The Hedge Pt. 06


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"Then I thought that they might be predators, after young girls for sex until I met them and realised that they love each other equally with their friends and you were part of that. I thought that it would all stop because of Andy but he has almost joined them and brought his sister too." Another mouthful.

"Now they want me to join them too... why would they want to have an old worn out woman like me. I mean, look at me, nearly forty, skinny and worn out from working in a factory and raising a child on my own with very little money. I can't even afford a car and we have never even been away on holiday until you went with them last year, why do they want anything to do with me!" The glass was empty and held out for a refill.

Ashley replenished the glass and handed it to her before she answered.

"Yes, you know almost the whole story, I was damaged goods for years and Sharon helped me to accept me as I was and encouraged me to grow and meet people and not be afraid. The family turned me into the woman I am now, I love them all, physically as well as emotionally but I had a problem... you." Now she drank.

"We were stuck in a rut but they helped me out of it but you stayed there and I didn't know what to do, I know you were happy that I had new friends, especially when Andy came into my life. Now I want to do something similar for you, there are things I cannot do anything about, like your factory job or your pay, but I can do some things.

I can't make you younger but you're not skinny, you're slim, you have a good and quite fit body. With a bit of hair styling, some make-up and a nice dress or two, you could look as good as Alice."

"Ha! She's wealthy, she can afford all those things that I can't!"

"She is a single parent, she brought up Vicky on her own with a mortgage to pay, she couldn't find a man that wasn't just interested in me, so gave up to raise her daughter, just like you. She still has a mortgage but has become an author and is making money now and if she can do it then so can you."

"I still don't have much money to spend on clothes and make-up."

"Do you like them, Alice and Sharon?"

"I... err, yes I do, Alice is more like me but Sharon is bubbly and a little crazy" Susan admitted.

"Good because they want to take you on a girl's day out, have your hair styled, show you how to use make-up to highlight your features and try on a few clothes and maybe even buy some."

"And for that they get me into their bed!"

"MOTHER!! I told you of their policy of not running anyone down or yourself unless it's a joke and the punishment metered out. You have already done that to yourself once in this conversation and I let it slide, now you have accused them of bribery! Once more and I will punish you myself, when was the last time you were spanked?"

"Ohh about twenty-one years ago and that led to me having you" and she smiled at the thought.

"Interesting... well this would be punishment not pleasure and you know I am capable of doing it."

"Okay, okay Ashley, I'm sorry, I didn't really mean it. It does sound like a nice day out but I would pay for me."

"Okay, I'll let Sharon know at work tomorrow. Now for the other thing... you told Andy that you haven't had sex with anyone for a long time, why is that, you must have only been about thirty when Dad left. Why didn't you start dating at some time?"

"I was working and trying to keep a roof over our heads and didn't have time for dating or paying for babysitters and after a while, I just stopped thinking about it" Susan explained.

"Didn't you fantasize when watching a handsome actor in a film or someone you met at work?"

"I can't believe I'm talking with my daughter about my sexual fantasies, but yes I did, sometimes."

"And what did you do to relieve the sexual tension?"


"How did you do it?"

"With my fingers, how else?"

"Well I've been using a vibrator occasionally for eighteen months" Ashley told her, blushing slightly.

"Where did you get that?"

"Online from a company that Sharon got hers from."

"What other things have you bought?"

"Only one from an American company that the family have used, a strapless strap-on"

"A what! That's a contradiction and what are either of them anyway?"

"A strap-on is a dildo or vibrator that is attached to a belt or strap to be worn by a woman. Mine is more complicated but is self-supporting, it doesn't have a belt. You look confused would you like to see for yourself?" Ashley offered and her mum nodded so she ran upstairs and fetched both toys.

"This is 'Buzz' my reliable friend" and she handed the toy to her dubious mother who looked it over and feeling the soft silicone surface, "Just twist the base."

Susan did and gasped at the sudden vibrations and dropped it into her lap, where it buzzed away. She carefully picked it up and turned it off.

"That felt very strange... but nice too. What about that other one, it looks very strange" she asked, interested in spite of herself.

"This one has two vibrators, so that both parties get pleasure at the same time. The front is obviously a cock with strong vibrations, the one in the middle fits into the vagina with normal vibrations and the back one can be inserted in the ass, it doesn't have a vibrator but you can feel it from the other two, it's flexible so can be pushed out of the way if not wanted."

"You... you push those big beads in your ass but isn't that... dirty?"

"Not if the girl prepares herself properly."

"And you like having them in there?" she said incredulously.

"Yes and 'Buzz' too and..." and she trailed off to let her mother work out what she meant.

"But doesn't that hurt?"

"Again, not if the man is good, it feels different but nice and Andy, Frankie and I have used it together as a threesome and that's wonderful." Ashley explained.

"You... three... what about Aaron?"

"No, I haven't tried that with two men but I hope to somewhen as do all of the women as none of them have ever done it before and want to try it."

"And you want to do this with me?"

"Whoa Mum, that was not my intention, all this was for information only, I would never try and coerce you into anything..."

"I'm sorry Honey, I didn't mean to accuse you" Susan replied.

"That's okay then... but if you were interested in trying something, you're welcome to borrow one."

"And all of your 'Family' swop around or have orgies?"

"Occasionally, we're not sex maniacs, we share each other at times although Andy hasn't been with Alice, Sharon or Vicky yet but he will at some point."

"So that will happen on this holiday" Susan asked.

"Yes but if you don't want to do that, you don't have to and you won't be sent to bed on your own either, we want you to have a good time with or without any love making."

"I will go to bed and think about it, it would be a gigantic step for me and I'm a little frightened about it all, but at least it wouldn't be with strangers because I would be like a novice because it's been so long..."

"Okay Mum, go to bed and think about it, would you like to take 'Buzz' with you?"

"Uhh no, I don't think so... although it's been quite an exciting day... I..."

"Just take him as a reminder, I shan't need him tonight" and she held him out and Susan shyly took it and went upstairs, leaving Ashley to clear up and turn the lights out.

Lying in her bed, Ashley visualised her mother's temptation, wondering if she would give 'Buzz' a workout before she went to sleep, knowing that he was very quiet.

Ashley deliberately got up early to see her mother before she left for work.

"Good morning Mum, did you have a good night's sleep."

"Yes I did... eventually, I had a lot to think about. The holiday sounds fun but with all the sex going on, I will feel left out so I don't think I'll go with you." Susan said.

"When was the last time you can honestly say that you had fun!"

"Hmm... when we went to the cinema last."

"And do you realise how long ago that was?"

"Oh it must have been a couple of years ago... I think" she replied but was struggling to remember.

"You do realise that I will be twenty in a few weeks, that cinema trip was a few days after Annie's funeral!"

"Ohh, I didn't realise..."

"No and the reason for that is because you worked to keep this house, worked to feed us, worked to clothe us. You even took some of your holiday time as cash and worked it so it was like overtime. I left school as soon as I could to earn money to help, it was only after I met my other 'Family' that I learnt what it was like to really have fun" Ashley stated, giving her a history lesson.

"You haven't had 'fun' since I was a very small girl... when we had proper holidays, before Dad left. Now you are being offered a holiday with people who like you, these are called 'friends' you may have heard of the term. This comes with no strings attached, their lifestyle is different but they will not force you to do as they do.

As you said yourself, you're not young anymore but life is for living, I missed a lot of happiness due to Baxter and so did you and for longer than that because of Dad. Now we are free of him and Dad and all that shit, that's in the past... it's time to make up for some of that lost happiness Mum. It's still your choice but at least think about what I've said" she said passionately with tears running down her cheeks.

Susan came around the table and hugged her, her tears mingling with her daughter's on one cheek.

"I love you Ashley."

"I love you too, Mum."

They separated and Ashley sat again to finish eating her breakfast. Susan went to the bathroom, returned to put her shoes and coat on, they hugged again then on a sudden impulse, Susan kissed Ashley on the lips. The girl looked stunned so Susan made an embarrassed escape out the door to catch the bus to work.

'Why did I do that?' she thought as she walked down the road.

Back inside the house, her daughter was thinking exactly the same thing.

'She looked as shocked as I felt, then ran out to get her bus, it wasn't planned but I hope she enjoyed it enough to do it again tonight' Ashley thought and grinned as she cleared the table and started washing the dishes.

At the bus stop, Susan was still assessing her own reaction.

'I didn't even think about, I just did it. She was shocked but it was still a nice kiss but would probably be much nicer if we knew it was coming and certainly better than with the asshole I married. Once we were married it was just a 'Wham-bam-thank you-ma'am' when we went to bed, maybe ten minutes if I was lucky. I wonder whether it would be better with Aaron or Andy...'

She got on the bus and continued to fantasize on the trip to work but then she had to concentrate on the work in hand until her break. It was hard to keep up a conversation and think naughty thoughts at the same time but she managed.

At lunch she pretended to have a sleep in a chair, going over what Ashley had said about her life over the last few... quite a few years.

'I don't think I've been a bad parent (at least I hope I haven't) but fun was definitely in short supply, for me more than her, she had some school friends but I only had work colleagues and the occasional chat with a neighbour and Ashley. Surely it's too late for me to start acting like a teenager again, kissing her on the lips is one thing but could I do that with Alice and Sharon' she thought.

'Mmm... I could with Aaron's sexy wife... and what about her husband, he's really sexy... and interested in me too... and what about what Andy was saying, that he would like to have a threesome with Ashley and me. I feel confused, excited at the possibilities, scared and lonely too but most of all... I feel sexy, I'm actually feeling turned on by all these thoughts, I will talk to Ashley tonight.'

The rest of her shift seemed to take forever to pass but eventually she was on the bus home. She had an hour until her daughter would get home so she ran a hot bath and relaxed in it for twenty minutes. She dried herself and went to her bedroom to put on a Onesie before she started to prepare dinner.

Sitting on the bed, finishing drying her short light brown hair, she spotted Buzz lying on her bedside cabinet where she had put him the previous night and where he had stayed, unused. She reached out, picked him up and held him in her hand before turning him on, feeling the vibrations through her hand as she gripped him firmly.

She released him and held the shaft against her towel covered breast and gasped at the sensation, the pulled open the towel, laying the tip on her nipple. She had never felt anything like it as the nipple hardened, the other one reacted the same and she wondered if she dared do more.

"Well she did give me permission so what the hell maybe just on the outside..." and she lay back and pressed it onto her hairy mound and gasped again.

The pleasure was even more that in her nipples, she held it in place for a while but felt compelled to move it around, up and down her moist lips and finally she pushed it inside her wet pussy. Sliding it slowly in and out, feeling the sensations increasing, her heart and breathing rate increasing.

She fantasized that a man was making passionate love to her, Aaron... no Andy, he was more taboo. He was only concerned in making her climax before himself, kissing and sucking her nipples (she was actually pinching them herself but in the fantasy...).

He was pounding her harder and faster as her climax approached and with a cry of 'Andy' she came hard, harder than she could ever remember. Susan slowed her hand but was still panting, she let 'Buzz' slip out of her pussy and touched herself, finding she was soaking wet. 'I've pissed myself' she thought and clamped her legs together but it didn't feel like pee or smell like it.

That's when she realised that 'Buzz' was still buzzing and when she had closed her legs, he had been pressed up against her asshole and was giving her nice sensations there. She opened her legs and held him against her ass again enjoying it.

"No! I can't do that, he belongs to her, she may do that with him but I'm afraid he's too big for me and... OHH FUCK! Ashley will be home any minute" Susan cried wiping the toy clean, putting on a bra and panties, followed by a Onesie.

Downstairs Ashley quietly opened the door, went outside and closed it again. She had just stepped into the hallway as her mother cried 'Andy' and guessed what she was doing and listened at the bottom of the stairs, until the 'OHH FUCK!' and grinned as she sneaked back out again.

A minute later she opened the door and walked in, closing it behind her and taking the shopping into the kitchen, then called out,

"Mum! I'm home! I've brought the shopping."

"O-okay Honey I-I'll be down in a minute."

Ashley put the kettle on to make tea, trying not to laugh, then what sounded like a herd of elephants came down the stairs and Susan appeared in the kitchen.

"What's the rush Mum, you're all red faced and puffing...?"

"I...I got in from work and had a bath and lay on the bed for a minute and went to sleep until just now!" she said rapidly.

"Okay, no problem, I'll put this away if you make the tea, then I'll shower and get changed too."

"Okay dear."

As soon as Ashley was upstairs she looked into her mother's room as the door was open, she saw the towel on the bed and 'Buzz' on the cabinet, quickly walked over and sniffed him and the towel and smiled as she went to the bathroom to undress. 'I know the smell of pussy juice when I sniff it, I wonder if she'll own up?" she thought.

Once back in the kitchen she drank some of her tea and then helped with the vegetables for dinner. Susan asked about her day and then told of her of her's, omitting the last part. She avoided mentioning the holiday or what Ashley had said to her that morning and the girl was not going to push her.

They sat at the table to eat as usual and when they had cleared away the plates and finished the washing up, they sat in the lounge in armchairs. The TV was on but neither was watching it, finally Susan took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then looked at her daughter.


"I... I've been thinking... about what you said this morning and what Aaron and Andy told me in the spa bath yesterday. You are right of course, since he left us alone, all I have done is work, he never paid any maintenance so we were always hard up" Susan explained.

"I didn't have the time or the money to have 'fun'. I made sure you had presents on your birthday and at Christmas and went on school trips but it took months to save enough to do all that. I just hadn't absorbed the idea that we are safe now and I don't need to scrimp and save as hard because you are working and have money of your own to contribute to the budget. In fact I have enough saved to pay for our share of this holiday."

"You mean you'll come with me?"

"Yes I'll come with you, it's time I learnt what 'fun' really is before I collect my old age pension."

"Ohh Mum... that's wonderful but what about...?"

"Look Honey, you've opened my eyes to what my life was really like and offered me something so much better and if my scaredy-cat daughter can grow up to be a wonderful, beautiful woman with the help of her loving friends then maybe there is a chance for me..."

"OHH MUM!" Ashley cried and leapt out of the chair and onto her mother's lap and kissed her cheeks, her ears, her nose and finally her lips, while both of them were hugging and laughing.

When they had settled back down in their chairs, Susan said,

"I told Andy and Aaron that I haven't had sex for over fifteen years (I didn't mention to them about the occasional session with my fingers) and that didn't put them off at all. But I have a confession to make, I was pretending to be asleep at lunch today and was going through it all in my mind and started fantasizing about all of you.

I had a bath when I got home and carried on the fantasy, later I was sat on the bed drying my hair when I spotted 'Buzz' which I hadn't used. I was just a little curious and one thing led to another and I was pushing it in and out and pretending it was a handsome man doing it.

When I climaxed, I thought I'd peed myself as the towel was all wet but it wasn't pee, then I saw the clock and panicked. You were due home and I was lying on my bed with my legs spread and a vibrator in my hand."


"I would have been so embarrassed if you had seen me like that."

"Would you, after all I have told you... what about if it happened now?"

"I... I... I don't know, what would you have said?"

"I would probably asked if I should fetch the other toy..."


"Then you could have done me too" Ashley explained, grinning.

"I know Andy said that you would like to join him and me if that were to happen but I really thought he was joking."

"You brought me into this world, raised me to the best of your ability, he would never joke about something like that. I love you and always will, so if you would like to share Andy with me and me with Andy, that would be wonderful too."

"What about the others?"

"Well, Frankie has only been with me and Andy, neither of them has made love with any of the others but this holiday will be a bonding experience for all of us 'One for all and all for one', the eight musketeers. I'll tell Sharon tomorrow that we are eight and by the way, are you still having periods, we need to get a week that fits everyone."

"No problem there, no periods for a year... Ashley?"


"I was thinking..." Susan said suddenly blushing, "I have never done more than kiss a girl before... and that was kissing practice as teenagers ready to be able to kiss boys."

"So?" she continued, teasing her mother.

"Well I know how to do that but I have no idea what those other women will expect me to do, I'm sure it will be very nice but all I know is what I did and nearly did to myself with 'Buzz'."
