The Full Package - Sunday


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"I can't believe she wears these things!" Dave heard her exclaim. He began to stare intensely at the waves in the distance and his neck strained from the effort of not turning to look at her. Sounds of rustling came from behind him, presumably from Cody putting on his wife's admittedly conservative underwear.

"Ow!" She yelled suddenly. Dave couldn't help but twist his head around at that, catching a view of Cody's partially covered chest as she attempted to clasp her sister's bland work-a-day bra behind her back. With the clarity of the sex-starved, Dave involuntarily took everything in as time seemed to slow.

Her bra was only half on, with the under-wire of both cups pressing into the middle of her full breasts, just above two very prominent pink nipples surrounded by large, dark areolas. He had never seen such long nipples before, but there was something very erotic about their unusual size that immediately got his blood pumping.

She had set aside the inadequate towel but had already pulled up some of Lisa's white nylon-lycra panties to cover her feminine mound. Dave could barely see a thin dark patch of pubic hair through the semi-transparent material, just above the outline of her lips.

She hadn't looked up yet before he quickly turned away, a random thought flashing through his mind: how is it that he can't remember a train schedule from one day to the next and yet he knew with certainty that every minute detail of these momentary glimpses of his sister-in-law would be etched in his brain the rest of his life?

Cody made some small talk to which Dave could barely grunt in response, and the next time he glanced back, she was fully covered in a skirt and blouse. As he gathered his clothes to take his turn in the bathroom, he realized that she had never once warned him to turn away or to let him know when he could look.

He could only wonder as he stepped into the shower whether he was so firmly implanted in her mind as a non-threatening brother-figure that it didn't occur to her that her near-nudity would affect him, or was it just that he was so out of her league as a man that she didn't care? Knowing her naiveté from past experience and from accounts from his wife, he suspected the former, but that might just have been wishful thinking on his part...


At dinner, their new acquaintance Armand stopped by to convey his parents' apologies for the inconvenience and, while they had no other rooms available, they would comp two nights as well as the entire "romance package" extras.

"Thank you so much, Armand!" Cody flashed a dazzling smile at him then looked meaningfully over at her sister. "Isn't that great, Lisa?"

"Yes, that's very nice," she reluctantly agreed.

"I would also like to extend an invitation to join me on my boat while you are here," Armand continued, looking directly at Cody. "Tomorrow I will be in business meetings, but perhaps Tuesday? Not too early, of course..."

"Excellent!" Cody immediately answered.

"That's very nice of you, Armand," Lisa interjected, narrowing her eyes at her sister. "We'll discuss it and let you know tomorrow. Is that ok?"

Armand gave a slight bow. "Until tomorrow, then?" He walked away, missing the battle of glares between the two sisters.

After dinner, the three returned to their room where Lisa pled exhaustion and fairly fell into bed. Dave tried to ignore Cody changing out of her clothes as he prepared his cot, but he couldn't help but think of his earlier views of her body when he heard the familiar rustling sounds behind him. He fell into a light sleep troubled by a dream of his wife lying between his legs, brandishing a kitchen knife over his bare genitals, while her sister stood naked next to him, loudly recounting his most perverted fantasies about her.

He awoke to hear voices from the television. Glancing over at the bed, he saw his wife sound asleep and the clock reading 2 am. Cody was lying on the love-seat in front of the television, eyes red-rimmed but wide open. Rather than go back to his nightmare, Dave got up to use the restroom then came back to sit on the arm of the seat.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess so. I just couldn't sleep." She responded. She sat up and looked up at him. "I just feel so bad about all of this. You know...ruining your 'romantic getaway' and all."

He looked at her eyes and guessed that she had been crying. He sat down next to her and took a deep breath. "Look," he said, "I'm the one who should be sorry. I know you've gone through a lot -- not just with your boyfriend -- 'ex-boyfriend' -" he quickly corrected in response to her raised eyebrows, "but with what happened to your brother... and I know it must be really hard."

He put up a hand when she started to interrupt. "I should have made you feel more welcome. It's not your fault that Lisa and I aren't getting along, and it's not your fault about the room either." He smiled sadly. "In any case, she insisted on you coming, so she obviously didn't want this to be the big romantic trip I was trying to force on her."

Cody took his hand and shook her head. "I don't know what's going on with you guys -- at least not the details -- but I think she still loves you." She looked down. "I'll be honest with you. I think that she was nervous about your expectations -- about "reconnecting" on this trip, you know? Like, what would happen if it was just the two of you and you couldn't reconnect?" She squeezed his hand in hers. "Now, with me along, it could be my fault, like I was the only reason you couldn't feel romantic again." She looked up into his eyes. "You know what I mean?"

"I'm not sure if that makes me feel any better," replied Dave.

"Look," she gave his bare thigh a friendly pat, "she's just as uncertain of your feelings as you are of hers, I'm sure," Dave was now acutely aware that he had sat down next to her wearing only his boxers. Cody continued, apparently oblivious to his relative state of undress, "Just show her how you feel and maybe she'll feel confident enough to open up."

Dave cocked his head at that and looked at Cody with no small amount of wonder. He didn't know if she was right or not, or even just how he felt towards his wife at the moment, but sometimes Cody surprised him with a sensitivity that belied her age and her otherwise-apparent naiveté.

Cody smiled and lay her head down in his lap to watch the movie again. "Our other brother used to give me 'soft touches' to help me fall asleep." She pulled the blanket she had wrapped around her down to her waist and proceeded to watch the movie again, clearly expecting him to comply.

Dave sat for a moment in thought but eventually took the hint. Barely paying attention to the dull movie, he began to lightly drag the tips of his fingers along her arms, from her hands up to her shoulders, eliciting sighs of contentment from Cody. Occasionally she would adjust her body to get him to work on other areas such as her face or her other arm, even going so far as to place his hand where she wanted it when he paused. He could only smile at her confident insistence on being pampered.

Sometimes she really did feel like a little sister -- or what one would feel like if he had ever had one, he imagined. The only difference right now was that as she turned this way and that and the blanket was pushed lower, the sight of her full breasts, barely covered though they were by her nightgown, was causing his body to react in a very non-brotherly way.

As Dave looked down at her, he gradually became aware of the delicate and very feminine smell of her perfume, not to mention how truly beautiful her face and body were. While he had always known she was cute and that other guys seemed to hit on her a lot, she had always had more of an 'annoying little sister' kind of presence for him. It came to him in an almost overwhelming waive of realization, with her scent and body so immediately close to him, that his sister-in-law was a very desirable female. In a disconcerting twist of coincidence, Cody turned her head in that moment and smiled up at him, sighing in contentment as he stroked her hair.

Suddenly Dave felt a little breathless. Cody turned her head back towards the television, oblivious to the effect she was beginning to have on him. He felt a flush of embarrassment as he registered the sudden unwanted pressure and stiffening between his legs.

He tried to concentrate on the stroking she had insisted on, keeping it as casual and brotherly as possible. It was not easy, as her continued head movements in his lap combined with his sudden awareness of her as a woman were making his heart beat faster and his eyes wander. After lightly brushing her forehead, circling her femininely thin eyebrows, then her delicate nose and mouth, his fingers carefully followed the line of her jaw to her neck to stroke her earlobes. After a minute, they continued down her smooth-skinned shoulders where they met the thin strap of her nightgown.

Looking down the length of her body, he hardly noticed when the motion of his hand inevitably began to follow his eyes. With barely a conscious thought, his fingers trailed downward along the strap and up the rise of her right breast, barely pausing before continuing on around the lacy edge.

His heart was definitely beating faster now and he could feel the blood pumping towards his groin. Cody's silk nightgown could not really be termed 'sexy lingerie', but it was close, and the semi-transparent material clearly revealed the dark circle of her areola as well as the protruding pinkness of her nipple.

Dave knew that Cody had no intention of teasing him and certainly had no idea that this platonic sisterly intimacy actually turned him on, but she was not making anything easier, either, since whenever she moved to get comfortable or to redirect his touches, her head rubbed against his erection, causing it to grow even larger. She apparently felt nothing, however, and seemed not to notice that her brother-in-law was now breathing quite a bit faster than when the movie started.

He belatedly realized another problem that came with having sat down in only his boxers and that was the convenient-access slit down the front. There was already a noticeable rise in the light material, and the swelling head was now trying to peek out of the slit. Dave was afraid that any second Cody would shift again and his entire cock would pop out. Fortunately, it had stiffened towards his left leg, and as it gained its fullness, it was pressing only its side against the back of her head - otherwise he imagined that in its current steel-hard condition her movements might have driven it deep into her ear, not to mention being noticed by an outraged sister-in-law. He could only hope that she didn't decide to roll over.

Dave tried to calm his breathing and continued his ministrations, keeping to neutral areas around her shoulders and above her breasts. Finally, Cody's chest began rising and falling in steady, relaxed breathing and he noticed that her eyes had closed and her mouth was hanging slightly open.

As the movie progressed, Cody's occasional twisting caused the blanket to slip further down almost to her knees. Her previous squirming had long ago caused her small nighty to bunch up around her waist, and her white nylon-lycra panties were now fully exposed.

Cody turned onto her back suddenly, pushing her head up against him and causing his boxers to shift and his painfully-turgid cock to spring out. With the shaft against her ear and almost touching her cheek, it pointed like an arrow directly at the ceiling. If she looked even slightly to the side she would see the large head, nearly purple from the pressure, within inches of her nose.

The jolt of fear that ran through him at seeing his exposed erection only seemed to increase his excitement, though; the pressure against his cock and the views of her breasts, flat tummy, and now her panties combined to make it impossible for Dave to think rationally.

It seemed that every time his conscience came to his rescue and encouraged him to stop, Cody would squirm again, keeping his cock sensitized and at attention, as well as keeping most of his blood re-directed away from his brain. Dave was beginning to feel decidedly light-headed and he had to stifle a masochistic giggle at the thought of fainting and waking up with his wife standing over them in their current state.

His better judgment having given way to his hormones many minutes before, he looked on in a daze as his fingertips, seemingly with a mind of their own, drew random patterns down through Cody's cleavage and over her flat tummy to the scallop-laced edge of her panties.

His heart was now racing in time to the pulsing of his hardened cock pressed up against her head, but some small part of him couldn't believe what a risk he was taking and was trying desperately to get his attention. Cody's left leg fell open just then, pulling the blanket completely aside and exposing the cotton crotch of her panties. He noticed that the gusset had pulled slightly off center and he could clearly see the edge of one of Cody's pink outer lips.

He wondered momentarily how close she must shave, since he couldn't see any hair there, before conscious thought within Dave's brain ceased entirely. He could barely control the sudden urge to grab the edge of her panties and pull them up tight in between her pussy lips.

Breathing deeply and checking once again to see that Cody's eyes were still closed, Dave slowly slid his finger along the edge of her panties, then back the entire length - only this time just under the elastic. As if watching a disembodied hand, he saw his fingers slip under the nylon material of the front panel, creating a bulge as they slid down to touch the soft down of Cody's pubic hair. His whole body, condensed and focused now into the length and tip of his straining cock as well as in the tips of his questing fingers, seemed to be wondering how much further down into the panties those fingers had to go before they would encounter the softer wrinkled flesh around the tip of her pussy.

By now he was so excited that his cock was beginning to leak pre-cum, and he could see that it covered more than half the head already. If he wasn't careful -- something he was apparently not very good at -- it would drip down into her ear, which was pressed against the bare skin of his shaft at the moment.

With a flash of mixed excitement and guilt a silly thought struck him - that this particular pair of panties he was currently so intent on had never done much for him when they had been on his wife. In fact, he remembered complaining to her about how boring they were. At the moment, they might as well have been a crotch-less g-string for the effect they were having on him.

He looked up at the king-sized bed and was almost surprised to see Lisa splayed out there, still fast asleep. It was as if the last half hour had actually been days spent in another world.

Again that other, saner part of him cried out that he was being a fool. Here he was with his cock sticking straight out of his boxers in the open air, his sister-in-law's head in his lap, and his hand down her panties. If his wife woke up, or even if Cody suddenly turned her head the wrong way, he would be lucky to avoid castration before the cops arrived.

Perhaps sensing his hesitancy, Cody stirred in his lap, adjusting in her sleep to turn her head towards him slightly. As if in slow motion, Dave watched in horror as first her cheek brushed against the shaft, then the edge of her lips came to rest against the rounded base of the mushroom head. He could feel her soft breath against the moist, sensitive skin and both felt and saw it twitch against her mouth. His pre-cum had by then covered the entire head on that side and he could clearly see the gel-like liquid touching her pink lips.

He was certain he was about to see the end of life as he knew it.

He truly came close to fainting then, as he forgot to breathe for the twenty seconds it took him to realize that she wasn't waking up. There was no denying his precarious situation now, though. Thanking the powers above for a new lease on life, he slowly withdrew his hand from Cody's panties. Using his other hand, he pulled his cock back -- trailing a string of pre-cum between his cock and her lips - then painfully bent it to the side to tuck it into his boxers. It was still pressed against her head, but at least it was covered now.

He pulled up the blanket just as Cody stirred, turned her head again and opened her eyes.

She blinked several times and looked up at him. "Mmmm. That was great," she said sleepily.

She pressed her moist lips together curiously and his heart skipped a beat when she experimentally touched the tip of her tongue to her upper lip. Her eyes narrowed, but then she licked them both and seemed to shrug it off.

"Thanks Dave. I owe you." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek before standing up with the blanket and stepping around the couch to climb into bed, never noticing the huge tent in his boxers nor the small wet spot at its pinnacle.

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EastCoaster1EastCoaster130 days ago

Searched for the Prologue you mentioned in your intro, but a search of all of Lit didn't turn it up.

This part of the story is interesting, and I'm noting the clues in the narrative to see how close I wind up bring to where you take it.

Four stars for this part.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

im thinking of a tightrope walker way u lead ur readers thru the raucous imaginative content not just the hotstuff but yeah that as well i thoroughly enjoy long stories regularly >8 pgs sadly true there not a plethora of them v impressed by ur inventive creative machinations makes 4 v rewarding n memorable readg

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
The Full Package - Prologue???

The start of this story directs us to The Full Package - Prologue, but no such story exists in this author's submissions. Very confused about where to find the start.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Why would the husband be relegated to the cot?

The sister belongs there. Goofy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
great story

Great writing and characters. Can not wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
erotic like hell

Thank you for well written, erotic story. Welcome relief from the deluge of really short stories craming 3 orgasms , one in each, 'opening' and a facial to boot in 4 paragraphs.

Cannot wait for Monday.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Its not that it's too long - it's that it is boring.

MicroronMicroronover 15 years ago
Nice run - up to an interesting vacation !!~~!!

Lust filled the air.. Expectantly I await more....

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