The Job Offer Ch. 02


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His eyes scan every inch of her and they are screaming, 'FUCK'. He then licks his lips and says, "You look so hot, Baby. If your hair was just white, you would look the best Emma Frost; but I love the contrast, you pull it off well. Hard to stay focus when you're so damn sexy."

She's all smiles, and lets the trench coat drop and says, "I don't know who Emma Frost is, but I put this on to keep you alive and alert, Master. Once you finish the job, you can unwrap me for your pleasure. Sounds good?"

Biting his lip, he thinks to himself that she is a big tease; but it's what he likes about her. He then tries to clarify to her by saying, "Emma Frost is a mutant telepath for the Hellfire Club in the X-Men; I can see you do not know what that is, ah... never mind. Thanks for the surprise and I look forward to devour every inch of you, Baby. Does it come with white gloves?"

She smiles and says, "Of course it does."

He leans forward and says, "Bet the anticipation is killing ya. You're wet for me, aren't ya?"

"You know it, Master. I am literally saturated." She says with a devious smile.

He then says, "Guess we should get the party started. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can celebrate, Baby."

A tremor goes through her body, and the anticipation is killing her, but her master is correct. They have a job to do. She takes a breath even though she doesn't really need it. Old habits die hard. Time to get going; she leads the way to the garage. As she makes her way, she slides her gloves on and flips the hood over her head. The sun's rays are so bright and it's been ages since she felt them. She puts head down and takes a step.

He reaches out to her and stops her. She's surprised and startled at the same time. He then says, "I got you a gift of sorts; nothing much, but it's a motorcycle helmet with a UV visor. I care about your skin, Baby and don't want you to get burned."

She's surprised with a thoughtful gift, and gives her Master a hug and a kiss.

He received the hug and kiss but whispers in her ear and says, "I love you, Baby. So much..."

She's taken aback by his generosity and thoughtfulness. She knows the hood would cover some of her face/skin, but wearing a helmet will cover it all. It's the little things that make her feel wanted and loved. She thinks to herself; I am no longer saturated, but soaked. She tries to control herself, but the fangs slowly come down. Her need for him is too much to bear, and she wants him NOW. She turns around and shows her fangs, as she pushes him against the wall. She kisses and grinding herself up onto him.

Part of him wants her to have her way with him, but time is a wasting. He reaches out and grabs her throat; pivots and throws her against the wall. He then says, "Baby, you have to be stronger than this. Time is counting down and we, as partners, need to get this job done. I want you just as bad, but we have a job to get done before I can party with you." He slowly let go of her neck, but she still show's off her fangs before getting a control over herself.

She then pouts a bit and then says, "Sorry, Master, I lost control."

Sam turns around and slides his left hand underneath her long hair, to grab a hold of the back of her neck while his right grabs her cheek; he tilts her head, leans forward and gives her a very passionate kiss that leaves her breathless. He breaks it off by saying, "Not to worry." Then he smacks her ass and says, "We're wasting daylight, Slut."

She startled a bit by the smack, but it keeps the juices flowing. Fuck this man. He knows how to control and rile her up at the same time. She bites her lip and thinks to herself as she puts on her helmet, 'God, I love this man'. She then puts her hood on and walks behind him to the cargo van. It's open for her to enter. Once she climbs in, they are then closed behind her.

He walks around the vehicle and lays the sword on the back of the headrest wall hooks. Then opens his bag and pulls out his overalls and puts it over his black gear. Then slides into the driver's seat, plugs in his phone for GPS location, and starts her up; next stop is Stacy Jenkins' home.

LA traffic is a bear even on the weekends. To get anywhere in LA takes forever because of traffic. I feel sorry for my slut; sitting in the back and cramped. We should look into covering the windows with anti UV screening so she could sit up at the front with me. Tough talking through the metal divider, but we make it work. After 90 minutes, we arrive at our destination. Usually the trip would take us 30 mins. Putting the van in park, he grabs his phone, backpack, and sword before leaving, then heads back to the rear and opens the doors. Setting the sword down, he then sets out 2 orange cones for safety reasons around the vehicle. Once that is done, he enters the back to check on his partner.

Shockingly enough, she is already in her seat and typing away to get the schematics of the house and bring up all the information of Stacy Jenkins. She turns around and sees him standing there and offers him a Bluetooth earwig to communicate with each other. He puts it on his right ear and does a sound check on it. We both stare at each other for a few moments; a lot of emotions transpire between us. Sam leans down and gives her a quick peck on her lips and says, "Wish me luck."

She looks up into his eyes and says, "You don't need it; remember I saw you do this. Just be careful, Master."

He gives her a smile, and what she said warms his heart. Sam reaches out, and grabs the stainless clipboard and says, "Will do, sexy." And then turns around and head out of the van. He then puts on his backpack, closes the van doors, tucks the clipboard under his armpit, and uses the sword as a crutch, and makes his way to the front door. He rings the doorbell, but no one comes to the door. Then knocks on the door, and shouting that he is the cable guy and is here to check the internet. He then whispers into COMS to inform his slut/partner that no one came to the door, and that he is going to use his lock pick tools to open the door.

She says, "Copy that." Then waits for a moment; there's static, and she then says, "Try the front door to see if it's open."

Sure enough, it was unlocked, and he then says, "Thanks, but how do you know it was unlocked?"

She smiles to herself, and says, "It was a hunch for one, and two, if you're a predator, the best way to get a meal is to have your front door unlocked."

Thinking to himself, he then says, "Makes sense. Thanks, Baby." He pauses, and opens the door wide and says, "Entering, now."

She then says, "Copy that."

Once he enters the house, he slightly closes the door and immediately takes off his backpack and then his overalls. He then reaches into his backpack, pulls out his taser gloves, razor wire and his flashlight. He puts on his gloves and attaches his sword to the back holster. Grabs the razor wire and the flashlight. He then whispers into the mic and says, "Give me the floor-plan, please."

She then clicks on the window and up comes the floor-plan. She then says, "This home is a split style. The hallway on the left leads to a two bedrooms with a bathroom in between them. Straight ahead is the kitchen and directly off that to the right is the dining room. To your right is the family room; past that is the Master, with a built in bathroom and walk-in closet. That's the general layout; there is no basement. There are two entry points: the front door and backdoor to the back porch are in between the kitchen/dining room."

He grabs his razer wire and attaches to both sides of the hallway on the left; about 5.5 feet from the floor. With the drapes closed, it is very dark in the home. He then turns on the flashlight and starts looking around the room. He proceeds to the kitchen silently. Shocked to see that they have not used it for several days. The kitchen is a galley-style. Walking down and checking out the back door to find it locked. Standing there confused, who unlocks the front door but locks the back. Makes no GOD damn sense. Continuing to move forward, he makes his way to the dining room, and it's clear.

Turning around, he heads back, but there is static in the COMMS till he hears, "There is someone there; just outside the kitchen. Be careful." Fuck, it startles him, but glad for the update. Glad I brought her along, cause he didn't hear any movement at all. Slowly, he makes his way back to the kitchen and then says, "Stacy, are you out there? I am the maintenance rep for so-so internet company; making a routine, stop by to see if you're having any problems. I rang the doorbell and knocked, but your front door was open. Thought I let myself in." To which there is no reply. Heart beating rapidly and trying to control his nerves, he proceeds to the end of the kitchen, where the opening leads back to the entranceway. He then shines the flashlight to the left as he walks through the opening to hear a scream. The UV light instantly burns a woman's neck and face and instantly throws up her hands to block the light.

Sam's shocked to see her there; but glad that she made it out to meet him. He then says, "Hey Stacy, nice to see you today."

Still shrieking and sort of burning a bit, Stacy says, "Can you turn off your flashlight, please?"

Sam moves the flashlight all around but then says, "Sorry, I couldn't see when I came in; it's so dark in here with all the windows covered up." He then clips his flashlight to his belt but leaves it on.

Recovering from the fright, she replies by saying, "The sunlight bothers my eyes."

Sam's shocked but says, "Huh, really? I wonder why that is?" He then sees her stand up and facing him. He sees that the turning process wasn't good for her; her eyes are bloodshot, hair a static mess, and she has dried blood smeared all over her face. Proceeding further, she is wearing a tube top to hold her breasts together; a short-sleeve shirt that is unbuttoned and jean shorts.

She moves closer within a blink of the eye and staring at me. Then she says, "Do I know you?"

With a smile, he says, "No, I am with the internet company for maintenance. Stacy, you have something on your face, (he points with his finger & she imitates him.) Then says, no. It's all over your lips."

She smiles and says, "I enjoy my food a lot."

He replies, "Clearly."

She then extends her nails and then takes a swipe at him with her right hand. Instantly, he defends with a left block with his vambraces and then grabs a stake from the front of his vest with his right hand and then strikes out at the kill zone. The metal contacts her skin and she screams. She then steps back, which the stake grabs hold of the tube top and shears it off as she steps backward to prevent from being stabbed. The tube top falls off her body and exposes her B cup breasts for all to see.

Sam's shocked a bit and bewildered by what just happened, but then says, "Sorry."

Stacy gets back up and see's that her breasts are out and about; she mumbles something like, "If you wanted to see my big breasts, take me out to dinner first."

Sam giggles a bit but says, "They might be big for you, but they are not big for me. My slut is bigger."

Stacy then inquires by saying, "How big?"

Sam replies, "She is 36 DDD."

Hearing that statement makes Stacy upset. Remembering her boyfriend complain about her breasts all the time. She then runs forward and strikes with her hands once more. She reaches forward with her hand to strike a blow to his chest, but to no avail. The vest holds and stops her nails from proceeding further. Her hand contacts the other metal stakes and her hand burns. She instantly pulls back to cradle her injured hand.

That gives him an opening to strike; his left thumb taps the button on his index finger and arc of electricity escapes, then he strikes her in her chest. Instantly she is lit up and convulses a bit and her nipples hardens. He follows up with another punch with his right hand, but hits dead air. Guess when he pulled back on his left hand to punch with his right, she was moving. She immediately moved right and jumps on his back. Trying desperately to dislodge her from his back with a twist here and there. She clings to him like a superglue. He tries backing up and ramming her into the wall to knock her off, but she still clings on.

She then feels the rays of the sun through the cracked door and the effects hit her instantly. She feels disoriented, and the ray of light is burning where ever it lands on her flesh. With her left hand outstretched, she reaches out to close the door, and it's closed. She then tries to strike a blow to his chest, shoulder and even tries to bite his neck; to which couldn't open. She then says, "Is this your pig sticker?" As she tries to grab the handle of his sword. Instantly, her hand burns and she shrieks.

Sam tries to twist again to dislodge her but loses his footing, and falls backward onto the glass/metal coffee table. She took the blow, but the force from it knocked the air out of Sam's lungs and dislodged his stake in his right hand. He rolls to his left and sees her out cold. It dislodged his sword when they fell. It looks like her right hand has 2nd degree burns when it came in contact with the hilt of his sword. He then reaches into his boot and pulls out his titanium dagger to plunge it into her heart.

Sasha hears the crash and a male grunt. Instantly fearing the worse, she then asks, "Master, are you alright?" Silence. Again she tries again and says, "Master, are you alright?" No reply. She walks back and forth in her little cubby space. She tries again, "Master, are you there? Sam?" Silence.

As he is about to plunge the dagger into her chest, she rolls backward and instantly is on her feet. She's pissed off and the fangs are out. I slowly stand up and remember my stance. She sees me stand up and makes a run/jump on me once again. I brace myself as she launches at me; I reach out to grab her shirt but grab her breast with my left hand and my right stabs the dagger into her belly and use her momentum to throw her back into the hallway from where we were just before. She lands hard and cries out in pain. Reaches for the dagger and drags it out. Continuing to whimper as she does it; informs her boyfriend to run out from one bedroom to help. He doesn't see the wire and instantly his head detaches from his shoulders.

She sees the love of her life become decapitated and she screams out in pain. She cries and tries to reach out to him, but he is gone. Sam sees an opening and grabs another stake off his vest and then slams it into her back, straight through and into the floor. It's not a kill shot, but she can't move; literally pinned down. He gets up and walks back into the living room to retrieve his sword. He then slowly takes the blade out of the scabbard and drops it. Both of his hands are on the hilt. She screams and tries desperately to get away, but the stake has her pinned down. Stacy pleas for life and says, "I can be good. I no longer have a boyfriend; I can be your slut."

Sam posed with his both arms above his head, right leg bent and left stretched out back. He resembles Luke Skywalker, but in his heart he is the Highlander but says, "I already have the perfect slut." Which stuns her, and then says, "There can only be one." And swings his sword downward, and slices off her head. Taking a deep breath, it's finally over. Noticing that his ear wig is no longer on him, he goes searching for it but can't find it. He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone to call his partner/slut.

Sasha instantly picks up the call and says, "Master, is this you? Are you alright?"

Taking a deep breath, he says, "It's me, and I am alright. Just tired."

"Thank the Gods; you had me so scared and worried. I tried reaching out to you when you crashed, but received nothing. I thought about leaving the van and the risk of being disoriented and the burning pain." She says with concern.

Sam hears and feels for her, then says, "I am glad you didn't. I know you were worried, but if you left, then you would've made it much worse. If a neighbor saw you being disoriented, then your secret would come out and if you made it inside the house, then you could of lose your life if the elder council found out. I know you love me and want to help, but I am the only one that can do this; Elder Council rules, sorry, babe. It was tough, but I managed."

Feeling relieved to hear her Master's voice, she then says, "Was it just Stacy in there?"

Sam replies, "Ah no, it was Stacy and her boyfriend. They are both decapitated. Give me a moment to find my earwig." He walks back into the living room and searches for the listening device. Bending down and looking underneath the couch, he sees the earwig; reaching out and putting it back on. He then tests it out and instantly hears his slut's voice. Smiling to himself, he enjoys hearing her voice in his ear. He then stops the call and begins using the earwig to communicate. He then says, "Give me about 30 mins to comb the house in search of other potential vamps. Stay in contact, Baby. Will be out shortly."

Hearing his voice does wonders to her self-esteem and has her lower lips feeling moisture once again. She then says, "Tell me which room you are in and I can cross it off for you, Master. You can cross off the kitchen/dining and the living room."

He smiles once again and says, "Thanks for the heads up. Making my way to the Master Bedroom. Oh, I almost forgot, how is it out there? Any civilians alerted or 911 calls made?"

She then says, "Most of the yelling & screaming was muffled when the door was closed. As far as I can tell, it's still too early in the morning and no one is up and about. However, I advise you to hurry and sweep the house for any other potential vamps. Don't forget to pull the teeth, bag them and make your way out before people ask questions."

He smiles and says, "Sounds like a plan, boss lady. In the Master now." Sam did a thorough job scouring the house for potential vamps. He searched the closets underneath the bed, and even pulling the shower curtain open to peek inside. He then informed the boss lady that the Master is done. Then proceeded to the left of the house; he takes off the razor wire off the walls; then pulls the wire taught, so the spring activates and reels the wire inward. Both canisters sealed once again. He stows the double canisters into his back pouch for safekeeping. He then tries to step carefully over the decapitated boyfriend, trying hard not to get any blood on his shoes. Still using the UV flashlight to do a thorough search; both rooms and the bathroom turned up nothing.

He pulls out his Leatherman Multi-tool and uses the pliers to pull out the teeth of the boyfriend. It's hard work, but gets both of them out and placed in a plastic container. He makes his way to Stacy, turns her head and holds steady to pull her fangs out. Once both are out, secured, he leans forward to pinch her nipple one last time. He then says, "You have a nice nipple."

Sasha smiles and then says, "Thanks, Master."

Just realizing that he said that aloud, he felt embarrassed but glad that his slut liked his comment. Better try really hard next time to keep these comments to himself. He then walks back to the front door, opens his backpack and packs his razer wire, gloves, and flashlight into it. Then puts his overalls back on. Then he goes back to retrieve his buried stake and cleans it with her shirt. Lifts the body using the shirt to retrieve his boot knife. Then heads back to the living room for the dropped stake. Once all the equipment is accounted for, he grabs his sword, cleans the blood off the blade, and returns it home to its scabbard. He walks back to the front door, picks up the metal clipboard, tucks it underneath his arm and leaves the house.
