The Futa Glory Hole Ch. 01-21


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"I love you Crystal..."

She backs away for a moment only to lean up and kiss my forehead, her black lipstick surly leaving a perfect etching of her lips on my forehead.

"I love you to Doug."

I wipe the tears from my face as she sits back in her chair again and lights a new cigarette. She takes a deep inhale and smoke bellows from her mouth as she speaks now.

"So I take it the number on your hand is from the girls last night?"

I nod "Yea... Oh yeah! They wrote this on my hand right in front of Gabbie this morning so if it comes up for some reason make sure to say that I'm tutoring them in English, it's the best lie I could come up with on the fly."

She chuckles "Wait no way! Gabbie saw them!?! Ah what I wouldn't give to see the look on her face! She must have been seething!"

I scoff "I highly doubt she thought twice about it, I just don't want her telling mom or something (I give an aggravated huff) I really wish you and mom would get it through your skull that Gabbie would never be interested in me, she can have anyone she wants. Besides she apparently already has a... Boyfriend."

Crystal raises an eyebrow "Wait what? Since when!?!"

I shrug "I don't know... I met him earlier though... His name is Aiden..."

Crystal shakes her head "I would have heard if she was dating someone, this town is to small to keep a secret like that... Did she actually say they were dating?"

I grumble "Well... Well no she said they were friends... But it wasn't hard to see what was going on... She was talking about how cute his butt was and letting him put sun tan lotion on her... It's whatever though, it really doesn't matter."

Crystal gives a full deep laugh "Seriously bro are you this dense?"

I huff "What?"

She crosses her arms "Gabbie see's you with two pretty girls and later that same day she suddenly has a random guy over you have never met before? You really think that's a coincidence?"

I nod "Uh yeah... Why wouldn't it be?"

Her finger taps methodically and her arm as she speaks now "She is trying to make you jealous dummy! She wants you to see she has value in the dating world same as you! Gah you are seriously so blind when it comes to woman... Let me guess this guy was big and buff and tall... Oh and exotic in some way."

I roll my eyes "Well yeah he was tall and stuff... And I think Indian... But like that doesn't mean anything!... She doesn't see me that way, your being ridiculous..."

She shakes her head "Whatever if you don't wanna believe me that's your choice but I'm telling you that was definitely intentional, do with that what you will... Anyway, are you planning to call those Japanese girls again?"

I know she isn't right about Gabbie, I somehow just know. Like mom Crystal is to close to me to see the truth, it honestly bothers me but I'll let it go for now.

"I haven't really thought much about it, but there is no way I should call them right?... I mean they were into to some serious stuff... They had coke on hand with an expensive silver tray, crazy knives, and they blackmailed me!... Like everything about them is a red flag you know?"

Crystal nods "Alright bro... I don't know these girls so I can only give so much advice on this one but if it were me I would still atleast consider it... You said yourself they were kind, even in a position where they could have done anything they wanted to you they respected your boundaries and gave you a good night... I mean I roll with alot of girls much scarier than what you described and they are the most loyal, solid friends I have... Eh it's up to you on this one but I have to say they sound like they could be good fuck buddies or something."

I mull over her words "Yeah? I don't know... I guess they did give me the choice, I could have easily let mom deal with her own problems... It was like an honor thing to them or something, so it wasn't like they were intentionally targeting me, I just happened to be the son... Gah! But they fucked mom, that's seriously gross! Like to think me and her have shared girls is literally so disturbing I can't even comprehend it."

Crystal nods "Ah yea I know how that feels... I fucked one of our sisters ex's not to long ago, it was not one of my better decisions..."

I nearly explode "WHAT!?! Who!?!"

She chuckles while shaking her head "Remember Joey? Well he sorta came to one of my shows and I was a little more drunk than I should have been... one thing led to another and before I knew it he was tied to my bed..."

I laugh as I speak now "Damn Sis if Sara finds out it she will go ballistic... God you are the worst."

She smiles "Hey don't start with me! I didn't mean to it just sorta happened... As far as Sara goes I'd prefer she didn't know just to save me the hassle but if she finds out I don't really care... She broke up with him so he's free game now, I did nothing wrong."

I shrug "Fine she won't hear it from me but God help you if she finds out... As far as the Japanese girls go it was fun and all but it's to complicated with mom being involved and all the shady/scary behavior, I don't need drama like that whatsoever."

She nods "Don't blame you there, sheesh I wish I knew what they looked like."

I smile "They... They were really hot sis..."

She grins back "Oh really? Hmmm let me see your hand again maybe I'll hit them up..."

I pull my hand away from her laughing "You really are the WORST!"

She dramatically rolls her eyes "Fine you can keep them for now! But you better be grateful to your big sis for being nice!"

I smile and give a genuine nod "I am grateful for you... Thanks sis."

She nods "Your welcome... Now this has been quite the interesting talk brother... Now that it's finished I have some advice, as always take it as you will, but I strongly recommend you atleast consider my words."

I cross my arms and take a deep breath "Alright hit me with it..."

She always does this after a long talk, she gives me a rundown of her personal feelings on things, gives me some ideas as a third party viewer, then ends with some way to help and the the longest hug ever. Honestly I think she relishes the opportunity to have a monologue, she's a lead singer after all, the spot light is her comfort zone.

"First up the glory hole... I honestly think you should avoid it, I think you are more than strong enough to handle it and you would probably enjoy it to a certain extent... But the risks are to great and older woman are a very dangerous creature... I know you went through health class and all but you don't truly understand how wild the hormone shifts in older futas can be... I've known woman who fucked for days straight because they were out of whack, it's truly something otherworldly... Regardless if you do go just be careful and like I said call me if you are in trouble or some woman crosses the line. You know me I will beat some ass if I need to... Secondly the Japanese girls... That whole thing is wild bro, I very much worry about them taking advantage of you but like I said if they wanted to be harsh or mean they probably would have done it at the time... To hear you be positive about giving two girls head means alot coming from you, so just mull over how you feel and act accordingly. Again if they try more blackmail shit or threaten you with violence call me, your big sis can handle that type of shit no problem... Now let's move on to Gabbie... Bleh I can already see you tensing so I will try my best to keep this brief... You and her have unresolved shit and this pretending you don't thing isn't cute anymore... I get it, you have put her on a pedestal, don't be ashamed your not the only one I'm sure most of your school has done the same... At the end of the day though she is only a girl, a well toned and extremely pretty one, but a flesh and blood girl none the less... Even if you really think she is better looking than you so what? Plenty of dudes have girlfriends who are objectively more attractive than them, as cheesy as I know it is, looks aren't always everything dummy. If you like her, take a shot, what's the worst that can happen? What's the best that could happen? Consider that for yourself."

I have my eyes closed as I truly try to process her words and figure out how I feel. As always it's a tall task, and also like always she isn't finished yet and demands my attention.

"Last up... And listen closely bro... Now that you have entered this realm, now that you have awakened these parts of yourself, you need to take control of your sexuality or someone will take control of it for you. I have paid for you to have some sessions with my good friend, she mentor's boys in all kinds of things having to do with sex and she is the best I've ever seen at it. I trust this woman with my life, I promise she will help you so that you don't have to go through the same pain so many boys do... If you choose not to go see her I hope you atleast will give her a call and get some sex advice, you know, advice you don't want to hear from your older sister of all people?... Alright I'm done lecturing, here is my friends number, the address for her place, and an Uber card with alot of cash on it, do what you like with all that... Now come here mister!"

I sit up as she lunges forward and gives me the firmest hug of my life. Everything she just said has my brain in a tail spin but the secure feeling of her holding me is keeping my anxiety at bay. I definitely can't follow all of her advice, as always she has shocked me with her recommendations, but also as always I am eternally grateful for her wisdom.

"Thanks sis... Your the best..."

Chapter 18- Nap

As I flop down on my bed I notice how much lighter I feel, the weight of everything going on lessened in a single talk with sis. I'm kinda bummed she couldn't stick around though, I guess she has some big show later tonight so she had to go get ready with her group or whatever. Regardless though she gave me a lot to chew on.

I glance at the time, it's only 1pm but I already feel exhausted. I guess the few hours of sleep I did get didn't do me much good. I sit up and grab my cup of water, I down it greedily and rejoice at the feeling of it coursing through my body. I can't believe I actually passed out, I need to be more careful. I lay back down and stare at the ceiling, my sister's words echoing through my brain. My body demands to have a break, my mind equally exhausted apparently agrees and before I even realize it I drift off to sleep...

I trudge through the jungle hacking the foliage with my sword, to think my most prized possession would be reduced to nothing but a cheap machete. I knew when I set out in this adventure things wouldn't be easy, the unexplored lands are treacherous, but it's worse than I could have imagined. If I don't find something of value soon I'm gonna need to head back to camp and chalk this day up to a loss.

I walk down a steep hill, then through miles of forest. Finally I come to a clearing, an ancient stone wall lays in ruins before me. As I step over the rubble I can't help but wonder who built it... Who where they trying to keep out? Or maybe an even better question is who were they trying to keep in? I shake my head as I ponder the possibilities and press on. Finally after what feels like an eternity I come upon a structure, a large dwelling of some sort made from the bones of some unimaginably mammoth animal. Stretched over the bones are countless rawhides stitched together, whatever lives here is obviously adept at hunting.

I approach cautiously and quietly, the grip on my sword never tighter. As I get closer I hear the muffled moans of a person and the grunts of something beastly. I creep around the side and see an opening that allows smoke to bellow out, I walk up and peer through being sure only my eyes and the top of my head are showing through the opening as I peek. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust, but as they do the scene I see playing out infront if me is shocking to say the least.

"Come now human just suck it already."

A large form towers over a smaller one. Her skin is a dark green, her a long dark red hair cascades down her back all the way to her absurdly muscled ass. She must stand at atleast 9 foot, her muscles bulging and rippling as she nakedly corners her prey. Infront of her is a man only slightly larger than me, the fear in his eyes evident. The beast's cock lays bare before them, over a foot long, the bulbous misshapen head covered fully by foreskin and pulsing with unparalleled aggression.

"N... No... I told you it's to big... Stop this..."

I hear a low rasp in her voice as she laughs "You chose to enter my domain human... This is what you wanted, you wanted to belong to me!"

He shakes his head no as the cock is pushed against his chest. I shake my head in unison as the reality of what I'm seeing registers. I always thought the veteran adventurers where just trying to scare us, the idea of giant orc woman with insatiable cocks always seemed absurd. God, it's true though, not only do these woman exist but they are more intimidating than I could have dreamed.

"You are just a little bitch... Now suck me like your life depends on it slut!"

The man whimpers as he takes the cock in hand, those very hands shaking with an incalculable amount of fear. As interesting as the scene infront of me is my eyes focus on the massive chest the man is leaned against. It's so full it can't actually close, through the crack I see the glimmer of pure gold peeking through. Who knows what this orc has accrued through it's constant raids. Whatever is inside must be mine at any cost!

I keep the grip on my sword tight as I not only back away from the opening, but the whole structure itself. From what I hear orcs hunt at night, I'll retreat for now and return later when it's gone. I'm not entirely sure if I can beat that monster one on one, so being stealthy is my best course of action. Why take the risk if I don't have to, you know?

The whole way back to my camp I can't quit picturing what that man must be going through. I can't be sure, but if that green dick I saw is any indicator it's unspeakably horrid. Whatever though that's not my problem, that's his for getting caught. Were I to ever suffer such a fate I would only blame myself.

I arrive back at the menkor tree that serves as my base. I climb the endless steps being sure to avoid the traps I set to protect my home. Once I reach my cozy organized dwelling I feel endless amounts of relief. I strip my armor and even my under clothes before collapsing into my bed covered in the furs of countless slayed beasts. I relish the soft feeling as my aching muscles finally allow themselves to relax. My body reeks with the sweat of my perilous journey, yet I haven't the strength to cleanse myself in the river.

My body feels oddly hot, my penis harder than it's ever been. Masturbating is a tool of the weak, a weapon that destroys ones ambition. I know this yet I feel my hand creep down to begin it's lewd rubbing. My foul excretions set my teeth on edge as I relentlessly pump myself, orgasming would be the greatest shame though, so I do everything in my power to atleast avoid allowing myself to go that far.

Why do I feel this way? Why am I allowing such weakness? The lewd scene of the cornered man playing through my head should tell me all I need to. For whatever reason even just seeing that beast has put a spell on me... Or more likely a curse. What will be done to that man? What will he endure?

I drift to sleep after over an hour of edging my needy cock, my last thoughts are equal parts shame and pride. I allowed myself the weakness of masturbation, which I feel endless amounts of shame for, but I didn't give myself in to the defeat of orgasm. A true warrior, through and through.

When I awake again I feel strange, the heat of my body hasn't dissipated and I can't seem to open my eyes. I hear the creak of a door, and for some reason that noise brings fear. Is this some kind of magic!?!

"Psst hey are you awake?" An oddly familiar voice whispers so quietly I almost can't hear it.

I can fully feel my body but for some reason it won't move no matter how hard I try. All I'm able to manage is a faint grumble and a small twitch as my body rolls on its back. I feel nothing but panic at this revelation of powerlessness. A moment or two passes before I hear the voice speak again.

"Oh my... Come on... Your faking right? Don't mess with me..."

On the inside I'm screaming and thrashing, my panic building to epic degrees. No matter how much I do though my body won't respond, it lays motionless.

"Oh... Oh wow... Um like... Your so big for a boy..."

All I give is a panicked exhale, my breathing seemingly the only thing in my control.

"C... Come on... I can see your eyes moving... Don't mess with me."

I'm not sure what realm I've slipped in but it makes me feel endlessly helpless, like that man with the orc. As if I couldn't be more scared I feel an oddly warm hand on my thigh, it grips with an alarming amount of strength.

"Come on... If... If you don't admit your faking I'll... I'll keep going..."

The hand begins to knead my thigh while slowly creeping up, my already hard cock flexes with all it's might at the sensation.

"Oh... Do you like this?... You do don't you?... I'll keep going if you want."

My whole body shutters as I feel an unbelievably warm hand cup my swollen nuts while the other takes a firm hold of my shaft. As the pumping begins my brain explodes with endorphins, the feeling of another touching me in such a way is better than I could have dreamed. Against my wishes my mouth let's out an unfettered moan of lust.

"It's just so... I always pictured it being smaller..."

The hand fondling my balls begins to slowly move down until it finds my taint, then with extra pressure begins massaging my there. My toes curl as the sensation combines with the stimulation of my cock. I clearly feel a torrent of precum travel up through my dick and out into the open air.

"Fuck... Oh god... You really do like it... I've always wondered what your face would look like this way... For so long I've wondered..."

I whimper to no end as the hand massaging my taint moves even lower, it feels like ticklish electricity exploding in my brain as my asshole begins to be rubbed. I can't even lie to myself anymore as the delight I feel washes over my body. This has to be a succubus, nothing else can explain why I feel so damn good.

"Mhmm I've always dreamed of this happening... I never thought it would though... You act like I don't even exist... Not now though, you can't ignore this!"

One of the fingers begins to relentlessly wiggle as it burrows it's way into my hole. The feeling of something entering me makes me feel equal parts sick and equal parts elated. My body clenches against the invader both trying to expel it and trying to feel more of it. Every pump of my tingling cock makes my ass clench with even more strength than I imagined possible.

"It's so tight! You've never played with it have you?.. I'm the first!?! Fuck I can't believe this... You want to cum right? You can you know... Just let it go! Please... Please hurry! We don't have much time!"

I feel endless levels of of despair as my body listens to her words and begins the process it was asked too. I don't want this monster have to have what it wants. Even from just it's tone I know that cumming will give it some kind of power over me, but no matter how hard I try my body won't listen. I can already feel my nuts raising as they prepare to do the unthinkable. With the first jolt of my orgasm begining I see a flash of light as my vision suddenly rushes back. My hips wiggle and I look over to see a face I've seen before.

Her silver hair shines absurdly bright in the light of my room, her green eyes even brighter like emeralds in the summer sun. Sweat is coating her brow and tracing down her dark petite features, the intense look on her face only breaking as we make eye contact and she grins. The memory of who I am comes flooding back as does the identity of my attacker. This is my little sisters best friend.