The Dirty Emperor


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Her eyes twinkled at that - the pool was promised but nowhere close to done, and everyone knew it. It would be in the basement level of a sizable building where the foundations were barely half-dug.

"So, should I just walk down the line, then?"


And, walk we did, down opposite sides of the hall, Kim and I. In front of each woman I stopped, called them by their first name (which I'm sure was noticed as impressive) and shook their hand.

Kim got to the end before me and we passed each other going opposite directions.

After I got back to the front, I asked what the plan was, and Kim said that they had a full workday planned but if I had any special requests I should make them.

"If anyone wants to arrange to keep me company at night, I'm open to that, but someone would need to schedule it, and I think that's... Connie?"

"It is. Connie. Or, myself," Kim said. "As you wish. We do have another option, we talked about, but we were thinking you would ... regard as ... uncouth?"

I laughed, "That would be hard. What did someone have in mind?"

"We thought it would be fun to have people do handstands and you could greet them upside down, if you want, say, get a good look."

Her eyes were twinkling, like this was a naughty thought. I was pretty sure she was far enough along (baby weight) that being upside down might be ungainly and might even be tough given heavier than normal stress on her arm muscles. "Uh, how about we do that another time... Next week maybe."

"Next week it is."

Obviously this 'maybe' was taken as a definite and as fun as that.

At that moment, though, having seen that many naked girls, I was seriously horny. I said, "Tell you what. I didn't quite get enough sleep last night, and I might like to take a nap, and if I had a few bed-warmers, that might be a good plan. But, only if someone really wants to, there can Never Ever Ever be any coercion here, that'd be ugly, and we're into the family thing."

"Of course!"

Kim and I took our leave, having complimented them enough, and went back to the house.

Kim asked if I wanted a blowjob now or later or if I wanted to do some fun-schtupping with one of the new crew, and I admitted, yes, the new crew did look like fun, so I headed into my office side-building (with a King bed), to find three girls already there and with wet hair, so they'd just stepped out of the shower.

I understood that idea, wanting to not risk being less than perfect on an important occasion.

Sex! Lots of fun!

== ==

Over the next 3 months, really May-June to early August, much of the farm was overrun with heavy digging construction equipment, truckloads of girders and steel, deliveries, specialty workmen (mostly women workers from out-of-province), and I had very little time for any of it.

Sure, I'd walk outside and see what was happening that day, but so much of my day was playing what-if scenarios with some futurist consultants I'd hired to evaluate possible inventions.

All sorts of companies got investments from other companies I owned or had a large stake in, and most of those went from small specialty firms to worldwide powerhouses in quick order with relatively new products.

For instance, it'd long been relatively easy on a small scale to precisely recreate much of the chemical components of cows' milk - all 124 proteins, 7 types of lipids, and two sugars. Those were the common ones by weight, since some individual cows passed on immunoglobulins, germs, hormones, and other things most humans shouldn't have and didn't want.

The question was how to make all of these components at scale and using feedstocks that were entirely plant-based. Analyzing which components contributed to taste and nutrition was key, and there were companies that had done a lot of that work.

What they couldn't do was recreate these components At Scale (industrial production volumes) in vats using vegetable ingredients and mixtures of yeasts. They needed help.

AJ delivered that help, via me, and some sequencing know-how. We chose one company, SafeMilk, already working the problem, invested several million dollars in them, and then arranged for them to 'discover' things that made artificial cows' milk. That is, an exact taste-alike for dairy-cow milk at 10% of the cost. Further, being absolutely chemically pure, there'd be no hormones, no pathogens or diseases passed from live animals who lived in poop, etc.

It had an unrefrigerated shelf-life (sealed) of (AJ asserted) at least 7 years, but as many as 20.

Our one company captured contracts just as fast as we could build production capacity, which given the price of stainless steel vats and ready availability of soy and barley products, grew Super Fast.

In a year, it charted to be worth about $4B. Expanding worldwide pushed that to $40B, and I owned a 12% stake of that company.

Money was not a problem.

The net effect was apparent near our farm, though, since there were several dairy farms not so far away and their land price dropped.

That's just one example. We did the same for hamburger and both salmon and tilapia fish.

The problem still was raising enough soybeans and corn.

The Americans, stupid and corrupt as they sometimes are, had been subsidizing putting perfectly good ethanol into gasoline to boost octane ratings. This was stupid. Driving towards massive battery mining and production pushed that subsidy out by the fall, and the various legislatures around the USA and Canada both cut out all incentives.

Of course, I'd made some leveraged options trades on those companies to bet they'd die, and my portfolio increased at the same time.

A small mining-tech firm in Utah had some good engineers, AJ said, and he had me channel them some ideas for far more efficient tunneling techniques using large-scale liquid nitrogen generators (power-intensive but remarkably simple). Tunnel Boring Machines, TBM's, typically abraded rock, emplaced reinforced-concrete arched slabs to line the tunnel, and moved forward.

These machines couldn't move fast because they had continuing maintenance on the cutting heads, jam-ups of small rocks in the machines, and conveyor-belt problems to get rid of the spoil (removed rock).

Using the newfound cheap power (the US power grid was suddenly supercharged with more power than the lines could carry without melting), a better TBM could just aim a firehose of ultra-fine liquid nitrogen droplets at the cliff face in a tunnel, freeze a section, bang it with a hammer, and watch the rock utterly shatter to tiny, conveyor-belt-friendly chunks.

AJ had more plans in place for a cutting head with free-electron lasers that was even cleaner, but the radiation would be nasty so the work would have to wait until we had better humanoid robots to help.

Politically, AJ wanted me to migrate the world to being more interdependent and growing, which required replacing dictators with elected governments. Ever get rid of a dictator? Yeah, not so easy.

Money solved some of these problems, in small countries as well as parts of large ones. Funding opposition candidates, investigative journalism, beating a drum to expel corrupt officials everywhere, fully-funded voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts, the money itself wasn't that big, but the targeting of specific people by some of the journalists wasn't quite 'clean' either, ethically. I knew the corrupt officials deserved to be sent to justice, but it's another thing when the justice systems wouldn't do the job and AJ had to find a way to get it done By Other Means.

I knew some of what was happening, and I had to turn a blind eye to the points where it went illegal. For instance, criminal organizations running drugs into the USA (and many other places) had an organizational structure, depended on payoffs and secrecy, but all that was open to AJ.

The root problem of drug abuse wasn't criminals, it was the other way around. Drug abuse is a societal health problem, but casting it as 'weakness' of addicts doesn't fix it. Real drugs that cure addiction do that.

AJ (through some money I controlled) funded large-scale production of Ibogaine, a hallucinogenic from tree bark in Mali (W. Africa), easily made at HUGE volume in a small number of microbreweries scattered around the world.

The side effect of taking a new drug AJ created ('Verv") plus the ibogaine (a four-day LSD-trip) was to rewire the brain to be immune from all opiate addictions, including heroin, cocaine, oxycontin, morphine, etc. Any attempt to take these drugs while not in physical pain would generate opposite effects, nonlinear responses that changed the 'high' to a massive pain cascade.

At a second dose, the 4-day trip forced a non-sleeping introspection tour that made the patient rethink their entire life's motivations, and add modifications to their biochemical neurology from the hippocampus outwards, plus a smattering of optimism even to correct severely depressed brains.

It was the worst nightmare for drug-dependent criminal enterprises.

At that point, mid-August, we'd just done a large-scale release of this via a simultaneous release through most of the southern USA, central Europe, China, and Brazil.

To say that the drug enforcement bureaus of all the world were interested in how this happened is a massive understatement. Happily, due to creative work by AJ, none of it traced back to me.

Still, it was fun to watch on TV all of the conservatives going apeshit over how the evil liberals were poisoning 'urban thugs' (read: poor people of color), even when the 'poison' was a cure for both whites and non-whites alike, mostly in the rural areas where desperation and drug addiction were actually worse than in cities.

That summer, the world was changing in some profound ways.

As our farm expanded living quarters beyond the almost-barn's significant housing capacity, those living there transferred to the new buildings, or moved out to apartments in nearby towns. Safely ensconced in the university life for summer semester, they seemed pretty happy.

I didn't officially know how many of them were pregnant. It didn't matter. I was having a good time watching the world get better, and taking lots of breaks to have fun sex with my live-in Concube Horde (tm).

As people moved out, for on-prem new trailers and apartment building bunkrooms, it opened up the Barn for more people, so more people started arriving.

Women from all over the world arrived. Kim and her management team (yes, she got help) split new people into groups of 16, and then further into five groups of 3 and a leader. They'd arrive from anywhere, first one, then two, then four groups (64 people on a bus, repeated), every Saturday morning.

Since we had a surplus staff of very smart people, they organized it with a process where they'd be guided through orientation sessions, tours of the farm, Winnipeg, the college, grocery stores, and all the normal stuff of Canadian life. Meanwhile, the paperwork they filed would get them admitted provisionally to the college (or to various other colleges in the area and in nearby Saskatchewan), then to the immigration department, provincial government records, health services, etc., so any complexities were handled.

Some came to us with significant health issues. One group had four blind people, of course all treatable with modern Canadian medical care. Almost everyone needed wisdom teeth pulled and braces, it was a very common thing to not have in the third world.

The first of August was the first group that had young children with them, too.

I wasn't sure what to do about that, from an organizational perspective, but the women all seemed to just take it in stride. Infants to toddlers of 1 or 2 years old, they got moved into the same places as everyone else.

Really, they were refugees, from some of the most war-torn or corrupt or unequal areas on Earth. To a one, they were wicked-smart and capable, and they got along really well together after about the first week.

Kim, of course, kept up her ritual of a fruit-juice toast welcoming them to the farm.

Two weeks after each batch arrived, they'd been fully vaccinated, examined, and treated (where rarely needed). Connie would then arrange for the by-then traditional naked "Crew Assembly and Review".

Since we had childcare facilities already set up and going (to be immensely expanded later, of course, but sufficient for the few initial kids), these Crew Review arrangements were Adults Only (of course).

Each Review, we figured out after a few weeks, was far more of a celebratory event for them than for me, and sometimes other crews would line the walls to watch and share a punch and cookies reception afterwards.

After the first one of these where observers were also naked, those under review took to wearing an N for Newbie in lipstick on their right shoulders. This devolved the next week to having the N on their bare right breast, but I thought that was gaudy and Connie arranged for painters' hats with a hand-drawn N on the front, passed down from week to week.

Of course, like the first group of 64, each group was subdivided into 4 x 16 squads. The pubic hair designs remained (6 total designs - triangle, landing strip, O, X, H, and C, for some reason). Designs got to be individual choice, but with a recommendation to keep the numbers roughly equal.

My enthusiastic crew was devoted to getting an education and joining their compatriots in creating a new life in Canada.

The term, 'new life' is apropos in this context: our first births happened in September.

Kim gave birth September 2nd to a healthy baby boy, Sean, 4.1 kilos, with Connie and Kim delivering Kayla and Beatta about a week later.

I was overjoyed at the new additions to the house.

The sports complex and at least half the residences were, by then, outside-complete.

One concept that seemed a problem was getting students to U Manitoba in Winnipeg, without attracting a ton of attention. It was almost 45 minutes away by car and I knew that the law of numbers was (given being new moms, some of them, and nursing, with no sleep) that someone was going to crash and die.

This led to the Buffal-Go (in honor of the U Manitoba Bison) Bus Service, a.k.a., the "Bubs-Bus". Nine brand new double-decker tour buses (with bathrooms) made 6 trips a day, breakfast and sandwiches served. Knowing this would get attention, We served 8 different cities surrounding Winnipeg with efficient and cost-effective service. With 8 buses in service, we always had spares in case of mechanical needs, and some of the women were Army vets and knew how to maintain equipment.

"Cost-Effective" is code for not charging very much because they're students.

Plenty of other people started taking these buses, though we limited who could ride on the routes to the farm because we always wanted ample capacity for Crew.

I even rode this to campus a few times, to see how things worked.

The roads turned out to be really bumpy, and I could see almost no one was reading.

Suffice to say, I got some good mechanics on the job and replaced leaf springs and added air-bag suspensions, and after that, the ride was so smooth even big bumps did nothing but rock back and forth a little.

Fixing the roads took a while longer, but went way faster than these things normally do. It turned out that the provincial officials responsible for those roads got calls several times a day asking when those roads would be fixed. While trying to placate citizens was part of the job of a provincial highway planning department, they weren't prepared for the firehose of attention to some bad sections they'd not figured were worth fixing.

The second ride, I got a ride on the way back when a couple of the girls decided they should all be naked, but cooler heads prevailed to make sure they weren't sitting naked-butt on a shared bus seat.

Of course, my lap was a better seat and I got to cum twice on that one trip, up into two beautiful, happy, and utterly delighted crewmembers.

Making love in a crowd is always kind of fun but lends an attention to what facial expressions to allow people to see. Sometimes what you feel like, you know, has to look completely stupid to others.

On the trip back, I was treated to a similar naked-ride, but instead got a blowjob. Proving they could all ride in the seats upside down, their shoulders on the seats and their legs spread, the girl that gave me the blowjob refrained from swallowing and instead dribbled a tiny bit of my cum between a whole bunch of upturned, pouty, well-massaged pussy lips.

After they came to live at the farm, almost everyone was just about the perfect student, and highly organized, for whatever reason. Of course someone tracked the result of that blowjob, and 15 of the 18 girls receiving that single cum-dribble got pregnant, to their great delight.

Aside from the benefit of having been (obviously) somewhat brainwashed by whatever AJ put into my cum, even on the surface it was a darned good deal for the women.

Sure, they were having at least one kid. They had mutual support for childcare during college. They got a completely free college experience. They got to be in a close-knit sorority of supportive friends/family. And, last but not least, financially? They'd never really need to work again in their lives. They could be stay-at-home moms if they wanted, though not rich ones. By the second kid, though, they'd be well off, and as more kids arrived, the better off they'd be.

Still, they weren't in it for the money. I could tell. I think that was part of the brainwashing thing. Their motivations, whatever they were before they arrived, changed to being more along the 'save the planet' vibe, getting degrees that do good things for humanity.

How could I make this work?

As the richest man on the planet (several years later, not quite yet then), I could afford to pay the bounty on this for the right to have lots of kids. We both got great things.

AJ directed me sometime mid-August to build-out the farm area and size the place to be a town of 5,000, in a combination of spacious steel-frame high-ceilinged apartments, full of amenities and close to other apartments.

We were building a city, I realized, and I had to change ownership of the apartments to be condominium-like, to dispel suspicion of so many people living there.

By October, we had foundations done for many more buildings, and a permanent construction crew after I'd bought up the construction company as a corporate purchase. Adding classrooms for 'remote learning', U Manitoba was happy to accept a donation from the 'foundation' to 'build' a remote campus across the road from our original property (land donated by our foundation, they happily accepted).

The town we were building needed more land-owners and to be incorporated as a proper provincial town, and that meant having a name.

Kim christened our town Kusbu, the Arabic word for fertile.

Among all the things we were, fertile was certainly foremost.

With the help of sperm collection both from blowjobs and via direct delivery to their cervical 'os' via a little fun physical activity, nearly everyone who arrived was pregnant within 2 months of getting there.

I was somewhat limited in the number of women I could make love with. My libido had increased significantly, but more than 6 ejaculations a day I found to be more tiresome than fun.

Responsibility for keeping track of timing fell to a committee and I had an app on my phone for that, and some proper habits. I always slept in the same bed, though.

== ==

The questions coming from AJ were both odd and mundane. It started with, "What are the biggest threats to mankind you're worried about?"

Global warming, pandemic disease, chemical and bioweapons, ecological collapse from a critical piece of biodiversity going away, and nuclear war, all those topped the list. In a distant spot, I added the rise of artificial intelligences that don't like humans or want to change them profoundly.
