The Forbidden Below Deck


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"Join me?"

"If I would, I'd have to fuck you out there, and that's probably not a good idea," he said. "Getting arrested in a foreign country might ruin a vacation, huh."

I laughed. "Allo," I heard and looked at the next balcony.

"Hello!" I said, waving. A couple that was probably around my age was naked on their balcony. "They're naked out here, Evan."

"So, I gathered," he said. "Tell them we like to hear them fucking."

"We like to listen to you fuck," I said, but by the look on their face, their understanding of English was limited to none.

Like charades, I pointed to my pussy and cupped my hands behind my ears. I could hear Evan laughing his ass off in the room, but he got it. Damn, they got it!! I knew because they both thrust their hips at each other.

"They got what I meant, babe," I said into the room.

"I don't know how they couldn't," he snorted.

As soon as we started fucking, we heard a knock on the wall that they heard us and not much longer, we heard them.

"I told you!" I said, collapsing after having another wild out of, body orgasm.

He was in the bathroom, came out, and walked around the room talking to me. It was night, but the room was brightly lit.

"Anyone can see you walking around like that," I laughed. He rocked his hips hard and fast, and I cracked up. "The ladies are going to beating down the door any minute after that maneuver."

I couldn't help but think how fun-loving and free Evan was. Holden was much more serious and must have taken after his Mom.



During the last few days onboard the ship, we were immersed in a cloud with no one around us. Our days were spent at the pool or wandering the decks. Our afternoon naps were a guise for sex. Our nights were pure sex.

We didn't discuss it, but we knew our time was ending. The reality was our work situation and our relationship with Holden.

I looked at the diamond winking at me from my engagement ring, and remembered how I felt when he gave it to me. I was surprised. We really hadn't discussed the future. He sprung the proposal, rang on me on my college graduation day, and quickly propelled our relationship.

Holden told me later that he did that because he feared losing me, but I'm never sure he had me.

I just went along with it because it seemed like what I was supposed to do, and my life at that time was chaotic. My graduation, then the proposal, then the cruise.

Did it take Holden's Dad to show me I wasn't ready for marriage? It could have been anyone else, but Evan complicated things.

But there was one thing I was sure of. I had to be true to myself.



Getting back into the swing of things at the office was surprisingly easy. We had a lot to catch up on, so we hit the ground running as soon as we stepped off the ship.

I had a gerontology conference across the country in another week.

"You haven't had any time for me," Holden said that evening.

"I know. I'm sorry. There has been so much to do at work, and I must prepare for the conference on top of everything. I'm working nights just trying to catch up."

"It upsets me because we didn't get to spend any time on the cruise together," he complained.

"I know. It was unfortunate, but it was what it was," I said, wanting to get past this. "It's in the past."

"We need to talk about our wedding, too," he said.

That was something that I didn't want to talk about. I just couldn't. It was still muddled in my head, and I needed to think things through.

"I just can't, Holden. There's too much going on, and I just can't right now. I can only handle so much, and I know my limits."

"I guess."

He was disappointed, and I resented that he pouted that I put my mental health ahead of anything. I felt even more pressure now and said, "I think we need to cut back on the time we spend together until after the conference."


He picked up his jacket and went out the door.

I should have felt bad and called him back to make him understand. But I didn't. I felt relief. And I know I shouldn't have.



"They want me to give a presentation at the gerontology conference," Evan told me a few days later.

"Wow, that's a huge accomplishment for BluWave Technologies. There will be some heavy hitters in the industry there."

He crossed his arms and leaned on the corner of his desk, unable to hide the excitement on his face. "​​This opportunity has the potential to be a significant breakthrough for our company."

"I'm so happy for you!"

"Us. You. Me. All of us. We all worked towards it," he said gravely. I nodded. "Can you add a room and flight onto yours?"

"Sure, I'll do it right now. Let me know if I can help with the presentation."

"You will," he smiled.

It was perfect timing for taking a break with Holden because I worked late with Evan every night on the presentation. It had to be perfect, and we both knew it.

We overnighted what we needed and boarded our flight the following day.

"Ready for this," I asked, buckling in.

"As I'll ever be. I can't help but feel that this is the shot in the arm our company needs."

The jet taxied out, and we sat on the end of the runway, ready for takeoff. Taking off and landing were my two favorite things, and I sat back to enjoy.

As the jet began to move, Evan took my hand. I looked at him and was going to say that I was OK, but the look on his face told me he wasn't as OK as I was. We held hands until we got to altitude.

I ordered a car to pick us up since we wouldn't need a rental. Our rooms were in the same hotel as the conference, and there were plenty of restaurants in the hotel and nearby.

As we unlocked our doors, I couldn't help but remember the hotel we stayed in while in port. He glanced over, and I knew he remembered it too.

We chose to meet in the bar for a late lunch. I'd planned to come in early, giving us both some time to decompress since it was our first conference. I suspected that Evan needed the time more than me.

I was up early and decided to catch a nap and had just dozed when my phone went off.


"I see why you wanted to get rid of me," Holden nearly shouted over the phone. "You had to run off with my Dad."

"Run off? Holden, I suggest you get ahold of yourself before you say more," I advised. "Don't say something that we will both regret."

"So go ahead and tell me what you're doing," he said belligerently.

"We are at a gerontology conference. Your Dad is making a presentation for BluWave."

To Evan's dismay, Holden never showed any interest in the business. So, I knew he wouldn't care about the conference.

"But you're both there together."

"Well, yes, we are. I work at BluWave," I said as though I was talking to a kindergartener.

"And you were together the whole time on the cruise!"

"OK, Holden, I'll be hanging up. You're not going to bait me. I'm here on business and need to concentrate on that. I'll talk to you after I get back."

I hit the disconnect button and went back to sleep.



Evan begged off lunch, and we set up for dinner later. He didn't say, but I was sure Holden called him with his accusatory tone.

The hotel dining room was dark and intimate. We were led to a table in the corner, across from where a band would set up later.

Evan ordered a pitcher of margaritas, and I laughed.

"That brings back memories."

He smiled. "It does. It was a great time, Bette. I know we haven't talked about it, and we probably should."

I picked up my napkin and spread it on my lap. "I don't know why we should. It was a wonderful time, and I'll have memories of it forever." I hesitated. "I wonder if this came up because Holden called you today."

He nodded. "You too?"

"Yes. He wanted to guilt trip me for this conference trip when that didn't work. He brought up you and me on the cruise."

"That was pretty much his conversation with me," he sighed. "I told him it was none of his business what either one of us did. I did give some latitude that others may have been involved." He grinned conspiratorially.

Remembering the naked couple on the balcony and the couple in the pool, I grinned and said, "There were others involved."

He nodded. "Right!"

Sharing the memories might be good or might be detrimental to our relationship. It was to be seen.

We ate and had another pitcher of margaritas. Our time at the conference was late the following afternoon, so we had time for a bit of fun.

He poured, and we listened to the music for a while.

"Hey, would you like to dance?" he asked.

A warning flag went up, but I still said, "I'd love to."

I melted as soon as I felt his arms around me, and his chest heaved in a sigh, feeling the same. I wasn't sure if this was a rabbit hole we could ever avoid, short of one of us moving away. If it wasn't this trip, it would be another time, maybe another place, maybe sooner, maybe later. But guaranteed it was going to come. Our feelings were too strong, and I realized it at that moment.

I slid my hands up his arms and around his neck. We swayed to the music and allowed all the old feelings to flow through our bodies.

"Thought we could avoid this," he murmured against my ear. "But I knew all along we couldn't."

I didn't answer but wrapped my arms tighter around his neck and melted my body into his as he held me closer. I owed myself to see this relationship through to whatever ending would happen. My own happiness was more important than soothing someone else's feelings.

The song ended, and I took his hand, leading him to our floor. I unlocked my door and held it open, giving him the option. He walked through and locked it behind him.

"Got Bette, you don't know how much I've missed you. Not just sex. I've missed our talks and the fun we had."

"All that, too," I said as I reached behind and unzipped my dress, letting it fall to the floor.

I stood in a red lace bra, panties, and garter belt. Thigh-high hose and black spike heels.

"Oh my god," he whispered.

I stood before him and began to undress him until he was down to his shorts. I knelt before him and looked up as I tugged his knit shorts down, his cock springing up. Hard and throbbing.

While I watched him, I licked the head that was soaked with precum. He moaned. I twirled my tongue around the sensitive ridge, then probed the hole with the tip of my tongue.

I slid my red-painted lips down his shaft until the head hit the back of my throat. I deep-throated him a few times, then stood up and guided him to the bed. While he stretched out, I shimmied the red satin g string down my legs.

I crawled over him, and we kissed deeply and passionately. He reached behind me and unhooked my bra. He moaned, watching my tits swing free of their confines.

"Oh baby," he groaned. "How I missed these too."

He kneaded and began to suck each nipple.

I straddled his hips and hovered my steamy hot cunt over his throbbing cock. He needed me as much as I needed him. This was no time for teasing and playing. I was ready to join us together. The ultimate connection two people can have.

I took him in one move, deep and hard. We both groaned at the sensation. He filled me perfectly. My cunt squeezed the throbbing shaft, and I began to ride, letting my cunt milk his balls. We didn't need anything else. Just his cock inside me, my cunt stroking us both to the utmost release. The peak. The finale.

He trembled beneath me and bucked up, driving deep. He gripped my waist, his fingers digging in. He bucked like a bull, hard and fast. He thrashed under me uncontrollably, and I hung on. My tits bounced and jerked. His cock hit my clit hard and released waves of pleasure racking through my body.

I screamed my release, and I heard him shout in return, his cock throbbing hard and pumping his seed deep inside me.

"Oh fuck," he breathed after I collapsed on him. "Only you can do that to me."

I nodded. "We are synced."

I rolled to his side, and he wrapped his arm around me, keeping me close.

After a while, he said in a low voice. "I don't want to give you up, Bette."

I knew he meant that he didn't want me with Holden. After today, I knew who I belonged with. I realized I loved Evan with all my heart. Even though he didn't mention the love word, it didn't change my feelings.

We played all night and slept until noon. We showered and prepared for the conference. It was even more successful than we figured, and Evan had business appointments for the next two weeks. That evening and all night, we celebrated by enjoying each other's bodies.

"I would never have guessed we'd get so much response," he said, holding my hand during takeoff.

"I hoped we would, but who knows with these kinds of things. You have an innovative business that will always be needed in the future. If we're lucky, we'll all get old." I smiled.

Evan napped, and I spent the flight organizing my life. As best I could anyhow.



We hit the ground running again and worked long, late hours.

"Would you like to come over for dinner when we're done tonight?"

He looked surprised because we returned to business after our trip.

"Of course, I'd love to," he said, smiling happily.

"I'll have to stop on my way home, so maybe give me a couple of hours?"

"Sure, that's perfect," he said.



I hadn't talked to Holden since I was at the conference, so he was surprised when he opened his door to see me there.

"Bette!" He started to hug me, but I brushed past him before he could.

"We need to talk," I said, standing in his living room.

"Sure, sit down," he said, waving to the sofa.

"I can't stay, Holden. I need to tell you something." I held out his engagement ring in my palm. "I can't be engaged to you. I never should have accepted. It was unfair to both of us. But I need to do this now."

"Oh, come on, Bette. We can give it another try!"

"There's more." I swallowed hard and said, "I'm going to have a baby."

"What?! That's great!" he was thrilled until her realized that we hadn't been together.

"It's your Dad's baby. I have your brother."

My ex-father-in-law is the father of my baby, and my ex-fiancé will be his brother.

~~the end~~

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lwiltonlwilton10 months ago

What a sweet story! No. Really. I mean that. It's unfortunate that Holden had to be the way he was, screwing up his own life by trying to be greedy and acquire "toys" to increase his prestige. But there are a lot of people like that in real life, I've personally met far too many. But Evan is to die for. It is obvious how he managed to create a successful business. She made the only possible choice once they understood each other. I'd go so far as to say that neither of them really HAD a choice, once they found out how they felt. Predestined. Fate. Or just plain love and raw sex appeal. :-)

The one bit that surprised my by its absence was Evan taking note of her miles long hair. I'd have taken a deep gasp the first time I saw it tumble down her back, and probably played with and complemented it as much as the rest of her body.

Crusader235Crusader23511 months ago

Excellent hot story. Reminds me of the old joke; Son bragging to his new girlfriend how rich he'll be when his father dies, she soon became his stepmother. Five stars!

oldsage_1oldsage_111 months ago

Well it wasn't "Boiled Peanuts" but a nice little story on it's own. Thanks for sharing. I always know I'm in for a good read when I see a new Daddysgirlfl story in my Follow list.



DunkirkDunkirk11 months ago

The first of many siblings for Holden.

DaddysgirlflDaddysgirlfl11 months agoAuthor

xo Rimbaud17. I'm the woman that'll straighten another woman's crown w/o letting the world know it was crooked. My female characters are always winners, even if they have to kick ass, or take the high/low road. :D But like me, they're true to themselves. Thanks for reading me darlin'

Rimbaud17Rimbaud1711 months ago

What I really love is that you created whole new tags for "winner dad" and "loser son." Poor Holden. He not only lost his fiance and got cuckolded by his own father; he's also now the sole denizen of a Literotica tag. But Evan! Not only does he get the beautiful tall blonde 22-year-old business phenom, he gets the "winner" tag. Because when it comes to the heroine in a DG story, there is no second place; second place is just the first loser. ;-)

rockdoctor63rockdoctor6311 months ago

What jerks! The sex scenes where great but this story is wrong on so many levels. What do they think will happen to Holden and his Fathers relationship?

Rapierwit24601Rapierwit2460111 months ago

Another great one off! Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Now, PLEASE, let’s get additional chapters to the handful of running series you have.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Absolutely love the story. So hot. All of it. Ballgame2611.

naughtyandy4unaughtyandy4u11 months ago

My takeaway was, son is selfish and saw her as his prize, father / boss is giving and concerned for her. Lots of great raunchy sex helped along with the interaction with others. You fulfilled on your billing, well done DG

WyndsofChangeWyndsofChange11 months ago

DG, you are absolutely right... this story unfolded exactly the way a story like this would unfold in real life. No woman is going to break up with her fiance because she "might" be having feelings for his father. And as for you, you can act all hard and tough if you want, saying your tales are just about raunchy and gratuitous fucking, but this was, at its heart, a wonderful love story. Okay, one with raunchy and gratuitous fucking, I'll give you that , but yes, a love story! And I positively loved it! Thank you so much for what you contribute here!

Stargazer5154Stargazer515411 months ago

Another 5 star hot story with nice twist at the end.

As for Bette accepting the engagement, who hasn't been in a situation where you've been bombarded with so many things swirling around in your life you're not exactly thinking straight. You got it when you wrote "You have to be true to yourself."

Thanks DG

DaddysgirlflDaddysgirlfl11 months agoAuthor

Yeah, I don't think so, Ardieff. I write real life. It happens. Please LMK when you publish to give us an example of your perfect story.

ArdieffArdieff11 months ago

Well, perhaps she should have broken up with her fiance before fucking other men?

HottieOlwenHottieOlwen11 months ago

I have no delicate sensibilities Dg. I adore gratuitous filthy smut, and this is a perfect example of it. You write beautifully, and I suspect much of your inspiration comes from first hand experience. I could do with more of your filth. Chapter 2 would be wonderful. How about she marries Holden anyway and instantly makes him a cuckold with his own father? I bet you could weave a really kinky chapter out of that scenario! 5 stars for this one, whatever you decide to do.

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