The Hottie in the Mirror Pt. 03


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This time Anton's thick finger didn't just brush against her asshole, but pressed firmly against it, pushing and rubbing in tight circles. Lexi gasped at the sudden powerful stimulation. Her small girlish balls immediately tightened up to the base of her stiff cock as her nerves sang with intense pleasure. Lexi had never felt like this before. She had been experimenting with fingering her pussy during masturbation for a few weeks now, but being pleasured by her daddy was for some reason a completely different experience.

Lexi had felt submissive and dominated completely when she had given Anton a blowjob several weeks ago. Kneeling beneath her former bully and humbly pleasuring him with her mouth had imprinted her inferiority deep into her soul. But this was even more intense. Now she wasn't just pleasuring his body, she was allowing him access to her most private areas, for him to explore as he saw fit.

"Mark and his stooges are worthless trash," said Anton confidently, pushing his finger with increasing pressure against the entrance to Lexi's pussy. "But they were right about one thing. No girlfriend of mine has a cock. She does have a cute little clit though."

Lexi breathed heavily, hanging her head, trying to ride the wave of wild desire that Anton's manly finger was causing in her.

"I think your clit needs a little attention, baby girl," said Anton with a chuckle. "Why don't you rub yourself a little while I finger your pussy? You wouldn't be the first girl who rubbed one out while I fingered her."

Lexi didn't need a second invitation. She released her right hand from the wall and brought it down between her legs, beginning to pump her little clit wildly, slick with warm water and precum in her tight fist. With a sudden yielding of resistance, Anton's finger sunk into her pussy up to the first knuckle, making Lexi cry out with the powerful submissive pleasure that coursed between her pussy, her clit, and her overheated brain.

Lexi's legs trembled as Anton began slowly moving his finger in and out of her tight asshole. "Oh my God, Babygirl!" he said approvingly. "You are so fucking tight!" Lexi felt the finger withdraw, and then, suddenly, she felt the monstrous length of Anton's throbbing cock laid against her cleft.

Lexi let out a deep moan of frightened lust, feeling intimidation and panic in her heart even as she instinctively arched her back and thrust her butt up against her Daddy's massive cock, longing for and fearing penetration at the same time. Her hand continued to move frantically, rubbing her clit to the dirty thoughts racing through her mind.

"Too tight, Lexi," said Anton frustratedly. He grabbed Lexi's round hips and thrust against her, rubbing his cock between her soft cheeks. "I love your enthusiasm, but we need to be realistic. If I fucked you like this I would break your poor little pussy."

Anton suddenly gripped her hips tight, dragging his cock down her crack one last time and positioning himself so that his massive, hot cockhead pressed firmly against her pussy. "So you are going to have to train, Lexi. Work hard so that your Daddy can fuck you deep, and drain his balls into your perfect pussy. That's an order, Babygirl."

"Y-yes, Daddy!" gasped Lexi, "I'll do it. I will work so hard. I want your cock inside me so badly!" The sensations assaulting Lexi were suddenly overwhelming. Her tight fist around her slippery clit, her body bent and spread beneath her powerful Daddy. His cock pressed against her sensitive pussy.

Lexi came into her hand, the gooey girlcum squirting and dripping between her slim fingers as sweet feminine moans poured from her open throat. Smiling widely at his girlfriend's slutty display, Anton withdrew his cock and pumped himself rapidly, squirting a much larger load onto Lexi's ass as she basked in the glow of her submissive orgasm, happy once again to be reunited in sexual harmony with her Daddy.


Alex arrived at the door of his apartment shivering and weak, a dazed look in his eyes. As Claire let him in, he collapsed into her arms, holding on for dear life.

It took him a minute to collect himself. Claire simply ran her fingers through his hair, waiting for him to speak.

Finally, he looked up at her, his lip trembling as he said:

"I... I think we might have a problem, baby."


Months ago, in an unused dorm room...

"Oh. Silly me, I almost forgot," said Faria with a silvery laugh. "You can speak now, dear."


The word burst out of Claire's mouth as soon as Faria released her voice. Claire's pained eyes were fixed intently on the face of her sleeping boyfriend "Why can't he see me? Why doesn't he know I'm here?"

Faria raised an eyebrow. "I have complete control over his mind and senses, honey. If I tell him not to see or hear something, it's invisible to him. If I told him there was a pink elephant in this room he would see it."

"Wake up, baby," Claire called desperately to her boyfriend across the bed from her. Alex gave no response, his head lolling forward, resting just like his puppet master had commanded him.

Faira sighed. "Enough now. I just told you he can't hear you. We need to discuss your role in all this," she explained gently.

"My role?" snarled Claire, swiveling her head to fix her fierce brown eyes on Faria. "I'm not going to have any sort of role in the sick game you and Anton Williams are trying to play. I knew Anton was a cowardly bully, but I never imagined he wanted to fuck my boyfriend."

"You're wrong on two counts, sweetie," said Faria with a crooked smile, shifting down the bed to get closer to her second target. "First of all, Anton doesn't currently want to fuck your boyfriend. His intentions are actually much more sinister than that. He wants to strip away your boyfriend's masculine facade and leave him exposed and humiliated. Anton wants to ruin Alex's life, and feminization is just a means to that end. Second of all, you absolutely have a role to play. Anton suggested it himself. Not only are you going to be Anton's accomplice, helping to turn your boyfriend into the prettiest, kinkiest little girl he can be, you're also going to be Anton's submissive little fuckpet, servicing his huge fucking dick whenever you can sneak away from your boyfriend."

Claire had gone pale, her eyes wide in disbelief. "You're insane. This will never work. You can try to confuse him as much as you want, but Alex is a man. He'll fight back. He can beat this."

Faria placed a sympathetic hand on Calire's naked thigh. "Oh, honey. You've been here the whole time listening. Let's be honest. Alex won't beat my hypnosis. He doesn't even want to beat it. Alex has been a woman on the inside all along, his upbringing just wouldn't let him admit it."

Claire wordlessly shook her head, but Faria could see the defeat in her eyes. Faria's truth was undeniable.

"By the end of the day, Alex will be on the road to womanhood, and you will be having intrusive thoughts about how good a black cock would taste," said Faria, patting Claire's thigh.

"So that's it?" said Claire miserably. "Me and Alex are over? Alex's life is ruined, and I have to be a bully's sex toy until he gets bored of me?" Tears were forming in her eyes, but her tone was sharp. Faria could feel Claire's strong willpower and defiance radiating from her flashing brown eyes.

Faria hesitated.

After a pregnant pause, she spoke, choosing her words carefully. "It's very important to me to be professional," she said, staring meaningfully into Claire's eyes. "And part of that is never going against the wishes of my client, whether they were stated explicitly or implied."

Claire's eyes narrowed. She recognized that Faria was trying to communicate something, but it was unclear exactly what it was. "Go on..." she said, cautiously.

"Anton explicitly told me to give you two hypnotic commands. First, to make you his willing and eager accomplice in feminizing your boyfriend, and second, to make you lust after Anton personally. Those two things are non-negotiable," said Faria, maintaining her intense eye contact. "But he left all of the other details to me. And in those vague instructions, there are a multitude of possibilities."

Claire looked frustrated. She was clearly trying to piece together Faria's cryptic hints. "I don't understand," she finally admitted with a look of frustrated defeat.

"All I will say for now is this," said Faria mysteriously, "As of today, Anton wants to ruin Alex's life and make you into a pathetic slut. But if he started to want something else... if someone were able to influence him into changing his plans... that would be none of my business."

Claire's eyes darted over Faria's face, scowling with concentration.

"Just sit back and watch for now, Claire," said Faria patronizingly. "Think hard about what I just said. I think your boyfriend has rested enough. It's time I heard about this famous bullying incident he refuses to discuss."


It wasn't easy to talk about the humiliating night at the rec center, but Claire lent a sympathetic, understanding ear. Alex always felt better after talking things over with his girlfriend, no matter how painful the subject. She was his guiding light. Claire always knew exactly what to do, even in the darkest circumstances, and Alex knew that she would always support him and help him out of any problem he got himself into.

But even with his bottomless love and trust for her, it was hard to look her in the eyes as he described how he had stood, hot water cascading down his naked body, bent at the waist beneath his bully, jizzing into his hand while Anton teased his asshole with the tip of his massive cock.

"I... I just feel like something is wrong, babe," said Alex fearfully. "Like I don't have any control over myself at all when I'm around Anton. It's not that he forces me to be a woman, it's like I don't even want to be a man when I'm near him."

Claire's response was to gently embrace him, pulling his head to her chest and stroking his hair. Alex felt stiff and awkward at first but finally gave in and relaxed in the arms of the love of his life. Even after what should have been a horrible betrayal: a sexual encounter with someone else, Claire was still on his side. He felt some of his tension unwind.

"You've been under so much stress, baby," said Claire gently. "It's not easy splitting your time between two genders. Not to mention sneaking around to fool the sorority sisters." She reached down and lifted Alex's chin to look at her. "Let's have a heart-to-heart day tomorrow. We'll figure out a way forward."

Heart-to-heart days were one of Alex's favorite traditions that he and Claire had. Claire had been the one to suggest their first heart-to-heart day, about a month after they started dating. Alex had been particularly stressed at the time about interactions with his father, and Claire had been able to sense that he needed extra support. Heart-to-heart days were a full day of focusing completely on each other. In reality, there wasn't much to separate them from normal date outings, but they still felt special. A heart-to-heart day was an explicit declaration that they were investing their time and energy on the relationship.

Alex smiled. That sounded like exactly what he needed. Some time to forget about this entire Lexi thing for a day and feel Claire's loving support. "That sounds wonderful babe," he said gratefully. "What should we do?"

"I have something planned that will make you feel better," said Claire with a smile. "But you'll have to wait and see. It's a surprise!"


At first, Alex was confused when they pulled up to Claire's usual hair salon.

"My surprise is watching you get your hair done?" asked Alex sarcastically with an unimpressed look at his girlfriend

Claire giggled. "No, silly! I'm not getting my hair done, you are! Your surprise is a total makeover, babe!"

"Claire, we talked about this!" said Alex in frustration. He had been looking forward to his surprise, but this wasn't turning out how he had imagined it. "I don't feel like cutting my hair right now. It feels better longer."

Claire snorted and rolled her eyes. "Well, duh. We're not here to cut your hair short, babe. I made an appointment for you to get extensions."

Alex's mouth dropped open. He struggled to understand what Cliare was thinking. He was already getting mistaken for a girl with his current hair. If he got convincing extensions, no one would think he was a boy at first glance.

"No. No way, Claire!" said Alex, bewildered by his girlfriend's suggestion. "We talked about this too. If I get extensions, people will mistake me for a girl everywhere I go. It's not worth the humiliation just to improve my disguise. Wearing a wig is working to fool the sorority girls."

Claire turned and took Alex's hands in hers, holding his gaze with calm and serious eyes. Alex knew her well enough to recognize that she wanted to have a conversation that he wouldn't like. "That's what I wanted to talk about today, honey," she said. "You know how you have been so stressed and confused lately? I think it's because you are struggling with switching back and forth between male and female so often. It's too hard on you! I really think it would be better if you just stuck to one gender for the time being."

Based on the hair extension appointment, Alex could guess what gender Claire had decided on. "You want me to be Lexi all the time?" he asked disbelievingly.

"Just temporarily!" said Claire soothingly, gripping Alex's hands tight. Her eyes were pleading with him to listen, to understand. "You can't very well be a man full-time at the moment. Our plan is at a critical point, and we need Lexi more than Alex right now. Once you pass the sorority initiation, you can switch back to being male permanently."

The idea bounced around Alex's brain, picking up speed. To wake up every morning and put on makeup and girly clothes. To get male attention and interest not just when he walked to the sorority house, but all day long, whenever he left the house. His inner masculinity recoiled at the idea. He was a man! Crossdressing was something that he did out of necessity, not because he liked it.

On the other hand, it felt weird lately when he left the apartment wearing men's clothes. The jeans felt weird and baggy, and his old shirts fit him oddly these days. He had also grown so used to wearing panties that sometimes he wore them under his boys' clothes even when he was just going to classes. Their fit was just so much more supportive, and the soft fabric so much more comfortable.

Maybe it would be a relief to wear girl clothes all the time and not have to worry about switching back and forth, just like Claire was suggesting.

"It wouldn't work," said Alex stubbornly, not just trying to argue against Claire, but also to push down the enthusiasm that was rising inside his heart. "Everybody on campus knows me as Alex. Am I supposed to tell them all my name is Lexi now?."

"Come on, Lexi," said Claire patiently. "New classes start in two weeks. New classmates and professors. People who don't know Alex. You can make a fresh start. You can live life as a woman for a while, and no one has to know but us."

"But, if I'm a woman," said Alex, his resistance crumbling under Claire's gentle insistence. "Then you... I mean, would we...?"

Claire leaned over and kissed him, squeezing his hand. "If you're my boyfriend or my girlfriend, my husband or my wife, it doesn't matter. You're mine. And nothing will ever change that. I love you Lexi," she said with deep certainty.

"B-but," said Alex, a little breathless from Claire's passionate kiss. "You said before that you're dating Alex and Anton is dating Lexi... If I'm Lexi full-time, then..."

Claire put a finger to his lips with a rueful look. "Anton is a whole other issue. I have some ideas for him as well, trust me. Let's focus on the present. It's a heart-to-heart day today, remember? I want to be dating a gorgeous woman with flowing blonde hair by the end of the day. Say yes, Lexi."

Alex never had been good at saying no to Claire. If she said that the best idea was for him to just be Lexi for a few months until their plan was finished, then she was probably right.

Lexi leaned forward and hungrily returned her girlfriend's kiss, slipping her tongue into Claire's mouth to demonstrate her enthusiastic agreement. Claire giggled and pushed forward aggressively, dominantly taking control of the kiss as she slipped a warm little hand up Lexi's shirt to rub and tease one of her sensitive nipples. Lexi could feel her cock getting hard as her body responded with submissive desire to Claire's powerful kiss.

But just as she was getting into the mood, Claire pulled away, wiping her mouth demurely from the sloppy kiss. "We can't get distracted, honey!" she said with a grin. "We'll miss your appointment! It's time for Lexi to come out and shine!"

Now filled with nervous excitement, Lexi followed her girlfriend into the woman's salon for the first time as a customer rather than as a boyfriend.


"Ok Lexi," said Claire in a no-nonsense voice. "We already know that you and I wear similar sizes, but we've moved past the point where you can just wear my clothes all the time. If you're going to be a woman full-time, you are going to need a full woman's wardrobe."

She indicated the racks of clothes with a wide sweep of her hand. "Just pick out a few things to try on. There are no wrong answers. Today is about experimenting and discovering Lexi's style."

Lexi reached out a hesitant hand and brushed her fingers over the soft skirts as she walked past, her eyes scanning the feminine garments with interest. Her new long hair felt strange flowing down past her shoulders. It was different than wearing a wig, these extensions felt much more natural: as if some deeper transformation had happened.

Her own style. She had never thought about it before. Lexi had always liked the clothes that Claire wore, so she had been happy to borrow them. But the idea of having outfits of her very own, that she had picked out, was exciting to her. She remembered as a boy being fascinated, turned on and appreciative of the effort women put into their wardrobe. Different clothes for every occasion in a vast array of styles, colors, and textures. Most boys just wore a small rotation of shirts and jeans. Lexi found she was eager to experience this part of womanhood. She selected a short pink skirt from the rack. It looked pretty daring.

But maybe that was what Lexi liked. Maybe "daring" was her style.

Once she got into the spirit of things, Lexi began pulling options off the racks with joyful enthusiasm. it didn't take her long to have an armful of clothes to try on. She hurried to the changing room with her encouraging girlfriend to see how they looked.


Lexi stared at herself in the mirror, twirling a lock of her new long hair in her fingers. The difference that longer hair made was incredible. It didn't even matter that she hadn't worn any makeup today. Maybe she was just carrying herself differently now that she decided to be a full-time girl, but the person staring back at her from the mirror was all woman, without a trace of masculinity left.

"Wow Lexi!" said Claire, looking over her shoulder and examining the short skirt and crop top Lexi had picked out. "I guess I didn't realize that your style was so... revealing."

Claire's slim fingers traced lightly over Lexi's naked belly before moving down to the exposed thighs. "I mean, I knew I was dating a bit of a slut, but I didn't realize that you wanted to show the world this much."

Lexi frowned. She knew Claire was just teasing like she normally did, but being called a slut bothered her a little. She knew from experience how guys talked about girls they thought were sluts. Those locker room discussions weren't very kind or respectful. "Do you think that this is too much...?" she asked nervously.
