The Devlin Family


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"It's that or I kick your ass here and now."

His eyes roll. He looks back to you and gives a long hard stare eye to eye...then he nods. Letting you go he steps back from you. "One minute." He tilts his head. "And's nothing perrrrsonal."

"I know." You give him an appreciative nod for at least giving you this chance. Then you sprint with all you had toward the entrance to the hedge maze about a minute's run away. Behind you your brother laughs. "Jake! I wouldn't do that! Don't go in therrre!"

As you run into the maze and turn the corner you hear Bron trot up to the entrance without actually entering.

"Hrr hrr hrr hrr! Stupid kid!" He calls to you through the hedges. "Thanks forrrr frrrreeing up my night. I'll come rrrrrrescue you in the morrrrning! If you surrrvive! Hrrr hrr hrr hrrr!" With that you hear him turn and bound off.


You were making your way through a living shifting maze with a deadly trap and a magical door at the end after having been chased here by a werewolf so that you could go find your damsel in distress in a dark tower, and the damsel just happened to be a tentacle monster from another dimension. Needless to say this was not your average weekday night. Your life had changed so much over the past day and this was just the beginning. With the enchantment that had kept you ignorant of the truth gone you knew that you would see and do things regular folks could only dream about. This life wasn't going to be easy but damned if you would have it any other way.

Your early insecurities about being "just" a human were fading into a comfortable acceptance thanks in large part to your family.

To your precious little sister Trixie nothing had changed. You were her hero, her first crush, and her beloved big brother. You could do no wrong in her eyes and nothing was ever going to change that. To young Lucian you were more than a protective older brother, your pure untainted human soul gave him nourishment and succor that he could not find easily elsewhere. You might not be able to understand him but you would always accept him for who he was. You remember grandma's pride telling you of her crafts and how eager she'd been to share them with her grandson, happy to at last have you understand the family and the world as it really was. As weak and fragile as you were you had gained the respect of a werewolf today. You stood side by side with Bron facing down those bullies. He was never in any real danger yet it could have gone very badly for you, your brother understood real bravery when he saw it and admired it though he wouldn't admit it. That brief talk and the hug that followed from Devany back in the cellar had gone a long way to ease your worried mind, giving you confidence and another point of view just as she'd always done. It was going to be okay she told you and you believed her. She spoke of family unity and being masters of your own fate. She made you an offer, reminding you that there were wondrous options in this crazy new world. And Mom. A smile plays at your lips. Those words she said before you left the house last night had stayed with you. Only one human man in all of history she called son. Damn that made you feel special. And of course you wouldn't even be here had she not given you her shawl because it was "chilly outside". She hadn't tried to stop you that night. She treated you like the man you were, not the child you'd been. With a sigh you even grudgingly admit that your father in his own arrogant and misguided way cared for you. He was doing what he thought he must to protect his family from horrible terrors you'd only got a small taste of yet still shook you to the core.

Each of them loved you and treasured you in their own way and the feeling was mutual. You had the best fucking family you could have ever asked for. You were a Devlin and damn proud of it.

But the Devlin family was missing a member, it was incomplete, and you were going to do everything in your power to correct that. You were the only one that could.

Remembering the maze from last night, how you had to focus to see that goblin, as well as how you had learned to use Trixie's gift you don't concentrate so much on your route or the path in front of you but on your ultimate destination. A bit like the laws of nature in the mundane world you were learning that the forces of will, intention, and imagination were important factors with the supernatural. Without a real purpose you could wander this maze for days. The moon now rising in the sky gave you light to see by though you didn't need it thanks to the eye drop magic that was still active. Not that you needed to see at all. Your path was not a physical one but one of the spirit. As you walk with a strong confident gait through the maze you keep your mind focused on your Vespera and your heart yearning to feel her safely in your arms again.

It works. In half the time as the night before you find yourself turning a corner to see the central area with the stone fountain in the middle. You stop and your eyes pan over the twisting thorny vine archway. You had no protective shawl this evening.

With a deep breath you steel yourself and run as fast as you could. Just before the arch you leap into the air and dive across the threshold. The vines burst to life and whip and snap down around you. One manages to lash across your right calf tearing through cloth and flesh with its wickedly sharp thorns. It nearly gets a grip around your ankle but your momentum carries you forward and you hit the ground and roll to your feet.

"Sssss." You hiss at the pain of your sliced calf. You can see and feel warm dark blood soaking into the fabric of your pants. You give it a quick once over to make sure it isn't too serious. It had cut you good but you would live. Pulling off your shirt you use it as a tourniquet then stand and limp toward the central fountain. It is no trouble at all pulling yourself through the pool and out into the main garden.

Looking down into the dark waters of the fountain you see yourself battered and beaten. As bad as Lucian had looked earlier today. The fight with the football players, the fall in the cellar, the scuffle with Bron, and your encounter with the vines had each left their mark. You were bruised all over, your shoulder in particular showing a nasty dark purple patch. Scrapes from a dozen near misses with the thorns marked your skin. Blood had caked beneath your nose and at the edges of your mouth. You had claw marks in your chest and shoulder blade. A big pink knot at your hairline showed where your skull had met the tile floor in the basement. Your left eye had some puffy swelling around it and the knuckles of both your hands were sore and scuffed. And looking down you see the blood from your calf beginning to seep through your makeshift bandage.

But what you also see in the reflection is a man determined. Staring back at you was not the man who walked into that library last night at 8:44 pm. There is a resoluteness in your eyes you had never seen before. For the first time you could remember you had a purpose. A real, honest, heartfelt purpose. All you could think about is your twin and her safety. You needed to know if she was okay. You needed to see her again.

With the cold clear waters of the fountain you give your hands and face a quick and refreshing rinse then start for the tower as fast as your injured leg would let you.


With your vision as clear as day out to about 100 feet you are able to easily cut through the forest to take the most direct path to the lake. As you step out onto the shore you see the ruined tower across it glowing in the moonlight. Following the edge of the water you make your way around to stand at the base of the three mossy stone steps that led to the open doorway. You pause a moment and stare into the empty interior of the folly.

There is no sign. No darkness, no tentacles, no glowing face.

And yet...there is no suspense either. She was here. You could FEEL her close by and with that feeling came a flood of relief. Lifting your head you look to the crooked top of the broken tower to see your sister peeking over. From within the hollow stone shell you hear Trixie's voice echo from the past. "Ready or not, here I come!"

Pointing up at her with a big smile you say. "I found you."

You run inside as she rushes down to meet you. You only see a glimpse of her stunningly gorgeous body before she is on you and around you. You wrap your arms around her and hug her with all you had. Tears are flowing down your face, an overwhelming combination of happiness and the relief of seeing her safe and sound. And that little empty space inside of you? Full to bursting. You felt complete once more.


"Ves!" You hold her with all your strength. "I'm so happy to see you!"

"Happy." Her tentacles completely encompass you, she is all around you, the tendrils of her hair hugging your head to hers, her naked torso pressing into your bare chest and stomach. "Together."

"Yes! Together. We're together." You weep joyful tears. You hold each other a long wonderful time, each of you holding to the other and never wanting to let go. "I was so scared for you. What was that thing?"

"Hide...Flee...Alone...Alone." Her face glows a little brighter. "Alone."

"Not alone. Never alone. I'm here. I am always here." You say as you kiss her cheek, the feeling of the mass of minuscule facial filaments tickling your lips in a wholly unique way. "And you need to be here too. Stay, stay with me Ves. Here, home. This is your home, not that terrible place."


She pulls back from you a little and looks to the knot on your head, seeming to be confused by it. Reaching up she touches the aching bump. "Yeah, I had quite a day..." You begin to say when she suddenly whips the tentacle around your head and squeezes tight! "AAHH!" An explosion of pain bursts from the injury as she tries to forcibly rub it or pull it off of you as if it were a parasite. "Gentle!" You cry as you try to push her limb off before she crushes your skull like a peanut shell. "Gentle!"

Her grip loosens instantly. "Gentle." The narrow tip of the tentacle tenderly laps at the bump. "Pain."

You smile through gritted teeth as the throbbing slowly pain fades. "Yeah it hurts, but it's part of me. You can't just remove it. Don't worry, it'll get better." You stroke her thick limb. "You need to be gentle Ves. Always gentle. Understand?"

"Gentle." She repeats as she strokes your neck lightly.

"That's it. That feels nice." You look into her deep star field eyes. "Wait. How did you...? Can...can you feel my pain Vespera?"


"I feel it but...I suppose you've known about it so much longer than me. You probably feel it more than I do. Is that true?"


"Yes. I can feel you too, sort of. Ever since I met you...I can't describe it, I feel different. I feel more like...myself. Does that make any sense?" You say. "It's only been growing."


"I love you too Ves."

More of her tendrils begin to lightly caress your body, gliding over your shirtless chest and stomach and back and snaking around your arms and legs.


"Yes!" You run your hands down her long elegant neck and over her smooth shoulders. "Yes, stay with me. Don't leave. Don't go back there."


"Yes stay with me."


"I love you too."

Just then the soft sounds of lovemaking start to fade in around you. That clumsy, awkward, yet very special night with Grace when virginity was given and taken. Your sister's face stares at you, her writhing tentacles slowing to a drifting waver.


"Ves, no." You try to push her prodding tentacles away. "I told you already. That isn't the love of a brother and sister. It isn't right."

She gingerly takes your wrist and brings it to her breast. You pull away but her power is irresistible. The stars within her six eyes move as they gaze deeply into your soul. Her limbs touch you in ways reminiscent of that night you were hearing. The tentative grips, soft unsure rubs, blind groping grasps, and the tender fragile caresses of a virgin exploring a new territory of intimacy, not knowing what to do but needing to go further. Vespera wanted more.

"I love you." Your voice from that night whispers around you a thousand times followed by the duet of moaning teen lust and climax. "Ohhhhh!"



Slipping your free arm around your twin sister's muscled sculpture of a waist, wending your hand through the mass of limbs sprouting from her back, you pull yourself into her long shapely body and plant a hard kiss on her mouth in a most unbrotherly way.

Vespera wanted more and so did you! You felt that bond between you growing and you yearned for more. Your obsession with keeping her here was not as selfless as it appeared. Despite what Trix had said you were no hero and you were certainly not the best brother ever. You couldn't hold back any longer. The mask was slipping.

Hidden, even to yourself, beneath the guise of the loyal sibling and dutiful son was a degenerate soul. Despite the guilt you had very much enjoyed the show you gave Trixie along with her naughty flirtations. What fun you could have if only you gave into her advances. That scene you witnessed with sexy Lucian and your gorgeous cock wielding mother was pure libidinous hellfire and you hoped you'd get to see it again...and maybe join in. The invitation to share elegant Devany's bed had tempted greatly though you had denied it at the time. A woman you had looked up to all of your life. Mentally in her late sixties but permanently in her physical prime, what other things could your dark sister still teach you? Some part of your imagination continued to wonder what your burly big brother had done with the pretty blond quarterback, had he really made Brock call him Daddy? Would he have done the same to you had he beaten you down back in the garden? Would that have been so bad? Tiny faithful Ciara who so easily called you master and obeyed with demure servitude brought about erotic ideas of bondage and play on a miniature scale. As embarrassing as it was nutting in front of your smiling grandma it had brought with it a new kind of humiliating arousal. What other wondrous toys and concoctions did she have in that room of hers? Even your stern father, with his power to control you like a puppet and heaven knows what else, was not entirely unattractive. And the one person in the world you knew you had to share your family's secrets with, your best friend Grace. What would she think of you? What would she think of them? Would she see their supernatural allure as keenly as you? And could you tempt her to partake so you could watch? You might be the only plain human of your clan but were a monster just as much as the others.

Ves is something else entirely though. It was she who finally eroded your control completely. You were drawn to your twin like no woman before, wanting her with you in ways both wholesome and deviant. Your thoughts drifting toward her as you pleasured yourself earlier today was no accident. You lusted for Vespera just as deeply as you loved her.

These feelings were probably the lingering influence of the horny energies of Devlin Manor, the same impulses that caused you to jerk off and nut as your little sister watched. These feelings were probably your limited human mind confusing this mysterious and mystical connection you shared with your twin with something else. These feelings were probably simply the appeal of the new and the exotic. These feelings were misguided, immoral, and foolish. Your sister might not understand the sin you were about to commit but you did.

And yet, while your brain knew your physical attraction to Vespera was wrong, your heart and your twisted soul told you this was oh so right. Among the trees last night was the childhood the pair of you had been robbed of and tonight in this tower the twins would come of age.

The kiss is lips to mouth, your sister having no true lips of her own, strong and hungry. Her nose alongside yours and your mouths pressed together you had never felt so much of face at once before and you feel the microscopic filaments shifting against your skin in the same fluid patterns that danced over the rest of her body. It made your nerves tingle and tickle in a completely new way.

The hand that had been forced against Vespera's breast slowly grips onto it, your arm no longer struggling back. The fleshy globe is much softer than her firm tentacles though not nearly as supple as a human breast. Near the center however, where the nipple would be on a human, is a yielding patch with the same soft tingling feel as her face and it excites the middle of your palm in similar ways.

Ves had been taken off guard by your sudden passion but eagerly succumbs to it. Her encircling tentacles loosen and her large body stiffens briefly before relaxing in your arms. She moves her head in ways mimicking yours but before long she is moving, testing, experimenting, on her own. She sometimes tilts her head in odd angles or tries to press too hard but you guide her with tender patient touches. The sounds from that time with Grace fall to silence replaced by the quiet kissing and groping of the moment accompanied by the night chorus of frogs and insects. Vespera herself is silent outside the odd shift along the ground or brush against the stone walls.

When you do open your eyes you can see the stars within Vespera's eyes had slowed and begin to gradually turn. For the first time you see colors beyond black and white. Glimmers of rich blues and greens along with powerful violets so deep that they straddled the spectrum from visible to unseen. You could have stayed lost in the universe of her eyes forever had your more earthly desires had not been so enflamed.

"Jacob." She says though your kiss had not parted, you realize only then that her voice was not one heard by the ear.

You pull back a little and look at her perfectly symmetrical white oval face as you whisper her name. "Vespera."

There is a moment, still and tender, as you gaze into each other. Your hunger for each other growing by the second. Your own is overwhelming yet within it you can feel hers as well, still distant yet undeniably there. Given confidence and consent, this time she pulls you to her with unfathomable strength as a tentacle pushes your head from behind to bring your mouths together once more.


As your mouth meets hers once more this time you part your lips, your tongue prods against the slit that is her mouth. She opens up to you. Her mouth doesn't so much open as widens as a host of her facial filaments in that area retract and sink into her. As you plunge your tongue into her open mouth five half inch thick tapered tentacles fill your mouth from within her maw, forcing your jaw wider and stretching your lips. They come not from the center, where a human tongue might be, but from around the edges which gives your tongue space to dance and penetrate between them. Her tongues slide and writhe in your mouth like a nest of snakes, gliding along your inner cheeks, curling around your tongue, rubbing over your teeth, and pressing into your palate. Her mouth is not wet and has no taste though it has a sort of greasy texture like holding frozen butter, though no residue is left behind. The tendrils of her hair wrap around your head to hold it firm as the pair of you make out deeply and passionately and more of her tentacles wrap and slide over and around your body, one completely encircling your torso.