The Devlin Family


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Everything about this bizarre French kiss is a reminder that despite her generally human shape your sister was anything but.

"Mmmm." You moan lustily and press yourself into her.

She held you with the power of a strong man and yet you knew she was being so gentle with you, oh so gentle. Feeling her moving and pressing in all around you left no doubt that she could crush you like an ant if she lost control for even a moment. Knowing she had to handle you with such loving care strangely made this feel even more intimate.

You push back from her, her five tongues slipping from your mouth though still lapping and hooking at your panting lips.

"I need air." You chuckle. "Whooo!"

"Jacob." She clutches at you.

With a kiss and a smile you whisper. "Let me control things for a bit."

"Jacob...Control." Her hair tendrils release you and waver in a corona around her head like a Medusa from legend. Her tentacles loosen around your limbs and body but hover close by, wanting to touch and be touched.

You take a step back simply so that you could at last get a full view of her while the eye drops were still active. From touch and from silhouette you had gotten hints of your sister's full glory but nothing could prepare you for truly seeing it there in front of you.

Her shapely and perfectly defined torso is that of a 7 foot tall heavy breasted Ms Olympia yet unlike those elite athletes she retained her full womanly curves. She had hips, wide and round, tapering into a tight waist before curving back out into a wider upper back and shoulders. Her proportions weren't quite normal, longer and more sinuous, and her flexing musculature much more complex but she had an hourglass figure unmistakably familiar. There are no hard angles about her at all, just the way she moved you could tell there was no skeleton beneath her dense flesh to give it rigid structure. She had no belly button or throat, her muscles smooth in those places. Her large breasts were as you felt them, each big enough to more than fill both your hands yet higher and firmer than gravity would allow for on a human woman. The strange patches of her nipples were round and a slightly lighter shade than the rest of her, they were constant in their tone unlike the shifting patterns of the rest of her flesh minus her face. The patterns flowed around her nipples or even pulsed out from them occasionally like two small islands interrupting ripples of water. Between her legs is a pussy of sorts. From what you could tell there was a slit though her labial lips were plump, uneven, and seemed to move on their own like her tentacles. Where her clit would be was yet another small tentacle about the size of your thumb and with the same change of texture as her nipples.

She "stood" on two legs, the thickest of her tentacles, that stretched out and wriggled out and around the interior of the tower. Her longest tentacles were those of her arms, each stretching out maybe 8 or 10 feet and very gradually tapering to a blunt point. The other many tentacles fanning out from out of her back varied in girth and length and gave the illusion of her having strange wings.

But her skin! Of everything it is her skin that bewitches you the most. The constantly shifting and flowing fluid patterns of countless shades of black were hypnotic in their swirling unearthly beauty. Nothing in art or nature could even compare.

You look up to her white glowing hauntingly exquisite face and say in hushed awe. "My God! You are so beautiful!"

"Beautiful." A tentacles reaches forward and strokes your cheek. Another coils up and tugs at the waist of your pants. "Beautiful."

You nuzzle your face into her near limb. "You want to see me too huh? I guess that's fair. I can't compare to you though."

Kissing her limb, and giving the tip a little teasing suck, you then guide it away and push others back as well, she moves easily to your touch. Keenly aware of your twins six eyes watching your every move you undress for her. First the sandals and socks, these you place near the door. Then you untie your shirt from around our lower leg.

Vespera reaches out for your wound. "Pain...Jacob."

"Shhhh." You assure her and guide her back. "It's okay. I'm okay." You stand and look at her as you unbuckle your belt, her yearning for you emanates from her in pulsing waves. You feel it like a second heartbeat inside your chest and see her patterns rippling in time to it flow across her skin. You take off your pants, kick them to the side, followed quickly by your underwear. Standing back up tall you face your sister naked as the day you were the day you both were born.

"Beautiful." She says as her face glows brighter. "Together."

She rushes to you, pressing her body tight into yours and embracing from every angle. Nearly every square inch of your skin pressed close to hers, totally cocooned in that wonderful feeling only she possessed. Tentacles prod and feel every nook and cranny of your soft human body. Touching you now in ways she was learning that you enjoyed. Your nipples, your lips, your hardening cock, your balls, your ass. She held to you like she might lose you again at any moment. The pair of you kiss again, each of you needing more, more, MORE!

But you wanted to savor this night. As amazing as it would be you did not want to spend your energy in one frantic fit of passion.

Slowly, carefully, gently you guide her back off of you again. Kissing and stroking each limb with tender loving care as you moved her back one tentacle at a time.


"You can have me soon. All of me." You say with a warm glow in both your heart and loins. "Gently."


"But first I want to...explore." You gaze up and down her magnificent body. "Be still now Ves." You whisper. "Let me make you feel good."

Her snaking limbs slow their writhing, though not to a stop, and she stands before you awaiting your attention. She doesn't wait long.

You reach out and place your hands at the sides of her long neck and savor that special feeling of her skin against yours. Moving slowly, relishing each inch, you run your hands down her shoulders and onto her chest. You swear you can almost feel her patterns moving beneath your palm. Again you feel her pleasure, closer now. You feel her need to be touched, her need for connection.


You kiss her, everywhere.

Holding her one hand cupped behind her neck and the other against her side you pull her lower so that you can kiss squirming mass of her hair tendrils. They lap back at you, feeling your face and exploring your mouth, nostrils, and ears. One little kiss at a time you move down her forehead and over her nose to her mouth, then back up her cheeks and even between her various glimmering eyes. Next you smooch down her neck, adding little licks and sucks along the way. She doesn't respond like a human woman, there is not gasping breaths or hot sighs, yet thanks to your connection with her you sense that this is pleasurable to her. She tilts her head, exposing more of her neck, and you nuzzle in for more.

As you told her to be still she does not grab you but you feel gentle touches now and then as a tentacle hovers too close. She yearned to touch you but she would have to wait.

You kiss down her shoulders, across her upper chest, then down the space between her large breasts. With just a touch of upward pressure you guide her torso up so that you were now face to cleavage with her. Taking a moment to press your ear to her heartbeat, though you can still feel that pulsing energy in your soul. Lavishing her tits with attention you slurp and nibble and squeeze. They are magnificent! Not as soft as a human's but still yielding to a firm touch, big enough to put your whole face between and push in from either side to be smothered by them. Eventually you make your way to the central nipple area to find special bit of skin similar to her face but without the glow. This are is raised every so slightly above the surrounding mound and your tongue sparkles with tingly feelings as you run it over. More sucking, more nibbling, and hearty swirls of the tongue follow. Your hand fondling and massaging one as your mouth was busy with the other. The patterns across her body are changing and speeding up. She was enjoying this every bit as much as you.

"Jacob...Love." A slender tentacle curls around your now rock hard cock.

"Mmmm." You smile as you carefully parry it away. "Not yet."

Her skin is so strange to handle and kiss. A contradiction to the senses. You moved over it in a strangely frictionless way despite there being grip and texture to be felt. You absolutely love it but it was impossible to make sense of. Your saliva didn't seem to wet her skin and she had neither taste nor smell in a conventional sense. Yet more reminders that your sister was not a being purely of this reality.

You continue down her body. Kissing along the chiseled contours of her sinewy stomach. You could feel her shift and tighten in new ways here at her core, flexing not in a simple pull-push like normal tissue but in ways more three dimensional in nature. The swooping curve that would be a ribcage on a human were just new types of muscles on your twin. With kisses tender and kisses passionate you explore the height and width of Vespera's powerful midsection.

With a firm guiding hand you lower Ves back down so that her head hovered just a bit taller than yours. Looking up into her six eyes you smile...then drop to your knees in front of her. She towers above you like some dark writhing angel, like an Eldritch goddess. And you were here to worship her.

Hooking your arms between her legs you reach up and grab a firm round ass cheek in each hand, your fingers feel along the crack to find no anus but discover the flesh between the cheeks supple and cushiony.

Wasting no time you begin kissing and biting and licking along what would be her inner thighs. You kiss all the way up one, stopping just short of her pussy, then switch to the other and do the same. The little clitoris tentacle flicks your ear as you near it. You sense her anticipation had risen to fever pitch.


Seeing her pussy up close now you could now see for sure that the fleshy labia indeed moved with the same fluid grace of the rest of her. The thumb sized tendril that was her clit reached to you, curling and grasping at the air just inches from your face. Her narrow slit delves into blackness so deep even your magical vision cannot penetrate it.

You look up her long lithe powerful body once more. Her glowing white face, framed by her beautiful breasts, peering down at you curiously.

"Does it feel good? Me touching you?" You ask.

"Good...GOOD." She nudges you from behind to continue.

You grin. "Good."

Bringing her legs up onto your shoulders you hungrily swoop in to plunge your tongue into her dark cunny. You are startled as her pussy lips latch onto your face not unlike a mouth, her clit wraps around your nose and its tip wriggles up your left nostril. The flesh here is spongy and silky in a whole new way, a strange viscosity swirled around your lips and tongue though there are no liquids. Your tongue laps and prods inside of her and you are relieved to feel a tight passage beyond, right where one should be, but even this is alien. The tissue responds to your attention, pressing back at you and deftly tightening around your tongue to draw it deeper inside of her. Again, no smell or taste yet your tongue is alive with a vibrant tingle. Vespera was so...weird! In the best way possible of course.

You eat her out for a time but her labia had sealed your mouth and nose and was beginning to grip with crushing strength, your inner cheeks now grinding painfully into your teeth. You are forced to wrench yourself free, a loud and rather comical popping noise echoes up the tower walls as the seal is broken.

"Gentle!" You gasp. "Please Ves, always gentle."

"Gentle...Good...Jacob." The ideas pass from her mind to yours.

"Thank you."


"I love you too."

Resting your bare ass on the cool ground you take a second to catch your breath then rise to your knees to go again.

This time you suck your middle finger, lubing it with spittle though you likely didn't need to, then very slowly slip it up inside of her. Soft pressure bears down on your digit from every direction at once, her labial folds latch onto your hand...gently this time. Gradually you start to curl and extend your finger to finger your alien sister. The shifting patterns across her skin move quicker, the pleasure you felt in her rises, and a ripple flickers over her white face. She might not moan or move in ways a human woman would but she expressed her lusty pleasure just as clearly.

The next time her clit curls out you snatch it in your lips and hold it tight. Tongue flicking at the tapered lip you glide in and suck the spongy protuberance into your mouth like you would a flaccid cock.

"Mmmmm." You hum softly as you feel it slither against and around your tongue. "Mmmmm!" You suck harder, suckling her clit with urgent desire. Her pussy pulses around your finger. Tightening, gripping, throbbing with a mind of its own. Her labia clutches and pulls at your hand. Her snaking clitty writhes in your mouth, it and your flicking tongue dancing together. "Mmmmm." You suck her and savor her.

Closing your eyes you focus on pleasuring Vespera as best as you knew how. Tentacles were gathering. Gliding down your arms. Coiling around your legs. Crawling through your hair. Creeping down your back and across your chest. Licking up the crevice of your ass. You knew, you felt it. Vespera would not be delayed or denied this time. She would have

Even as you passionately blow her alien wriggling clit, finger her gripping inhuman snatch, and feel her touch you in dozens of different places with limbs that could crush you and break you without effort, a sense of calm settles over you.


One thick tentacles entwines your right ankle. Another curls around your left. One takes hold of your left wrist, and another your right. You don't fight her or wave her away this time. You just continue bobbing forward and back as you ravenously sucked her clit.

"MMM!" You exclaim as your cock is seized and your balls snared in the hard grip of two separate tendrils.

One of her long arms wraps all the way around your chest two times then, like a person holding a delicate butterfly, she carefully lifts you. Her clit slips from your lips and you feel your knees leave the earth. Held floating in front of her, bound by wrist and ankle, you hang there as she looks at you. You were utterly at her mercy, although that was always the case. If she did hurt you it would be by accident and you would forgive her. There isn't an ounce of fear in your heart. You knew she loved you, you could feel it in your own love for her. As the connection grew you realized they were one in the same thing. You also knew that you would never feel that emptiness inside you again.

The tentacles binding you curl up your calves and down your forearms as she holds you still spread eagle in midair. The one around your chest constricts too tightly for a time...but eventually relaxes and soon moves in time with your breathing. Vespera is learning.

Her limbs stroke up and down and across your naked flesh. The tips of two of her appendages rub your nipples in ways similar to how you tongued hers. The one around your dick wraps around until it completely encompasses your manhood and strokes it in long undulated squeezes. That peculiar frictionless property of her skin allowing her to rub you smoothly even as it gripped and pulled. It felt really, REALLY good!

"Gngh!" You grunt as your body tries to jerk, but simply couldn't move in her rock solid grip.

She squeezes and fondles your nuts juuuuust on the edge of pain. She is touching your chest, coiling and gripping at your pecs as if they were breasts. She caresses your stomach and your face in ways reminiscent of how you had been kissing her and groping her. Just as when you had first kissed her she was using your lead to help her understand what she is supposed to do. And just as you had plunged your tongue and your finger inside of her, she wanted to feel inside of you.

Your legs are parted wider and you feel the tapered end of one of her smaller tentacles press into your anus.

"Ves!" You gasp.

But with her effortless strength and sleek skin she glides through your clenching sphincter as easy as if she were moving it through water.

"FUCK!" You cry out as 3...6...9 thick inches snake up your ass! And she wasn't slowing down! "STOP! Fuck! RRRRMMMM!" You growl through gritted teeth as your hands grip in the air helplessly. "No more! That's enough! Gentle!"


You look up at her panting and straining at the sudden feeling of fullness stretching your anus. "Yes! further. No deeper! GNNNGH!"


"No! Just...fuck!" You couldn't even concentrate to talk. While you were feeling a hell of a burn at your clamping entrance the feeling of fullness was... "Ohhhhhh God!"


"Yes! Good! Oh fuuuuuck!"

Even with as hard as you were clenching her tentacle slides smooth back out then easily straight back in again, careful not to go deeper than you said to.

"GNNNNGHHH!!!" Then, just like when you started to finger her, her tentacle start rapidly jabbing up and down, filling your tunnel to the max then slipping so damn easily back again. It curls and explores your insides, moving unlike any human and with a deftness beyond any toy. She was so thick that the pressure grinding hard into your prostate is non-stop and yet ever shifting. You are seeing stars and they weren't the ones twinkling in the sky. High ecstatic moans escape your open lips, you were simply too overwhelmed to form coherent words. "Ohhhhhhh! Ohhhhhh! Aaaoooooh! Hahhhhh!"

With glazed eyes and a slack jawed panting mouth you let your muscles go slack as you take your sister's ass fucking that just continues to feel better and better and better. Your cock continued to be stroked, your balls rubbed and squeezed, your chest lapped and fondled. All at once, all with flawless dexterity and control. It would take three or four people to even come close to doing all of this to you and God, she could keep this up all night! It felt so fucking good!

You become aware of Vespera pulling you closer, struggling for concentration you try to get your bearings. The tendril around your dick slithers off of it only to be replaced by a strange sensation of pressing your cock into some impossibly tight yet easily yielding ever blooming flower of viscoid syrup. Without looking down you knew you were entering her. Her labial fold grip and pull at your manhood as your cock sinks deeper and deeper into her pussy. Her clit tickles your pubes. And before you knew it you were balls deep inside of her. And stay.

Had you any power of control you would have instinctively begun thrusting inside of her, but Vespera has you and she is holding you perfectly still. Yet what is happening around your diamond stiff penis blows your fucking mind.

Constant waves of rhythmic shifting pressure runs up and down and across your cock. As with your finger pressure bears in from all around and above. She is milking you from within with a swirling pulsing force that defies description. It was the best blowjob you'd ever had combined with the best handjob and the best pussy and the best ass, all happening at once in overlapping waves of stimulation yet with an overriding throb that pulsated from root to tip and back down again in long steady strokes.