's your bed as well.

No Vee it stopped being mine when you cheated in it.

The next day I got another surprise visitor. Georgie rocked up looking all sexy and cute.

She walked on to the boat without me asking and she tried to hug me. I pulled away and grabbed her hands. Don't touch me you fucking Judas I grunted.

Oli please we need to talk.

Fuck off George I muttered you are no friend of mine. I will never talk to you again.

Oli please let's just talk, can we please just talk calmly and see if we can work it out? Oli I am begging you.

Fuck off you cheating backstabbing cunt. Get your faggot arse off my boat you fucking weasel. You have the audacity to fuck my wife behind my back knowing full well how I feel about it. No you are worse than Margery, you know how I feel. I poured my guts out to you and you went ahead and fucked her anyway.

Go on you fucking sissy boy pansy, go and find some other patsy to pretend you like them.

The look of horror on her face was terrible. She was bawling her eyes out Oli please stop, you don't mean those things she sobbed.
I held her hand George go and find some other fucking moron. You are a poofter, a faggot, a dirty filthy little cock sucker. Go on crawl back under your fucking stone and never come out. Your parents were right to disown you; they obviously know what a cheating lying cunt you really are. Now I understand why they fucking hate you. If I had a fucking gun I would shoot you now and take your dead lifeless body and dump you at sea.

You are dead to me George you queer little cunt.

I was screaming at the top of my voice and it didn't take long for the police to turn up. They climbed down on the boat and the constable lifted George up asking Are you all right miss? All the while he stared angrily at me

She was sobbing wailing yes I am Ok.

They looked at me all right sir what the hell is going on.

I said we were having an argument that's all I mumbled.

The constable looked angrily at me as he helped Georgie. He handed her a handkerchief to dry her eyes. He obviously thought I was beating up a woman. He looked at Georgie, well miss is that right??

I spat out, that's not a fucking woman it's a fucking tranny, check its fucking driver's license see for yourself.

The look of horror on Georgie's face was a picture; she looked at me with fright.

The Constable said is that right sir??

Georgie wouldn't speak.

After much verbal to and fro they checked her license and saw that it was a man standing in front of them.

They got the wrong impression they thought that I had just found out and was shocked. They thought that's what we were fighting about.

One of the cops came over and patted me on the shoulder, its OK mate he would have fooled me as well.

I sneered it sure is a sneaky fucking thing that's for sure.

Georgie collapsed on the ground crying Oli please, why are you saying that. Please stop.

Fuck of you queer cunt. Go and trick some other fucking idiot.

The older cop picked Georgie up and helped her straighten her dress. Sir I think it's a good idea if you leave and by the look on Mr Jacksons face I wouldn't come back do you understand what I mean.

Georgie was spluttering you don't understand tell them Oli.

Fuck of you queer tranny fucker. There was a huge crowd gathered watching and listening to everything. There was lots of finger pointing and laughing.

A couple of younger blokes called out drag queen fucking hell mate you can suck my cock, so long as you keep your panties on. She was a laughing stock. She looked at me with tears in her eyes, I am sorry Oli. I never meant to hurt you.

As the crowd dissipated Amanda came down wow you really know how to put on a show. That's the most excitement we have seen around here for bloody ages. What was that all about?

I lied she is just a friend who wanted more than I was prepared to offer.

Ooooohhhh she mumbled, I see.

I let her think what she wanted. I told her she should leave.

She held my arm, Oli I think you are pushing everyone away. I don't want to hurt you, I am trying to help.

I grimaced Amanda I appreciate you are trying to help but I am not going to be good company at the moment. I just need some space OK.

Oli you know where I am if you want to talk. I think it might help if you talked to someone.

I threw off the lines and pushed out into the tide; I left the motor off and waited till we had drifted away from the dock before raising a little sail. I eased her out into the channel past the headland. As we cleared land I pulled up full sail and ran a long reach away from land. I sat at the helm watching the lights of the city disappear behind me.

It wasn't a pleasant night, it was choppy and misty. My sea craft was going to get a workout.

I punched into the growing swell.

I burst out crying and screamed out loud, I screamed and screamed until my throat was hoarse and I couldn't speak.

I collapsed back into the seat. Fuck what had I done. The look on Georgie's face kept appearing in my mind. The look of horror and terror. She was frightened as well as embarrassed. She had looked totally devastated. She didn't deserve that. Oh my god what had I done. Oh god I hope she doesn't do something stupid.

My phone rang and I answered it without checking the ID. It was Vee and she started yelling and screaming down the phone at me. She was wailing shrieking like a banshee. I held the phone away from my ear as she vented.

Eventually she stopped and she was crying Oli, my god you cruel heartless bastard. How could you do that to her Oli? How could you? She is a wreck. Oli she tried to kill herself you fucking miserable prick. She took an overdose, if Margery hadn't come home from work early she would be dead Oli. Are you fucking happy now, she screamed are you Oli are you fucking happy!!!!!

She hung up the phone and I cried and cried. Fuck what had I done.

It was dawn as I sailed back into port.

I went into work feeling empty and drained. I got through the week just. It was hard and my guts were knotted all the time I couldn't eat and I wasn't sleeping I was feeling as low as any man could. She had tried to take her own life and it was my fault. Yes she was wrong but what I did was wrong, so very bloody wrong.

I had to have the boys on the weekend, so I drove around and picked them up. Vee was waiting for me and she waited for the boys to be tucked away in the car before she started. Oli you might like to know Georgie is going to be OK physically at least but she is a wreck Oli you have destroyed her. Oli I would never believe you were capable of such heartless behaviour, so callous and cold. What did she ever do that deserved that?

I looked at her, in truth I agreed with her it was terrible and over the top, but my anger came boiling back to the surface, I leaned in close and hissed angrily in her ear she fucked me over Vee that's what she did. She fucked my wife she cheated on me knowing full well how upset I was. She knew how I felt about you being with anyone, she knew Vee but did it anyway. The queer fucking prick got what he deserved. Gay fucking poofter!!!

Vee was just staring at me. She was mortified. Vee I think we should find a neutral place for me to pick up and drop off the boys. Maybe you could take them to mums and I will pick them up and drop them off there.

She was looking at me with complete shock, Oli no we don't need to do that. We need to talk; we need to find out how to fix this.

I will call mum and organise to drop them off Sunday night at six I mumbled as turned and walked to the car.

I did drop the boys off at mums. After the boys were inside mum tried to talk to me, she was on Vee's side. Painfully she loved Vee and ever since Vee and I started going out she had always taken her side. I escaped and went back to the boat to drown my sorrows.

I had no contact with Vee for the rest of the week, but late Friday night I got a visit from Margery.

She walked down onto the boat as if she owned it. She was standing tall and proud.

Hello Oli she exclaimed.

Hi Margery what do you want.

Oli we need to talk.

I shook my head no we don't Margery.

She pushed past me I said we need to talk Oliver.

I laughed fuck off Margery you stupid slapper I don't talk to cheating old sluts.

She turned red and the wind was taken out of her sails.

She spluttered, Oli can we put aside the vitriol and just talk?

No fucking way I had been waiting for her!!

She was the main fucking culprit. I let her have both barrels at close range. Fuck off you stupid cunt you aren't welcome here. You fucked my life, you stole my fucking wife. You are a cheating lying cunt. No fucking man will ever want you so make sure you keep Vees cunt happy. Every other fucking man has walked away from you. You chased them all of you ugly two faced wrinkled old cunt.

She flopped back on the seat, Oli please why are you being so mean.

You fucked my life you cheating cunt. You knew how I felt about Vee but you went ahead and fucked her anyway.

You didn't care about me all you thought about was your own selfish needs.

Don't you see Margery every man in your life has walked away? The only one who stayed you turned into a fucking tranny. He hated you that much he was prepared to fuck blokes just to get away from you. Pretty chicken fucking thing to do but I understand his desire to get away from you. Fuck Margery how desperate do you think he was to get away. He did that to himself just to escape your evil clutches.

Soon you will be a wrinkled up old prune. You might be able to keep your shitty job, and your shitty life. Make sure Vee stays around because she is your only hope. She might keep you around for a little while at least until your looks fade.

Oli please stop all this loathing, it's disgusting you are just trying to hurt me. This hostility isn't helping.

Margery listen to me this is real. I hate you if I thought I could kill you and get away with it I would. Nothing would give me more pleasure than strangling the last vestige of life out of you. The longer you sit there the more likely it is to happen. If you have any feelings for me at all then fuck off before I do something that sends me to jail.

As I hissed the last words she broke down Oli please don't say these things.

Margery you are a cheap dirty slut.

You are getting old; I see the lines and wrinkles getting bigger and deeper on your face. Look in the mirror next time and see your ugly countenance for what it is. You are destined to have nobody in your life. I'm sure once Ryan understands what you are he will walk out and never come back. Once he is old enough I plan to tell him exactly what you are. How you fucked my wife and ruined my life. Yes I will tell everyone just what a couple of manipulative scheming cunts you both are.

Margery had walked onto my boat aloof as if she owned it; she left with her tail between her legs crying tears rolling down her cheeks.

It was two weeks later when Vee walked back on board. She was contrite and quiet, Oli we need to talk love please can we put aside the hatred and talk??

I motioned for her to sit down. OK Vee you have the floor.

Oli you have said and done some terrible things and I know it's entirely my fault. I know I am to blame and I want to forgive you for acting the way you have but at the moment it is hard. You nearly killed Georgie. Margery has hardly left her house since you crucified her.

Oli I am sorry, I have turned you into this bitter twisted hate filled husk of the man you used to be. Oli I never ever expected to see you behave the way you have recently, you always loved people, you wanted to help and nurture. Now you are so filled with hate and I know it's my fault. I feel guilty and responsible for it. I don't know how to fix it. All I know Oli with all that said I still want you back at home where you belong. Oli I do love you and I want you in our lives. Please I am begging you come home!!!! Surely we can work together to rebuild the love we once had?

Vee you know my conditions, if you are prepared to fulfil those conditions I will return.

Oli please Georgie needs me more than ever. Oli don't you get it she nearly died. You nearly killed her.

I shook my head, no Vee you nearly killed her. It was your actions which started that snowball. Think back to the start George was a happy normal bloke, a little strange that he wanted to watch his girlfriend get fucked by other men but he was happy. He went to work and he functioned. You and Margery got your claws into him and suddenly he is a raging fucking poofter. Then even though you know how I feel about it you go ahead and fuck him behind my back. So what happened to poor old George wasn't my fault. Yes I said some things that were a bit close to the truth for him but I didn't tell any lies and I didn't cheat on him.

Vee was sobbing Oli all this bitterness has to stop it will kill you. Those terrible things you said to Margery.

Again Vee I only told the truth. She is a lying conniving scheming bitch. No lies there.

Oli my god you are so wrapped up in your bitterness you are missing all the love. Georgie came here to see you to see if she could help get us back together.

Oh for fuck sake Vee he is one of the reasons I am not at home. If he wanted to help all he had to do was not to fuck you. If he had respected me and kept his dick in his pants we wouldn't be having this discussion. No Vee he didn't care about me; all he cared about was himself. All he is looking for is some stupid prick who would stick their cock up his dirty slimy arse. He is just a perverted little queer.
