The Game


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"Umm...", Sophie had exposed herself and with seemingly nothing else to do and panic setting in she looked back at the man to avoid whatever might happen next.

To her horror - and pleasure, in equal measure - when she looked at him, he was already staring straight at her. His eyes met hers immediately and she whipped her gaze back to Constance, who was also taking him in again.

"Well, well, well. It looks like you have an admirer."

"Oh, shut up."

"Ahuh." Now it was Constance who sounded jealous.

Sophie picked up her book, but the temptation to look again was too much. When she did, the Adonis quickly returned the look in kind, peering up from his own book without hesitation. He was clearly watching her out of his peripheral too, and more than happy to make it obvious that he was doing so.

Sophie's eyes darted back to her friend, and she sat there speechless.

"Maybe I should leave you two alone?" she quipped, more than a little frustrated it wasn't her getting the attention.

"Oh, shut up Connie, it's just a look across a bar. We'll be on a flight in just over an hour. Nothing's gonna happen."

"Well, it looks like you might be wrong about that." She whispered suggestively as Sophie once again looked in his direction.

To her utter dismay, the man had stood and was coming to their table.

When he arrived he looked straight into Sophie's eyes, completely ignoring Constance, standing beside their booth, his immaculate frame towering over them.

"Hello handsome." Constance said, trying to attract some of his attention.

With eyes still trained on Sophie, his face relaxed into a gorgeous smile revealing pearl white teeth. "Excuse me, may I borrow your salt and pepper?"

Sophie felt like her heart was going to explode. She could reach out and touch him. It felt like there was an invisible bubble of energy shrouding them both. Her face was hot, her breath quickened, her pulse racing. She sensed Constance sit back in her chair and fold her arms, not impressed by the fact that she was apparently invisible to this man.

"Sure." Sophie squeaked, barely getting the words out.

She reached towards the condiments and as she handed them to the man, he put out both of his hands, placed one underneath and one above her own and glided them along, grazing the top and bottom of hands to take the salt and pepper from her. The sensation was electric and as soon as he touched her, her body erupted with a shock of excitement, her pussy moistening as it did.

"Thankyou" he hummed, teeth glistening, with eyes still fixed on Sophie, as if to look through her as he turned and walked to his chair.

"Jesus." Constance said as he returned.

"Yeah." Sophie said. Body shaking with adrenaline, and not having the faculties to find anything else to say.

"Well, I don't think we have to wonder about who he's into."

Sophie was still dumbstruck. She daren't look again. It was too much.

"Alright then my little minx. I believe it's your turn." Constance was clearly upset by the way she had been ignored, and she was going to punish Sophie by dragging this little encounter out even longer. How dare she be denied the attention of the hottest man of the evening.

"No, I don't want to Conny. Let's just leave it."

"No, no. I offered, you said it was your turn. So, your turn it is. Now look here."

"No." Sophie's head was down. Her body was racing with excitement and gin. She was fighting a mixture of thoughts and promiscuity and passion already. It was all a fantasy, but for the right guy, those thoughts could turn a girl inside out. And the thought he might be into her drove her wild. Dealing with Constance' questions wasn't gonna change any of that so she resisted.

"Sophie, look at me." Constance demanded.

"Fine." She looked up at her friend, face flushed with desire.

"Oooo, he really did a number on you didn't he?" She asked rhetorically. "Now I've got one question. Are you gonna be a good girl and play by the rules?"

Sophie was hesitating, but this was her punishment for getting all the attention. Constance would never back down now.

"Yes." She said reluctantly. "I'll play"

"Good girl." She was being openly condescending now. "So, tell me my lovely one; Salt and Pepper."

Sophie couldn't bear to answer. She knew what was coming. Connie wouldn't accept any other answer at this stage. No matter what she said, she'd be pressed for more. It would be a little victory for Constance to make her say it too. Above all the other 'levels' of 'the game', above Mr Big and all the other fantasies, the girls had long ago agreed that for the most outstanding of fish, there was only one word that sufficed. And when you said it, the other player got the satisfaction of going and informing the man in question. They were rules set in stone at adolescence, only Sophie wasn't 18 anymore. Her thoughts buzzed until Constance pulled her back.

"C'mon Soph. Answer me." she said, frustrated by the delay. "Salt and Pepper. What would you let him do to you?"

She steeled herself and shut her eyes. Then, with lips barely moving she offered a single, barely audible word that Constance didn't make out.

"I beg your pardon. I didn't hear you."

"I said 'Anything'"

"I knew it!" Constance shrieked, slapping the table with her hand. "So, Salt and Pepper is your 'anything' man! Looks like we'll be having ourselves a little conversation."

Sophie's gut was in knots, churning so much with desire and anxiety she thought she would be sick.

"Bloody Hell Connie, it's just a game. He's hot alright, can't we just leave it at that?"

"Rules are rules, girl" she teased. "I'm just gonna top up my water and I'll be back to tell the wonderful gentleman the good news."

Constance stood up and took herself to the bar as Sophie realised she didn't feel so good anymore. She'd let the booze and her desire cloud her better judgement and now her friend was about to tell a total stranger she wanted to fuck him. It was ridiculous, and it was childish, and in a moment of clarity Sophie realised it was about to get downright embarrassing. She snuck another glance at the beautiful man only to find him already with gaze fixed on her. Yet another gush of wetness welled within her, but it was making her feel sick too.

Sophie jumped to her feet, eager to escape the tension. She walked to up to Constance who was again attempting to flirt with the gay bartender.

"I'm just gonna go freshen up. Watch my stuff will you?" and off she set towards the bathroom before her friend could get a word in.

Sophie walked across the terminal and entered the hallway that connected to all the washrooms. She placed a hand on the door to the entry of the ladies' cubicles. Visibly shaken, she paused before entering and thought better of it. She didn't want to see anyone right now, especially not some doting older lady who would quiz her about whether she was ok. She turned around and directly behind her was the door to the all-access toilet, the green light near the door indicating it was unoccupied. She pressed the button, thankful for a moment of privacy to wash her face in solitude. The mechanical door opened slowly, and she walked in, pressing the 'lock' button as she entered. She stood at the basin as the door slowly closed behind her, looking in the mirror and waiting for that distinct latch to confirm she was alone and in peace.

With only a couple of inches left to go, the door stopped its closure and begin to open again. She looked to see a familiar dark hand forcing it open and in an instant, as soon as there was room enough to squeeze through, Salt and Pepper flung himself through the gap and once again pressed the lock button.

Sophie was in complete shock. She stood, frozen, mouth gaped, staring at the man who had just forced his way into her bathroom. Her heart was thumping like a tractor engine. The door slowly agreed with the new request as the two of them stood in complete stillness staring at each other. The air was thick with tension and the door seemed to take an age to close. Eventually Sophie heard that familiar 'thuk' and they were locked inside.

As soon as it did, Salt and Pepper took two strides towards Sophie and launched at her, clasping his hands behind her head and planting his lips on hers. Sophie's body responded immediately as electricity surged through her body at his touch, gasping audibly and when his lips crashed into her own as her pussy drenched her underwear instantly. His kiss was strong and passionate, his tongue searching her mouth for every detail, massaging hers as he went.

Sophie was so stunned by the situation she briefly stood idle, but after a second her instincts took over and she thrust her hands behind his head, holding him tight and kissing him vigorously. He was like a man possessed, his mouth hungry and wet for Sophie and his hands quickly moved from her head to explore the rest of her body. Salt and Pepper was clasping at her, pulling her in tightly with a strong hand in her back. Their chests were pressed into each other as he pushed her into the bathroom wall. The tiles were cool and smooth and hard and once he had her pinned to the wall he released from her mouth and flung his lips to her neck, pulling her head to the side with her ponytail to get access.

Sophie felt like his hands were everywhere, her pussy was actually dripping now, drenched in desire as the mocha-man-god continued to latch onto different parts of her neck, kissing her over and over. Her own hands were searching him. His back. His shoulders. His arms. The back of his head. She felt manic, clutching at every bit of flesh she could find.

He came back to her mouth and kissed her as passionately as before, squeezing her right boob firmly through her bra, and then her left as he kept the strongest of grips wrapped behind her waist. Sophie gasped again. She couldn't move. This man was all over her, pinning her to the wall and taking over every inch of her body.

With a free hand she reached to his groin. His cock was rock hard, like flint, and bulging through his shorts. Another gush of lust welled inside her panties as Salt and Pepper started tearing at her clothes. He yanked at her top, pulling it above her head as she wriggled her arms free, and plunged his hands beneath her skirt, reefing her panties down to her ankles. They were both in a frenzy, and Sophie grabbed at his belt, desperate for access to that hard brown dick. Salt and Pepper obliged, whipping his shirt off in a flash and stripping his shorts and boxers down to his feet and flicking them to the side.

His naked body was now Sophie's for the taking. They continued to kiss intensely as she ran her hands all over his perfectly athletic body. When the shirt came off she saw his rippled chest and perfectly formed six pack, with cum-gutters highlighting the path to his immaculate mocha member. His cock pressed into her as they grappled with each other, quietly grunting with each satisfying moment. Salt and Pepper took a hand and guided his dick between her thighs and found her drenched pussy, wetting his tip and rubbing it against her clit. She almost came immediately and took in a gasp of satisfaction at the sensation. He freed up his spare hand and tore her bra down, exposing her right breast, lunging at it with his mouth, still pinning her firmly to the wall. As he released his mouth from her nipple, he looked into her eye, taking his dick in his hand and plunged it deep inside her.

Sophie shrieked with delight. Her pussy soaked and desperate for his manhood. He lifted her right leg up from the ground with a grip below her knee and started fucking her little cunt right there. He felt like an animal. Lean muscle and ferocious lust driving into her over and over again. His cock felt incredible inside her. It was thick and stiff and smashing into her g-spot. Sophie's body relented and she felt her pussy grip harder around his rigid cock as she convulsed with orgasm. She moaned with pleasure but he didn't relent, crashing deep inside her like a jackhammer as Sophie dove her nails into his back, snatching at him while her body came and came.

Salt and Pepper pulled himself out of her, grabbed her by the shoulders, turningd her around and doubling her over, her head pressed into the wall as Sophie clutched a hand on the sink to avoid falling over. Once he had her in the position he wanted he didn't hesitate, thrusting his massive black pillar straight back into her pussy, vigorously thumping his brown thighs into the back of Sophie white butt cheeks. He gripped her waist, holding her like a piece of meat as her continued to slam into her. His cock felt enormous inside her and Sophie was now in a permanent state of orgasm, pussy quivering constantly around his fat shaft. Her whole body was shaking as he grabbed her hair and yanked it back, pulling tightly, hurting her.

She felt him get harder as he thrusted inside her, his cock priming for the explosion that Sophie craved so much. Harder and harder he got, faster and faster his dick slammed into her. She wanted his cum so much. Her mouth was salivating as she continued to cum on his perfect dick.

He pulled her around to face him and forced her to her knees, bulging cock wet and hard before her eyes. Sophie didn't need any encouragement. She dived at his dick with her mouth, wrapped her lips and tongue around it, furiously milking it for her reward. Sophie used one hand to keep hold of his monstrous black shaft and used her other to slide over his sixpack and squeeze his tight butt cheeks as she desperately sucked his manhood. She drove her face deeper and deeper, her forehead hitting his abs as she felt his body stiffen and his butt clench.

Salt and Pepper's perfect black dick continued to stiffen until the moment his cum burst into Sophie's mouth, just like she had been waiting for. He grabbed two handfuls of Sophie's hair as he did, shoving his cock as deep into her throat as he could and let out a groan of satisfaction as he filled her mouth with hot semen. Sophie's hungry mouth kept her lips tight around his shaft as he did, eager not to lose a single drop. She stayed there, slurping, swallowing and sucking through his final thrusts, making sure she drained everything he had in his beautiful ball-sack. His cum was delicious, flooding her mouth with the salty, gooey goodness that only a man can provide. When he finished, she dutifully swallowed it all, licking his still hard knob clean and sitting back on her knees, totally satisfied, looking up at her black lover.

His eyes rolled back in his head as he enjoyed his orgasm, and Sophie felt a sense of pride at satisfying such flawless man.

"Thanks for that." He said, looking down at her and visibly happy with the outcome.

"Thanks yourself." She replied, a glint in her eye and a smile on her face, body still reeling with the endorphins of multiple orgasms.

The black man-god apparently didn't feel the need for any more pleasantries and preceded to pick up his clothes and get dressed. Sophie did the same, although he was clothed much sooner.

"I'll see you round" he said as he pressed the button to exit.

"Yeah, see you round." She replied, body still gushing from the sex, as she covered herself while he exited the room.

And like that, he was gone.

Sophie finished getting dressed and looked at herself in the mirror. It looked like she'd just been fucked in a toilet.

She let her hair out and re-did it in something that she hoped would pass for a 'casual' ponytail, and avoided that 'dishevelled slut' look that she was rocking a minute ago.

As she washed her face, she realised Constance had obviously sent him over, and all the games aside, she would never believe what had just happened. It was certainly some of the best sex she'd had for a while, and the orgasms were intense.

Finally happy with her post fucked-in-the-bathroom appearance, she walked back out to the terminal to join Constance, as her phone went off.

Pulling the phone out of her pocket, she spotted Salt and Pepper at the front of a queue ready to board. His back was turned, but by the size of the line he'd be on that flight in about 30 seconds she guessed.

She opened the text, it was Conny.

*Where are you? Are you ok?*

*Yeah I'm ok. Just needed to freshen up in the bathroom.*

*Did you see Salt and Pepper again? I was about to go tell him your good news, but by the time I got back from the bar, he was gone.*

Sophie looked up to where Salt and Pepper was standing and this time he had looked back at her from right at the front of the queue. She raised a hand in a motionless wave, and he just looked back at her, winked and disappeared through the departure gate towards his plane.

*Nah. Didn't see him. He must've left.*

*Oh that's a shame, you two had some real chemistry.*

Sophie took a deep satisfied sigh, popped her phone back in her pocket as she wandered back to her friend.

"Yeah, we did."


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ArchieosullivanArchieosullivanover 2 years agoAuthor

Hi Emirus.

I’m sorry to hear that. It’s a shame in what seems like such a great community people take opportunities to tear down others work, even if it’s not great, it takes personal effort to create anything and at the very least I think that deserves a measure or respect.

All I can say is everyone’s entitled to their opinion. I appreciated you taking the time to tell me yours and I take it for what it is, your thoughts about my words.

Thanks for the comment, the summation of all the comments has been very helpful, encouraging and insightful.

All the best, Archie.

EmirusEmirusover 2 years ago

Hi again, Archie.


You seem to have picked up an anonymous supporter or maybe just someone who dislikes me. Immediately after leaving their comment on here they dashed across to my story Kidnapped and trashed it. 😳 Due to it having several hundred votes, it hasn’t made any difference. What they seem to have not realised is you may have ignored my suggestions anyway. 🙄


I would like to repeat the final sentence of my previous comment, “I look forward to what you come up with for your next story.” 👍


Best wishes,


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

@Emirus With respect, please don't pass that drivel on as fact. It's a forum for erotic literature, not a web design project.

Telling a new author that writing between 2-4 Lit pages is "right" is laughable. The author decides how long they want their story to be. As for the 100-word limit for paragraphs, that's actually garbage.

Some of the best writing in history includes paragraphs of considerable length. If 100 words is all you can process, then you'll find some Great Works impenetrable. Which is your problem, not anyone else.

I have no problem with your views as long as you don't badger new writers with them.

yukonnightsyukonnightsover 2 years ago

I'll add my opinion to those already made, you need not worry about your writing skills. I could include my own suggestions and advice, but I think you showed enough in this first story to indicate your ability. Welcome to Literotica and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have over the years.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Definitely enjoyable. Good job and keep writing!

EmirusEmirusover 2 years ago

A GOOD STORY for a first submission. A couple of things to mention. The first is to have a look at your dialogue punctuation and the second piece of advice you’ll receive from more experienced writers is not to make your paragraphs too long. Many people read on a smartphone and what looks okay on a pc doesn’t look the same on a phone screen. Maximum length for a paragraph of around 100 words, give or take, is usually what works and generally longer paragraphs can be broken into two or three without altering the flow of the story. The popular length for readers of stand alone stories seems to be 2 to 4 Lit pages so you got that right as well. I look forward to seeing what you come up with for your next story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

pretty good for your first story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very sexy and well written thanks

DanDraperDanDraperover 2 years ago

Great first story. Even if you say you're not a writer, you should consider writing more stories here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

awesome story. loved it. made me cum about the time of the oral pleasuring and yes i came just before him. keep writing. keep your girlfriend as your muse.

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