The Devlin Family


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You frantically slam your fists against the rift. "VES! Hide! Get away! Run! NO! NOOOO!"

The last thing you see is your sister open her mouth for the first time since you'd met her. You lose a few seconds as the next thing you knew you were swinging your arms wildly as the chair had tipped out from under you and you were already half way down as you fell onto the unforgiving cold hard tile floor.


Having no time to react you hit the tile floor hard, your left elbow then your head taking the worst of it. Ignoring the pain you struggle to your feet. The room is spinning like a centrifuge but you stay on your feet through sheer force of will. Reaching up you search for the window into the other place but the rift is gone.

"Run, please. Get away. Get away!" You are blinded by the cellar lights coming on. Blinking and squinting you feel around, touching and grasping at the walls. "No, no, no, no, no! Turn out the lights! She needs to get away from there! She needs to find her way home!"

"Who needs to find her way home?" Your father's low eerily controlled voice asks.

"Dad!" You turn and stagger toward him. "You don't understand. She's not...she's...ohhh..." Forced to stop you grab your head and try to stop the room from spinning.

Your father's eyes scan left and right, they hover a moment on the vial of eye drops, then on the chair and the space above it, and then back to you. His stern look is replaced by a deep grave concern. "What have you done here Jacob? Tell me!" He is already casting a spell as he awaits your answer, magical forces gather around his muttered words and precise hand movements.

"It's Vespera."

"Vespera!?" He pauses his spell for just a moment to hit you with a withering gaze. "What have you done?"

"Dad. Listen to me. She's not a thing. She can talk. She talks with me Dad. She can feel, she can love, she listens and understands, she's scared, she's in danger, she wants to be with me Dad! She wants to come home! She needs us! We need to go help her!" Trying to say everything at once you end up sounding like a raving lunatic. "Listen to me!"

"You foolish boy." A burst of light brilliant as the sun fills the room for a few retina searing seconds. As the spell fades he is already casting another. Blue energy begins pouring into the now empty space where the rift had been.

"What are you doing!?"

"Protecting my son from his own stupidity. You have no idea what you are playing with here." He growls as he shapes the energy and swirls it like paint through the air. "I told you to stay alert, to protect yourself. I told you to come find us if she showed herself."

"You told me to keep an open mind!" You take a few deep breaths and start to explain again. "Dad, please..."

"Leave me be!" He releases the blue energy and it dissipates through the room like a bursting firework.


As the second spell fades he fixes you with a furious stare. "JACOB! Go to you room and stay there!" Unspoken syllables of power punctuate his hard words.

Beyond your control your body snaps to attention and with no guidance from your mind you find yourself walking stiffly back toward the stairs to the kitchen Try as you might you cannot stop yourself or even slow down, you couldn't even speak. You march up the stairs, through the kitchen, and toward your room a marionette to your father's potent magic.

Frantically you struggle but you didn't even know how. Your thoughts were clear but your body was not your own. The feeling is uncanny, unsettling, and deeply humbling as you realize he could do this and more to you anytime he wished and there wasn't a damn thing you could do about it. Most men could eventually stand up to their father, not so with you. You were as powerless against him now as you were when you were a child. You wouldn't even survive him. He would watch you grow old and pass on while he remained strong thanks to his Warlock blood. It was so...unnatural.

Along the way you pass your little sister.

"Hey Jake!" She says brightly. "I heard you beat those guys up. Looks like you took a lump there too." She points up to where you'd just slammed your head into the tile floor. "What a hero. He he he! You've always been my hero Jake."

You don't say a word but continue on.

"Hey." She titters with an extra naughty sparkle in her maraschino cherry eyes. Sucking on her bottom lip she twirls her hands together and a little blush darkens her cheeks. "About this morning, I wanted to say thank you for..."

You walk straight past her without a word.

"Jake. Hey. I know you're upset. You haven't been returning my...Jake, wait up." She follows in behind you tugging lightly at your arm. "It's okay. I'm not upset. I loved it! I'm happy! See how happy I am. Jake, stop, talk to me. Please."

Though you flex your will for all you had you can't produce a single sound or turn your head or interrupt your gait by even a step.

"Jake, don't be like that." You can hear the hurt growing in your sister's voice. "I thought it was fun. I thought it was so hot. Jake please."

You stride with purpose down the hall and into your room though to Trix it surely looked like you were in a huff. You walk to the center of your bedroom and you stop with your back to the door. Again you strain to speak or move but the magic held you tight.

"Jake." She whines from your doorway. "Jake, I'm sorry. I thought...I thought you'd like my present. It seemed like you liked it. Jake, talk to me." A long pained minute passes before you hear her sigh. "Jake...please..." Stony silence is your only reply. "Okay. I, uh, I'll talk to you later? Okay?" Silence. "Jake, I'm sorry. Okay?" Silence. "Jake...say something."

Poor Trix already blamed herself for what happened to Lucian and now she was feeling guilty for this, your heart went out to her but you cannot respond. There is a sad sniffle before she slinks off down the hall.


You stand there for exactly 17 minutes, you know this because from your frozen stance you could see the alarm clock beside your bed, before you hear someone enter your room. You hear the door swing shut and the overhead light comes on. Your father walks slowly around to your front and looks at you.

"You have to understand Jacob. There is a bigger a picture at play here. Your sister is a threat to our existence. The world's existence. The other place cannot find a foothold here in our world son. If it means the end of everything. Everything." He emphasizes that last word as he steps closer. "I thought there would be more time. Time to explain things to you. After the is usually months between her visits, I never knew she could appear again so soon."

He hadn't a clue all the things he didn't know about her. He takes the phone and your keys from your pocket and places them into his. He mutters something and you notice the lights on your computer go dark.

"I have business tonight. We can talk about this in the morning. She won't be able to get to you tonight nor you to her. I will send Ciara up later to see if you need anything. Don't try to hurt her it won't help you escape." He moves around the room whispering incantations and tracing symbols through the air. After a moment the wall, floor, and ceiling glow orange for a second before dimming back to normal. He looks at you. "Please understand Jacob. I must protect my family. You would understand if you were a father." He pauses before saying. "She's not one of us Jacob. She is not human or monster...or Devlin. She is something entirely different, entirely outside, entirely alien. Don't let her fool you. She...It is using you son. It doesn't belong here."

If you could punch him straight in the face you would, but you remain still as a statue.

He lets out a tired sigh and pats your stiff shoulder. "We'll talk tomorrow." He hugs you. "Sleep well son."

With that he moves to the door, with a whispered spell he exits and the room falls into an abnormal silence. All you could hear is your own breathing. It is another 57 minutes before, all at once, you stagger forward under your own power at last. You spin and run for the door only to find it protected by an invisible field that would flash orange as you tried to push through it. Try as you might you could not grip onto the knob. You shout and pound at the door but the sounds are muffled and contained. You had the feeling nobody outside could hear a thing of what was happening inside. You move around, trying to find a weakness, to discover every exterior surface was covered by the containment spell. Even the spaces around the door were blocked. You couldn't even open the curtains.

"Fuck!" You slam your fist into a flash of orange. From around the curtains you could see it was getting dark. You told Ves to meet you at the tower tonight. You HAD to get there somehow, you had to find out if she was okay.

Pacing back and forth you stew angrily. He didn't even talk to you to find out your side. He treated you like an uppity child. You might not understand most things about this new world but you did have insights that he didn't. He hadn't even considered that. He didn't know Ves like you did. How dare he say she didn't belong here! How dare he call her an It!

You burn with humiliation and indignation at your father's treatment of you. God it was awful moving like a puppet to his strings. And poor Trixie, she hadn't a clue. She just wanted to talk to you about her gift and how you...

You stop mid-step, your eyes slowly scan over toward your dresser...the top drawer of your dresser. Father had taken your phone, killed your computer, and silenced the walls, but he didn't know about Trixie's gift! You hurry over and pull the jelly egg from the drawer. Hurriedly you begin to shape it into an ear and soon enough...POP! You had a huge magenta ear in your hands.

You go and sit on your bed as you lay the ear on your lap. "Trixie. It's Jake. I was under a spell Trix. I didn't have control of my body. I would never ignore you like that. You know that. I'm locked in my room and I need help." Stroking the edge of the great ear you say in a happier tone. "Trixie, I...I didn't mean do what I did this morning. I don't know what came over me." You take a deep breath...and confess the shameful truth you'd been denying all day. "But you know what...I...I had fun too. I shouldn't have but...knowing you were watching me...while you were there in class, oh man, it was pretty hot. I can't deny it. I came so hard. Ha! As you saw. Oh my God. Isn't that terrible?" You chuckle with nervous embarrassed energy. "We're so bad aren't we? I'm the worst big brother ever."

A bit of color catches your eye and you look to the door to see a pair of plump purple lips ooze out from the space under the door. "The BEST big brother you mean!"

"Get in here you!" You laugh. As always, Trixie could never stay mad at you.

Placing the ear to the side you sit and watch your slime sister ooze her way into your room as a shallow puddle before reforming into her adorable self. When Dad said he would send Ciara up later it gave you the clue that perhaps this barrier only worked on normies like you. Once her womanly shape was complete your sister scampers over and leaps onto your lap, the pair of you giggling and cuddling like you hadn't seen each other in weeks.

"I'm sorry." You say as you hug her and smooch her warm jelly cheeks.

"He he he he!" She titters and coos happily in your arms. "You really liked it? You really had fun?"

"Gah!" You blush. "Don't make me say it again. Oh my god! We're so bad!"

"We're the worst! Ha ha ha ha!" She gazes up you adoringly. "Thank you for showing me your big fat juicy cock Jake."

"GRRR! Stop that!" You exclaim. "All grown up or no I could still give you a spanking!"

"OOOOO! Promise?"

"Stop it!" You guffaw, she titters and wiggles as you hold her close. "Thank you for the present Trix. I love it."

"Did you get my pictures? He he he! They're pretty naughty. Even made a video for you in the women's bathroom."

"Errr...I never checked. You really shouldn't have done..." Your eyes widen. "Oh shit, Dad's got my phone!"

"PPPBBBBSSSTTTT!!!" She sputters and howls with laughter. "Oh no! Not Daddy! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Oh my God, he's gonna kill us." The mention of his name brings your mood down and reminds you of more serious things. "I gotta get out of here."

"Let's stay here." Trixie chirps with a suggestive waggle of her brows. "Let's play some new games. HE HE HE!"

"Stop that you!" You spank her butt. "The toy is one thing but that...behave yourself."

"He he he!"

"Trixie, listen..." Over the next few minutes you explain everything to your little sister, everything about Vespera and how you had to go see her.

"Ohhhh." Trix says. "I knew she was good! I knew she was one of us. Well let's get out of here then."

"Not so simple. There's a spell on the door. I can't get out..." You look at her cute smiling face. "...but you can." Grabbing her by her dimpled purple cheeks you stare into her big red eyes. "Trix, I need to be inside of you."

Her already overjoyed expression beams brighter and her warm body begins to melt in your hands. "Ohhhh Jake!"


"Not like that!" You laugh at her incestuous assumption.


"No, I mean...can you sorta swallow me up. Like Kirby. Can you cover me to trick the spell?" You ask. "Not sure it'll work but it might."

"Like a big rubber!" She giggles. "I'd be your condom as you penetrate the door."

Rolling your eyes. "That's one way of putting it."

"Yeah, no sweat. Although..." Her eyes twinkle. "'d have to be completely naked. It's the only way."

"You liar!" You exclaim as you tickle her.

"He he he! Aww, pleeeease?"


"Fine." She says, clearly disappointed. "It woulda been fun!" Giving you no warning her shape goes loose and starts to ooze up your arms and over your legs. You barely get a chance to take in a quick breath before her warm jelly body glides up over your shoulders and head. The next thing you knew you are seeing the world through a purple filter and you are covered from head to toe in your sister. With her warmth over every square inch of you your temperature quickly begins to rise. "Mmmmm. This is lovely." Her voice vibrates all around you. "You drive."

It takes two attempts but you get to your feet. It wasn't too hard, she didn't resist you, kind of like walking with really wet heavy clothes on. Lurching along like Frankenstein's monster you make your way toward the door. The most difficult part was that your little sister had begun to massage your package with waves of rippling vibrations followed by a swirling against your shirt at the nipples. In another circumstance it would have felt amazing!

"Gimme 5 minutes." Trixie says as another bit of pressure presses into the back of your pants. "I promise you won't regret it."

"Mrrrmmm!" You hum as you feel her body tighten around you in a fit of giggles. "MMRRRRMM!"

"Okay, okay! He he he!"

Splap, splup, splop. One foot in front of the other you walk forward in big awkward steps. Reaching out you are pleased to watch the doorknob turn and the door swing open. Moment of truth. You step forward...and over the threshold and into the hall. Safely outside your sister oozes off of you and reforms in front of you.

"You're my hero." You tell her, echoing what she'd told you earlier.

"Aww, Jake!" She smiles bashfully as a dark blush colors her cute face.

The pleasant mood is spoiled as you watch a wave of yellow light glide through the hall and out through the walls. It was the same spell as last night that kept Ves from getting close to the house or yard.

Trixie recognizes it for what it is as well. "Go find Sis!"

With a nod and a wink you turn and dash down the hall. Keeping a careful ear out for the fluttering of Ciara's wings you weave through the house to the kitchen door. You are disappointed to see the magical shawl missing but you don't stop to look for it. Slipping on sandals you stealth out the back door. Soon you are padding through the garden at not quite a run but faster than a walk. The sun was just dipping under the horizon and you were happy to see gray details begin to emerge inside the deepening shadows. The eye drops were still working.

Just as you are feeling like you'd made it you hear the scrape of claws on stone coming up fast behind you, spinning around just in time to see Bronwyn in his massive hybrid wolf form grab you over the shoulder, his big hand extending from your chest all the up and over to drape down you shoulder blade. His claws tear holes in the fabric and scratch your flesh.

"Rrrrrr." He growls deeply, his white wolf eyes staring at you like fresh meat. "Wherrrre arrrre you going?" His voice is a strange amalgam of human and canine.

"Let me go." You say. "This is no business of yours."

"Hrrrff!" He snorts. "The old man says you don't leave. Rrrrmmm. So you don't leave."

"Bron, let me go!" You struggle against him but it was hopeless. Your eyes dart about as you pray for an opening. With a tightening grip Bron's claws sink deeper. "Okay, okay!" You say. "I never knew you were such a lap dog."

"Hrrrrrmmm!" His eyes narrow and his sharp teeth grind, but he sets you down none too gently. "Watch yourrrr tongue norrrrmie."

Slapping his furry shoulder. "Lucian's feeling better. Thought you'd want to know."

You see a bit of anger leave him. "Rrrrmmm. Good."

You turn toward the house. "Hell of a fight we had, eh bro?"

"Rrrrr. Yeah." He nods. "Ya did good."

"So...what did you do with that Brock?"

"Rrrrrrmmmm!" He growls as a wolfish grin grows. He doesn't answer but the growl told you all you needed to know. Had Brock not laid hands on Luci you might have felt bad for him

You begin to walk back to the house, after a moment you say. "Father is arrogant. He doesn't know as much as he thinks he knows."

"Neitherrrr do you."

"True." You stop again. "At least I can admit it. Bron, I really need to go."

"No." He grunts.

"Bron, I have to." You turn and square up with him, knowing full well you stood no chance. "You'll have to make me. But...I'll fight you."


Smack! You crumple to the ground as your brother hits you with a back hand, letting you feel but a fraction of his full power.

"Guhhh!" You gasp as the breath is knocked from your lungs. You wipe off your face and get back to your feet, your fists up and ready to fight.

"Jake." Bron starts to say as you step in and throw a hard haymaker. It glances off his chin doing more damage to you than to him.

"Fuck you!" You hiss.

Smack! You are forced to your knees with another effortless swat from the furry behemoth. You pop right back and hit him with two more punches. You swear and shake your sore fists.

"That all you got bitch?" You spit. "Fucking little daddy's boy. Fucking guard dog? Where's your collar? Where's your fucking leash? Huh? Come on mother fucker!" You punch him and kick him, he barely feels it.

"Jake. Rrrrrmm. Stop this nonsense!" He slaps you up a bit more, each languid slap the force of a full fledged punch from a human man.

"Gnngh!" You blow a bloody snot rocket from your nose and get up again. As you throw another punch he catches it and hold your arm tight.

"STOP THIS!" He growls.

You stare him eye to eye, his hot humid canine breath washing over your face.

"I have to go." You say. His attitude is softening, you had earned some respect from him today. He didn't want to put you down but he couldn't just let you go, so you give him another option. "One minute."


"One minute." You say again. "Just give me one minute. If I can get away from you I go free. If you catch me I go back without a fight."

"Hrr hrr hrr hrr!" He chuckles. "Kid. You don't stand a chance."
