The Hottie in the Mirror Pt. 03


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It was one of the most humiliating experiences of his life, and, considering what had been happening in his life lately, that was saying something. If his mission was to make a favorable impression on the Brothers of the Birchwood Society, the day had been worse than a failure. They would definitely remember him, but Alex didn't think they would welcome him as a new brother.

All he wanted to do was retreat back home with his tail between his legs and have Claire tell him everything would be alright. Claire was a genius, maybe she could come up with a plan for how to turn this humiliating defeat to his advantage.

But when Alex turned to look for his shirt, it was nowhere to be found. Shit. Today had proven without a doubt that Alex could no longer go topless in public. Not until he could find an exercise that would shrink his weirdly fatty chest. Alex milled in a confused circle, trying to see where he had misplaced his shirt.

Finally, he saw it, draped over Mark's shoulder as he and the other guys entered the locker room on the far side of the gym. A thrill of apprehension filled Alex. He obviously hadn't planned to use the locker rooms after his humiliation on the court. Locker rooms had negative, erotically charged associations for him that made him keen to avoid them. He was worried about what bullying the frat boys might try in the relative privacy of the closed room.

But he needed that shirt.

Alex took a deep breath and squared his shoulders. He could do this. He just needed to march in there and demand his shirt back. Mark had walked all over him before the game, but that was just because Alex had been nervous. Now that he was focused, there was no way Mark would be able to push him around.

Alex could be assertive and manly when he wanted.

He walked toward the locker room with a determined step, his petite breasts swinging, their nipples still stiff despite Alex's outward determination. He pushed open the swinging door and entered the warm, damp air of the locker room.

He regretted his decision almost immediately. A group of five men, his teammates from the game, were waiting for him, leaning against lockers and sitting on benches. Their eyes locked onto him as he entered with predatory glee.

Alex, still pushed onward by his foolish determination, moved towards the fraternity president, who had a t-shirt draped over each naked shoulder, his own and Alex's. Another frat brother moved in smoothly behind Alex as he foolishly approached, closing off his path to the exit.

"Mark," said Alex, trying to keep his voice firm as the eyes of five large shirtless men focused on him with cruel intensity, "I need my..."

"Help me settle a bet," said Mark sharply, cutting off Alex mid-sentence. His mouth pulled up into a lazy smirk as he gave his other friends knowing glances. "The other guys just don't believe that you have a cock. I told them all they had to do was look at the fucking tent you've been pitching all game long from checking out the other guys, but they still think that it has to be some sort of trick." Alex's heart pounded in his ears. Somewhere deeper in the locker room, he could hear the hiss of the showers. He felt the warm steam wafting through the room.

"Mark, I don't want any trouble, just give me my shirt," said Alex, a note of desperation creeping into his voice. Two of the men who had been leaning against lockers at a distance moved closer, making Alex feel trapped.

"What have you got to hide?" said Mark, leaning forward with a hungry gleam in his eyes. "You want us to stop making fun of you for being so girly right? What quicker way to do that than proving you've got a great big dick swinging between your legs?"

Alex had come here to stand up for himself. But the aggressive, pushy attitude of Mark was making it hard to think. He needed to push back, to show that he couldn't be ordered around. Besides, based on the intense atmosphere of gleeful harassment, it would be completely insane to get naked in front of these five guys. A real man would fight if necessary to prevent bullies from stripping him by force, they would never give in to this sort of demand.

"M-mark," said Alex, squaring his shoulders and balling his fists, "I want you to give me back..."

Mark rose swiftly, rising above Alex with his impressive height and muscular frame and looking down into his eyes. "We want to see your cock, little boy. Show us." His voice wasn't loud, but it was cold and hard and didn't allow for any resistance.

All of Alex's careful control crumbled in an instant. Mark's dominant voice reached into his brain and flipped a switch. Alex might desperately want to stand up to these bullies, but Lexi was another story. Lexi was a submissive little slut with no ability to say no to boys. She might hate Mark as much as Alex did, but in the end, Mark was a handsome man ordering her around, and Lexi couldn't resist.

"Now," said Mark, his cold blue gaze boring into Lexi's fearful, intimidated eyes.

Making a distinctly unmanly whimper, Lexi gripped the waistband of her athletic shorts with trembling hands. Mark looked smugly triumphant at Lexi's pathetic submission. The faces of the other frat boys were painted with excited disbelief as Lexi slowly dropped her shorts to the floor, revealing her pale feminine cock, its tip slimy with precum from the turn-ons of the game.

The boys crowded closer, giving loud guffaws of amusement at the pitiful size and shameful stiffness of Lexi's throbbing dick. Mark sneered, clearly enjoying his victory. "You know what Alex?" said the frat president mockingly. "Now that I am seeing it in good lighting, I don't think you've got a cock after all. It looks like it might just be an enlarged clit. Are you sure it's a dick?"

Lexi's pitiful girlcock twitched involuntarily under the pitiless gazes of the hypermasculine bullies surrounding her, leaking another clear, viscous squirt of the precum that proved her shameful arousal. "Y-yes, Mark," she stuttered meekly. Her voice had automatically grown higher and softer, something that Mark noticed immediately, his eyes shining with interest at the unexpected change. "I have a d-dick."

Mark shook his head. "No, Alex, you don't. And if you really believe that what you have between your legs qualifies as a dick, I think you need a little lesson about what a real man's cock looks like." Mark hooked his thumbs into his own shorts. "In fact, why don't you get down on your knees? I want you to get a close look."

Lexi gulped. She loathed Mark just as much as Alex, but she was powerless to resist his dominant commands. Lexi knew what would happen next. She would get on her knees with Mark's huge sweaty cock inches from her face. Mark would command her to touch it, then suck it. The other boys would initially act shocked and disgusted, but it wouldn't take them long to join in. Lexi would end the night drenched in the cum of men who despised her. And she would love and hate every minute of it.

But that wouldn't be the end of it. She hadn't introduced herself as Lexi tonight. She hadn't been dressed in girl's clothing. She had used her legal name with no disguise. It wouldn't take long for the rumors to spread around campus. Lexi had just walked into an inescapable trap. One that was about to end Alexander Fox's life.

Lexi hadn't just failed to win the respect of the frat tonight, she had failed to defend her masculinity and dignity. Even now, before it happened, Lexi could see no escape. She simply didn't have it in her to resist Mark's commands, even if they ruined her life. When had she gotten this submissive?

Just as Lexi began to sink to her knees, blushing furiously, a cold voice echoed out from deeper in the locker room.

"Oh! So we're having a dick-measuring contest? I want to play." The knot of men surrounding Lexi looked up in disgruntled surprise as Anton Williams strode forward, dripping wet from the shower and completely naked. He carried himself with an easy confidence, completely unashamed of his public nudity. But then again, what did he have to be ashamed of? Anton Williams had the body of a Greek god. His long soft cock swung between his muscular legs as he strolled forward toward the crowd of suddenly nervous frat boys. Lexi paused from her half-crouch and straightened up, a strange hope blooming in her heart.

Mark's four lackeys pulled back, sensing something dangerous in Anton's calm statement, hiding themselves without thinking behind their leader. Mark wore an expression of childish frustration.

"So what are the rules? Loser has to kneel down in front of the winner and get a close look at the maniler dick? Sounds like fun," said Anton lightly, a cheerful smile on his face. "Don't let me interrupt you. Whip out that dick, Mark. Let's compare."

"That's 'president' to you, Brother Williams," said Mark testily, "And I don't think you understand the..."

Anton lunged forward in an instant, moving Lexi behind him with a gentle hand as he brought himself nose-to-nose with the president of his frat. "No, Mark. I don't think YOU understand. We're not in the frat house right now, so I don't have to listen to shit you say." His voice was pure controlled confidence. Lexi felt herself swooning. How could she have thought that Mark was dominant? He was nothing compared to her Daddy. "What I DO understand is this: I invited someone to our game, and you've disrespected them all night," continued Anton calmly. "When someone disrespects a guest of mine, they disrespect me. So, is that what's going on, Mark? Are you trying to disrespect me?"

Mark took an involuntary step back. He looked around at his friends, trying to gauge if he could count on their backup if things got physical. He clearly wasn't encouraged by the intimidation and confusion he saw in their eyes. A look of impotent rage crumpled Mark's face as he realized he was beaten. After a moment of tense silence, Mark pushed roughly past Anton towards the exit, his buddies trailing fearfully behind. "You just made a huge mistake, Williams," he muttered darkly.

"Save your threats for someone who takes you seriously, Marky-Mark," said Anton dismissively. "But as long as we are bringing up threats... If I hear any new rumors at all about my friend here, you'll start hearing rumors about how the Birchwood president has been propositioning dudes in the rec center locker rooms. Understand?"

Mark's only response was to go white with combined fear and rage, then turn and storm out the door with his friends, leaving it swinging behind him.

Anton stared after them for a moment, then turned to Lexi, a strange, unreadable expression on his face.

"Th-thank you, Anton," said Lexi breathlessly. Her eyes were unable to stop taking in every detail of his naked body, muscular and dark and still glistening with beaded water.

Anton stalked toward her, his eyes likewise focused on her naked body, his face serious. Lexi could feel her inner masculinity protesting, fearful of Anton's intentions. But Lexi wasn't scared at all. She had nothing to fear from her Daddy. Her hero.

Anton moved swiftly to her, and then his hot, wet arms were around her body, his lips were on hers. Lexi melted into the kiss, pressing her soft, willing body into Anton's hard angles, letting his strong arms support her as her knees grew weak. She felt her Daddy's cock wake up as it pressed against her belly, shifting and growing as their tongues writhed together.

A distant part of her mind, the part that still insisted that it was male, tried desperately to reestablish control. But Lexi wouldn't allow it. What had trying to be a big tough man gotten her tonight? Ridicule and danger. It was time to give her female side free rein. Anton had been her knight in shining armor, and she wanted to reward her Daddy handsomely.

Anton pulled away from the kiss, and Lexi stared up at him with adoring eyes and a dreamy smile. "You saved me, Daddy," she said in a wondering voice.

"Of course I did, Babygirl," said Anton with a confident smirk. "I told you, I don't let my girlfriends take shit from anyone."

Anton was saying that he knew that it was Lexi getting bullied by the frat boys, not Alex. That meant he could tell. Even from across the room, even without makeup or wigs or clothes, somehow Anton knew whether they were Lexi or Alex. The idea made Lexi a little nervous. How could Anton see right through her so easily? But it also made her overjoyed. Her Daddy knew her better than anyone else in the world!

Suddenly, Anton bent and scooped Lexi up off the ground, making her gasp and throw her arms around Anton's neck for support. Her cock twinged and leaked at the physical intimacy and helpless feeling of being effortlessly carried by her hulking former bully. "Daddy!" she squealed, "what are you...?"

"You're all sweaty, babe," said Anton. "And I wasn't done with my shower. You're coming to join me, and we're going to catch up. It's been a while since I've seen you, Lexi." The last part carried a note of displeasure that made Lexi wince. Daddy had saved her but he wasn't completely pleased with his baby girl.

Anton reached the showers and carried Lexi beneath the warm spray, setting her down carefully as the hot water instantly dissolved away the rest of her leftover tension and fear from the confrontation with the bullies.

Anton cupped Lexi's face in his hand and gave her an affectionate look.

"Turn around," he said.

Lexi thought for a moment that she hadn't heard him correctly. "Um, what do you..."

"Turn around, Lexi." This time his voice was firmer, his eyes harder. Not wanting to make her Daddy angry, Lexi obeyed, turning away from Anton to face the wall.

Immediately, a large hand rested on Lexi's shoulder, pushing her down. Bending her over. "Hands on the wall," commanded Anton, and without thinking, Lexi obeyed, pressing her palms flat against the moist tiles. Anton's huge hands slipped between her thick thighs, parting them with gentle but insistent pressure until Lexi was standing bent at the waist, little tits hanging from her chest. Her thighs were spread wide, her bubble butt was thrust upward into the air, and her tiny, girlish cock dripped warm water and excited juices to the shower floor.

Lexi always felt vulnerable, exposed, and a little dirty in the presence of her Daddy, but this submissive pose made it a thousand times more intense. Her mind flashed to all that porn she had been unable to stop watching recently. This was the perfect position for Anton to fuck her pussy. Is that what his intention was? The thought made her dick throb but also made her mind spin in anxiety. She had never had anything in her pussy except one of her slim, curious fingers. She didn't think her Daddy's massive cock would even fit.

Anton's huge hand rested gently on Lexi's exposed ass. "Long time, no see, babe," he said in a neutral voice. "A very very long time for a man to not hear from or see his girlfriend."

"I... I'm sorry, Anton, I..." said Lexi, her perception focused completely on the large hand palming her ass cheek.


Lexi yelped in shock and flinched as Anton's hand spanked her ass, sending up a spray of warm water. He hadn't put much force behind it, but it was so unexpected that the pain and humiliation took Lexi's breath away.

"Daddy. When you speak to me, you call me Daddy, babygirl," said Anton in a deep commanding voice. Lexi looked back over her shoulder to look at Anton as he laid his hand back on her ass. His massive cock was beginning to rise, aroused from having his girlfriend in this submissive position: at his mercy.

Alex had always been raised to push back against arrogant men who thought you were beneath them. Lexi could almost hear the voice of her father, telling her that he couldn't let her high school bully treat her like this: that she had to stand up for herself and be a real man.

"Yes, Daddy," said Lexi meekly, biting her lower lip and giving her boyfriend a wide-eyed submissive stare.

"Good girl," said Anton with a smirk. "When we were last together, you promised me that you would be my woman, Lexi." Anton's voice was accusing, and his hand continued to rub in small circles over the soft, smooth skin of Lexi's ass. Lexi could feel her cock, throbbing in time with her rapidly beating heart.

"Yes, Daddy," said Lexi, anticipating the next spank with arousal and fear. "I know I promised, but I was just a little afraid and..."


This time Lexi was anticipating the spank, so instead of a girlish yelp, she just let out a pathetic little whimper, her legs shaking slightly from the intensity of the submissive lust that her Daddy's spanking inspired.

"So you tried to avoid me," said Anton scornfully. "Tried to convince yourself and others that you're a big manly man. Do you know why I invited you here tonight?"

"N-no Daddy," squeaked Lexi, pushing her fat ass higher, straining it up against Anton's strong hand. The spank had hurt, but had also, on a deeper level, felt good. Something about the forced submission to her Daddy was driving Lexi wild. She wanted to feel more...

"To show Alex how pathetic his attempts to be masculine are," said Anton, his voice dripping with cruel amusement. "I wanted him to really feel what it was like to hang out with real men. To make that comparison and discover how 'Lexi' fits him so much better."

Anton's hand squeezed a cheek of Lexi's round butt with an enormous hand, making Lexi inhale sharply at the intimate, degrading feeling of ownership. "And Alex failed worse than I thought possible. The other boys sniffed you out as a submissive cocksucking slut instantly, Lexi. If you weren't my bitch already, Mark would have his cock buried in your tight throat right now."

"S-sorry Daddy," said Lexi weakly. "I'm sorry I forgot that I'm a submissive slut."


This spank was harder, and Lexi had to close her eyes against the pleasant pain. "Not just any submissive slut, Lexi," said Anton roughly. "My submissive slut. Only mine. It's clear that you can't take care of yourself. You need a strong Daddy to protect you. I own you, Lexi. I own this hot little body. And I think I need to teach you that lesson again."

A huge rough finger traced between Lexi's cheeks, touching briefly against her asshole. Lexi felt a crackling jolt of electric lust flash up her spine from the brief contact, and a little moan puffed out from between her lips. "W-wait Daddy," she said desperately, reeling from the overwhelming sensation. Lexi had no idea that anything could make her feel the way Anton's finger just had, and he had barely touched her! She trembled at the thought of what more contact could do.

"You've been avoiding me. Resisting me. Feeding me some bullshit story about how you're actually a man," said Anton, his voice heated. Lexi looked back over her shoulder to see her boyfriend's eyes blazing with emotion, his cock stiff and massive, sticking up from his torso like a pillar of obsidian. "Are you my woman, Lexi? Or Not?"

Lexi's breath was hot and wild in her throat. Anton was giving her one last chance. She could walk away. Put her clothes back on and go home to snuggle into bed with Claire. She could become Alex and put this confusing, humiliating night behind her. Maybe even put Anton behind her completely. Lexi's eyes locked on to Anton's massive ebony cock, throbbing with desire for her.

"Yes, Daddy," she said, her voice eager and decisive. "I am your woman."

"Then tell me. Who owns this pussy, baby girl?" asked Anton, staring at her with deep, warm brown eyes.

Pussy. The word fell so easily from Anton's smiling lips. Her pussy. The word conjured only positive feelings for Lexi. A feminine, alluring hole made for taking cock. There was only one person who had a claim to her virgin pussy. "Y-you do, Daddy," said Lexi, adjusting her stance slightly, spreading her legs just a bit wider, welcoming her Daddy's finger.
