The Journey


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"No, it shouldn't," Jared said, as they marched on, both of them instinctively moving a bit quicker, eager as they were to finally be able to sate their lust in the manner they both most desired.

After they had travelled about half a day, they once more diverted of the beaten path, and into the wilderness. They both knew they were going to have to fend off attacks before they reached Stormhold. There was, however a path along the northern coast Za'ira wanted to take, for there was a hidden entrance, in a small cove on the shore. Beyond it was a tunnel, that would take them straight to her sister's residence.

They progressed quickly over the first three days after setting out from Amber Rock, as they woke early, and set camp late. However, they would not go to sleep, before the Mistress would see to his training.

And how receptive her Little One was was! It was almost as if his ass was begging for her cock. She had asked him to keep the small plug in his ass for the first day, and it had only caused him the slightest of discomforts, at first. Then, after a while, she would hear the smallest moans of pleasure as it rubbed his button, when he moved a certain way.

It was such delicious torture! Her Little One would only feel the pleasure of the plug very rarely, because the quick pace meant he couldn't move the way he needed to, to consistently stimulate the right spot.

At the eve of their first day out, the Mistress removed the plug, and discovered they could skip the next size up, and move to an even larger one. That one was even thicker, and quite a bit longer. Of course, he would not be wearing that one as they travelled, but it would be fine over night. She liberally coated it with her cream, and gently pressed it into him, bursting with pride as he took it all, without so much as whimper of pain, or protest.

He would no doubt be ready for her cock, by the time the treaty was finished, and she nearly came at the thought.


It wasn't until the fifth day, where they finally found trouble. Fortunately, they had some advance warning. They were rounding a large rock formation, when a orcish woman called to them, from above. She launched herself from the ledge, and landed with a thump in front of them.

"E'gwin!" Za'ira gushed. She shot forward, and embraced the other woman fondly, and the pair whispered warm greetings into each other's ears.

They broke apart, and the newcomer turned to regard the prince, which gave him a chance to see her properly. The first thing he noticed was that she was exceptionally beautiful. He was willing to wager all Futas were. She was clearly quite a bit older than Za'ira, but didn't look old by any means. She looked mature, and her skin was a different colour than that of both Za'ira and Ar'thas. It was more like his own, in fact.

She was as muscular as his companion, and she was wearing the same kind of armour and leather skirt Za'ira was, but her breasts were even larger, if that was possible. Her hair was a deep red, and held loosely in the back by a leather band, aside from a pair of braids that fell down to her chest. A truly a creature of beauty.

"You're staring again, Jared," Za'ira said, her voice yanking him out of his head.

"Sorry," he said and rubbed the back of his neck.

E'gwin released a throaty, sensual laugh, as she began circling him, as a predator stalking its prey. "Oh, don't chide him, Za'ira! I like a boy who can appreciate beauty. You will look, and stare at me as much as you want, Kishi," she said, and trailed a sharp nail along his jaw, as she finished her examination of him. "Gods! I could eat him up, Za'ira," she moaned as she made her way back to her.

"Well, not today, I think," Za'ira said informed her.

E'gwin clapped her on her shoulder, and grinned. "Don't be so serious, apprentice!"

Then, E'gwin did indeed turn serious herself. "There's a group of around twenty or thirty orcs, waiting for you at the Gateway in the Gorge. Ku'ldak learned of your troubles near the Pass, and sent his best to try and take the Prince, and kill you."

"We'll have to go this way, though. There are even more enemies to the west, on the main route, I'd imagine," Jared said, and let his eyes roam over their surroundings.

E'gwin grinned at him. "Yes, indeed. It's not ideal, but we must pass through Garm's Gorge. It's the best way. It would take much too long, to go around to the east, and it would take us deep into enemy territory, and with their armies mobilizing, and scouts all over, I'd rather not chance it. Now, I'm obviously going to join you, as you need another arm."

Za'ira smiled at her friend, and interlaced her fingers with hers. A gesture that Jared found very interesting. What was the story there? He was more than a little eager to learn what it might be.

"So, why don't you pull the plug out of your friend's ass, and we'll be on our way," E'gwin said with a completely serious face.

A heavy silence descended on the group after her words. She knew? How?"

"Well? Get on with it!" Egwin barked, and crossed her arms beneath her lovely breasts.

"Little One, you know what to do," the Mistress said.

Her Kishi puthis hands against the rock, and stuck out his ass. Mistress Za'ira laced down his pants, and pulled them down, revealing his ass to the world. She pulled out the plug, and put it away, but didn't tell her Little One to do his pants up again, so there he stood, his ass on display, still.

"Hmmm. Very nice, Za'ira," E'gwin began. "Very nice indeed. He seems to be coming along very well. I'm assuming he's up to the third one, or have you advanced to the fourth?"

Jared was mortified. They were speaking about him as if he wasn't there. Or some thing with no thoughts of his own. He wasn't sure he liked that, to be honest.

"The fourth one, E'gwin. We skipped the second," Za'ira proudly informed her friend.

"Hmmm. He's not your slut, is he?"

"No, he is not," Za'ira informed her. "We're lovers, E'gwin."

E'gwin was silent for a moment, before she smiled a beautific smile at her friend. "Congratulations, Za'ira. I sense you're very happy, and young Jared perhaps even more so! Just make certain to keep it a secret a while longer, yes?"

Mistress Za'ira bade her Little One to lace up his pants again, and put away the box that held the plugs. The Little One hastily did as he was told, and once he was done, the red haired Futa nailed him with a severe glare.

"Prince Jared, my friend Za'ira is as tough as they come, but her heart is too large for this cruel world, at times. If you intentionally hurt her, I will hunt you to the ends of the earth. I am the greatest tracker in the Hinterlands, and there's no place on the Continent you can hide, where I won't find you. Do we understand one another?"

Jared nodded firmly. "Yes, we do, E'gwin. I told her I loved her. Words I've never said to anyone else, and I take them very seriously."

"Oh, will you two stop!" Za'ira half cried, her voice thick with embarrassment.

"Just looking out for my cute apprentice," E'gwin said with a laugh. "We ready to set out?"

The travelling pair nodded, and the group set out, in silence. After a while, however, Za'ira had something to ask her friend.

"Where's your slut, E'gwin? I'd have thought you would bring her with you, her being a mage."

E'gwin released a long sigh, and walked on for a bit, before she answered. "I released her, Za'ira. I've grown tired of the sluts, and she, for one, was never truly satisfied with the arrangement."

She gave Jared a glance, before she continued. "I'm ready to settle down, my friend. I think I should like to find someone like your Jared, but that's unlikely, especially since your sister has asked me to take over the training of her personal guard, from L'yra. I have accepted, and that means I won't be leaving the capital much, any more."

Before Za'ira said anything, Jared put a hand on E'gwin's arm, and smiled at her reassuringly. "I'm sure a beautiful woman such as yourself can find someone, E'gwin!" he said with a smile, and pushed ahead a little, to give the two Futas some privacy.

"He's right, you know," Za'ira said. "You're a wonderful woman, and anyone would be lucky to have you."

E'gwin was silent for a long while, before she gazed upon Jared, her eyes lingering on his ass for a long time. "There's another reason why I don't have my slut with me, Za'ira."


"I find that I long for a male, and no orc male is ever going to let me have them, and I simply do not want to waste time breaking them. Besides, what kind of a relationship would that be?"

E'gwin let out a long breath and continued. "It's all I can do, not to take that boy in front of us, and fuck him until he can't walk! The usual sluts don't interest me at all, any more. I take care of myself these days, and it's more satisfying! It's driving me mad," she finally grumbled in frustration.

"I'm so bloody envious, because I know if you could fall in love with Jared, then he must be exceptional."

"He is," Za'ira confirmed. "He and Kurgan are the best of friends, even, or so Jared tells me, and he's not exaggerating. He knows things about that grumpy old orc no one does, except for us two, and T'alis."

E'gwin stared at her friend. "Well, if my Master likes him, then there's no question of him being made of something else."

"Indeed," Za'ira said, bursting with pride. "His fighting prowess is such, that if I had a month to train him properly, I'm honestly not certain I could beat him. Oh, and he saved my life, once, on the way here."

"Did he really?"

And so Za'ira dived into the story of how they'd gotten to where they were, and spared no detail. Once the story was done, E'gwin was fighting intense arousal. How the goddess smiled on some of her children!

"You don't suppose you'd be willing to share, Za'ira?" she asked in humour, but in all honesty, she was only half joking. She could indeed see herself falling in love with the young half-elf.

Za'ira looked at her out of the corner of her eye. E'gwin was a dear friend, and had once been her teacher, as Kurgan had been E'gwin's. Za'ira turned her eye to Jared, who was ever vigilant in front. He had his bow out, and she knew they were in very capable hands, with him scouting ahead.

Za'ira was pretty certain Jared would not be opposed to the idea of her friend joining them. She was sure Jared and E'gwin would click, just as she knew Jared could, and most likely would, find his way into Ar'thas' heart as well.

The Mayor of Amber Rock had not said anything and hid it better, but Za'ira had detected a similar weariness in her, as in E'gwin, when she had mentioned her sluts. The envious looks she sent their way when she thought her friend wouldn't notice had been telling.

Za'ira tugged on her braid. Her two greatest friends in all the world, aside from her sister, deserved to find proper love, and she was absolutely sure Jared could welcome them into his embrace. Or arse, as it was. He just had so much love to give, having been starved of it, and none to give it to, his whole life.

Za'ira inhaled deeply, and smiled at her friend. "After we left Amber rock, I asked Jared if he would like to share a bedding with me, you, and Ar'thas, once I'd taken him fully. He played coy, and eventually agreed, but I know he would very much enjoy it."

"Would he now?" E'gwin asked sultrily, and played with her tusks with er tongue, while looking at the object of her desires.

"Oh, yes, he craves cock and cum," Za'ira said with a lascivious grin. "I don't think he'd actually hate it, if we made it into a permanent arrangement. I know I'm ready. You, me, and Ar'thas have always loved each other, and I know we could turn it into more than the love between friends, given the proper catalyst," she finished, and eyed Jared meaningfully.

E'gwin stared at her former pupil, before she let out a aroused moan. "What are you doing to me, woman? How am I supposed to fight later, if all I can think of is us two ravaging his ass, while Ar'thas fucks his throat?"

A shudder of need went through Za'ira at the image her friend's words conjured forth. "Damn it, E! Now I'm thinking about it. I swear, if I catch a club to my groin, and my cock breaks in the battle, because I'm staring at Jared's ass, I'll kill you! Or he might."

E'gwin laughed at her friend, and rubbed her hands together. "I can't wait, Za'ira! I feel like a young girl, about to break in her first slut!"

"I know what you mean, love," Za'ira said. She stole a glance forward, and saw Jared had gone further ahead, and out of sight. She steeled herself, and leaned over, and kissed the older Futa on the lips, tenderly. E'gwin was surprised, at first, but quickly reciprocated. They stopped, and began a long passionate kiss, tongues flailing, and teeth biting lips, hands cupping breasts.

"Oi! Not the time!"

The two Futas broke apart, breathlessly, and turned embarrassed eyes onto Jared, who was quickly making his way back. The young half-elf cocked an eyebrow, but decided to let it lie for now. He knew very well what he'd be dreaming about the following night, however.

Two hours later, the group had almost reached their destination. "How do you want to approach the Gate?" Za'ira asked.

"How good are you with that bow of yours, Jared?" E'gwin asked, and pulled out a sling, similar to Za'ira's out of her pack.

"One of the best at Castle Greyhawk. Jaspar taught me well."

E'gwin cocked an eyebrow, and glanced at Za'ira, who gave her a grin. "Well, if he was your Master, then it's no wonder you know your stuff. I want you to make your way along the western edge of the gorge, and take down any scout you can find, without being seen. Unfortunately, there's no darkness in the summers here, so you'll have to be smart."

"And you?" Jared asked, and checked his string, and the fletchings of his arrows.

"Za'ira and I will draw their attention with our slings. We're fast enough to dodge any projectiles coming our way, so do not worry about us. If we cannot draw them out, we'll need you to see if you can open the gate."

"Why don't we all go up to the edge, and drop in on them?" Jared asked.

"Because, if we get into trouble, and need to retreat, we'll be boxed in, Jared," E'gwin said. "We need a viable escape route, and the open Gate, is it."

Jared nodded, and slipped two long knives into a harness on his lower back, and strapped his sword onto his back. "Consider it done," he said, and turned to the wall of the gorge, and prepared to climb up, but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

Za'ira turned him around, and crushed her lips to his, but was mindful, not to give him any tongue. "Be careful, Jared. Do not be reckless. If you don't see a way to open the gate, come join us, and we'll figure something out."

He simply grinned at her, in that boyish way she found so cute, and began to swiftly scale the wall, moving incredibly fast.

"That was a rather tame kiss, I must say," E'gwin remarked, and picked up her war axe, and slid it into its harness on her back.

"Can't give him any more than that, E. He gets drunk of my saliva, and I need him sharp."

Her friend stared at her, then snorted. "Are you serious?"

"Quite. He's completely addicted to me. All of me," Za'ira said with a sly smile. "It's incredible."

"E'gwin shook her head, and laughed. "I believe it." She craned her neck, and saw Jared vault himself over the edge. "Now, lets-" That was as far as she got, when the body of an orc came crashing down, his throat cut. Almost immediately after the first, another came the same way.

The two friends stood rooted to the spot for a few breaths. "Well, he doesn't mess around, does he?" E'gwin asked rhetorically, and started jogging toward the ambush, her sling at the ready.

Za'ira grinned. No, her Jared certainly didn't mess around.


Having dispatched both forward scouts on his side of the gorge, Jared made his way swiftly toward the narrow part, where the enemy had barricaded it off. He caught a movement on the other side of the gorge, and saw an orc about to release a stone from his sling. Without so much as breaking his stride, Jared nocked an arrow, and let fly, catching the bastard in the head.

Incredibly, there was no one else there, which made no sense to Jared, but then, E'gwin had said the enemy wasn't too smart. He crouched low, behind a boulder, and peeked beyond it, and had a pretty good view of the gorge, and the gate, as well as the few houses on the other side. He could see the gate mechanism through a window, and it wasn't heavily guarded, but he had been told to wait.

Then, a large rock crashed into the barricade, almost breaking the wood apart where it hit. Another followed, and a third. The enemy responded, but the two Futas were simply too quick, and attacked with abandon, almost always catching an enemy with a rock, thrown from a sling.

Pretty soon, however, it became clear the enemy was smart enough not to go past the barricade. Cursing, Jared put down his bow, and quiver, and unsheathed his two knives. He rushed out of cover, and leaped onto the small balcony, behind the top of the logs the barricade was made of, and set to work.


E'gwin saw as Jared leap onto the barricade, and begin slaughtering the orcs stationed there. In almost no time at all, he'd taken down at least five warriors. He did have the element of surprise, and used it well to his advantage.

"Not bad!" she shouted at Za'ira, who nailed an orc that was trying to sneak behind them, up on the eastern ledge.

"I know! He's really good!" Za'ira yelled back, and twirled out of the way of a spear that came her way.

E'gwin had made it all the way to the gate, and dropped her sling, then took her axe in hand, and began smashing it into the wood, chipping away at it. She thought she heard a painful gasp that might have belonged to Jared, but it was followed by a agonized howl from an orc, who came tumbling down behind the red haired Futa. He was promptly finished off by Za'ira, who had unsheathed her great-sword.

E'gwin swung her axe at the gate again, and she broke through one of the logs, but, before she could bring her axe to bear against the gate again, a mighty roar from behind her, had her turning around. Za'ira was glaring at what turned out to be a massive cave troll, accompanied by several orcs. Where the hells had these bastards come from?

Za'ira turned a desperate look at the gate, but knew they had to take care of the troll, before they did anything else. They could not scale the wall quickly enough to get over to the other side, and they'd be easy pickings for any ranged fighter.

The two Futas glanced at each other, and gripped their weapons tighter, and charged out to meet the troll. The charge surprised the enemy a bit, and it gave the pair a chance to begin working on the orcs, and they killed all six of them quickly, while dodging the humongous club the beast was swinging around.

Za'ira stole a glance back at the barricade. The gate was still closed. She was struck with a terrible anguish all of a sudden, and was near a panic, when E'gwin snarled at her.

"We're going to bait the damn thing to follow us toward the fucking gate, and let it break it down for us!"

Her slight panic soothed, Za'ira flashed her friend a smile, and they began to slowly attack, then retreat, attack, retreat, until they had their back at the gate. The huge beast grinned, and released a massive swing of it's club, and as luck would have it, broke the gate apart. The two friends quickly rushed the beast.

Za'ira quickly sliced through its Achilles tendons, and when it came crashing down, E'gwin heaved her axe in the air, and brought it down onto its head. As soon as that was done, the pair rushed through the broken gate.
