The Hedge Pt. 06


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After he had gone, Ashley seemed a little dispirited, until Vicky dragged her out to the kitchen.

"What the fuck was that all about Sasha?" she asked sharply.

"I thought I should go too but he said I should stay and have fun."

"Does he know about all of us?" Vicky asked, seeming sober now.

"Yes, I eventually told him everything."

"And what is his view?"

"He-he doesn't mind and says 'If you want to have fun with your 'Family' then I'm happy as long as you come back to me' he added 'Anyway it's the same as I'm now doing with my sister and you're not complaining so I can't either'." Ashley explained.

"Good! Because I've really missed your cute little ass on my face" Vicky laughed, kissed her and squeezed the aforementioned ass.

Vicky dragged her back to the lounge and cried,

"It's okay everyone, Sasha's not out of bounds anymore and she's been doing naughty things with Doctor Andy's little sister and so has he."

"Okay, I'll tell you all a story that is almost as complicated as ours but shorter, then we can have some fun" Ashley explained.

Aaron gave them all a drink each while Ashley told them the full story of Andy and Frankie and then with her included. It took almost an hour and the telling got them all horny so the party devolved into a five way orgy.

It was just like old times, lots of licking, sucking and fucking with various toys and Aaron's cock. The session went on until almost one am before they started to go to separate bedrooms. Ashley slept in the guest bedroom with Aaron and Sharon who was eager for some much missed ass play, while Alice and Vicky had more fun upstairs.

In the morning Aaron made tea for everyone took two to the guest bedroom and then took his with two more upstairs to play with his wife and mother-in-law. Later there were things that had to be done but when Alexis went for her afternoon nap, they resumed in other combinations.

At five pm Ashley went home after hugging and kissing everyone and a little later Aaron and Vicky left to get some housework done as they were back at work the next day.


Having already discussed what crops the women wanted to grow, Aaron devised a plan for the allotment and emailed it to Alice. She studied it and had Sharon check it out when she arrived home and then called Aaron and accepted it, they would start to organise it on Saturday.

They put up poles for the two different types of climbing beans, planted onion, beetroot, carrot, parsnip, peas and the bean seeds. Potatoes and seedlings of sweetcorn, butternut squash, courgettes, summer and winter cabbages.

At the end, all four were hot, sweaty and sore but pleased to have finished the work. They relaxed with cold beers on the patio when Sharon said,

"We haven't really got room for a swimming pool and it wouldn't be safe for small people..."

"Like you and Sasha?" Vicky interrupted.

"I mean Alexis, you dummy" she snapped back, "But we have plenty of room on this back patio for a hot tub, what do you think I-cee... maybe an eight seater to include guests?"

"That would be marvellous for my back right now, I'll look into it tomorrow" she replied.

Unfortunately she didn't have time as Lauren drove 'Arianne' to the third signing on Monday afternoon in Nottingham, again it had been well publicised and she signed well over a hundred books but was very tired at the end of it. It was hard to stay focussed for over two hours and she was glad that she didn't have to drive back to Chesterfield, only from there to home.

She did look up hot tub/Jacuzzi retailers in the area, the next morning and selected a few for Sharon to look at that evening. They made a short list to go and investigate at the weekend and chose a ten seater hot tub/spa bath which would cost almost seven thousand pounds with all the fittings, a lockable lid and installation, to be fitted the following Friday.

"Now we can have a hot tub party!" Sharon cried.

"Hmm according to my calculations Doctor Andy is off that day too, perhaps we should invite Sasha, him and his mysterious sister; what do you think of that Redi?" Alice asked.

"Wonderful idea! I'll make the phone calls"

"Hi Honey, we're having a hot tub party to open our new spa bath on Saturday, would you and Andy like to come... and maybe bring his mysterious sister too, we promise to behave, mostly."

"Frankie will be fine with all of you, you on the other hand can keep your mitts out of his swimming shorts unless he is happy and everyone is doing it, okay Redi?"

"Of course my dear, I shall be a perfect lady... but if...?" Sharon paused as Alice said something, "What I-cee? Damn she's just told me she's going to invite her proof reader and her literary agent too!"

"Then I'm sure Andy will feel safer with them there" Ashley replied, laughing.

"Boo hoo! Spoilsport!" she moaned, then laughed too, "Okay Sasha see you here for lunch."

"Okay, bye Redi."

Ashley called Andy and then Frankie.

"Oooo... a pool party and I get to meet the hunky Aaron and the rest of your sexy 'Family,' how's Andy taking it?"

"He's getting better with the idea, especially since your little visits have opened his eyes to other possibilities."

"At last, so long as he's not pushed too hard, he'll be fine" Frankie mused.

The hot tub installers were supervised by a curious, almost two year old little girl, whom Alice had to keep away from them as they worked. She compromised by allowing her to sit in the kitchen bay window while the men worked outside the bathroom and she worked on her laptop on the dining table.

It took the three men all day to complete and test the unit and was not fully up to temperature by the time Sharon came home.

"When can we try it out I-cee?" she asked eagerly.

"It has only been on for about two hours so it isn't going to be very hot yet, maybe in a couple of hours" Alice replied.

Sharon went out, lifted the lid and put her hand in the water, closed the lid again and walked back inside and pouted.

"Still too cold?" Alice asked.

"Well... NO IT ISN'T, get your clothes off and get in!" she screamed, jumping up and down and stripping at the same time in her excitement.

"Okay at least put on a costume or a bathrobe."

"Why, the neighbours could only see if they stood on a big ladder but okay I'll get a bathrobe now move your ass and join me, Alexis's nappies are pretty well waterproof so she could come in too, it'll be just like a big bath to her and she loves baths"

"Okay, okay, go on 'Mrs Redi-to-Explode' we'll be there in a couple of minutes" she answered and laughed at her partner as she ran of upstairs naked, carrying her work clothes.

Alice saved the work she had done and closed the laptop, picked up her daughter and followed Sharon up the stairs. By the time she had put on her costume and a robe, undressed Alexis down to her nappy and wrapped her in a towel, she could hear the happy cries coming from outside.

Alice passed her daughter to Sharon who calmed down as she took her, then she tested the water and got in and sat with Alexis lying on her chest. Sharon pressed the start button and the jets squirted warm water into some interesting places, making her gasp and the little girl reached out and tried to grab the bubbles and giggled.

"You wait until you try this naked I-cee, it really does delicious things to the skin."

"Not when I've got a wriggly, slippery toddler to keep hold of, I think I better buy her some water wings" Alice replied.

"This is going to be fun for the opening party tomorrow... I can't wait" Sharon exclaimed.

"Okay but some ground rules need to be set first! One - no sex in the bath. Two - Naked is not compulsory, in fact for tomorrows party, costumes are compulsory because Anna, Lauren, Doctor Andy and his sister will be here and we've never met her yet and do not want to scare her away, okay Redi?"

"Yes dear but sometimes you can be a boring old fart."

"Maybe so but we do have neighbours on one side and I wouldn't like to give him a heart attack from seeing a group of naked people making love in the hot tub or out of it, much as that sounds like fun. We would have to empty it and clean the filters, refill and reheat it before we could use it again, so no sex in it at all!"

"But kissing and cuddling would be okay, wouldn't it?"

"Yes but no cumming, find a bedroom for that!"

"Okay Honey, ground rules set" Sharon sighed.

"And Alexis only comes in here with one of us four, no one else, even with her water wings and the lid stays down when it's not in use!"

"I agree and the others will too, I'm sure."

The next morning they went shopping for the party and to get some swimming armbands for Alexis. They were decorated with characters from her favourite children's TV program and she wore them until they returned to Red-ice.

The guests started to arrive at eleven, Aaron and Vicky brought early tomatoes and cucumbers from his greenhouse for lunch, Anne White brought a bottle of white wine and Lauren Henderson brought red. The last group to arrive was Ashley, Andy, Frankie and Susan to the 'Family's surprise (they had forgotten about her but were happy she was there).

They brought two more bottles of wine and a large fruit cheesecake that Andy had baked and was very proud of plus a big pot of double cream. Introductions were done all round, with hugs or handshakes and kisses on cheeks or lips where appropriate. They were introduced to the spa bath, hot tub or Jacuzzi, no one was sure what to call it yet then they had a light buffet lunch with wine.

After they had eaten, the immediate family went upstairs to get changed, Anna, Lauren and Susan, changed in the guest bedroom and Ashley, Andy and Frankie used the bathroom. They assembled by the back door and trooped out to the spa, with Alexis wearing a swimming nappy and her new armbands.

Once everyone was sitting in the warm water Alice announced this spa 'open' and pressed the button to start the pumps to cheers all round. Suddenly Sharon got out and went back into the house, coming back shortly with glasses on a tray and a large bottle of Champagne.

"This is to toast the opening of the spa bath, all our family and friends assembled here and to congratulate my husband on the success of her first book, with hopefully many more to come. Then I can tell the supermarket where they can shove their job and become a 'Lady of Leisure' and become a full time gardener here" Sharon announced to cries of 'Cheers.'

All the seats were occupied and Alexis bobbed in the middle, the weather was warm and sunny and the Champagne lasted for quite a while. Sharon had made sure she was sitting next to Andy and after a while slid onto his lap and he didn't object. Frankie was talking to Aaron and after getting a smile from Vicky did the same to his surprise.

"If you've had enough bubbles ladies, shall we go and talk business for a few minutes?" Alice said.

"By all means" Lauren replied, looking longingly at the lucky Frankie.

"I think I have had enough too" Anna added.

The three of them plus Alexis climbed out, wrapped towels around themselves and went inside to shower and dress, leaving the others to play for a while longer.

"I think that we should share, if everyone agrees, that is?" Aaron asked to smiles all round.

So Sharon and Frankie returned to their seats so that Vicky could sit on Andy and Ashley on Aaron for some cuddles and sliding around on some hard cock. When it came to swop again Aaron held his hand out to Susan who looked surprised and shook her head but he held it out until she blushed and took it to sit on his lap and gasped when her ass landed on a very hard cock although through two layers of material.

"You are family and as such are loved by all of us Susan" he whispered in her ear.

"Du-do you mean...?"

"If you want it to be so" he murmured, his arms around her waist and his hardness pressing against her pussy.

"I-I had an idea that you and Ashley might have... and maybe her and Sharon too but... everyone?"

"Not everyone, Anna and Lauren are here for the first time and are new acquaintances, as is Frankie."

"And has Andy...?"

"No but you can ask him yourself..." and he released her and called the changes and sent her to her daughter's boyfriend.

Both were nervous, especially with Ashley in there with them but as soon as her ass landed on his lap, he rose to the occasion and she giggled. He put his arms around her waist and whispered,

"'When in Rome'... but this is more like Venice" then she burst out laughing.

"I have been talking with Aaron, have you been with any of his family and does my daughter know?"

"The answer is no and yes she gave me permission as I have given the same to her. We are 'Family' and love and respect each other but there is a long story involved that you only know part of" he answered truthfully,

"Your daughter of course and my sister, again there's a story there that surprised me and maybe you will get to hear it one day."

"And what about me, I'm old and past it these days, who would want an old bag like me..."

"First, we never denigrate anyone else, not even ourselves, unless it's in fun. That usually get a spanking! Second, you're late thirties, slim and trim, you have nice breasts, good legs, ass and even more, you are a nice person and even better, you've given up smoking so what's not to like."

"You mean you would... with me and she would be happy about it?" and she looked at her daughter who smiled and nodded.

"She loves you Susan and would probably want to join in."

"She what?"

"Your daughter is bi-sexual and has slept with everyone here except Anna and Lauren" he explained patiently.

"And she wants to... with me?"

"She would with the right encouragement but she never has or would push you that way, she loves you dearly but doesn't want to push you away."

"Does that mean you two would like to make it a threesome with me?"

"Honestly, yes but only if you wanted it"

"I-I-I haven't had sex with anyone for fifteen years or more, now I am being propositioned by two men and five women including my own daughter. I'll have to think about all this..."

"And then talk to Ashley, she would do anything for you."

"I will, I promise but for now I just want to have my baby girl on my lap please Andy" she said and he released her and stood up so she could sit, he put a finger over his lips as he beckoned Ashley to come and sit on her mother's lap.

He had Vicky on his lap and Aaron had Frankie, both girls in bikini's (Frankie had bought one specifically for this event).

"So you are the one that set Sasha on the road to bi-sex and anal too" she said quietly.

"Actually, that was Sharon, it was some time before we made love."

"She told me that you are very good, do you know my story yet?" she asked.

"Yes, I think that you are doing very well now"

"I think that this beast is even bigger than Andy's, how does she take something this big in her little pussy, let alone in her ass?"

"By both of us preparing well as you and Andy do because she taught him and you, I believe."

"Yes she did and he's good, maybe one day I could try this one too, for research purposes of course" she asked, grinning.

"How would that research fit in with your graphic design course Frankie?"

"Ahh, well maybe it wouldn't but it would broaden my experience with men I could trust."

"In that case I'm sure it could be arranged."

"Actually, Ashley, Andy and I have made a sandwich using a strapless vibrator of hers but we would both like to try it with the real thing, so maybe you might be interested one day" she asked hopefully.

"None of us have ever tried that so that could be very entertaining with four girls and two men... mmm maybe on a holiday in a cottage somewhere..."

"Sounds good to me, oh it's time to swop again."

For the last two times Susan had gotten out to shower and dress, he had Sharon who jiggled a lot and Vicky who offered that when they finally went to shower he could give her a good fast fuck as he had been hard for so long. Ashley offered Andy the same thing and both men accepted a rampant shower fuck.

Later after Anna and Lauren had gone, Ashley and Andy decided to take Susan home too, then he would continue to on his flat as he was working the next day. The remaining four discussed everything that had come up at the party and became excited about the possibility of having a seven or even an eight person holiday and how to plan it for a time when all the women's were period free, so that all five or six would be free to party.

"What about Anna and Lauren, both are single and so available?" Sharon asked.

"The first question is do we want any more people in our 'Family' because the more we have, the more problems could occur" Aaron replied.

"I do not think that Anna is the sort of person who would fit in, she's well in her fifties and a bit set in her ways and I do not want to upset her" said Alice, answering part of the first question.

"Well I think Lauren would most definitely be interested in Roni, going by the look she gave when Mum dragged her and Anna out to talk shop" Vicky exclaimed and laughed as the others had missed it.

"But unless she is into girls as well as boys, it will not work, Honey" her mother replied, "I could always invite her out to lunch to discuss some of the scenes in the first book and ask what she thought of them personally, with a view of doing something similar in the current book."

"Good idea I-cee, I noticed that she was certainly looking at the younger girls as well as Andy and myself but that might have been just a touch of jealousy, I think she would have liked to have stayed in the spa for the musical laps" Aaron added.

"Right! I'll speak to Ashley at work tomorrow and find out when she's due and she can check with Frankie tomorrow night and call me. She will have to be careful with her mum to see if she would like to come with us and if so, her due date if she's still having periods" Sharon explained.

"Once we have a time slot I could try and book somewhere on the south coast again, it was very good last year" Alice said as she noted the dates of the three women present.

It was rather quiet in Andy's car as he drove Ashley and Susan home, she thanked him for taking her to the party and went inside, leaving Ashley and Andy to kiss and cuddle.

"Be careful how you talk to her about what Aaron and I said to her, she had her suspicions about you and me and also about you and Sharon too and seems to have accepted that you swing both ways. But the thought of making love with the other women and especially you was a big shock, although she seemed quite happy that Aaron and I would like to make love to her" Andy explained carefully.

"The big one for her, was the thought of you and me with her, she has had a rough time over the years but now the threat of Baxter has gone away, she is thinking of herself as well as you, to the point of having given up smoking. I really like her and I think she likes me too, I hope, but a threesome is a big step."

"I'm going to open a bottle of wine and we will talk, it could be a late night so I'm going in now" she replied.

"Okay my love, I'll call you tomorrow night to see how it went."

They kissed for a while then she got out and went in the house and he drove home. Susan was sitting in the lounge when Ashley walked in.


"Would you like a drink Mum?"

"I think I need one after today's revelations Ashley!" she said firmly.

The girl opened a bottle of red wine, poured two generous measures and handed one to her mother, sat next to her on the settee and sipped her drink. Susan stared at the drink and took a good mouthful and swallowed it before speaking.

"I know what happened to you was bad and it scared you off boys and men and how you came to get together with Sharon and the others but I didn't think of anything other than friendship and love... I-I didn't think of sex until you started dating Andy." She paused and took another swig from her glass.
