The Hottie in the Mirror Pt. 03


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"Oh no, babe!" said Claire. "Just the opposite. I think that you should own it. I mean, you're definitely a major slut, so why not embrace it?"

"I'm not a slut!" said Lexi. She intended it to be a firm denial, but it came out as a sort of petulant whine. Claire's arms snaked around Lexi's waist, creeping up beneath the tiny skirt and easing the panties down Lexi's hips.

"Babe, on your first date with Anton you came while making out with him. You sucked his dick on your second date. By the third date he had you naked and begging for his cock," explained Claire mockingly. Her wicked little hands were now busy beneath Lexi's skirt, gripping her cock and cupping her hairless balls. "I mean, if you didn't want everyone to think you were a slut, you probably shouldn't have let them see a video of you calling Anton Daddy and swallowing his cum."

"But... but..." said Lexi desperately. True, she had a hard time controlling herself around Daddy, but being publicly labeled a slut was humiliating.

"There's nothing wrong with loving sex, Lexi," said Claire soothingly, "But I think you need to be more careful."

"What do you mean?" asked Lexi, a moan creeping into her voice as her girlfriend's fingers twisted and tugged at her cock.

"When those big bad frat boys had you cornered, you didn't put up much of a fight, did you baby?" asked Claire reproachfully. "If your Daddy didn't show up right then, you would have let those boys do anything they wanted. Because you're a slut."

Lexi remembered how she had felt that night in the locker room. She had been afraid of Mark and his friends, and aware that they were about to ruin her life, but completely unable to resist or deny them. Was Claire right? Would Lexi be willing to suck off any guy who applied even a little pressure? The idea was disturbing, but Claire's handjob made the image of giving a blowjob to any random man cocky enough to ask for it oddly arousing. "What can I do then?" asked Lexi, shuddering. "I don't want to be that slutty! I'm trying to be good!"

"That's what I'm saying though!" whispered Claire in Lexi's ear. "It doesn't work to deny yourself and force your slutty instincts down. That just leads to disasters like what almost happened in that locker room. All your slutty urges burst out all at once. You need to be a slut a little bit all the time, but safely."

"You mean with Daddy," said Lexi, understanding dawning. She looked into the mirror and had to admit that Claire was right. The beautiful blonde staring back at her looked like a fucking slut. With her sexy, teasing eyes, her tight clothes showing off her curvy body, and the hand moving frantically under her little skirt, it was hard to deny Lexi's true nature. Maybe she should embrace it, like Claire suggested.

"Exactly!" said Claire. "It's time to start dating Anton for real. A slut like you needs a powerful male influence to keep her from fucking everything that moves. Your Daddy can give you the dick you crave and keep your overactive libido from destroying your life.

"Yes!" groaned Lexi, closing her eyes as her orgasm approached. Her horny mind immediately grasped Claire's meaning. A powerful, dominant male force in her life that could satisfy her cravings and keep her from seeking sexual humiliation from dangerous sources. Her Daddy could be that for Lexi. "Yes, I'll call him! I'll call Daddy and set up another date!"

"Perfect!" said Claire brightly, pulling her hands away just as Lexi reached the edge. "I think that's very responsible of you, Lexi."

Lexi stared at Claire slack-jawed, her abandoned cock throbbing with desperate need. "But Claire," she whined, indicating the tent in her skirt, " Please! Just a little more!"

Claire giggled as she scooped up the clothes they had decided to buy. "You want me to make you cum in a dressing room? I know you're a slut, baby, but that's fucking gross! Wait until we get home, you perv!"


Despite her aching blue balls, Lexi was in high spirits as she and Claire left the store, both loaded down with shopping bags. Lexi wore the slutty outfit she had tried on out of the store. As they passed a garbage can, Claire tossed in Lexi's discarded male clothes. It was a little over-the-top, but Claire loved that kind of dramatic gesture. It felt like a clean break: the start of Lexi's time to shine.

It did feel good to settle on one gender, even if she planned to switch back eventually. This way Lexi wouldn't have to deal with so many conflicting impulses and feelings. And there was much less chance of anyone seeing both genders and connecting the dots.

Suddenly, Alex's phone rang. A request for a video call. From Jake.

Lexi immediately panicked, her thoughts flying out of her head as she scrambled for what to do. Jake had been Alex's best friend in high school. They had bonded over their similar experiences with bullying. Jake was a quiet, shy, incredibly smart guy, and Alex was lucky to have him as a friend.

But Alex had been so busy and distracted this fall that he hadn't been very good at staying in touch. And obviously, Jake had never 'met' Lexi before.

Lexi should have known there would be complications involved with changing to a new gender. She wordlessly held up her ringing phone for Claire to see, her face white with shock.

Claire smiled, took the phone from Lexi's unresisting hand, then swiped to accept the video call.

"Jake, hi!" said Claire with a sunny smile. "It's so great to see you! How have you been?"

Lexi quietly panicked at Claire's awful idea, holding up her hands in a "what the fuck?!" gesture, hidden on the other side of the phone as Claire spoke to Jake. She heard Jake's speaker-muffled voice respond, "Hey Claire! Good to see you too! But... I thought I called Alex's phone?"

"Yeah, sorry!" said Claire smoothly, "Alex got a new phone and gave me his old one. He must not have logged out of everything. I'll be sure to fix that." It was a little shocking for Lexi to hear her girlfriend lie so easily and naturally. It almost made Lexi wonder if Claire had ever lied to her...

"But look at you!" gushed Claire, grinning and raising her eyebrows at the phone. "Have you been working out sweetie? You look great!"

Jake laughed shyly. "Well, a little. But mostly it's just the contacts and a good haircut. I've been trying to improve myself this semester, maybe finally have some luck with the ladies."

"Well it's definitely working, stud," said Claire with a wink. "But let's get a second female opinion. Don't you think Jake is hot, Lexi?"

And then, horrifyingly, Claire turned the phone towards Lexi, revealing the face of her high-school best friend.

Jake did look good. His skin had cleared significantly. Trimming his lanky hair and replacing his blocky glasses with contacts had revealed the natural square-jawed ruggedness of his features. Despite his modest denials, Jake had clearly been hitting the gym and was getting some muscle definition. New confidence had greatly improved his posture, allowing him to truly show his height unlike with his former slouch.

Like a feeling of vertigo, the difference between the paths she and Jake had taken in the past six months hit Lexi hard. Jake had focused on becoming manlier, more attractive to women, stronger. Lexi's masculinity had faded away, so that now she was fantasizing about sucking cocks while trying on women's clothing.

Lexi was frozen as she studied the attractive face of her best friend. Jake squinted at her through the phone camera, and Lexi waited for a look of shocked recognition to cross his face.

But it never came.

"Oh, uh, hi!" said Jake, laughing nervously. "I'm Jake. I'm a friend of Alex and Claire. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, Jake," Lexi managed to choke out, shooting a glare at Claire, who was grinning widely behind the phone. "I'm Lexi."

Mercifully, Claire turned the phone back to herself, and Lexi sagged with relief. Jake hadn't recognized her, but it could have happened at any moment. "Awww that's cute!" said Claire with a giggle, "You're so hot that Lexi got all shy. Maybe you should just come visit us and take Lexi on a date if you want to get lucky with a lady."

Jake just laughed awkwardly. He never had been good at handling Claire's teasing.

"Well I had better let you go, stud!" said Claire cheerfully. "It was good to catch up. I'll tell Alex to get back to you. Don't get serious with any girls before Lexi gets her shot! Bye now!"

After she hung up, Lexi exploded: "Claire! What were you thinking?"

Claire gave her girlfriend a wide-eyed look of innocent confusion. "I'm not sure what you mean, babe! Jake is a good friend of ours. It would be rude to screen his calls."

"He saw me!" said Lexi, almost hyperventilating at the thought. "What if he had recognized me?"

"But he didn't," said Claire flatly, with a shrug. A crooked smile flashed across her face. "He did think you were pretty cute though."

Lexi blinked, struggling to absorb this sudden declaration. Jake. The guy Alex had spent countless rainy afternoons with hanging out with and playing video games. The guy who had hyped Alex up when he asked Claire out for the first time. Jake thought she was cute. The idea sent a squirming feeling of mixed arousal and repulsion slithering through her belly.

"No, he didn't," Lexi protested weakly, searching Claire's face desperately for signs she was joking.

"Of course he did! Have you seen yourself in the mirror lately, babe?" said Claire enthusiastically. "You should have seen how he was blushing when I teased him about you. But that's not all..." Claire raised an eyebrow at Lexi. "I think the attraction was mutual."

What the fuck? What was Claire even talking about? Lexi scoffed and rolled her eyes, heading for the car. Just because Jake had done a lot of work on himself and looked a lot better than he did in high school didn't mean Lexi was attracted to him. He was still her best friend for God's sake! She would never want to kneel in front of her tall, handsome best friend and suck his dick. She wasn't that much of a slut.

The question popped into Lexi's head without conscious effort as she sat down in the passenger seat: had she ever seen Jake's cock before? If she did she didn't remember. Back when she had been a boy, Lexi tended to avoid looking at other men's cocks. She wondered how big Jake's cock was. Did all cocks taste like Anton's, or were there differences? Her train of thought cut off with a jump as Claire swung into the driver's seat and slammed the door shut. Lexi wiped her mouth hurriedly. Why the fuck had she been drooling?

"Well, you know me, babe," said Claire, putting on her sunglasses and buckling her seatbelt. "I'm not the jealous type. I don't care if you fantasize about fucking your best friend. Just don't tell your Daddy. I don't think he likes competition."

Lexi shifted awkwardly, trying to hide her erection, which had been painfully hard all day from Claire's constant teasing. "Are we done?" she asked wearily. "Thanks for the makeover baby, but I really think we need to go home now and take care of..." she awkwardly gestured at the bulge in her skirt, drawing a giggle from her girlfriend.

"Sorry, baby, we have one more stop," said Claire, patting Lexi's thigh sympathetically.

"But don't worry, I promise you're going to love it!"


Claire practically skipped into the sleazy sex shop, showing a confidence that Lexi couldn't feel.

Almost immediately as they entered, Lexi could feel the attention of the creepy balding man behind the register and the few middle-aged men browsing the shelves shift towards them, two attractive young women. Lexi kept her head down and felt a blush burning on her cheeks as she moved deeper into the store, trying to keep up with Claire, who had rushed forward to excitedly browse a massive wall of dildos.

"What exactly are we doing here?" murmured Lexi nervously, trying to avoid being overheard by the older men who were watching them.

Claire gave Lexi a sidelong smile as she picked up a large floppy dildo, wiggling it speculatively in her hands. "I'm going to help you work on the assignment Anton gave you, silly," she said, tossing the rubber cock back into a bin. "You've got to train your tight little pussy until it can take Daddy's cock. How exactly did you think you would do that? Fucking other men?"

"N-no!" said Lexi, blushing scarlet. "I just thought that I could... you know. With my fingers?"

Claire just sighed and shook her head. "You are lucky that you have a sweet understanding girlfriend like me Lexi, because that is fucking stupid. As if you could go straight from your dainty little fingers to Anton's massive cock. You've got a lot to learn. I'll help you though. Consider me your personal trainer for your pussy exercises, babe." Claire wasn't being quiet enough. The pervy men in the store had clearly overheard the discussion of 'cock' and 'pussy' by the two cute college girls, and they had become less subtle in their eavesdropping, drawing closer.

Claire indicated the wall of choices with a sweep of her hand. "Well, the choice is yours, Lexi. It's going in your pussy after all. Which one speaks to you?"

It was clear that Claire had no intention of leaving the sleazy store without a dildo, so Lexi swallowed her pride and considered her options. The array of sizes, shapes, and textures was bewildering. Some were bright neon, some flesh tone. Some were firm and rigid, others almost as floppy as a flaccid penis. Some were long, some thin, some short, some fat. Some of them were even in strange exotic shapes that didn't resemble a penis at all. Lexi found it overwhelming. She was about to settle on a nondescript model that seemed fairly average when her eyes finally rested on a dildo that caught her interest.

It was long. And thick. And a deep, shiny black. It instantly reminded her of Anton in size and shape. Lexi moved toward it and picked it up, feeling its heavy weight in her hand. Claire came up behind her, giggling over her shoulder. "How did I know that this was the one that you would choose? You really do have a type, don't you, Lexi?" Claire checked the label. "Big Henry. An appropriate name. We can buy this one, Lexi, if it turns you on. But it's a little ambitious for your first step..." Claire's eyes were darting over the display, looking for something else. "We need to get you something a little easier to start with... Ahah! This should be perfect!" She walked a couple of steps and picked up a pure white dildo that seemed small and thin next to the others. "Tiny Tim," she said, reading the label on this one as well. "This should be a little easier for your virgin pussy to handle."

Lexi picked up the Tiny Tim in one hand and the Big Henry in the other, looking back and forth between them. A wicked teasing smile spread across her face. Without warning, Claire flipped up Lexi's skirt, holding the Tiny Tim against Lexi's crotch for a comparison, and drawing an indignant yelp from Lexi. The men in the store drew even closer, their sexual curiosity piqued by Calire's blatant teasing.

'I knew it!" giggled Claire, "It's a match! It's perfect Lexi! You'll get to feel exactly what it's like to get fucked by Alex, before moving on to feel what it's like to be fucked by Anton! It sounds like an... educational experience!"

Lexi was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the men drawing closer. Claire's merciless teasing was making her cock rock hard again, she didn't want to see what the men's reaction would be once they realized what she had under her skirt. "Let's go, Claire," she pleaded, trying not to think about Claire's demeaning comparison of the dildo sizes.

"Not yet, babe," said Claire distractedly. "Hey! Can we get some help here!" she called to the leering cashier. He looked delighted to be given an excuse to talk to the two hot girls who had entered the store. As he hurried over, Claire smiled at him sweetly and said, "I'm trying to turn my girlfriend into a horny anal slut. Do you have anything that will help?"

You could almost hear the blood rapidly rushing to the cocks of the pervy men in the room as they were shocked into silence by Claire's bold words. Finally the shopkeeper, with a face like he thought he might be dreaming, managed to say: "Weeeellll you'll definitely want a butt plug if anal training is your goal."

"Ooooh, that sounds like fun!" cooed Claire with excitement. "Show me what you have in stock."

The buttplug selection was almost as extensive as the dildos, but it didn't take Claire long to find one that had "Daddy's girl" embossed in pink cursive on one end. She immediately declared that it was perfect.

One of the men who was now following them around the store cleared his throat and said in a strangled voice: "You're going to need some lube as well for butt play."

"These men are so helpful, aren't they, Lexi?" said Claire with a wink. "I can tell they really support your goal of becoming a depraved anal princess."

They got the lube that was recommended by the other customer. Then another man spoke up and recommended anal beads. Another said they should get a remote vibrator. By the end of the process, Lexi couldn't hide the spike of arousal rising up and tenting her skirt. The men had clearly noticed, but to Lexi's horror, they didn't seem to be put off. If anything, they were growing more interested now that they saw who Lexi really was.

As they rang up the purchases, Lexi could feel the tension rising in the room. The gleaming eyes of the men focused on her body, drinking in every detail.

Finally, everything was wrapped in discreet paper bags. "You know..." said the cashier, licking his lips, "We could give you a demonstration if you want. We could go into the back room and make sure that you both really understand how to use these products..."

"What an interesting idea," said Claire speculatively, staring deep into Lexi's eyes with a mocking smirk. "What do you think, Lexi? Should we let these men teach you your first lesson in anal pleasure?" Lexi's face was burning, the inside of her panties long since soaked through with precum. She felt the same mix of shameful arousal and intimidation that she had felt that night in the locker room. Lexi knew that Claire held her fate in her hands. If Claire didn't put her foot down, Lexi didn't know if she would have the strength to say no to these men. But there was no serious doubt in her heart. Claire loved to tease her, but she would never in a million years put Lexi in danger.

"Sorry boys, I'm Lexi's personal tutor, and she's all mine tonight. You boys have fun with your hands," said Claire with a laugh and a saucy wink at Lexi. The men looked disappointed, but before they could work themselves up into resentment, Claire grabbed Lexi's hand and pulled her out of the shop, laughing all the way to the car, arms weighed down with bulging bags of anal sex toys.


"No! No!" panted Lexi desperately, clutching the sheets in her hands as she wiggled her butt back against her girlfriend's face. "I... I can't handle it, Claire! It's too much!"

Claire ignored Lexi's adorable protests, simply making an amused noise as she thrust her tongue deeper, slobbering on Lexi's sensitive butthole as her pathetic sub dripped thick, sticky precum from her clit down onto the sheets of their shared bed. Claire wanted to drive Lexi as close to the edge as she could, making her nice and loose for her first anal penetration.

Finally, Claire pulled away, watching with satisfaction as her girlfriend's asshole winked and twitched, still reacting to the stimulation of Claire's enthusiastic rimjob. Time to move things forward. Claire reached to her side and grasped the little white "Tiny Tim" dildo. She raised it and began rubbing it slowly and sensually in circles around Lexi's pussy.
