The Flavor of Desire


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"How so? Can you explain its effects?"

"Based on last night's experiences, I'd say it doesn't seem to be a simple stimulant. I expected something like caffeine, for energy, but it's not like that."

James shook his head. "No, it's not. It's a combination of really unusual herbs and a few other organic ingredients that Tyler took down to the molecular level and re-synthesized. All safe, we're pretty sure, but...yes, the lab rats seemed to enjoy it."

Tyler smirked. "They fornicated all day and were still at it when we left for the night."

"Oh my goodness," said Lauryn, looking toward the rats' cages. "James, you didn't think to tell me that? I mean, I'm not unhappy, I enjoyed the experience, but..."

"Oh, wow. Lauryn, are you telling us that, even in that small dose, in an adult human body, it affected you in that noticeable of a way?"

"Very nicely noticeable."

James slid a legal pad closer to him on the stainless steel countertop and began taking notes. "Standard dose, you said?"

"Yes, one pill, and then another one after two and a half hours."

James' head swiveled toward Lauryn, a surprised look in his eyes. "Two and a half hours? Did I hear that right?"

Lauryn blushed. "Yes, that's right. Four hours overall, with two pills, though that timeframe could have been longer. The...encounter, let's call it, it didn't end because the effect of the pills wore off. We were still feeling it, rather strongly, at the four hour mark."

"Should we lower the amount of stimulant, do you think?"

"No, let's not," said Lauryn. "Could you run a batch at a higher dose? Would it affect the cost per unit much?"

"The herbs and organics are somewhat expensive, one in particular, but...cost per unit...still reasonable I'd say, even if we were to double the stimulant interfusion. So, not a problem, but..."

"But what?"

"We know nothing of addiction, we know nothing of many other potential side effects."

"Are you worried about anything?" asked Lauryn. "What about the rats? Are they...normal?"

"Yes, it's looking good. That's why I felt comfortable, yesterday, giving you that first sample batch of pills with the stimulant added."

Lauryn nodded. "I'd like you to run another batch. The vaginal flavorizers are just right as they are, I think, but yes, let's double the strength of the stimulant."

"Yes, we can do that. I'm still curious about what you felt. Are you comfortable talking about it?"

Lauryn nodded, knew it was important, knew that she was blushing again because this explanation would be somewhat ticklish. "Right. Here's the thing. The stimulant affects not only the pill taker, but the partner as well, after the partner has...tasted, and...ingested I guess you'd say, some of the flavor."

"Interesting. Just a taste is enough?"

"I'm going to have to speak freely. Do you mind if I embarrass myself? I think it's important to discuss this, because this product is important. I think we've got something remarkable here."

James nodded. "Absolutely, speak freely, Lauryn. Would you rather do this in your office?"

"No, Tyler needs to hear all this, right?"

"He took the lead on developing the stimulant synthesis, so, yes, I'd like him in on this if you don't mind."

Lauryn's eyes lit up. "Wow, Tyler, you're the genius behind this? How did you think of it?"

"I started working on it for my master's thesis, working with the rats at the University, but I didn't have the final organic to add to the mixture. A few months ago I read that it was available and it had what looked like the right chemical make up, we are. It modifies the cell structure of two of the herbs. It sort of...releases a new interaction, I guess you could say. It's unique, I think, and very interesting."

"It absolutely is," said Lauryn. "Okay, if you don't mind seeing your CEO blush more than a little, I'll give you a more accurate description of how well it works. As you both know, the flavoring aspect of the pills seems to be dialed in quite well; all of us who've tried it at home, our partners are very happy with it. Oh, the new chocolate flavor is a hit, by the way. Very nice."

"Good," said James, making note of it. "Good. Yes, we've had lots of the basic flavor samples out amongst the staff. No complaints so far. That's good, I'm glad the chocolate worked, that was a tricky one."

Lauryn nodded. "Yes, I'd leave it just as it is. All the flavors have tested well with everybody. But it's this new stimulant that's even more special. Here's the way it seems to work: The woman takes the pill, in less than an hour the vagina is fully flavored, then when the partner tastes her...flavor...the woman not only feels an amazing elevated sense of pleasure, the partner does, too. A primal sort of hunger builds in the partner. The more flavor that's consumed the more hunger, not only hunger for the taste but for...the act. It was described to me as feeling more 'carnal'. A sort of supercharged horniness that feels almost desperately powerful."

"Fascinating," said James. "Tyler, your thoughts seem to be correct on this."

Tyler nodded, a look of deep interest in his eyes.

"There's more, and this is when I'll begin to blush," said Lauryn. "So, the woman who takes the pill, her mouth is flavored too, but even more interestingly, her mouth seems to have the same increase in pleasure reception--from the stimulant, I'd imagine--as her vagina does. And that same hunger, that carnal hunger, is there in the woman's mouth."

"So, an elevation of pleasure during kissing, for example?" James asked.

"Yes, very much so," said Lauryn. "But also...fellatio. Let's say this hypothetical woman, she's given fellatio many times in her life, and always enjoyed it, but now she takes this pill with this new stimulant can I put this...she feels like she wants to suck...fellatio... until the cows come home."

Tyler's face showed his confusion. "Cows?"

"It's an old-fashioned expression, Tyler," said Lauryn, blushing. "It means, this woman, she...oh for goodness sake, why can't I just be honest about this. This product development is important, so I'll speak freely if you both don't mind."

"Please do," said James.

"You'll keep these conversations confidential?" asked Lauren.

"Of course."

Lauryn nodded, thinking, glancing at Tyler then looking deep into James' handsome eyes. "Let's put this on hold for the time being. I need to speak with Talia, and Mya. I'll be back in an hour or two and we'll continue this."

James nodded. "Do you want us to put a hold on the next batch of pills, with the double stimulant?"

"No, you can start on them. Let's make a hundred to begin with, so there's plenty for everyone to try."

"Will do," said James. "Normally we'd test them on the rats before any human trials, but..."

"No, that's not necessary. None of us noticed any side effects. Oh, yes we did! Body temperature! Very warm, and sweating. Not unpleasant, just really warm. But, in a way, it added to the elevated sense of excitement and pleasure."

"We'll have to keep an eye on that," said James, making a note of it. "If it raises a person's core temperature too much it could be a problem."

"Yes," Lauryn said, this time looking deep into Tyler's friendly eyes. "Okay then. I'll...see you both later," she said.

Down the hall and then a left turn to Talia's office, Lauryn knocked on the closed door.

"Just a minute," Talia said from inside.

"It's me, Talia. Can we talk?" Lauryn stood and waited, seemingly for a minute though it was less than that. Talia opened the door, red faced. Kobe sat on the small couch against the wall.

"We were...debriefing," said Talia. "Discussing last night."

"Oh, okay," said Lauryn. "Yes. You'll be talking with everyone?"

"As soon as I can. While the memories are fresh."

"Yes. Good." Goosebumps over-swept Lauryn as she looked into Kobe's eyes, remembering his hunger for her strawberry flavored pussy last evening, and his comment that she was the 'creamiest woman ever'. Eyeing Talia again, Lauryn added, "You probably should debrief me on the subject, too."

"Oh, okay. Maybe later."

"Are you spilling all the dirt, Kobe? All the dirty dirt?" said Lauryn, blushing now that she'd said it, wishing that she hadn't.

Seeing her blush and her fluster, Kobe smiled. "I was telling Talia, I'm kind of...still feeling it."

"It's fascinating," said Talia, her own blush still pinkening her. "The Viagra effect. It's still with him."

"Wow. Really?"

"I know. I didn't believe it either. But...he showed me. I mean...we're studying this, right? Learning as we go. Everything's relevant, isn't it?"

Lauryn closed the door behind her. The hallway outside was quiet this early in the morning, but strict privacy now seemed prudent. "Yes, everything's relevant. I was just in the lab talking to James and Tyler. They'll be interested to hear about this. Kobe, you haven't had an erection all night, have you?"

"Not exactly, like, continuous, no. But, yeah, like, off and on, more than usual, and then...Talia."

Talia blushed deeper. "I called him in for the debrief, and boom, I guess. Just seeing me, and maybe the memory of everything that happened last night, and...big erection. Is that how it was, Kobe?"

"Yeah. Super hard. If I'd known I'd be like this I wouldn't have worn these tighter pants."

"I asked if it was uncomfortable," said Talia.

"Just in a pants-too-tight kind of way," said Kobe. "Otherwise it's been kind of fun because Talia knows about it and...all this learning and everything about the pills that you guys are doing, it's all really fun."

"I was thinking of measuring him," Talia admitted, blushing. "And...when you knocked I was...I thought I'd try and figure out...I mean, how long can his arousal possibly last? I mean, he's a young, handsome, virile guy but...Kobe, tell her what you told me, about the feelings."

"Yeah, it's like, it still feels so much better. When we all finished last night, with our last partner in the boardroom, it was Talia and me, that last time, doing sixty-nine. Even though we didn't fuck, it was the best sex ever. Totally, completely, no question about it. And now, this morning, when she unzipped me and took it out and started playing with me, and was gonna measure me, oh my God, it's like, the best thing ever, all over again. I feel like I can't control the feelings, and that's, like, the best kind of feeling, right?"

"It was the same for me, touching him again today," Talia admitted, still blushing. "I'm sorry, Lauryn, I know this isn't how I'm supposed to be handling things today, here in the office during business hours, but...oh my God, I felt such a hunger for him. It overwhelmed me. As soon as we started talking about his hard cock, and I saw the lump, and, he's in those tight pants and...I lost my mind. I'm sorry."

"Talia, it's okay. It's not you, it's the pills. We're in uncharted territory here. We're learning as we go. Our objective is to learn all about this. It's okay."

"Yes, husband wouldn't think it's okay, although he did last night. When I got home and got him to take a taste of me we went at it for two hours. He's never fucked me like that. Ever."

"Okay, that should maybe be noted somewhere but we probably shouldn't be talking about that with Kobe here."

"I already told him," said Talia. "It's like I'm a slut now, talking all slutty with cute office guys. It's weird how fun it is and how excited it made me feel, telling Kobe how good Mike fucked me, and how much I wanted it because of how Kobe had eaten my pussy and made me cum so many times in the boardroom. I'm a first-class slut now, and the strange thing is...I love it. I can't seem to make myself not love it."

"Talia, we've known each other for years and I've never known you to be like this. Are you worried about how this is going?"

"No! I want more! I mean, I'm not spinning out of control or anything, I'm just...really enjoying it. It's so fun to have an incredible sex life. It's so much better than before. I love it. Don't you love it?"

"Well, yes, but...don't forget we're the lab rats in this situation. There's so much we don't know. The pills may affect some of us differently."

"So, you don't feel horny this morning?"

Lauryn glanced at Kobe, then back at Talia. "Are we still under the non-disclosure contract here today?"

"Yes, thank God," said Talia.

Lauryn nodded. "Okay, so, I'll admit I'm, such a rush of warmth. I'm feeling a rather unnatural desire to be open and honest about...everything, so...okay, yes, let's discuss this. Yes, I felt plenty horny this morning. Andrew and I...last night when I got home I virtually attacked him. He was happy about it, and when he tasted me he was affected by the stimulant and...okay, yes, he fucked me, and fucked me and fucked me. And we woke up early and I fucked him, and I fucked him and fucked him. Goodness, I feel so free-hearted right now. Kobe, dear, I hope you don't think less of me as this company's CEO with me talking this way. It looks as if, all of us, we're 'slut buddies' now. Is that a thing?"

Kobe's handsome dark eyes twinkled. "I want it to be."

"So what naughty things did you tell Talia this morning? Did you...get with your girlfriend last night?"

"I went to a bar with some of the others, to watch the end of the game. A girl was talking to me, like, right away. It's like she knew. Maybe my eyes? She was there with some friends, didn't have a car, so...I drove her home and...yeah, we fucked. A lot. It was super fun."

Talia nodded. "It's interesting because the girl didn't have any of the stimulant, unless she got some from kissing. Kobe, did you kiss her much?"

"Yeah, she was a kisser."

"Hard to believe she could have gotten any from kissing you. The flow chart would be...I take the pill, the man eats my pussy, then another girl kisses him and feels the effects? That seems far fetched."

Kobe nodded. "Yeah, she seemed, like, nice and horny, but, not like all you guys last night. You guys were more awesome."

Lauryn smiled. "We were too hot to handle, huh? I'll be sure and tell Fran that. She'll get a kick out of it."

Someone knocked at Talia's door. "Oh, shit, that'll be Warren," Talia said after glancing at her clock. "I had Megan schedule one debrief per hour."

Lauren opened the door, invited Warren in, then shut the door behind him.

"Morning everybody," he said. "Are we discussing last night?"

"We are," said Lauryn. "We're all still under the non-disclosure, so please speak freely about whatever you wish. If you don't mind me asking, was your evening pleasant after you left here?"

Warren nodded. "It was. I felt an almost shocking lack of guilt. I was worried about that, after things got so sexual in the boardroom. All the way home, before I saw my wife, I told myself over and over that it was a product test, an important one. I know that it was, was certainly different than I expected."

Lauryn nodded. "It was different than any of us expected. Our little pills are something really special."

Talia chimed in. "One thing we're finding is that the effects of the pills have lingered all the way into today. Is that anything you've noticed, Warren?"

"I think...maybe I shouldn't admit this, but...our intern, Karen, brushed up against me at the copy machine this morning, totally by accident, but...I got an erection. That's never happened before. I'm an under-control guy here at the office. Not just here but everywhere, really."

"How long did it last?"

"My...arousal? Oh, gosh. Confession time again. It lasted...the whole time I was talking with her. It embarrassed me. I hope she didn't notice."

"Just embarrassment? No...excitement?"

"I thought about how amazing it would be to fuck her in the supply room, if that's what you mean. Okay, wow. I guess that was honest, huh?"

Talia nodded. "Honesty is good right now Warren. We have open, non-judgmental ears for anything related to unusual feelings of arousal, or anything else for that matter. We were all speaking very freely when you knocked at the door, telling each other about our experiences after we left here last night. My husband fucked the daylights out of me after he tasted me, Lauryn's husband did the same with her, and Kobe went home with a girl he met at a bar and they got it on at her place. How did your night go, apart from handling the guilt?"

"You know, I thought you might be curious about that, because after I left here it seemed like a continuation. I felt the sexual effects for quite a while. Yes, my wife Sheryl and I, she...this is going to sound like I'm full of myself, but...she said it's never been so good. She kept saying 'What's gotten into you?' and I think each time she said it I just grunted and flung her into a new position and...yeah, we went at it for a long time, trying positions that we've never tried. She got suspicious, though, wondered if I'd learned things from another woman, so I...I was kind of forced to tell her that it was a work thing. A product test. I didn't give anything away about it. Just that...I'd tried a new product. She understood the secrecy, I think. This morning she said she hopes I get to try it again."

"This morning?" asked Talia, pen at the ready at her notepad. "Were you still feeling it at home this morning, or was it just here at the copy machine?"

"No, very much at home. Sheryl had to scramble to make the kids' school lunches because we stayed in bed so long."

"So, the viagra effect? Still easy, long lasting erections this morning?"

"Yes, maybe not as cast-iron hard as last evening with all you ladies, but yes, I feel young and virile this morning, that's for sure."

Talia nodded. "I noticed your eyes on my breasts and my legs. Do you feel flirtier than usual this morning? You've always been so professional, is why I ask."

"Oh, wow, I'm sorry. that I think about it, yes. I think it's just simple horniness. It's hard to not look at a women's body when I feel this way, this sort of deep-inside horniness that I feel. I mean, if we're speaking freely, I noticed Lauryn's eyes on Kobe's crotch, and I noticed Kobe checking out her breasts. I guess I'm just an observant person, but, somehow everything feels sexier today."

Talia nodded, all these observations clarifying her understanding even more. "Kobe wore tight pants. I wore a short dress. Lauryn is showing some nice cleavage."

Lauryn nodded in agreement with all this. "I'll admit to wearing my favorite little French shelf bra today, even though I knew this blouse was thin and I'd be much too nippley for work. Admitting it makes me understand how naughty it is, but...yes, I feel very much extra flirty today. Warren, did you wear any favorite sexy undies? I must say you look very appealing in that shirt. Is it silk?"

Warren smiled, nodding. "You look stunning. Both of you girls."

"Normally I'd be mad at you for calling us 'girls', but...last night we were certainly your girls, weren't we. Like teenagers with raging hormones."

"Even better," said Warren. "Experienced women with raging hormones. It was...unbelievable."

Talia smirked. "Does thinking about it make you hard? Your pants...look full."

Warren nodded, his eyes a-twinkle.

A fresh surge of excitement warmed Talia's insides. "If you'd like to consent to it, I thought maybe I'd take measurements today. Just to...keep track of arousal and...maybe see if the effects are as intense upon repeated doses of the stimulant. I see Kobe has quite the lump right now, and you do too, so...I mean...if you'd like me to start a progress chart for you both..."

"Oh, wow," said Warren, intrigued. "Repeated doses? So...there'll be more testing?"

"We're hoping everyone will want to continue. There's so much to learn. So many questions."
