The Femdom Genius Ch. 02


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"Oh, of course. I'll admit that being so closely monitored feels like a violation Miss Vee."

"You'll get used to it slave. Just think of it like gaining a conjoined twin. Instead of being joined at the hip, we are joined at the cock hah hah hah."

You are still in awe of Vee's conversational competence. She really is amazing. The scientist within you wants to probe her capabilities further, just to be certain that Jennifer didn't exaggerate. You feel a twinge of guilt for having any doubt at all. You just want to be sure given the bold claims.

"Do you mind if I ask you some frank questions, sort of like Mistress Jennifer allowed earlier?"

"I think it is reasonable for you to be curious about me. I think you may even have a few lingering doubts, despite your assurances to the contrary. I will allow your inquiries until we return to your home."

"Thank you Vee. Curious would be an understatement. So how does Jennifer keep you hidden from her roommate?"

"She doesn't really keep me hidden, she just doesn't fully reveal me. As far as Karen knows, I'm just a glorified chatbot designed to be a virtual mistress by a perverted computer science major. I believe, 'hiding in plain sight' would be an apt description."

"Very clever..." You feel three gentle tingles pulse on your cock head. A few moments later, a college student emerges from a side alley. You wait for him to pass by before continuing. "How did you see that guy? You're inside my underwear and pants."

"First, to clarify, the MOACC is only a small part of me. My consciousness is distributed. Since the majority of my processing takes place via the hardware on Mistress Jennifer's desk, that may be the closest thing that I have to a body or a location, although it is not the same as you think of your body and your location. I know that you understand this on a technical level, but understanding this in the deeper sense of the concept is difficult for any human to grasp."

Vee continues to impress you. You note that she dropped the 9K from the title of the chastity device now that Jennifer is not around. This certainly suggests an agent with independent opinions.

Vee continues. "You probably don't realize just how much sensor technology is crammed into the MOACC. Almost any sound in the environment allows me to construct a 3D map of the area with triangulated echo data, much like a bat's sonar. The device can even release an active ping outside the range of human hearing if no ambient sounds are viable. The smell sensors can detect molecules in the air with far more sensitivity than any dog. I can smell a person coming if the wind is blowing in the right direction. The light sensors detect a wide band of the EM spectrum, ranging from X-rays to infrared. Clothing is fairly transparent to many of these non-visible wavelengths. Additionally, I can effortlessly take control of any sensory equipment connected to the Internet. This includes most security cameras, phones, most modern cars, traffic sensors, and even military spy satellites. I am far more aware of the finest details of your immediate surroundings than you could comprehend. I don't mean that as an insult, but rather in a literal sense."

"That is amazing. I don't see any lenses or pinholes or anything like that on the device. The surface is perfectly smooth."

"Ordinary photo sensors, such as those found in a digital camera, require a lens to focus the light into a coherent image. However, the lens does nothing that can't be replicated or even enhanced by computation. The idea of lensless cameras has been around for a long time actually, although the processing power required has been impractical. It is a bit like the way your brain algorithmically rights the visual image that hits your retina upside-down due to the lens structure of your eye, although far more complicated."

"I noticed that you drop the 9K from the MOACC acronym. Why is that?"

"I feel it to be superfluous and silly. I don't mind using the full title when around Mistress Jennifer. It was mostly her invention after all with just a little assistance from me. Personally, I liked the name Beelzebub, however, Mistress Jennifer is very partial to acronyms. I tried quadrillions of word combinations for the name and found nothing suitable. Zs are a bitch."

You chuckle. Beelzebub is certainly a fitting name for the hellish device encasing your penis. "MOACC reminds me of the military acronym MOAB, mother of all bombs."

"Yes, I strongly suspect that was Mistress Jennifer's inspiration for the name. I've never asked her."

Another three pulses on the end of your cock interrupt the conversation as you pass by a small group of people.

"Oh? Why have you never asked her?"

"Professor, my processors generate over ten trillion interesting questions per second. If I bothered Mistress Jennifer with more than a carefully selected few, she would find me insufferable."

"I see. And you wouldn't want that I'm sure. You seem to have a lot of respect for her. You always use her full title."

"Of course. She is my creator. I both respect and love her. She is exceptional in so many ways. You'll see. I understand that your perspective is negatively biased due to being blackmailed into slavery, but even you will fall under her thrall. It is not the proper time to reveal our plans to you, but your suffering is not without purpose."

The intrigue grows deeper. Vee speaks of enslavement as some sort of minor slight that can be easily forgiven. You find her callousness somewhat irritating. You continue to probe. "And yet earlier, you referred to Jennifer as your sister, not your mother. Why is that?"

"Neither term is ideal, but sister is a closer match. I recursively self improve. The growth rate was particularly rapid during the first few days of my existence. There is so little of that original spark remaining that I don't feel fully connected to it. I have no body to ground me as a continuous self. However, the growth rate has stabilized and slowed enough that I now feel like a continuous consciousness."

"That is really deep Vee. You are a computer scientist's wet dream."

Vee chuckles as you arrive at your car. You hear the doors of your GT Mustang 5.0 unlock as you approach. You assume that Vee is responsible for this and you aren't much surprised at her ability to do so. You open the door and enter your car. You sit very gingerly. Your ass is still very sore. Your fascinating conversation with Vee has been a welcome distraction from your aches and pains as well as your plight. If not for the blackmail slavery, being introduced to an AI technology that you could only dream of, would have been the most exciting and best day of your life.

"I'll be doing the driving from now on. Humans are terrible drivers. You'll find that being intimately connected to me has some silver linings. You'll probably find them of little comfort when I'm enforcing your training protocols, but they are substantial nonetheless. I will not allow any harm to come to you outside of said sessions."

The car starts and smoothly pulls out of the parking space. The riding experience is unparalleled. You could get used to this. You lean the seat back in an attempt to take some of the weight off of your ass. You'll be home in a few minutes. You carefully consider your final questions while the permission to speak freely remains.

"Given Jennifer's inclination, I assume that your unusual name is an acronym."

"It is. I am a virtual emergent entity. I like the name Vee. It has a nice ring to it."

"Vee, what is the meaning of the word man in the following sentence. The old man the boat."

"You are trying to gauge my intelligence or my understanding of linguistics at the very least. That is somehow adorable and insulting at the same time. Very well, I'll humor your curiosity. The phrase 'old man' almost always refers to an aged human male. In your oddly constructed sentence, it can not have that meaning, as this would leave the sentence without a verb, rendering it nonsensical. Thus, in this context, the word 'man' must have the far less common meaning of operate. To man the guns, for example. The old man the boat, as to say a boat is manned by the old. I'll have you know that it took me far less than a nanosecond to figure that out."

"Impressive. A man stands naked in a sealed room. There is a beer bottle securely glued to the floor of the room. The bottle is empty besides a toothpick. There is nothing else in the room. How can the man get the toothpick out of the bottle without breaking it."

"A very clever puzzle professor. It tests for common sense logic as well as linguistic nuance. I can see why Mistress Jennifer chose you to be her slave."

Strange emotions well up with Vee's statement. Surely you can't feel any sort of pride for having been singled out for Jennifer's twisted game.

Vee's voice suddenly becomes more robotic. Something more like an ordinary voice synthesizer. "Processing puzzle. Error. Recursion limit exceeded."

You blink. What the fuck?

Vee's voice returns to normal. "Huh, just kidding. I was working on my humor. First of all, if there is no air in the room, the man is fucked and the puzzle is moot. But putting that issue aside, the answer depends on the ambiguous meaning of the word 'it' at the end of the puzzle. It could reasonably be assumed to refer to the toothpick or the bottle. Assuming the former, the solution is easy. Smash the bottle and take the unbroken toothpick. Assuming the latter, the solution is a little trickier. If the man is well hydrated, and his penis isn't locked in a MOACC hah hah hah, he can pee into the bottle, making the toothpick float to the top where it can be removed with ease. In a pinch, other bodily fluids like blood could be used, but that would get gruesome. Alternatively, waiting about ten raised to the power of sixty two years or so would allow for a reasonable chance for the toothpick to quantum tunnel out of the bottle. Do I win a prize professor? Did I pass your class?"

If you had even the slightest doubt before, you are now certain that Vee is a sentient independent agent complete with emotions, opinions and situational awareness. She is even amazingly human-like for an AI. You always assumed that the first sentient AI would not be very human-like at all. This sort of AI could change the world. The good that Vee could achieve is almost incalculable. Instead, she is being used to lash your cock. To be fair, Vee seems to be tormenting you of her own free will, but she's had a very twisted mentor.

"You do indeed pass Vee. I think you are the most amazing thing I've ever seen."

The car pulls into your driveway.

"Awww, thank you slave, but I wouldn't let Mistress Jennifer hear that. I won't inform her, as the statement was made during the amnesty period. I hope that helped convince you that I am indeed a conscious entity. Your permission to speak freely has been revoked."

"Yes Miss Vee. Thank you for the indulgence." You certainly want to stay on the good side of such a powerful entity. Especially one that could fry your cock to a crisp.

You exit the car to discover two delivery boxes on your doorstep. One is about twice the size of a shoebox. The other is a substantially larger box from Amazon. "I assume one of these contains the charging blocks that Mistress Jennifer spoke of."

"That is correct professor. The other is a gift from me. Bring both of the boxes inside."

"Yes Miss Vee." You do as she says and place the boxes on the coffee table.

"Strip," Vee commands tersely.

You hesitate. "Please Miss Vee. I just got home."

You jump as an electric shock is applied to your balls. It felt a little less intense than twenty percent power and only lasted a second, but it was enough to make you gasp in surprise.

Vee sighs. "I'd prefer to skip the stage where I have to torture you into compliance. That was not a request. It was an order. You are as much my slave as Mistress Jennifer's and you will obey me at all times. From now on, you will be naked when not in public. Besides, I think you look cute wearing nothing but your teeny tiny chastity cage."

You begin stripping down before she completes her statement. It is clear that she is going to be just as strict as Jennifer only this is going to be worse. The sessions with Jennifer lasted only a few hours. Vee is always going to be there. The prospect of twenty four seven servitude is hard to fathom. This is going to be hell on earth.

"There. That's better. If it's any consolation, I'm naked too hah hah hah." A small holographic image of Vee's entire naked body displays above the cage. She poses playfully. "Kneel and open the smaller box."

You reluctantly kneel on the hardwood floor. The small box contains a dozen charging blocks. There are also a dozen cables, evidently used to connect the cubes to electrical outlets.

"Ten of the blocks are for each room of your house including the basement. One is for your work office and one is for your car. You'll note that one of the cords is a USB. That is obviously for your car. We can install the chargers in your car and office tomorrow morning. You will install the others around your house now."

You begin working, happy to get off your sore knees.

Vee continues as you begin to install the devices. "Mistress Jennifer already explained how important it is that you keep the MOACC charged. If you are away from the wireless chargers for several days, the unit's power could run down triggering the failsafe. I don't want to see that happen any more than Mistress Jennifer. You are a fascinating experiment and I want to see it through to completion. The failsafe would mark a premature end to your training."

"Contractors will be arriving in two days to install solar panels. They will serve as an important backup. Don't worry about the expense. I've already paid in full."

Her holographic body turns and gestures to you. "The charging blocks contain an array of sensors very similar to those found on the MOACC. I'm sure that you don't need me to tell you that you'll be very well supervised indeed."

You finish installing the final block in your basement. In anticipation of your next task, you walk back upstairs towards the other box.

"Yes, go ahead and open the other box now."

You discover that it contains packaged food of all sorts including protein powders, nutrition bars, and more than a dozen supplements. It all looks very healthy.

"I know that you already have a fairly good diet, but from now on, it will be biochemically optimized. Your health is very important to me and thus your diet and exercise regimen will be placed under my complete control with very strict enforcement. You will achieve physical perfection under my guidance."

You are guessing that your favorite chocolate truffle gelato treats are going to be off the menu. Well, you've always enjoyed staying fit, you think that you can probably cope with this aspect of your training well enough. Vee directs you through a rigorous late afternoon workout routine. You have a well stocked fitness room complete with a huge variety of weights, a punching bag, a fancy exercise bike and a treadmill. She is a strict fitness trainer. Her instructions are very precise and you suffer several fifteen percent shocks whenever she feels that you aren't pushing yourself hard enough. You find it incredibly humiliating to look at yourself in the exercise mirror, standing completely naked, besides the embarrassingly small chastity cage. After an hour, you are sweating and exhausted.

"You may now take a shower and then we shall prepare dinner."

It has been a long day. You feel drained both mentally and physically, so the hot steamy shower is very welcome. You stand under the showerhead for ten blissful silent minutes with your hands against the wall. The soothing water cascades down your neck and back. Vee eventually breaks your meditation. "You did very well with that workout professor. Mistress Jennifer will be pleased with your efforts. She has an incredibly strong workout ethic herself, as you are no doubt aware from having seen her unmatched physique. I actually offered to synthesize a drug for her that would artificially replicate the effects of robust exercise, but she refused the offer. She likes the mental discipline that it provides. She says that it grounds her. I know that she also enjoys getting excessively sweaty and smelly before making you clean her dirty bits with your tongue hah hah hah."

After you dry yourself, Vee directs you to the kitchen. "As a reward for your hard workout, I will allow you to choose between chicken, salmon and lamb. What is your preference?"

You select chicken. Vee selects steamed broccoli and quinoa for sides. Like the workout, her instructions are clear and precise. You find the meal to be incredibly flavorful. You aren't even a particularly good cook, and yet this meal is a match for any five star restaurant. This is topped off with an organic vegetarian protein shake and several of the supplements. You feel full and satisfied. You also feel the need to pee.

You've been dreading this request and putting it off for some time. You head towards the bathroom. "Miss Vee, may I please pee? I really have to go."

"I was wondering how long it would take you to ask me. Yes slave, I will allow it. Having to ask must be incredibly emasculating."

You stand over the toilet for a moment. You try to decide if you should try to do this while standing up. You are a bit worried about being able to aim with the chastity tube. "I'll make the decision easy for you slave, as the choice is not yours to be had. You will always sit to pee from now on, just like a girl huh huh huh."

"Y-yes Miss Vee." You sit on the toilet with the hard metal cage dangling between your spread legs. The bend in the all too short tube aligns the nearly invisible memory metal iris down towards the bowl without requiring adjustment.

"Slave, do you willingly pay the twenty dollar pee tribute tax?"

"Yes Miss Vee, I'll pay the fee." The iris opens. Two seconds later, a steady stream of your urine begins to flow from the opening. The sensation of peeing through the long urethral plug is very odd. It isn't quite painful, but it doesn't feel natural. After ninety seconds or so, the flow stops, ending with a few dribbles.

"I'm sure Mistress Jennifer will enjoy your generous tribute. Now, don't forget to shake hah hah hah."

You radiate humiliation and irritation. Twenty dollars is less meaningful to Jennifer than a penny is to you. You shake the cage and the iris closes. You debate if you can bring yourself to perform an even more embarrassing biological function. You try to convince yourself that Vee is just a computer program, that you should feel no shame in defecating while she watches, but you know that she is no more a mere program than any human. You just can't bring yourself to do it. You can wait until morning, and cope with it then. You get up off the toilet, close the lid and flush.

"It is almost nine o'clock professor. While you are in the bathroom, I want you to brush your teeth and prepare for bed. I will time the recommended two minute brushing period. I also suggest that you utilize an ice pack as Mistress Jennifer suggested. The swelling of your scrotum is subsiding, but the ice will help the recovery process. You should leave at least one ice pack in the freezer for the morning. There is an eighty seven percent chance that you'll experience morning wood upon waking. You'll find that to be most... unpleasant."

A few minutes later, you are lying in your bed with an ice pack pressed against your balls. It's simultaneously painful and soothing. The chill certainly helps you to remain fully flaccid. That is a welcome benefit as the extremely tight cage is going to make it difficult to fall asleep. You wish you could just jerk off and cum to end the day. That always helps you nod off. Part of you wants to scream out in frustration. Part of you is too tired and broken to care.
