The Job Offer Ch. 03


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As they both enter the drawing room, they see Heather is no longer in the chair but on the couch where Sam sat a couple of hours ago. They both apologize for keeping her waiting, but she just waves it off. Sasha then hands her the bottle of water and then makes her way to sit on the opposite couch across from them and the coffee table. Unsure where to sit, Sam sits next to Heather and turns toward her.

Feeling thirsty, Heather takes a moment to twist the top off the bottle and down half the contents of it in seconds. She then says, "That hit the spot and the cold water helps."

Sam's a bit confused but just lets it go.

Heather then says, "Sorry, just stalling a bit, but I have more to say."

Sam was about to say something but it was Sasha that spoke up and said, "Take your time, there's no rush. When you're ready, we're ready to listen."

Heather smiles at her new friend, and takes a moment to control her feelings, but then says, "As I was saying earlier about the anomaly in your blood; well I ran further tests and got shocking results." Looking at the both of them, she continues and says, "I ran your blood against silver and titanium to see if there were any reactions, and there were none." Smiling at the both of them.

Sam then looked confused but then said, "What does that even mean?"

Heather explains, but it's Sasha who spoke first. "Master, it means that your blood isn't affected by silver or titanium. Silver bullets can kill a werewolf; now titanium brings both our species together, because it burns and penetrates our skin easily. You're immune to both. So technically, you're the first of your kind. So whatever you become, you will be unstoppable."

Heather then smiles at Sasha and says, "Precisely, but there is more. I am not 100% sure but I think it can pass along this immunity. Now I am not saying that you drink from him, you get instant immunity from both metals. But over time, drinking in small doses has a cumulative effect and you can build a tolerance and maybe an immunity."

Sam then looks at Sasha and says, "I want you to have that immunity, baby."

Sasha is shaking her head. 'No.'

Heather then looks at her friend and says, "Why? He is offering you a cumulative cure to something that can hurt and even kill and you're saying, no?" Confused by her friend's thoughts.

Sasha then says, "You don't know what his new blood smells like for a vampire. It's an aphrodisiac, and it's so hard to control your urge to stop. I bet once you get the taste, you will do anything to have more of it."

Heather shakes her head and then mumbles to herself, but says, "That's why."

Sam then buts in and says, "Why what?"

Heather then shares more of the story but then says, "While I was testing your blood; some vamps smelled something odd around me; I didn't spill any blood on me, but they were smelling the after-effects of it on my persons. So, I did what I had to do and destroy the sample and erase it from existence."

Sam then says, "Thanks for doing more testing, but your number priority should be with your safety. I know you had no way of knowing, but you did the right thing. Thanks for sharing; are you finished or do you have more to share?"

Heather takes a deep breath, then looks at her friend. She sees her smile and nods her head towards her. It's funny what transpires between two people in a couple of hours. Little effort on one's part can help boost your confidence to proceed further. Feeling that confidence from Sasha, Heather proceeds further. She then says, "I have nothing else to share, but I want to say something. I don't know what kind of werewolf you will become, but I hope you will be an Alpha. If that happens, you will have an uncontrollable urge to form a pack."

She takes a moment, then looks at Sasha again and sees her nodding once more. Pressing onwards, she says, "Not only that urge to form a pack, but an urge to build a harem. More women in the harem, the stronger and powerful you will become. You already have started. She isn't a wolf but a vampire; species doesn't have any play, because each woman will bring something different to the Alpha and his pack."

She then grabs Sam's hands and then says, "I want to toss my hat in the ring. I know I am not a supernatural, but what I bring is knowledge. I work alongside Elder vamps and have knowledge about their heritage, werewolves and the supernatural. If you choose me, you will want to mark me or, in wolf terms, 'claim me', meaning that I am no longer available. Part of me wants that, but I am afraid that might lead me too..."

Sam stops her with a finger to her lips and says, "You're afraid if I bite you, then you be cursed and lose your job working for the Elder Council. I understand your concerns, but I have something's I need to say as well." Looking at his slut, she nods her head. He then continues, "Before I say what I want to say, I just want to thank you. You did a lot for me at these past meetings and I appreciate it. You said something earlier and my heart swelled up. Earlier, I was reluctant at first in the matters of your payment, but a sly slut changed my mind a day ago. (He looks at his to which she smiles at him)."

He continues to say, "Heather, I enjoyed our time together. Overall, I found you extremely beautiful and unique. I enjoyed my experience with you and found that you like not just me, but my slut, too. With that said, I don't know what kind of werewolf I will become, but we (Sasha & I) want you to explore this relationship. Full-moon is a week away, but when I find out, I will let you know. When that time...."

Sasha then interrupts him and says, "Master, sorry to interrupt but..."

Frowning at his slut, he says, "Give me a minute to finish and you can tell me your thoughts."

Sasha then just nods and keeps quiet.

Sam then continues to say, "When that time comes, we'll think of something. Seeing the smile on your face; I am guessing you want to explore this relationship with me and Sasha?"

Instantly, she throws herself into his arms and kisses him; it's not chastise but passionate. Even though she is very sore, she wants him and only him. Uncontrollably, her pussy salivates once again even though it's sore. She can feel his arms combing her hair, down her back and even grabbing her ass once again.

With much regret, Sam controls himself and says, "You're sore and God, I want to be inside you again, but we need to stop/refrain until you're better." He sees her pout but just smiles back. He then says, "So if I become an alpha, and you become part of my harem, then you will be my Giles to me as Buffy, right?"

Heather just smiles back and says, "A good analogy, Sam. But yes, amongst other things (As her hand grasps his cock)".

Sam just smiles but then says, "Touché."

In an instant, Sasha is sitting behind her friend with open arms. Heather turns around to hug her new friend and hopes to call her 'lover' as well. She then whispers into Sasha's ear and says, "Thank you." Sasha then says, "No thanks required. I just wanted a sister slut and glad you asked. I am happy to share him with you, sister." With tears in her eyes, Heather breaks the hug to kiss her sister-slut fully; passion ignites and soon Sasha is pulling her down on top of her. But a loud grunt from Sam breaks up their passionate kiss.

Sam, enjoying the view immensely, is making him uncomfortable. He wants to join in, but has more to say. They both break apart and look at their Master, waiting for his big announcement. He just smiles at the both of them and says, "I am glad both of you are enjoying yourselves, but I have more to say. Heather, this relationship is new for all of us, but if I become an alpha, I have some stipulations on our relationship if you really want to become part of my harem."

Heather sits up and nods her head to go on. So does Sasha, cause she does not know what stipulations it could be.

Sam then says, "These stipulations have to be followed only if I become an Alpha. First, stop being a 'Feeder'. If you want me, give that life up. I can't worry about you playing roulette with a vampire. I can't get into the details at this time, but once you join, then I can share more. But not all vamps have your intentions at heart when they feed. Second, you will live here with us; it's ok to work for the Elder Council but your home base is with us. If you're stuck in a lease, then we can work on something else, but I want my harem close by for my needs. That's all at this point; just something for you to think about before you choose."

Heather just smiles at Sam but then caresses his cheek with her right hand and says, "Sam, what you gave me up in your room and upstairs was amazing. I never received anything that came close. Yeah, that bite is erotic, and the feeling is so hot, but your touch is even hotter. As I told you before, I wanted you, and I still do. I don't have to think about it. I agree with your terms; right now and at this minute. However, the stipulation will only go in effect upon which you find out and to which you bring me into the harem. Understood?"

Sam just nods his head.

Heather then leans forward to kiss his lips and says, "Once that happens, what should I call you?"

Smiling at her, he says, "That's up to you and what you want within our relationship and/or dynamic. Same goes for me. You decide if you want me to continue with Heather, a nickname or some derogatory name you like and/or find hot."

Heather just smiles and then says, "Now that, I will have to think about and get back to you."

That's when Sasha remembers what she forgot to say to her Master. She then says, "Master, I have a revelation and/or feeling to share with you. Is it ok to share with my sister-slut?"

Sam looks at Heather and says, "Since you're part of our relationship, can and will you hold our secrets to yourself?"

Heather places her hand over her heart and says, "I swear over my heart that I won't share what I have heard or shared with anyone outside these walls. I want you both. I mean that."

Sam nods his head and then says, "That's good for me; what do you say, Sasha?"

Sasha then smiles and rubs the back of her sister-slut, then says, "It's good for me, too. When you were speaking earlier about what type of werewolf you might become, it hit me. The feeling I got told me you are the black wolf."

Sam then says, "The black wolf from your premonition and my dreams?"

Sasha then nods her head and says, "Yes, in my gut. You are him. I can't explain it, but in a week's time we'll find out."

When Sasha said that he is the black wolf from his dreams; something just clicked within him. It just makes sense. It can't be a coincidence that both she and myself having the same vision. Guess time will tell.

As for Heather, what we said made no sense to her at all. Both Sasha and myself, shared our secret that we both share a skill called premonition. I get mine from dreams, but Sasha, it happens out of the blue or when she gets fucked in a specific way. Sasha shares all her premonitions with her sister-slut and told her that everyone of them has come true. As for Sam, he started getting his after his first mission. From that, they share Sam is indeed a Vampire Bounty Hunter (VBH) and has been on 3 missions. They don't share the last mission results until she is part of the harem; to which Heather understands.

Overall, it's a lot to share in a brief moment of time, but she handled it well. Both Sasha and myself , looked at each other and then look at our new girlfriend and asked, "Are you still interested in 'Us'?"

Holding each other's hand, she looks at both of them and says, "Yes, I still want both of you. Wild horses couldn't drag me away. It's too early to say, but I can't believe I am falling for a werewolf and a vampire. Fuck, I am a lucky supernatural nut to have both. Sorry, I get silly when I get emotional."

Both Sasha and I look at each other and know that we both found a good girlfriend. We both lean forward and kiss Heather's cheeks at the same time. The love in this triad or threesome is growing but new adventures and lots of sex to explore.

Sam then breaks the kiss and says, "We all have certain quirks, but it's those quirks that will keep us together. Over time, we'll get used to each other more than just through sex. Soon, maybe even grow into a family of sorts. Only time will share, but for now, do you have any plans for lunch, Heather?"

Heather then replies with a smile and says, "I am not on call; I did took the day off from work. So, if you will have me, I can stay for lunch and maybe longer, but that is up to the both of you?"

Sam looks at Sasha, and she has a smile on her face. Thinking to himself, 'I know what is on her mind. She wants to test those curious waters to become a full fledge bisexual woman. Can't blame her; I love her to death. It's just can I give her up for a couple of hours, is the question?' He then says, "Heather, what do you feel like for lunch? We can order out for delivery or make something here, your choice?"

Heather decided on Greek; it's not one of his favorites cause it's mostly salad, rice and some chicken. Sam didn't complain; as we're waiting for the order to arrive, we all sat down and chit-chatted for a bit. Heather opened up a little more and shared about her past, hobbies and interests. When the food arrived, it was only myself and Heather eating. Sasha just continued to stare at her new friend and looked down. Knowing her, she was suppressing her urge to jump on our new girlfriend. Once finished, both ladies looked at each other with more than hunger. So Sam cleaned up, while they got acquainted again.

When he returned from the kitchen, the ladies were getting well together with lots of kissing and petting. With a grunt to let them know I was present, did they stopped making out. Sam then asked to speak with Sasha for a bit. Both girls looked at each other, before Sasha stood up and walked over towards her Master. Once they were a great distance apart, Sasha apologized for making out with their guest without asking permission. Sam just laughed it off but said, "Sasha-baby, I am not upset with you. Clearly, you have the hots for Heather. I don't blame you, but I think you need to take her upstairs and test the waters further."

Sasha's shocked but knows that she has an understanding Master. She then says, "Will you join us, Master?"

Sam looks down at the bombshell next to him and says, "I think you two need to do this alone. If I am there, I will feel awkward cause then I want to join in as well. This is your moment, Sasha. Your first, take the reins and have some fun. I am thinking of taking a walk to clear my head a bit."

Sasha is happy but sad at the same time. She knows Master is the best, but doesn't want to hurt his feelings. She wants him there to support her but doesn't know how to tell him.

Sam then tilts her head up to meet his eyes and says, "Baby, I know how much you love and care about me. I feel the same way; and I am not worried about our relationship or the dynamic when Heather is involved. I just see how you look at her and feel that you need to take it further." Reaching down to grab her ass with both hands, he then says, "Remember what you said about bringing more women to my bed? If you want this triad to work, learn how to satisfy Heather. Just go upstairs to your bedroom and have fun; for yourself and for me. I love you, baby."

It overwhelmed Sasha with the love of this man. Clearly, he cares about her needs and is giving her full rein to explore with Heather. She then throws her arms around his neck and then leans in to give him a kiss and then says, "Thank you, Master. I love you too." She then hugs him and feels his arms leave her ass to rub her back.

Sam then whispers in her ear and says, "Just a reminder, Heather is a 'Norm', try not to break our new girlfriend." With a slight tease and to make fun of her a little.

Sasha breaks the hug, and just to turn around and walks away. She says, "Ha, Ha. Enjoy your walk, Master. Don't be a stranger."

Sam takes a breather and watches his slut walk away. It's tough watching her go, but they have to grow up sometime; he clearly bites his lip and laughs internally. He is feeling warm and hears them make their way up the stairs to her bedroom. I hope they both have a great time; once he hears the click of the door, he heads up to his room to put on his running shoes, phone and keys; then heads downstairs. Before leaving, he looks up and into Sasha's bedroom and wishes her a silent good luck.

Heading out to enjoy the sunshine and to clear his mind. What his slut said about him being the black wolf made sense, but overall made him skittish. It's like finding out you're the 'One', but there is no Morpheus sharing some insight about, "The difference between knowing the path and walking the path." It's a lot to handle at once and perhaps there is more to it than what she leads on. Who knows what will happen, still have a week till the full-moon. A philosopher once said, focus on today and not the future. Guess it means, don't dwell on it and just focus on the here and now. If it happens, then she is right, but it doesn't. Oh well. Still glad that Heather wants to be with us either way and damn, she is hot.

Sam enjoys the weather and his walk around the block. The walk helped clear his mind of what the future holds for him. He is just going to take it one day at a time. As he unlocks the front door of his house, he hears a lot of screaming and heavy breathing upstairs. Thinking to himself, 'Damn, those girls know how to play..." Part of him wants to go upstairs and see if he can join them, but he promised his slut to give her the opportunity to have some fun. So he goes to the living room and search for something on TV to pass the time. Prior to getting there, he whispers, "Just got home, and heading to the living room to watch TV. Continue to have fun."

Sasha chuckles a bit, and Heather questions it. Sasha just chuckles and says, "Master is back from his walk and is going to watch some TV downstairs. And wants us to continue to play with each other."

Heather then chuckles and says, "Oh, he is so considerate. You're a lucky woman to have him."

Sasha just looks at her friend & sister-slut and says, "What do you mean, lucky woman? Just 45 minutes ago, you just declared to be our new girlfriend; so technically, that means you're lucky, too."

Heather, having a blonde moment, then realizes that Sasha is right. She then says, "You're right, baby. Guess your wicked tongue and fingers got my brain all foggy." She laughs at herself.

They both lean in to each other to kiss and pet each other. Then Sasha turns to her friend and says, "Are you still thirsty?"

Heather then looks at Sasha with a mischievous grin and says, "What's on your mind? I am game to play."

Sasha then kisses her friend and says, "I know you're sore and all, but would you like to play with Master's cock again?"

Sasha then speaks regularly and says, "Master, care to join us upstairs for a moment?"

In a few moments, there's a knock on the door. Soon, Sam opens the door when Sasha bids him to enter. He sees both ladies naked and kneeling on the bed. Seeing their smiles and luscious breasts on display instantly has his cock in a bind. Walking to the bed, he then says, "You called?"

Sasha then looks at her girlfriend and kisses her briefly, then turns to her Master and says, "We were talking and would like to invite you to join us. It won't be any fucking, but we are thirsty for your cock. Are you interested in sharing with both of your girls?"

Kicking off his shorts and boxers, he stands there hard and pointing at the both of them. He sees both girls lick their lips, but Heather also pinches her left breast. God, he loves those nipples of hers. Sam loves his sluts nipples as well, but Heather's, damn. Those big disc areolas scream to be sucked. Suddenly, his cock lurches upward and some pre-cum comes out from the tip.
