The Island


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"Kenny?" she said, as they lay side by side on the beach, next to the SOS.


"What do we do now?"

Kenny looked across at his sister. She didn't seem worried or anxious, and her question didn't evoke those feelings in him either. And although he was surprised she'd raised the issue, he found he was glad she had.

"Well..." he said at length, "the way I see it, there are two possibilities. One, they never find us and we live out our days here, fucking like rabbits and living off the bounty of the sea and the land."

Kate laughed heartily and slapped her brother's arm playfully.

"When you put it like that," she said, "it doesn't sound too bad! What's two?"

"And two... they find us... and... well..."

"Yeah, that was kind of the one I was wondering about too..."

A moment of silence passed between them. There had been plenty since that night, since they'd given in to their need for each other, but this one was different. The smiles faded from their faces.

"Look, Kate," Kenny said finally, "I... I can only speak for myself here but... well... you've... you've always been the most important person in the world to me, you know that right?"

Kate smiled warmly and nodded as Kenny shifted his position so that he was facing his sister.

"And, honestly," he went on, "I really could never have imagined that... growing, you know? That you could become even more important to me, more critical to my happiness but... what do I know? I love you Kate. You're my whole world. And now that... well... now that we've started this... now that I know how it feels..."

Kenny trailed off and lowered his head, a lump forming in his throat. He knew what he wanted to say but some fear held him back. Kate finished for him.

"Now that I know how it feels," she said, lifting her brother's face in her hands, "I can never go back to the way it was before. If they find us... if we're rescued, if we get to go home..."

"People... people won't understand Kate, it... it'll be hard..."

"Fuck 'em. Since when did we need anyone but each other? I'm not saying it'll be easy or anything but... Kenny... this is it. You're it. You're the person I'm going to spend my life with. You're the love of my life. Why on Earth would I give that up because of what other people think?"

Kate was smiling generously and Kenny found his sister's optimism infectious and his lingering fears and doubts just melted away.

"I love you," he said. It was all that needed to be said.


Motuhere, approximately 1800 kilometers due east of Kiribati, in the Pacific. 14 months later.


"It looks so small."


The Beriev Be-200 Altair aircraft, or Berry has they'd come to call it, had been modified to extend its range and, as one of a rare breed of modern flying boat, Kate found it surprisingly comfortable. And both she and Ken had found it surprisingly easy to learn to fly over the past year or so.

Ken was at the controls as they approached the island. He circled it a few times and flew low over it so they could get a look at the changes that had been made to it since their rescue a little over a month after that conversation on the beach.

The bay now boasted a boat house complete with slipway and a jetty extending out into the Pacific where Berry could be tied up. A couple of wind turbines and some banks of PV panels were also visible from their aerial vantage point and they knew other additions were hidden by the palm canopy that covered the island's interior, or buried underground like the massive jet fuel tanks.

A calm sea made for a straightforward landing and taxi into the jetty. They looked at each other and smiled when they noticed the sign at the jetty's end, 'Welcome to Motuhere'. Since their rescue, they'd discovered their island had a number of names but Kate had decided it needed a new one, now that it was permanently theirs. Roughly translated, it meant Island of Love in the Tahitian dialect of their father's south Pacific home. Kenny said it was a little bit sweet for his taste but didn't object. Besides, he couldn't deny its aptness.

There were a couple of small electric karts parked up next to the boat house that were intended to help with transferring supplies to the cabin in the interior from the coast but Kate and Kenny decided to make their way on foot, there was no rush with the supplies they'd brought.

A small path had been paved from the boat house towards the clearing and Kenny commented on how neat and unobtrusive the contractors their father had hired had been. The same thought occurred as they entered the clearing.

At first glance, it looked more or less exactly the same as it had during their month on the island before their rescue but looking a little closer told the tale. The pool at the base of the waterfall had been deepened and reshaped a little but it was the cabin that was most obviously different.

They'd kept the original cabin but it now served as a kind of porch or lobby for a new, larger cabin built unobtrusively into the trees behind it. Kate couldn't help laughing as they stepped inside at the clean perfection of everything. It's mostly glazed walls allowed the soft, gentle light from the clearing and the grove inside and it's furnishing was both sleek and modern and warm and homely at the same time. The open space contained a kitchen and dining area and a kind of living space with the bedroom suite to the rear.

"What do you think?" Kenny asked, smiling. Kate just smiled back at him.

"It's perfect," Kate observed, moving towards the bedroom, untying the strap of the long, flowing summer dress she wore from around her neck and letting it fall to the floor as she walked. There was no need to say anything else, or even to look at her brother.

Though it had been more than a year since that first night, Kenny had found that their appetite for each other had, if anything, only grown. He sometimes thought this power his sister had over him had the potential to be dangerous but he always dismissed the thought. Even if it was, he didn't care and there was nothing he could do about it. That was the nature of her power. All he wanted to do was give her what she wanted.

So he was smiling as he followed her to the bedroom. Like the front of the cabin, it's walls were almost all glass so that it was as if the large, softly furnished bed that Kate now settled into was sitting in middle of the grove of palms they'd come to know so well.

His shirt and shorts joined his sister's dress on the floor and he felt the familiar flush of excitement as he moved his body up along hers on the bed until he kissed her warmly and deeply.

"Welcome home," she murmured and they smiled together softly.

In the fifteen months since they'd given in to their desire for each other, they'd come to know the other's body as well as they'd known their mind and a kind of physical language without any need for words had developed, although Kate's habit of offering her brother consistent verbal encouragement had never abated, much to Kenny's delight.

So it was entirely natural when Kenny felt his sister's hand slide down and take a gentle hold of his cock, stroking him to full hardness while his own hand fell to her already slick pussy as he kissed her.

But he could feel her eagerness. Maybe, he thought, it was the excitement of finally returning to the island, to a place that had come to have an almost spiritual importance to them. Regardless, it was clear she meant to have him, and have him now.

He felt her guide him towards her entrance, spreading her legs wide to accommodate him and, although he'd done it hundreds of times since that first night, the feeling of sliding inside her was still as affecting for Kenny and he closed his eyes and groaned, exhaling slowly as he shifted his hips to press himself deeper.

"Now I'm home," he said and he felt Kate's body quiver as she giggled. He felt her arms and her legs wrap around him, pulling him into her and their lips met again as their hips began writhing and grinding in perfect, practiced rhythm.

Kate felt a kind of completion. Joy flowed through her and she held Kenny's body tightly, marveling at how the incredible and immediate pleasure from the fullness she felt when he was inside her never seemed to diminish. Her mind drifted back to everything that had happened since they'd first landed on the island. Since that first night they'd given in to their desire, a month along together on the island, starting to make peace with never leaving it, with spending their lives alone there together. And then the suddenness of their rescue, the sound of the search plane as it flew low over the island, waving and screaming frantically, firing flares, embracing with joy.

Their father's wealth and influence was enough to spare them much of the media attention their rescue would ordinarily had garnered. They knew the nature of their relationship would make things hard, and it did, but they would have been much harder if they'd become unwitting global celebrities.

It was their father who'd spearheaded the search, even after the authorities had given up hope of finding any trace of the lost plane. It felt a little odd that he was the first one they told about how they felt about each other, but they knew they'd need his help and support if they had any chance of living a normal life together, and it was to his home in French Polynesia they'd been brought after their rescue.

He was shocked, certainly, but ultimately supportive. But he warned them that the world might not be so understanding, to tell only those they trusted completely. Neither of them would have described their mother that way but both agreed they had to tell her, even if it was the last thing they ever said to her. Their relationship with her had actually improved a little after they'd moved out of her house but then it had become worse than ever when they told her they were in touch with their father. But, it seemed, the prospect of losing her only children was enough to make her realize how much she loved them.

So, much to their shock, she told them she wasn't all that surprised when they told her how they felt about each other on their return to California.

"I may not have been the world's greatest parent," she'd said, "but I am your mother. And I know you're perfect for each other."

Others had been much more of a mixed bag.

Kate decided to tell Sarah and Molly, who didn't believe her at first but ultimately proclaimed they were happy for her, and then wanted to know every lurid detail.

Kenny had been less fortunate with his closest friends. The words 'sick' and 'fucked-up' were used.

They'd only been back in their apartment for a few days when the police called to the door. One of Kenny's friends had reported then. Sex between siblings is a criminal offence in California. They'd spent an unpleasant night in separate jail cells before their father's lawyer sprung them. And they were back on a plane to the Pacific the next day, unsure if they would ever return to the land of their birth.

Ultimately, the episode taught them that the world may not be ready for who they were or at least for who they were to each other, although it meant a lot to them to have the support of both their parents, and of Sarah and Molly.

What they needed was somewhere quiet, somewhere they could be themselves, while things settled down at least. Their father's estate in the South Pacific was certainly luxurious, but they didn't think it would ever feel like home, like it was theirs.

The idea of the island came up in bed the night they returned to their father's estate. Kate had initially meant it as a joke, but Kenny latched on to it. Their father, he suggested, could make it so that the island was a complete paradise, with everything they'd ever need and he could make it so that they could come and go as they pleased. It wouldn't be exile, it would be privacy was his conclusion and, the more they talked about it, the more Kate came round to the idea.

A week later, they presented the suggestion to their father and he didn't hesitate to put the full weight of his wealth and connections to the task.

He insisted on arranging their admission to prestigious universities at the same time, ones that would allow them to study remotely, with Kate to continue her Biology studies and Kenny starting a course in Engineering.

It turned out the US government owned the island and it wasn't too difficult to arrange to purchase a long term lease. After that, their father's contractors had gone to work, adding the buildings and paths; infrastructure for power, water, sanitation, communication; the boat house, the jetty, even underground fuel tanks. Everything they'd need. While that happened, Kate and Ken qualified as pilots, learning to fly the specially adapted plane their father had bought for them, and trained in ship handling, so they could be true masters of their new domain, able to come and go as they pleased.

It had taken a little longer than they'd have liked but, Kate noted as she felt the pace and power of her brother's thrusts increase, it had been worth the wait.

"That's it Kenny... yes...," she moaned, "right there, come on..."

As she knew it would, as it always did, her encouragement spurred Kenny on and he fucked her harder still, pressing her heavily into the bed and he panted and grunted with effort and Kate felt her body shuddering as her orgasm approached.

"Yes Kenny... fuck... fuck me Kenny... don't fucking stop!" Her voice grew louder and Kenny growled now as he pounded her, pounded her until he felt her body spasm and quiver and she wailed in release. He pushed himself deep inside her and exploded as her pussy gripped him tightly.

And then they were laughing together, their breathing labored as Kenny rolled off his sister.

"Honestly," he said, "I was wondering how long it would take for us to christen this place. Didn't think it'd be the first thing we'd do."

"Save your strength brother," Kate replied, laughing, "we've got a lot more christening to do yet. Come on!"

There was plenty of daylight left as they set out to reacquaint themselves with the island, their island, to view the new additions that would make it their luxurious home.

As they'd noticed on the walk from the plane to the clearing, the contractors had been careful to ensure their work was as inconspicuous as possible. The lights came on when they flicked the switch and the toilet flushed when they pressed the button, but they couldn't see any of the infrastructure that made them work.

Two other, smaller cabins had been added to the island, one on the western shore at the base of the hill, the other towards the eastern side of the island so that any guests they chose to invite to the island would have a place to stay. They checked out the eastern cabin first, and christened it, on the basis that by the time they reached the western one, the sun would be setting and watching the sunset from the beach on that side of the island had become one of their regular activities on their previous stay there, something they'd been looking forward to seeing again.

And they'd had the western cabin designed so the bed, placed close to the glazed front, gave the perfect view.

That was where they lay, hot and sweaty after a third christening, as evening closed in and the sun began its slow descent beneath the horizon.

Kate's mind went back to that night, the night more than two years before when she came home tipsy and kissed her brother, the night that had changed everything. She remembered the feeling of connectedness she'd had with Kenny that night, as she had rested her body against his and she felt it again now, felt his arms tighten around her as the soft orange glow of the fading sun filled the room and she sighed contentedly.

"What is it?" Kenny asked.

"Nothing... just... happy is all," Kate replied, glancing up at her brother.

"Me too," he said, smiling, and he kissed her softly.

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Frankie1952Frankie19522 months ago

I really do love this style of story and this one was fantastic. I hope you can write more like this please and get them to make a baby.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well written

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very cute. I found it a bit hard to believe in them rejecting (for no very clear reason) any help from their billionaire father and instead working double jobs and going to community college in hope of a State University scholarship, respectively, but the story is clearly going for romantic fantasy rather than realism, so I guess we can let the contrivance pass.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Ignore that htsl dude. Bro doesn’t know what a slow burn is. Or understand how two siblings would be reluctant to say they want to bang each other.

HtslHtslabout 1 year ago

How many films would not have been made if people had learned to talk to each other? Why do you have to hide your feelings when you trust each other, like these two protagonists? Yes, it may be that the other says NO, but even then life can go on as normal.

Well, the story would have been much shorter, but there would have been much more room for getting to know the father and building their life together, wherever. And we would have been spared the rushed and too cheesy ending.

EnochlesisEnochlesisabout 1 year ago

I like slow burns in general, and I liked this one, though I agree that perhaps the awkwardness was dwelt on a bit much. It didn't quite tip over into melodrama, but it's worth keeping in mind for future efforts.

Overall, though, the story was well-written and the characters reasonably fleshed out, the paternal deus ex machina notwithstanding.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Absolutely wonderful! 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I second that !

Les_Grossman24Les_Grossman24about 1 year ago

I always hate whenever one party starts sleeping with the whole town as a way to cope with their incestuous feelings toward their sibling. It somehow feels like cheating to me. However, I gotta say I liked the way you handled it here.

I understood both characters and the choices they made. Words can’t express how much of a masterpiece this was. You should definitely be proud :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

9 Literotica pages (86-90 in Word) and an overly cliched title. Very easy rating of 1.

LapinatorLapinatorabout 1 year ago

I liked the story, you are a good writer. But I have to admit that 6 or 7 pages of uncomfortable awkwardness and self-loathing out of 9 total pages is a bit much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Just great. Good ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Beautiful! Well paced and held my interest throughout. Delightfully erotic and well written. As near perfect as it possible to get.

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