The Garden Shed Ch. 12


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Now what is she thinking I wondered, not responding to Mom.

"I said, do you see now?" Mom repeated.

"Oh yes, sorry, I was just thinking...err... checking, that I had put my camera and stuff in one of the boxes," I said.

"Good, well, I suppose one good thing is you might be warmer going back if you are closer together, just try and make the most of it, its not too long a journey," she said.

We all said goodbye to Gran and piled into the car. Mom had been right, there wasn't much room left in the back.

Sue and I squashed together as much as we could, Sue in the middle and me on the door side behind Mom, the boxes stacked on Sue's other side.

"I can hardly breath," Sue said, only a few minutes into the drive home.

"Well move over a bit then," I retorted.

"I can't, can I," she shot back.

"Well, it's not my fault, I can't move, I'm up against the door," I said, getting annoyed with her elbows shoving me.

"I can't even move my legs I am so trapped," she said, her voice getting louder.

"Hey, you two, settle down, your dad is trying to concentrate on driving, you know he's not keen on driving at night. I know it's not easy, but can't you make more room Ben?"

"No, it's not possible," I said truthfully.

"Look," Sue said, "let me sit on your lap, then we can both spread out a bit," she suggested.

"What? No, you're too heavy, my legs will go numb," I said, grumpily.

"I'M NOT HEAVY," she said, raising her voice.

"Well, I didn't mean it like that, it's just that I don't think it will work." I said, lamely.

"Ben," Mom said, sounding annoyed now, "just give it a try for goodness sake, then perhaps we can have some peace."

"Oh, if you must," I said, reluctantly.

Sue climbed over my legs and plonked herself down on my lap, her back on my chest and her legs splayed either side of mine.

"Oh, God, that's better," she said, "so, am I too heavy or what?"

"No," I said, not enjoying losing the argument, "it's fine, just don't fidget around and it will be ok I guess."

"At last," Mom said, "now, let's have some quiet in the back until we get home."

In the darkness, I hadn't noticed that Sue was holding onto the folded blanket, and as soon as Mom turned round, she spread it over her legs covering us both up with it. She shuffled around a bit with her hands under the blanket, then settled down, resting her back lightly on my chest, and the back of her head on my shoulder.

We had only been travelling about another few minutes when Sue shuffled again.

I was just about to remonstrate with her, when she turned her head sideways and raised her eyebrows.

When she did that, it was usually some sort of message, but I wasn't sure what she was trying to convey this time until I realised she had moved a little to the side, so that my cock, in my jeans, was resting flat between her bum cheeks. Registering that fact, my cock began to grow.

Up to now, my hands had just been resting on the seat either side of us, but under cover of the blanket, I moved them slowly until I was touching the side of Sue's thighs.

To my surprise, I felt bare leg. What was going on, I wondered?

Sue didn't move or give any indication I was touching her, so I felt around slowly, hopefully inconspicuously to anyone in the front seats, until I had done a full 'investigation'.

I discovered that raising her eyebrows wasn't the only thing she had raised. In sitting down on my lap and shuffling about, she had lifted the back of her skirt, so that it was her bare legs and bottom that were resting against the now hardening cock in my jeans. It was clear she still had no panties on. I didn't see how she could have manipulated us into this situation, but I wouldn't put anything past my sister.

At this discovery, my cock became fully erect, and it felt a little uncomfortable squashed in my jeans and underwear.

I moved my hands round her waist and down into her silky pubic hair, she leaned back a little more, opening her legs and giving me more access. The fingers of one hand slid down further and found her clit, already a little hard nub. When I touched it, I felt Sue take a deep breath, moving slightly against me and feeling, rather than seeing, her face smile.

I saw Mom start to turn round, so I stopped all movement and closed my eyes, leaning my head against the door window.

"Are you ok in the back now?" she asked.

"Yes, but shhhh, I think Ben has dropped off to sleep, the work must have tired him out poor boy. At least if he stays asleep, he won't be moaning about me on his lap," Sue whispered, just loud enough for Mom to hear.

When I heard that, I purposefully slid my finger round Sue's clit, causing another slight intake of breath.

Mom obviously didn't notice, "Good," she said, in a much quieter voice, "let's let him sleep." She then turned back round to look at the road ahead, lit only by our headlights.

I gave it another minute or so, then continued to delve my fingers between Sue's increasingly damp pussy lips. The blanket wasn't high enough to cover her breasts, so I kept my hands below her waist, but I wasn't disappointed in that. Neither it seemed was Sue, as I felt her carefully flexing her thighs as I stroked on her clit.

She wasn't really in a position to do anything to me, as it would have raised too much suspicion if Mom had turned around again, but I was able to move my hands fairly easily under the cover of the blanket while feigning sleep, should she turn round again.

With Sue just raising one cheek of her bottom, I was able to slide my hand between us into the gap between my legs. I angled my fingers upwards, and there was her damp vaginal entrance just waiting for me.

I wiggled my finger around it, all the time minutely rolling the finger of my other hand round her clit, and then gently eased my finger into her.

Although the car was noisy, she was also doing very well at keeping quiet and not moving much, so, once again, I found myself finger fucking my sister with our parents only a couple of feet away.

I thought that we would last the journey out like this, getting Sue wound up and close to orgasm by the time we got home, but Sue of course had other ideas.

Turning her head slowly and keeping an eye on Mom, she put her lips close to my ear and whispered, "Unzip it."

I opened one eye and shook my head 'no' then mouthed 'too risky'.

In the darkness of the car, I could just make out that she replied by raising her eyebrow and nodding 'yes'.

I didn't think we should, we would never get away with it, and it was really just asking for serious trouble, but the fear triggered some adrenaline too, and my hard cock was clouding my judgement yet again. I started to wonder if maybe we could.

Sue wasn't going to give in yet, in my ear, barely making a sound, I heard, "In me."

The thought of just sitting there with my cock inside her, even if we couldn't move, was giving me the trembles. I was now starting to think if, and how, I could achieve it.

I closed my eyes again as if asleep and slid my wet finger out of Sue's pussy. I moved my hand upwards over the front of my jeans until I found the tag of my zip. It was decision time.

Sue felt what I was doing and pressing her feet on the floor, lifted her weight up slightly. I dragged my zip right down.

I was committed now, and probably thought I should be, that is, committed to a mental institution for even trying this.

My cock was pressing up into the gap of the open zip from under my underwear. I hadn't got as far as thinking how to get it out yet, or even how to put it back later. My excitement level had risen to the point when I wanted to do it, it was just a question of how.

Cautiously, inserting my thumb into the gap in my jeans like a hook, I snagged the low waistband and tugged it over my cock, baring it to the world under the blanket. Sue felt it touch the bare skin of her bottom and helped by lifting up even more, so that I was able to pull my cock more upright.

Making as little movement as possible, I pushed it forwards until I felt the head in between her legs, and it quickly notched into her entrance. As soon as she felt it there, she slowly let herself down, my cock sliding gently into her, just as she had on the chair earlier.

It wasn't the deepest penetration by any means because we could move much, but I felt the warm walls of her vagina surrounding the head and a couple of inches more. The thought of where it was going went through my head and made my cock twitch inside her.

Oh my God, I thought, we had done it, no, we were doing it, in the back seat of our car with our parents blissfully unaware just in front of us. It was by far the riskiest and scariest thing we had ever done, but exciting at the same time. Even though I couldn't talk to her, I knew Sue would be feeling elated, and so turned on.

The thought flashed through my mind, 'what if we have a car accident, how would we explain this'. I quickly dismissed it as being too terrible to contemplate, and hoped Dad was driving carefully.

The occasional rough bit of road did mean I moved fractionally in and out of her, but not nearly like real fucking. However, just sitting there with my cock half inside my sister, was an amazing feeling.

I then felt her hands grip my thighs either side, and using them as leverage, began to make tiny sliding motions that moved my cock in and out of her just a little bit more. It was creating just enough friction, that I began to think if she continued, it might make me come. The sensible part of me didn't think that would be a wise thing given our circumstances; the smell, the mess, we would be sure to be caught.

Dad drove on, with Mom occasionally chatting to him, unaware that in the back seat their son's cock was being gently massaged by their daughter's warm pussy. We couldn't really hear well enough to know what they were saying, so we assumed that that worked both ways and our slight noises and movements wouldn't be attracting attention.

Sue had managed to get a nice slow rhythm going that moved my cock about an inch in and out, my sensitive cockhead being nicely stimulated by the walls of her vagina, and the slight flexing of her muscles. The slow in and out movements, although truly stimulating, were tantalising, almost torture, in that what I really wanted to do was thrust up hard and bury my whole cock inside her but knew I couldn't.

She kept this up for a good ten minutes, until I think her legs got tired, and she gently sat down on me, motionless. Her movements though had got me closer to coming than I thought she would, and I knew that I was on the edge and was almost glad in a way, that she had stopped.

I put my hand back round her waist and down over her mound. Sliding my finger down between her swollen labia, I found that there was more moisture around there now. Dipping my fingers in it, I worked them up and used it to gently massage the nub of her clit, which made her clench her muscles and squeeze the part of my cock that was inside her.

With her back still against me, I could feel the increase in her breathing rate, even though she was trying to control it to make sure she didn't make any odd sounds. I worked her clit a little harder, trapping it between my fingers and then letting it slide through them, over and over.

I could feel her legs starting to tremble, and if it had been daylight, I was sure I would have seen that her face was flushed by now.

"Only another fifteen minutes or so," Mom said, without turning round, "is Ben still asleep back there?"

"Yes," Sue said, trying to control the shakiness of her voice.

Fortunately, Mom left it at that, as I wasn't sure Sue was up to a full-blown conversation without arousing suspicion at this point.

I kept changing how I rubbed her clit, feeling the reaction from Sue, both in her body and in the way her vagina clenched at times. I was sure she was getting close, and that knowledge fed my own arousal, even though earlier I had thought it a bad idea if I came too.

I was just thinking through that, when I felt Sue's legs squeeze together then relax, then do the same again.

Oh God, I thought, she is coming, please, please don't make any noise. I opened my eyes and could just about see she was gritting her teeth to try to keep quiet. I felt her stomach sort of spasm and then she was squeezing my cock inside her. It was wildly erotic to feel her climax running through her while trying to give no external sign at all.

Feeling all that triggered my own climax too, and even though earlier I had thought it such a bad idea, I couldn't stop what was happening. I felt my cum being pumped up my cock. That so familiar tingling deep down moved upwards in a full-blown ejaculation. I swear I didn't do it knowingly, but my urge to push right up into her just seemed to come from nowhere. Bracing my feet on the floor, I suddenly lifted my hips, forcing my cock deeper into my sister, at the peak of her orgasm. My cock erupted inside her spewing my cum deep into her waiting vagina. How she kept quiet I have no idea.

As I relaxed back down, I warily looked to see if Mom had noticed the movement or any noise, as I almost imagined she would hear the splash of my cum hitting Sue's cervix. For once, having an older car that was noisy, now seemed to be a benefit as she gave no indication that she had heard anything.

Sue was still trembling and trying to look 'normal', while I went back to pretending to doze, my head back against the window.

Gradually, I felt Sue start to calm down at the same time as I felt my cock start to soften. I think we realised together that my cum from Sue's pussy was starting to trickle past my softening cock, and with probably only about five minutes left before we arrived back home, we had to think of what to do to avoid a visible mess.

I needn't have worried, I watched through one half open eye as Sue, always resourceful, carefully stretched down for her handbag that was on the floor by her side. She reached in and then pulled her hand out with something bunched in her fist. Putting her hand back under the blanket, she looked at me and raised her eyebrows once more. I felt for her hand, and she passed me something soft. As I touched it, I realised it must be her panties that she had removed when we had first arrived at Gran's house.

I guessed she wanted me to use them to soak up our juices that were now threatening to cover the front of my jeans. I let my cock slip out, and immediately tried to just sort of hold them against her pussy to catch the flow. I couldn't see what I was doing of course and had no idea if I would successfully soak it all up and what the result might be when we got out of the car.

I then had a brainwave.

Carefully and slowly, I used my finger in part of the material and started to push her panties into her opening. I saw a passing look of surprise on her face and didn't know how she might feel about it, but it seemed the best option and she couldn't really object anyway. Gradually, bit by bit, I fed her panties fully inside her, forming a 'plug', that I thought would soak up any liquid and temporarily stop anything dripping out.

Once I had it all inside her, I set about forcing my cock back into my underwear and jeans and then the slow and tricky manoeuvre to pull the zip up a few teeth at a time, until I thought I would look presentable when I got out of the car in the darkened street.

In hardly any time at all, we turned into our road and Dad pulled up onto the drive.

"You can wake up now," Mom said in a loud voice, "we're home."

"Ohh," I yawned dramatically for effect, "I must have just dropped off." I said.

"Ha, ha, only for almost the whole journey," Sue added, laughing.

"Ahh, I think my legs have gone numb as I thought they would," I said, "I thought you weren't supposed to be heavy Sue."

"I'm not," she said, feigning annoyance, "but I do need to go to the toilet, all that tea has gone right through me, so I'll be off your legs in a couple of seconds," she added.

"Well at least we all got home safe," Mom said, "and when you get some feeling back in your legs, perhaps you can help your dad to unload all the stuff."

Mom got out and pulled the seat forwards allowing Sue to climb out of the car, unlock the house and disappear inside.

"Errrr. yes, sure, but I'm next for the toilet, then I will come back and help." I said, only anxious to take a look at my jeans and make sure there was no suspicious marks on the front.

While Mom fussed about sorting things out in the car, I took the opportunity to get out and go quickly into the house and straight upstairs to the bathroom.

The bathroom door was still closed, so I gently tapped on it.

"It's occupied," Sue said.

"It's only me," I said, through the door.

The door opened a fraction and Sue looked out, "Where are they?" she whispered

"They're still outside," I whispered back.

"Good, quick, you need to help me. While it was a clever idea what you did, you pushed them too far and didn't leave anything hanging out, I can't get a grip to pull them out," she said, with a worried look.

"Ohh, I didn't think of that," I said, guilty, "what do you want me to do?"

"You have to be quick, come in here, and while I sit on the toilet seat, see if you can pull them out with your fingers."

She virtually dragged me in to the small bathroom and shut the door. I knew we didn't have much time as Sue sat on the closed toilet seat, leaning back, her skirt round her waist, and her legs wide open in the air. It was almost comical, but Sue wasn't amused.

"Come on," she said, impatiently, "put your fingers in."

I knelt down staring at my sisters pussy, her lips still slightly puffy and open. She put her hands down either side and lewdly stretched her pussy open as much as she could. I couldn't really see any part of her panties in there, so knowing we were short of time, I wet my finger in my mouth and slipped one and then two into her open pussy.

I felt the material once my fingers were in up to the first knuckle, but it was difficult to grip it.

"I'll have to go in further," I whispered, "I don't want to hurt you though."

"Just do it, I can't walk round with those in there for ever can I?"

If we had had more time, I might have enjoyed poking around in my sister's vagina again, but I was getting more nervous as every second passed, that we might be discovered.

Sliding my fingers round and deeper, I was just able to scissor them enough to pinch part of the material between them. Tentatively, trying to keep them tight together, I managed to drag a small part of the embedded panties to her opening. Once there I could grip it better and gently and slowly, trying not to hurt her, I pulled her wet panties out of her.

She gave a sigh of relief when she felt them slip out, just as we heard the front door bang downstairs. Quickly, I shot out of the bathroom and stood outside, hearing footsteps on the stairs.

"Is Sue still in there?" Mom asked.

"Umm, yea, I knocked on the door, she said she will be out soon," I replied, the first thing that came into my head.

"Oh, ok, well don't forget your dad needs some help down there, will you?"

"No, I'll be down in a moment," I said, as Mom wandered off towards their bedroom.

Hearing Mom go, Sue cracked the door a little, then assuring herself only I was there, slipped quietly out and headed into her bedroom, giving me a cheeky grin on the way, and waving her panties in my face that I could see needed a really good wash now.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I love this series, we need more of Ben and Sue risky adventures

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

More humorous than erotic. The banter and traded glances more than the situations themselves. I see that it's been less than a year since the previous episode. Hope the fellow comes back with more because it wasn't a very good way to end it.

As an old backwoods colonial I just want to know - Who the hell is Randy and why are they always feeling him?

pcuserpcuseralmost 2 years ago

Great story and it needs more chapters or at least an ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good premise.

Nicely told.

Not rushed, except for the ending.

Five stars.

FYI: You wrote: "I can hardly breath," Sue said..." You meant BREATHE.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

love this series, so hoping there is another chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I come back every week looking for that yellow N.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

More please

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Amazing series - please continue.

TallManReinventedTallManReinventedabout 2 years ago

Well done, lovely series of chapters Jasperson. I was doubtful about introducing another participant, but it worked. However...UK in the 70's - a SWIMMING POOL at home? Nah!

Anyway, we (the guys) surely wish we had a sister like this one!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I’ve waited to make a comment until I finished all twelve chapters, and now find myself wishing there were twelve more awaiting me. Fantastic pacing, great character development. I really feel like I know Sue and Ben and have become a big fan of theirs. Every risky situation they got themselves into I was squirming in concern for they’re being discovered. I’m rooting for them to find a way to stay together and make a life with each other. SIXTY STARS (five for each chapter)!

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