The Geodomes: Alpha

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Savannah sat curled on the couch of the dome living room feeling stunned. She hadn't listened to introductions, though she had vaguely heard her name being announced and stood on wobbly legs as the computer said she would be doing herbalism. Her head was spinning with the possibilities and scenarios in her head. It was a bad joke. An experiment. Some new reality show.

A hand touched her shoulder and she looked up at the girl who was trying to smile down at her. "You ok?"

"No... No! This... this isn't real, is it?"

"They are trying to find out. Why don't you come sit with us? My name is Yvette."

"Savvy," she answered, still numb as the girl led her to a couch with two other girls who were huddled up and had been crying.

Yvette pulled her down to the couch and hugged her close, pulling the other two girls in as well. Savvy gave in to the overwhelming feelings and the commiseration and let herself break down and cry. Giving in felt like admitting this was real though, and that made her cry harder as the other girls clutched her and each other close.

She was aware when people came back into the room. She had no idea where they had been, but she still ignored them as she pressed her face in Yvette's shoulder to hide her weakness from the others.

"Ok, we looked around a little," a boy said softly. "I don't think there's a way out. When we tried to circle around and go back to that waystation, this... computer told us to stop or be punished. Nick kept going and he was... I don't know. Electrocuted I guess? He has a bad burn on his shoulder now and Peter has him laid out back closer to the dome. He can't move yet. I... I think this is all real. This place says there are no other people. Just us. Some of the others went back to their rooms to be alone. Uhh. There's some real live animals out there in that barn. I don't remember who is on that, but thought you should know. Uhhh... anyway. You guys need anything?"

She heard no one answer, just quiet snuffling and sobs. There were other people on the other couches now, she could hear them and sense them, but she didn't look. She didn't look at the pacing boy who had been speaking either.

They stayed huddled on the couch for another half hour before Yvette finally spoke softly. "Ok girls. We had a good cry, we can do this. We got this. Right? We are stronger than just shutting down. Come on. Let's go look at our rooms, maybe have a nice relaxing shower if we want, then we can come back out and have our own look at this place. Ok? Rhi? Savvy? Lexi?"

"Yeah," one of the girls answered, sitting up.

Savvy also sat up, scrubbing an arm across her face and nodding. "I don't know which room is mine?" she said, still a little out of it.

"You can actually talk to the computer," the boy who had spoken earlier said quickly. "It will answer questions. Computer, which room is hers?"

"You may call me Alpha," the voice said. "Define 'her'."

"Savvy," she said to the ceiling. "Savannah Hough."

"Your room is number four," she answered.

"That's creepy as fuck," one of the other girls said, looking around.

"I don't really want to be alone," the other girl said.

"Me either," Savvy agreed.

"Well let's go look together for now," Yvette said soothingly.

"Can I come?" another girl asked from the other couch.

"Me too?" the girl next to her asked quickly.

"Of course. I'm Yvette and this is Rhiannon, Lexi and Savannah."

"Cicily. Cici.


The girls went down the hall together, opening doors and peeking into the rooms, but not really going in. Yvette led them into her room, bright orange with black trim and they explored a little, looking at her bathroom and huge closet with her four large bags. They relaxed some and started pairing off to look at their own rooms more closely, none of them wanting to be completely alone yet.

Savannah was with the tall pretty girl named Lexi. She looked like a country girl with her jeans and boots and hoodie with a big buck head on it. Her long black hair hung loose down her back and her tan wasn't just from her hispanic background, she spent a lot of time in the sun. They went to Lexi's room first and the first thing she did was pull on a baseball hat with the same buck head as her hoodie on it. Her room was the same teal as her hoodie and the emblem on her hat.

Savvy looked around her own room done in a soft white with green trim, reminding her of her garden at home. It was soothing.

"I like this," Lexi said, looking around. "It's super peaceful and zen? That's the word, right?"

"Yeah," Savvy agreed with a smile.

"Were you ag? I can't remember," Lexi asked, looking in the closet.


"Right. I am livestock which is cool I guess. Did you leave someone behind? A boyfriend... or girlfriend?"

"Umm.. I was dating a boy but it wasn't really serious. We weren't official or anything."

"Oh. I just broke up with the girl I was sort of seeing."

Savvy looked up at her and she could see the hopeful and interested look. She offered a smile, but she felt awkward. "Sorry to hear that."

"Yeah," she said, looking around again. "I guess it was too much to ask that the prettiest girl here was also gay. Or at least bi."

"You really think I am pretty?" Savvy asked, surprised that the stunning girl had said that.

"You are beautiful! And so adorably short."

Savvy blushed, smiling. "Thanks. I think you are beautiful too."

Lexi smiled and kept looking away. "Thanks. Should we go see if the others are done?"

"Sure," Savvy answered, feeling the girl's discomfort.

They met up with the others in the living room and Savvy looked around more. There were several more people out there, most of them guys. She looked away quickly, not wanting to go there. She had talked to two of them in line, but it was small talk as they blushed and stammered and looked around, as awestruck as she had been. She had no interest in the boys trying to use her grief to hook up. She sat next to Yvette again as Lexi kicked back in a chair and swung a leg over the side.

The boy who had spoken earlier came around. "Hey. Levi was in his room asking questions and he found out about these," he said showing them a bracelet on his wrist. He touched the side and a display popped up. "They are in your rooms on the top desk drawer. They tell you everything you need to know about this place, I guess."

Savvy just looked down, uninterested in the tech. She had never been one to buy into the newest and latest tech. She had a phone, but it was only for getting in touch with her family and it was old. Her computer was an old desktop and she only used it for home-school and email. Sometimes for researching a plant or herbal remedy.

Some of the other girls got up and went to get theirs, but Savvy just curled up on the end of the couch with a sigh. Lexi got up and sat close to her, then laid down with her head on Savvy's hip. The other girls came in looking at their bracelets and the displays.

"Don't you two want yours?" the boy asked Savvy and Lexi.

"I'll look later," Lexi said.

Savvy said nothing.

They stayed there like that until a boy announced that food was ready. The last thing Savvy felt like doing was eating, but everyone else got up, including Lexi. Lexi offered a hand to help her up and she took it, walking in with the taller girl holding her hand.

When she sat, she looked around the table and was a little surprised to see so many of them smiling at each other and talking. Weren't they upset? Didn't all of this bother them? How were they ok with this now?

No. They weren't over it, they were pushing past it. Making the best of a bad situation and trying to forget what happened for the moment. Moving on by getting to know each other.

Savvy wasn't ready for that. She stood and left, going to her room and climbing into her shower to try and focus on something else. She ended up sitting and staring at the water running off of her feet.

"Your presence is requested in the main room," Alpha told her, making her jump.

"No thanks," she answered, standing and turning off the water.

"Your presence is requested in the main room."

"I said no thanks! I am going to go to bed. Tell them I want to be alone."

"Yvette Anderson has requested your presence in the front room."

"I said no! Don't ask me again!" she said angrily, pulling on a nightshirt. It had been her dad's t-shirt once, before he had gained weight. She threw herself into her bed to cry.

Moments later there was a knock at her door. She ignored it and they knocked again, then again.

After another five minutes, her door opened.

Yvette came in, the boy who had spoken earlier with her. "Hey girl. I wanted to check on you. This is Rajan."

"Just Raj," the boy said quickly.

"He's the medic. We were a little worried. I had him do an override on your door... you good?"

"I am ok, I want to be alone."

"We probably shouldn't be alone. Come out and let us help distract you a little."

"My heart still hurts," she answered, tears welling back up.

"I know baby girl. Come on out here, let us help you," Yvette said gently, pulling her out of bed.

She pulled her out to the front room and Savvy wasn't worried about the sleep shirt since it went all the way past her knees. She made her sit on the couch next to her and Lexi came and sat on the other side, taking hold of her feet that she had curled around half under her.

"We were just getting to know each other a little," a different boy said. "We reintroduced ourselves at dinner, but you weren't there. I'm Levi. Ag. You?"

"Savvy, herbalism I guess."

"Cool, yeah, Alpha said I would be working with you a lot," the boy said, his country boy smile showing interest. He looked nice enough with his soft, dark blonde curls with sun highlights. His blue eyes were dark, close to gray and his skin sun dark. He wore a pearl snap button down shirt that had seen better days. He and Lexi had been the least dressed up of everyone who had come. "Maybe we can get together here in a bit and you can look at the board in my room, tell me what you need?"

"Maybe. I haven't really looked at anything yet."

"It's all on your PED. Oh, I guess you don't have yours yet. It's in your desk drawer in your room."

"I'll look at it later," she said, shrugging a shoulder uncomfortably and turning away from the boy.

She kept her head down and listened to the other people talking to each other. Soon, she lay with her head in Yvette's lap and Yvette ran her long nails through her hair soothingly. Lexi leaned on Savvy, laying on her hip again and holding onto her foot.

Savvy actually drifted off like that until Yvette shifted.

"We were talking about goin' on to bed," Yvette said quietly. "Me and Rhi and CiCi are all piling into my bed. Abby said you and Lexi could pile into hers with her. That cool?"

"Yeah," Savvy said, grateful she wouldn't be alone.

Levi, who turned out to be very tall, put a hand on her shoulder in the hall. "Hey, did you want to see the plot map in my room? Tell me what you need?"

"Maybe tomorrow," she answered, shrugging off his hand and catching up with Lexi who had stopped to wait for her.

She slept in the middle, Lexi curled around her and Abby with an arm over both of them. It was comforting to be close.

They slept until Alpha announced breakfast.

"Shit," Lexi groaned. "I have to go feed the animals and shit again. I'll meet you guys there."

Savvy followed her out quietly, going to her own room to get dressed.

"Hey," a boy offered in the hall. "I'm Peter," he said quietly. She remembered him from the line. A small, quiet mousy boy with large, wide eyes and longish hair that didn't suit him at all. His glasses were too big for his face like he had gotten them to grow into and then never had.

"Savvy," she answered, pushing into her room quickly and shutting the door.

She got dressed and went out to eat, feeling a little grumpy. Why was everyone so cheerful? It was frustrating and a little infuriating. Didn't they care at all?!?

"Hey Savvy!" Yvette called cheerfully.

"Mornin'," Savvy answered, falling into her chair. She immediately poured herself some coffee and pulled her feet into her chair, putting her cup on her knees to hold and hide behind.

"Morning person I see," Levi said with a smile as he sat next to her.

"That's Lexi's seat," she said quickly.

"O...kaaay?" he said, getting up and moving around the table.

She sipped her coffee while everyone else ate and talked, then finally picked up a biscuit and sausage and ate a breakfast sandwich.

"He Savvy," a boy called. "You like fishing? It's my other job, I was going to go down to the pond and check it out."

She blinked at him. He was medium height, medium build, brown unremarkable hair cut military style and hazel eyes. She didn't remember seeing him before now and if he had said his name, she didn't remember it.

Confused, she looked back down at her cup, wondering if they had been introduced and if she was so upset that she forgot.

"Guess that's a no?" he said, irritated.

She realized he had taken it as rudeness when she had just been concerned that she might have lost a little time at some point. She didn't bother soothing his ego though. She could explain later and get to know people. For now she wanted space and not to be crowded and hit on.

She finished her biscuit and left, going outside to look around. She walked all the way to the edge of the dome and tried to look out the frosted glass. The frosted section went up about twelve feet and she could see blue sky beyond that. She began circling the edge, wanting to see how big the place was.

It was almost dark before she found her way back to the dome and that was only because she could see the lights.

"There you are, you scared us!" Yvette said, upset. "We couldn't find you anywhere and you aren't wearing your PED!"

"I was walking, looking around," Savvy said, looking around at all of the worried faces.

"Dinner is over but I saved you a plate," CiCi said, going to the kitchen and bringing her a plate with a piece of chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy.

Savvy went alone to the dining room and sat down to eat.

"You ok?" Raj asked from the door.

"Yeah. I wanted to see how big this place was, look around. I couldn't go near the front without the dome telling me to stop, but I got a pretty good idea. It's a lot of room."

"Good to know. We're a little worried about you Savannah. Are you feeling like you might want to hurt yourself?"

"What? No! No, I just want a little space. Time to grieve."

"I understand. You realize that we have to talk and get to know each other a little before tomorrow, right?"

Savvy shrugged, tuning him out. She didn't want to talk and get to know him or anyone else. "I will be out when I am done," she interrupted.

He sighed and left.

She went back out front when she was done and looked around. Levi grinned at her and Lexi patted the couch next to her. She offered Lexi a smile and a nod. "I'm going to take a quick shower and I'll be back, ok?"

"Want company?" another boy asked. She looked at him in shock. He was tall and skinny, his bleached platinum hair cut close to his head. He looked like one of those gamers she had heard others talking about. Internet celebrity or something.

She looked away angrily, hurrying down the hall to her room. She climbed in the shower, still upset that the boy had been so gross, in front of everyone! Jerk. Perv. Creep.

She got out and dried her hair with the towel as she looked at her clothes. She didn't have a huge selection. She had a lot of long cotton dresses, her style all boho.

She pulled on a mint colored dress that hit her toes and went to brush her hair, going to the door. It wouldn't open.

"Please equip your PED," Alpha said.

"Seriously? Can I do it later?"

"Please equip your PED."

Savvy sighed angrily and pulled the drawer open. She pulled the bracelet out and looked it over.

"Equip your PED or you will be punished."

Savvy opened her mouth in shock, looking around, then quickly snapped the bracelet onto her wrist. "Bitch," she said to the computerized voice as the device pinched and shocked her. It seemed to be the icing on the cake today. Her body was tired, and she was mentally exhausted.

"Alpha, tell them I am going to bed," she snapped, curling up in her blankets. "Turn off the light."

She thought sleep might be a long time coming, but it rolled her quickly.

Hours later, she dreamed she was smothering and came awake with a jerk, a hand over her mouth in the dark.

"MMMMMMPH!" she screamed as the hand pinned her down and legs straddled her, holding her in place. Another hand caught her flailing hands, punching and trying to scratch, pinning her harder, then forcing her to turn onto her stomach.

"One sound and I fuck your ass," a voice hissed. "Not a word, bitch, not a single word!"

Savvy let out a sob, shaking her head.

"Agree and do as you are told or I tie you up and leave you here when I finish with you. Tell the others you are in here and ready to fuck," he whispered, obviously disguising his voice.

Savvy cried into his hand, shaking her head in horror. What kind of monster would do this? And right now of all times when she was already hurting so badly?

"Nod, bitch. Say you'll keep your mouth shut!"

She nodded, her sobs coming harder as her fear skyrocketed.

The hand eased off of her mouth.

"Please don't do this!" she whispered quickly.

"I said not a fucking word you cunt! Shut your mouth unless you are begging me to fuck you harder."

She let out a strangled whimper as he lifted his hips enough to start pulling her dress up.

"Fucking bitch, too fucking good for eveyone. You think because you are hot you can treat people like shit? I'll fucking teach you. Wait and see," he whispered harshly.

He forced her legs wide with his knees, then yanked her panties off with a painful rip. His hand holding her wrists was squeezing so tightly that it was painful and he put weight on them as he lifted, his other hand roving.

She tried to tug them free, her cries becoming hysterical.

"Be still you fucking whore!" he growled, his fingers digging painfully into her breast.

She squealed and tried to roll out of his grip.

He pulled back enough to land a very hard open handed slap on her bottom, then a second and third as she cried out in outraged humiliation now.

She opened her mouth to scream at him and his hand clamped over her mouth as if he had known.

"Bitch, I will fucking end you if you don't shut up and be still. I will tie you in here and let you be a fucktoy for every guy in this place. Fucking try me."

She went still, trembling.

He moved his hands slowly, then reached down to touch her bare pussy lips. She whimpered, but didn't move, squeezing her eyes shut.

"You are a fucking whore, aren't you, slut? Feel how fucking wet you are, getting off on a random guy forcing you, threatening you with every cock in this place. You like the thought of that, whore? You want every guy here to fuck you? You get off on that shit?"

Savvy shook her head in horror, clenching her teeth.

"You get off on a stranger forcing you?" he asked, chuckling now. "Answer me cunt, whisper."


"I can feel how wet you are, liar."

"It's blood! I'm on my period!"

He laughed then and eased back slightly. "Don't fucking care," he purred, then she felt him rub the head of his cock along her slit.

"Please don't!" she begged.

"Shut the fuck up," he raged, shoving his thick cock into her.

She gasped, then let out another sob of horror. He started thrusting into her, still putting too much weight on her wrists. She cried into her blankets, blocking out the feel of his cock invading her and the surges of bliss that were trying to work their way into her.