The Dirty Emperor


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She and the girls laughed at this and spitballed even better rejoinders.

With the big contractor being hired and a construction trailer on our pastureland, the remaining house remodeling went super-fast. A team of maybe 20 guys came in, did the rest of the demo (demolition) in less than a week, re-wired / re-plumbed / re-everything'd the whole place to Nerta's specs, and boom, it was all new again.

Kim even put up with a few weeks' disruption when they tore up the basement walls from the outside, jacked up the house on giant I-beams, dug deep, created a high ceiling expansive basement, and dropped the house down again.

I liked the second kitchen down there, it was a lot nicer than the one upstairs.

I say Kim put up with the construction because the mechanicals in the house were disrupted for a while and we had to be creative in water usage, etc.

Just about the third week after it all finished, two months after the four girls arrived, we had confirmation they were pregnant - Each. With. Twins!

That wasn't the biggest surprise. The biggest was that Kim herself was pregnant again. She'd thought she was mostly done with that. She hadn't gone through menopause just yet, but she figured, getting older, she was done. Nope! What had been old, was young again.

More bedrooms opened up from remodeling meant more space to spread out.

== ==

In late April, Connie walked in, starting to show a little in front since she was about 3 months along by that point, happy but with a worried look. I was in one of four mobile homes we'd bought and parked next to the house until things got set up. The other 3 were for living in, but we'd made one just for my office space and any other quiet study spaces we needed.

Connie's worried look was that she'd gotten a contact from back home in Uruguay that said her headmaster at her previous school (destroyed from the previous year's tsunami) had a large bunch of former students that had managed to survive the summer months doing farm labor and other tasks but with no school to return to, they were looking at being homeless.

I actually had anticipated this being her question - I'd gotten an email from A.J. (Alien Jesus) a couple of days before, just saying, "More Coming Your Way".

Her question was, could we handle more people on the farm, even now?

I said, sure, absolutely, when, and she didn't know. The answer was, 3 days travel time.

The two rationales for more women being there - both 'friends coming up' and 'recipients of scholarships' seemed to be simultaneous in their minds. I knew the truth, but I didn't talk about it, and surprisingly to me, the women never asked.

== ==

My work for AJ had turned mostly into either coordination between researchers, throwing ideas at people, rephrasing emails to people, into a coordination effort and a clearinghouse of possible tasks and inventions to pursue, and what kind of changes I wanted to see in the world.

AJ wanted to know what inventions might help the most, and how would people react if those inventions existed, side effects that might be unforeseen, etc.

The most successful idea we'd had was the aneutronic fusion plant. Some military people in the states decided to shove that to the top of the list and a pilot plant had, 3 months later, just proven out the concepts, generating 12 gigawatts out of a small office building in Bellingham, north of Seattle and south of Vancouver, right on the ocean.

For perspective, most powerplants made 1 or 2 GW. This was making 12 already and steadily, with no radioactive waste or hiccups - just steady-state power.

Since this new power came in as 'extra' and therefore incredibly cheap, every aluminum smelter in NW Washington state (quite a few) had turned on Full Blast. They could happily run 24x7 to eat up every one of those gigawatts making ingots of pure aluminum and dropping the futures prices by a few percent.

The real power plants, the larger ones in the USA, were a set of 5 under construction near major metropolitan areas around the USA (though one was near Toronto in Canada). Another 10 were being built in Europe and several others still around the world.

Each plant, scaled up slightly from what AJ had envisioned, could make 2 TW of pure electricity, quietly, with very little sound other than a big hum from the transformers. Each plant had the same capacity as the entire energy grid of the entire planet.

Power was getting Seriously Cheap.

Indeed, the company that had many of the patents (and who I was heavily invested in) had a requirement in their licensing agreements for any company building these plants to be 'green'. That is, 30% of the power they generated had to provably displace a carbon-emitting power source.

This requirement was easily met by building silicon purification plants, an easy-to-construct but hugely energy intensive to operate. All that silicon would become PV cells, and displace fossil fuel power somewhere else, on a roof, behind a house, near a business, whatever.

A.J. wanted more ideas, though.

I said, we want more people, right? We could make a pill that, taken once, fixes obesity, or makes people younger, whatever, but a few months after you take it, makes birth control less effective. It wasn't a good idea ethically, I knew that, but it might fix the underpopulation problem.

AJ replied that we would quickly outstrip our ability to grow food and world population would double in 15 years. Before that, we had to have an off-planet colony option, or underground living, artificial food sources besides growing things in dirt, etc.

So, in the meantime, I had to make more babies myself, which I was happy to do.

== ==

The second wave of immigrants arrived on time (per an email from AJ), by a chartered tour bus from Winnipeg airport to the farm. On it were 62 women, students of various nationalities, though most were from Uruguay, Chile, and Argentina.

Connie also was in the loop and demonstrated her organizational skill by setting up a receiving process and already having a lot of the needed supplies on hand for their arrival.

One of the new steel pole barns, its deep but squared-off sub-basement and basement foundations just past the 3-week curing time, had just been enclosed the previous day, with a lot of interior work left to do. Connie and Nerta coordinated with the construction manager's office to do a lot of that work themselves with the newly arrived but amateur labor, on the condition that the construction company crew (at least half female, per our requirements) would do the building safety inspections.

The bus pulled up and we were all there to greet them, guide them into the barn's interior rooms (4 floors of them - it was a huge barn), and get their stuff set down. The bunk beds, lumber, and furniture had been delivered unassembled, but it was warm enough by then that this could be an inside/outside activity.

I stood to the side with Kim for most of this, watching the semi-chaos as everyone figured out where they were supposed to go, what kind of place the farm was, etc.

(Talking with them later, it turned out their first reactions were total thanksgiving at being at such a serene and stable location, far away from the devastation that the tsunami had brought. They also had seen very worrying political upheaval.)

With two living floors and two sides to the barn, Connie had divided them into four groups of 16, each with a kitchen, laundry, set of rudimentary bathrooms, bunk/sleep rooms, activity rooms, etc. This was a huge amount of space, by my rudimentary grasp of Spanish and their body language, even given the number of people involved.

Larissa and Connie introduced Kim and I, described that the setup was designed as a scholarship effort but with 'opportunities for setting down Canadian roots,' a generic way of describing the financial deals they'd made with the 'foundation' I was pretending to run.

Since their high school had a process for lining up in ranks for 'assembly', they did that, and I was expected to walk by the lines and shake hands with everyone, but Connie interrupted that and told them we'd do the main introductions the next morning at 8 am, since they needed to unpack, use the bathroom, and whatever the spanish was for, 'hit the showers'

They'd come from places that didn't include needed facilities, so I understood that.

Kim and I went back to what we were doing and behind us, they looked like they were rushing about to get stuff done, whatever Connie and Larissa wanted them to do.

I'd never been in the Army, but I'd been in team-building exercises before where a group-task was assigned, making everyone hurry not to just work on their stuff but ensure their team members got done, too.

The women looked like they were into the team dynamic.

The next day, Kim and I showed up at the appointed hour and 'reviewed' all the arrivals, my 'crew'. They'd chosen the name of Crew over 'Team' or several other Spanish words, since the wide-open floor space (separated by many makeshift walls) reminded someone of a tall-masted ship.

I was worried over there not being railings up at the edges of the platforms so when I looked up later and saw people just walking on those upper floors next to the edge, I worried someone would fall off.

They fixed that, thank God, and my blood pressure went down.

Anyway, the crew, really crews since there were four groups, were wearing t-shirts and sweatpants and nice thick hiking or construction boots, so they looked like they were ready to get to business.

My 'review' of walking down the lines of women and shaking hands went forwards, and I was surprised by something that I hadn't expected: My memory had definitely improved.

As I shook hands with each of them and they said their name, I realized I kind-of already knew it, and could look back down the line where I'd shaken hands before, and knew everyone's name pretty confidently.

Most of these people were high school senior or college freshman aged (aged 18 to 20), and according to Connie represented the smartest and most capable of the women both at their school and (in a surprise to me) the two sister schools from areas in the Capital's outskirts. Since much of the country was destabilized by the tsunami and political stuff, and the school administration was functionally gone, these women needed a place to go, too.

Larissa pointed to a group of 8 women that she said she didn't know, and said they would speak for themselves.

Marta was a tall (taller than me) gal with clear brown eyes and Asian features, and a light-medium reddish-brown skin that glowed in a way that of our pasty-white Canadian skin didn't.

She seemed immensely nervous but proud, and I told her to relax, that she was among friends.

This didn't seem to help. She had the same invite letter as all of them, but her group was from West Kalimantan ("Ka-lee-mahn-tahn"). I was expecting her to not speak English, but she and the others had delightful British accents and big vocabularies, so they apparently spoke it at home.

They'd come from an area of Borneo (Indonesia) with a huge refugee problem from religious violence (Muslim-Christian) due to local rulers pitting groups against each other to gain power. The women she was with were, per her plain telling, quite literally the smartest students in all of her province of 8 million people.

Only six of the eight were Catholic; the other two were Islamic but fundamentalists had interfered with girls getting good education so they'd pretended to be Catholic to get in.

Due to the religious violence, they faced persecution and zero opportunities since they couldn't easily get passports. That these passports had suddenly arrived for them, unrequested, made for some very nerve-wracking concerns about what kind of situation they were getting into.

Happily, the travel situation was for Canada, and the worry level went way down. Suffice to say the risk of being abducted / human-trafficked to Canada to a lawless brothel was... remote.

One of the girls complained that she really wanted to be a doctor, but couldn't, that she'd almost been kidnapped into an arranged marriage, which she didn't mind if it was a good family, but that would have meant she couldn't study medicine, her life dream.

All six had similar stories - trapped by family and politics despite being book smart and ambitious.

I asked if the Catholic church had been any help, and she said their convent school was the top tier of schools, the hardest to get into, and still the church couldn't help them escape without angering the local power structure.

So, my review done, I congratulated them, described where the University of Manitoba UM campus was, that there would be a big contingent going, and that we'd try to make it all work.

They had skepticism, reasonable in my book.

Over the course of the next week, those six and the others got familiar with each other and started pulling together into a cohesive group that got a huge amount accomplished on the interior of their living space.

They even accommodated a group of late arrivals, another 8 women this time from Cuba. Two of these were full-fledged doctors already, and the other six were nurse-midwives who wanted to go to medical school.

Their problem was, they were board certified in _Cuba_, not Canada. So, those credentials didn't mean anything. Canada had its own certification process.

Certifying as a doctor could take a long time and cost significant money. We were all happy to have them, of course, and I knew they'd be studying just as hard as anyone else to learn the Canadian way of doing things as well as remembering all the medical stuff they needed to know 'for the tests' as opposed to what was actually practical knowledge that they'd been using for several years.

== ==

Kim took charge of the new group, helping Connie and Larissa out, and got all the required stuff done - enrollment for summer semester at UM, payment of fees and buying books, lawyering to get the immigration aspects solved (transition from tourist to student visas), and all the medical dental, and eye exams done.

To give our new people a chance to integrate into the way the 'house' went, Connie arranged for a certain number to eat and stay either in the main house or one of the mobile homes that were adjoining.

Kim arranged, for every day of the first week, to give me a blowjob in the morning, collect my cum into a cup, mix that into a fruit drink. Then, in her happy celebratory ritual, she'd have a group of them drink a toast to the new living arrangements.

As she'd promised before, she was intent on delivering. She had said to me that first time (and I didn't need reminding) that it was important to her that, as a matter of bringing-together, a family thing, that each girl that came to live with us would have a little of my cum in them.

Given how that had adjusted the girls' libidos and level of acceptance of me and the house, I guessed that AJ had a plan in all of this. I let it happen, really, since I had my own preoccupations with what AJ was doing to world politics and tech trends.

So, about two weeks after they got there, and a few days after the morning blowjobs ended, Kim mentioned that she and Connie had arranged for a 'review' of our teams, to look at how the construction work on the pole-barn was going, etc. It was to happen the next morning, 8 am sharp, and I should be wearing UM sweats like they had been issued.

Sure, why not, I thought, and Larissa (having that night with me) reminded me the night before.

Kim and I slept together 2 nights a week but that morning wasn't one of them. We normally saw each other at breakfast; that morning we chatted in anticipation and guessed about what the 'review' would bring.

Even with Kim denying knowledge about what was coming up, I suspected subterfuge. Something about this whole deal didn't seem right.

We finished our breakfast on time and went to the barn, which I saw had Nerta as a door sentry, either waiting for me, or just hanging out.

Nerta opened the 'barn' door to wave us in, "Welcome, sir. You're right on time, it's 8:01 am."

I stopped and gave her a kiss, and to my delight, Kim stepped in behind me and gave her a kiss, too, on the lips, like she was used to doing that. It shot me a little thrill knowing Kim was getting her needs met, too.

The lower level of the barn fanned out into two wings under the upper floors, but there was a central atrium that the upper floors opened onto at the front. Instead of being wide-open, though, big 2x2 meter acoustic ceiling panels were suspended all over and at angles throughout the space, with the effect that all sound was effectively deadened.

The main floor, now flat concrete instead of thick corrugated-wavy steel flooring separating that room from the basements, was covered in large carpets and set up as separate living room areas with couches and TV's, cafeteria tables and comfy office chairs, and rolling whiteboards.

The part of me that was still a thrifty, make-do, spend-nothing guy was cringing at all the expenditures in the building, but at the same time, it was set up beautifully, and all the space was actually being used by people. The thing that would have really upset me would have been waste, but I didn't see any of that. There were a lot of people living there, and seeing functional furniture made me happy, like they were really getting better settled.

This isn't to say they were done - the inside walls were still corrugated steel and I could see the process where they were installing fiberglass wall insulation behind thick plastic sheeting, but the parts that were done at that point gave it a cozy, college-dorm, collegiate atmosphere.

Paint on the beams gave it more of a finished, clean look, too, upbeat, like my own outlook and certainly like the prevailing mood over the past few weeks.

Almost no one was in the main atrium room, but since it opened to a larger hallway down the center of the building, I figured there was something going on there.

As we walked in, Nerta followed us and pointed to the center door to that hallway. "Straight on in there, sir. I'm standing guard to make sure we don't have surprise visitors."

Kim and I shrugged and walked through the surprisingly silent room, and opened the double fire-doors to the interior... and... Wow!

Down both sides of the wide hallway, facing us in two long lines and standing at attention, were all 72 women.

All of them were Completely Stark Naked.

The front of each line, I noticed were two of the team heads, smiling their butts off.

I got to the front and Leia, a shorter but powerfully-built blonde (athletic-build to the shoulders, I think from swimming), started things off. "Sir and Ma'am. Kevin and Kim. We welcome you to our first Review and Close Order Drill."

My laugh was of appreciation and 'wow', though I said, "Well then. I don't think I've Ever, Ever had even a dream about this, and that's saying something."

Kim, looking down the line, said, "Looks like you all did some 'trim work' too."

Following her eyes, I saw she was referring to the people on one side of the hallway having small landing strips, mostly, and the other side being clean-shaven. Farther down, and I looked down the hallway, one side had triangles, and the other side had a triangle with a reverse-landing strip of a triangle minus the landing strip.

I laughed, "Very creative! I love it! It's a... pubic hair insignia. For which group you're in. Clever!"

She was grinning, "Sir, yes, sir."

"When did this idea occur to you?"

"Several nights ago. Some of us were sitting around and wondering what kind of 'review' to give you and the missus, and we decided, hey, something where, if we just _happen_ to be naked, and you _Happen_ to be looking... It's kinda fun. Plus, we'll know which water polo team we're on, when we're swimming later."
