The Day In My Life I Became Me Ch. 03


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Rach squealed loudly and said, what words Kelly? Oh, would she consider?

Kelly ground into Rach with another wet lip-lock and hugged her with all the power possessed in her petite body! Kelly said she was so happy that she could scream! Then Kelly prepared to loudly scream her delight to Rach and the Heavens, however just then, there was a soft;

Tap! Tap! Tap! at their door.

Rach asked who was there, and a sweet little voice answered, Sam.

Tell Kelly-Mom, Sam's tummy hurts!

Kelly whispered to Rach, that was Samantha. She thought Sam was soundly asleep by now, with their very long and busy day.

Rach arched her eyebrows. Kelly said, a long story, and she would tell Rach the details later.

Rach then called out to Sam that Kelly-Mom was coming. Kelly opened the door, and cute little Sam said, please rub her tummy, Kelly-Mom.

Kelly picked up Sam and closed the door.

Then another soft;

Tap! Tap! Tap! at the door.

Kelly asked who was there.

A fake sweet little girl's voice answered, Moon.

Rach went over and swung the door back open.

Moon said her tummy hurts; please rub Moon's tummy, Rach-Mom.

Rach stood in the door and growled, just as Moon bellowed out a huge laugh, as she bolted toward the girls' large suite a few doors down.

Rach tore out after Moon, nearly blinded by tears of love, and said her little teaser was so busted. She caught Moon at the suite door as Shels, Ames, and several other girls peeked out at the noise.

Kelly had also walked slowly toward the action down the hall, with a giggling Sam snuggled warmly in her arms.

Rach enveloped Moon in a fierce hug and proclaimed to all how much she loved her baby sisters, Moon, Ames, and Shels!

Everyone was so excited with all the laughing and hugging in the hallway that Rach suggested it was ice cream time. The younger girls squealed delightfully, while the older teens replied, what a great idea. They sat three buckets of ice cream with several spoons on the huge dining room table in the largest suite. They all talked about the exciting and fun bus ride up to Tybee and the wonderful late lunch at Angie's restaurant. The girls had really taken a liking to Angie, who related beautifully with the younger children.

Eventually, there were a few yawns, and Pam suggested bedtime for the children, except the older teens. They could stay up later tonight since tomorrow was a day to relax and recover from the long travel day. The main activity for tomorrow was a three-hour lunch-time Trolley Ride in the Savannah Squares. They would also visit River Street and walk along the Savannah River.

All of the children had returned to their rooms except Sam, who was utterly knocked out in Kelly's arms. Pam took her from Kelly and said she would put Sam to sleep near her and Jenny. Pam suggested that Rach and Kelly enjoy themselves and relax on their suite's patio with a nice glass of wine.

Kelly responded that she and Rach had been relaxing on the patio when little Sam visited them with her tummy ache. She then added that Sam's tummy ache quickly went away once the laughing started and ice cream was served.

Rach said, Kelly, you were going to tell me the long version of Sam's story. How about now on the patio?

Kelly blushing brightly, said No! She looked sideways at Pam and Jenny and then said she wanted Rach to finish the 'she needed Kelly in her life forever' story.

Rach also looked intensely at Pam and Jenny, whose mouths were open wide in shock. She then smiled sweetly at Kelly and smacked her fully on the booty. Rach then took Kelly's hand, saying, come on, as they strolled leisurely to their suite.

Once inside, Kelly asked, what was with smacking her butt in front of Pam and Jenny?

Rach now had a predatory smile on her face when she asked Kelly, was she her girlfriend or not? Without waiting for Kelly's answer, Rach fondled Kelly's booty again. If Kelly was her girlfriend, then this was Rach's booty and playground. Rach continued fondling Kelly.

Rach Questioned Kelly Again: Girlfriend? YES or NO.

Kelly was startled that Rach grabbed and smacked her booty out in the open.

Rach countered that Sam was sound asleep in Pam's arms, so it was not in the open, just in front of Pam and Jenny. Rach continued that she would always respect Kelly when the children were present.

However, this was Rach's booty to GRAB when there were only adults present or the two of them alone.

Was Kelly Rach's Girlfriend? YES or NO!

Kelly said YES, and it had always been YES, since the week after they first talked.

Kelly and Her Booty Belonged To Rach!

Rach gently kissed Kelly and then poured them a large glass of wine to share while they smooched and talked on the patio. Rach told Kelly that she had never been a slacker in her life. Once something was decided, Rach was full speed ahead in her actions. Kelly was Rach's first and only love, and Rach wanted the world to know! Kelly's life and all the Group Home girls in Kelly's care were now Rach's family, as Shels, Ames, and Moon were now Kelly's family!

Kelly was speechless for a few moments and then flung herself into Rach's lap, starting with a soft and sensual kiss. She then asked Rach when and how they tell the girls.

Rach was adamant that they hold a family meeting in the large suite tomorrow morning after breakfast. Rach and Kelly would tell all the girls, as well as Pam and Jenny, that they were girlfriends after talking last night. They needed to ensure all the girls knew that each of them was still most important in Rach's and Kelly's lives.

Rach also said that she and Kelly needed to iron out the wrinkles in their pseudo-long-distance love life. Rach concluded they had ten nights to discuss the details of their lives together. If they were not finished by the end of the Studycation, Rach would pack up her three girls, ride with them back to Florida and finalize their plans there. Rach, Shels, Ames, and Moon would stay in Florida until Rach and Kelly and their combined families were joyously happy with their new lives.

Rach bashfully admitted that she'd jumped the gun a bit with her plans to snag Kelly. There was absolutely no way Rach would let Kelly leave Tybee until she unequivocally agreed to be Rach's girlfriend! Rach also knew that she and Kelly would face many questions from the girls since family insecurity had always been a fear in their lives. Therefore, Rach said to Kelly that they should first tackle the most challenging issues and let the others play out over time.

Kelly's Group Home Girls would remain in N. Florida for the next two years, while Rach and Kelly developed their long game. The girls would also continue their studies at the St. John's Primary day school under Pam's direction.

At the end of the school year, Kelly and all the girls would travel to Tybee for the entire summer. Their summer on Tybee would include two weeks of Vacation Bible School, four weeks of Summer School, and four weeks of fun. The girls would then return home to Florida for the St. John's Day School's fall term. Rach and Kelly would seek Pam's help in planning the girls' Tybee summer curriculum.

Rach felt the first week on Tybee should be full-out fun and games celebrating the start of summer vacation. The girls could then return to the study mode with one week of half-day Bible School followed by two weeks of Summer School, special classes, or field trips. They could study at the Savannah Botanical and Zoological Gardens. Jenny and Rach would offer a hands-on Equestrian Learning program for the older girls. Pam could design a learning and fun activities rotation that could repeat two times for summer, which would keep the summer break exciting.

Rach thought the two-week Christmas Holiday school break should alternate between Tybee and St. John's every year. Rach would need to identify a local church on Tybee or in Savannah where they felt comfortable attending when the girls were on Tybee. She felt that Church should always be important in the girls' lives. Rach had heard good things about the Savannah Christian Church's Youth Program and would search for more information and maybe visit there before the summer break.

Kelly is once again completely stunned by Rach! She said Rach's thoughts were not an overnight sensation and were well organized. When did Rach decide Kelly would become her girlfriend, come hell or high water?

Rach replied that after the first week of their travel talks, Kelly was constantly on her mind. Kelly always called The Group Home Residents her girls and never them or the residents. Without question, Rach felt a love life with Kelly would include Kelly's girls and Rach's girls as a family.

Rach was truly stunned with her realization that she was more than okay with her budding life plan(s).

However, Sam was the unknown element because of her age. She was technically an illegal Group Home resident. Rach asked Kelly what her thoughts on Sam living between St. John's and Tybee on a three-month rotation were? Rach was unsure whether Sam was a ward of the state, so she needed Kelly's input. Rach and Kelly could ask "2" at the Law Firm to sponsor them as Sam's legal guardian, and later on, they could adopt her. Rach was adamant that Sam was an important part of their family, and they were not giving her up to anyone without a Big Fight!

Once again, Kelly was absolutely stunned at Rach's words! She realized that Rach was dead serious with this plan for all their lives together as a family.

Rach suggested that when we tell the girls about us becoming girlfriends in the morning, we make it absolutely clear that all sixteen girls were part of Rach and Kelly's family. Each girl from Sam through Moon was 100% included in any and all plans for their new family!

Kelly almost tumbled Rach to the floor with kisses saying she was totally and completely with Rach's plans. If the girls knew they were loved and were family to them, she and Rach could easily resolve the minor issues over time without the girls being scared of the change. Rach, this is the kind of love and family I have prayed for my whole life! Kelly continued that she would stand beside Rach forever, with unconditional love for her and the girls.

Their plans settled to talk with their girls at breakfast tomorrow morning, so Kelly said, let's get naked, and she snuggled up close to her awesome girlfriend all night long.

Kelly tenderly kissed Rach on the patio, grabbed her arm, and moved inside to the bed. Rach soundly smacked Kelly's booty and quickly became the aggressor, stripping them where they stood. She buried her face in Kelly's beautiful hair and inhaled her enticing pineapple shampoo scent. Rach kissed Kelly deeply before gazing into her eyes and asking if this was okay so early in their relationship.

Kelly whispered sweetly in Rach's ear that everything was perfect because she was being kissed by the most wonderful woman in the world. Kelly followed up, saying she mostly wanted to kiss, snuggle and feel their smooth skin together as they lay naked in bed. However, she thought they should not yet have full sexual intercourse.

Rach responded, whatever makes you happy, baby, while she gently moved them onto the bed. Rach was unsure what had aroused her aggressive nature with Kelly as she tried to hold it in check. Rach was flaming hot sexually for the first time in her life, so she needed to keep herself under control and not scare Kelly. Rach was five feet, nine inches tall, while Kelly was a mere five foot, three inches. Rach wanted Kelly to know how excited she was being here in bed with her, but she didn't want to just attack Kelly like a maniac. Rach had suppressed her sexuality most of her adult life and was just now learning that she was definitely a top! Rach absolutely wanted to toss Kelly into the center of the bed and turn her every way but loose!

Forcing herself to calm down, Rach looked deeply into Kelly's gorgeous green eyes. With love, she quietly whispered, Kelly was the first person she'd ever been naked with!

Rach then hotly kissed Kelly again while gently massaging her nipples and revealed that she had fallen heavily for Kelly by their third phone call. Rach had never felt this way before and was very scared that Kelly would reject her. Kelly always joked around when they talked, so Rach was unsure if Kelly felt anything special for her.

Kelly was moaning, groaning, and trying to answer as she rammed her tongue down Rach's throat. While Kelly was normally a jokester, her jokes always became more intense when she was nervous. When she talked with Rach on the phone, she often became nervous and hot, so Kelly joked a lot more than normal. Kelly felt that Rach hid her true emotions in her shyness, versus Kelly, who hid her real feelings by making jokes. Kelly could not understand why she crushed on Rach, whom she had never met in person? She was totally startled that her panties were dripping wet after their final talk, confirming that the two would share this suite in Tybee.

Rach pushed Kelly onto her back and climbed right on her while growling that Kelly Phillips was hers, all hers, then deeply kissed her again. Rach said her new bedtime name for her was wet panties Kelly and she had to get naked quick when Rach used that name. Rach then gently whispered in Kelly's ear that she understood they needed to be sexually respectful around the girls. She was only 'wet panties Kelly' when they were totally alone and could be hog wild.

They kissed and grabbed at various sexy body parts for fifteen minutes, especially Kelly's booty, which Rach just loved to smack. Rach turned on her side and pulled Kelly snuggly to her, and they fell asleep with soft, moist kisses and at peace with their lives.

Kelly's last whisper of the night was that she wholly belonged to Rach!

The morning buffet breakfast activity was a bit crazy since this was their first morning at the resort. Eventually, everyone had collected their breakfasts and were seated at three large tables,

Rach stood and said a brief 'Prayer of Thanks' for their lovely breakfast and the joy of being together on Tybee. After the prayer, she spoke for about twenty minutes, while most everyone ate their food as Rach talked.

Rach told them the entire conversation she and Kelly had last night after asking Kelly to be her girlfriend, and Kelly said YES!

There was a sharp gasp at that statement, but Rach continued talking. By the end of Rach's twenty minutes of telling them all of what happened between her and Kelly last night, the girls were ecstatic. Rach and Kelly had committed to loving each other and all of their girls in Florida and Tybee. They would be two families joined in love while separated a bit by distance for the next two years.

The girls were absolutely bonkers when they learned their full Tybee and Florida families would live together on Tybee every summer. Rach was changing a few areas of their new home, where they would join together every summer. The blended families will alternate celebrating Christmas each year between Tybee and the St. John's Florida community. Rach cautioned them that spending alternate Christmases in their Florida and Tybee homes could sometimes present a challenge. Still, they could work through these minor blips.

Rach and Kelly felt strongly that their entire family should always be together every Christmas and summer.

Obviously, their living in different family homes approximately a three-hour drive apart needed to be resolved over time. Despite the possible difficulties mentioned, every member of the newly combined family was absolutely thrilled.

Rach asked all the resident girls from Sam, at five years old, to the fifteen-year-olds and the two resident assistants, Shels, Ames, and Moon, to call them Rach-Mom and Kelly-Mom they felt okay with it.

There was a collective 'This Was Awesome' at that declaration!

Finally, Rach-Mom said she and Kelly-Mom were working to ensure that Samantha (Sam) stayed in their family forever. They would tell the others all the details of their plan for Sam later on in the Studycation. Sam's legal situation was a bit more complex than the other Group Home residents. Rach and Kelly would need help from Attorney "2" at the Law Firm.

For now, they should all finish their breakfast, freshen up a bit in their rooms and then board the hotel shuttle bus to the Trolley Station for the Savannah Squares and River Tour.


All ten girls who currently lived in the Group Home, and the three five-year-olds temporarily staying at St. John's until they were seven years old, were protected by a solid transfer agreement. Those thirteen girls were transferred from a Juvenile Detention Center (JDC), which was closed by Jai, a consultant for the state on troubled girls. The girls were protected from being placed in or transferred to another facility before their eighteenth birthday when they legally become adults.

Initially, fifteen girls from the JDC and Annex transferred to the Group Home and St. John's. However, two sisters, ten and four years old, were approved for adoption by the State's Chief of Staff and her husband, a US Marshal. The sisters still participated in most Group Home functions and studied at the St. John's Day School with the other thirteen girls. Subsequently, they traveled to Tybee for the Studycation, however, would only be close friends with Rach-Mom and Kelly-Mom's family.

Sam was a late arrival who transferred to the Group Home's care from an abusive birth family relationship. Sam should have resided at the St. John's facility since she was not seven years old. However, Sam was extremely distraught and non-communicative when she arrived at St. John's. Sam did not respond to anyone in their community except when Kelly visited St. John's for a school board meeting. Kelly saw Sam sitting despondently alone in a corner and stopped to talk with her. To everyone's surprise, after a few minutes, Sam responded to Kelly for some unknown reason. Their bond became so strong that the Group Home board applied to the Family Court for a special waiver, which allowed Sam to live at the Group Home which Kelly managed. However, based on Sam's current Mental Health status, the waiver carried an automatic six-month review until Sam was seven when she could permanently live at the Group Home.

Rumors had recently circulated that Sam's bio-family claimed to have successfully taken court-mandated anger management courses. They were now seeking family court approval for Sam to return to their home. Kelly was extremely stressed out with this issue and cried on the phone with Rach during one of their pre-Studycation talks. Rach did not fully get Kelly's extreme distress with this issue, having never met Sam or any other of Kelly-Mom's Group Home girls.

Rach's attitude rapidly elevated to a ballistic 'HELL NO' on someone taking Sam. Now that she's met Sam when Sam cutely came to their suite with a tummy ache on their first night on Tybee, Rach was all in with Kelly on protecting Sam. Rach-Mom's heart immediately went out to Sam, and she was now fully a member of Rach and Kelly-Mom's new family!

Rach tearfully committed to Kelly that she would support her 100% in keeping Sam safe! Rach would definitely keep Sam close to her on Tybee on alternating three-month cycles, as they battled the N. Florida courts for Sam's right to live in a safe and non-abusive home, surrounded by their loving family.

Rach! Saw! Light!


© 2021

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foxyfowlerfoxyfowlerabout 2 years ago

Billyslate these stories you have written and I read many times and find new things that I missed last time I read the stories you are a brilliant writer I hope to read many more of your stories the way the stories unfold and the loving I can feel from reading the stories keep up the good work thank you Billyslate.xx

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