The Journey


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Once there, he formed his mouth into a tight seal, and sucked with as much power as he could, and slowly, but insistently pulled his head back, to be rewarded with a mouthful of precum. He was afraid he would do the unthinkable, and spill some of her precious juice, but he managed to swallow all of it, and maintain eye contact.

The goddess moaned in appreciation, and used both hands to keep her boy in place, as she began thrusting gently into his mouth. "Za'ira has done a wonderful job with you, darling," she gushed, and began thrusting more forcefully.

In a deep haze, Jared still remembered that this was a dream, his dream, and that meant he could do pretty much whatever he wanted. He slid his hands up the back of Vala's thighs, and grabbed her ass cheeks, holding her in place. He then felt a slight tingle in his throat, and a rush of excitement ran through him.

Vala gazed down into his eyes, wondering what was wrong. "Darling, what's wr... Oh!"

Before she got any further, Jared began applying pressure on her ass, pulling her to him, his throat started opening, and he took her in, without trouble. It was a tight fit, but the Prince moaned in pleasure as Vala's cock rubbed against the insides of his throat. Finally, the massive fifteen inch cock was all the way in, and Jared's nose was buried in her unruly bush.

Vala let out a lustful cry. "Oh, sweet Earth Mother, that's wonderful!" She felt as Jared began moaning around her cock, and the vibrations caused by that, had her bucking uncontrollably, moaning, and mewling.

Then suddenly, the goddess fisted his hair, with both hands, and held him firmly in place. "F-feel my love, and passion, Prince! Open your arms, and receive my blessing, my son!" she moaned breathlessly.

And with that, she began cumming. The steaming hot cum shot out of her cock, and into his stomach, with such force, that Jared found himself wondering if it was possible get a bruise on one's stomach lining.

The Prince stroked Vala's thighs affectionately, while the pearly white torrent kept flowing into him. He kept his hazy eyes focused on her head, which was arched back. A sudden tightening of his balls, took him by surprise, and he began cumming himself.

Eventually, goddess Vala's stream petered out, and she released his hair, but kept stroking his head lovingly. "That was the best sucking I've ever had, darling. You certainly have a knack for playing with your dreams. And such a dirty mind! I love it!"

She gently removed her cock from Jared's mouth, let go of his head, and the Prince fell to the side, his stomach bloated with cum. He lay there for a moment, relishing in the afterglow of his own awesome orgasm. The goddess lay down on her side, next to him, and ran a hand through his hair, as he recovered.

"You truly are such a lovely creature, Prince Jared," she cooed. "I envy the girls. Truly, I do. I wanted to give you my blessing, by fucking you, but the privilege of your first time, belongs to Za'ira, and no one else."

By then, Jared had recovered enough, to participate in the conversation. "What did you do?"

Vala smiled, and leaned in for a gentle kiss. "A couple of things, darling. I healed you, and took away your Need. I replaced it with something else. A gift."

Jared felt his stomach drop, when he heard that, but Vala smiled reassuringly at him. "Oh, don't worry, sweetheart. I didn't take away your pleasure; you'll still soar higher than any star, if you take their seed into your body. I merely removed the need for it, and the after effects the seed has on your memory. It would be detrimental to our goals, if you couldn't keep a level head.

Suddenly, the sky became dark with grey clouds. A roaring thunder boomed in the distance. It began raining, and it was quickly pouring. Vala sighed. "I suppose it's time. You must leave, Prince Jared. They are calling you, my son."

The goddess helped him rise, and put her arms around him in a warm, full body embrace. She released him, and gazed unwaveringly in his eyes. "Go forth, my champion, and bring the orcs to glory."

Jared nodded, but his face became thoughtful. "What was that gift, you gave me, milady?"

She merely grinned. "You'll find out, when the time's right."

And with that, the Prince left. The goddess watched as her lovely boy squared his shoulders, and marched straight for the cave, whence he came. She watched his ass sway a little, and was overcome with both lust, and affection. This simply could not be the end.

Jared entered the cave, and was almost at the end of the corridor, where a glowing ring of symbols had appeared. He was just about to step into it, when he was grabbed from behind, and forcefully turned around.

Not giving the young half-elf a moment to catch his bearings, the Fut'anari goddess crushed her lips against his and invaded his mouth with her long tongue, which she fed him as deeply as she could. She broke the kiss, and brought the dizzy boy closer, and breathed hotly in his ear;

"Za'ira, and the others may own your heart, body, and soul. But your dreams, my sweet? Your dreams are mine!" she whispered gleefully, and nudged him into the circle...


Za'ira was running as fast as she dared, with Jared tied to her back. If all went well, they would reach Stormhold in less than a day. She wanted to go all out, but E'gwin had warned her against it, telling her that Jared's body would never be able to take it.

"Za'ira, stop! I need to check on Jared," E'gwin commanded her former student, who instantly did as she was told.

E'gwin and Ar'thas approached, and unfastened the Prince, and gently laid him on the ground, and all three grouped around the boy. E'gwin felt for a pulse, and her frown deepened. She put her ear to his chest, and a finger under his nose.

"He's not breathing," she muttered miserably. "He's gone."

Ar'thas slumped back onto her ass, her eyes dull. Jared was gone?

"No! I won't allow it!" Za'ira growled, and grabbed his body."Jared! Wake up! Come back to me to me, my love! Don't leave me." She began crying. "Please! Come back..." She picked Jared's body up, and began rocking back and forth, while whispering something to him.

E'gwin and Ar'thas watched the whole thing, feeling miserable. Not only were they, themselves devastated, that Jared was dead, they had never seen their friend so broken, before. Za'ira always maintained a tight rein on her emotions, and to see her break down so completely was...

Eventually, Za'ira laid his body down, and stared at it mournfully, still shaking with sobs. Then something strange happened. A glow began to form in Jared's chest. The bandages disappeared, and the cuts on his arms began to fade, as did the injuries, and bruises on his face. This went on for a moment longer.

A loud gasp escaped Jared's lips, as he forcefully sat up, his eyes wide open. Then he grabbed his head. "Aaah! Bloody hell! My head feels like it's about to explode... Oooh."

The three Futas stared at the boy in wonder. What? How? Jared let go of his head, and looked around, and his eyes landed on his beloved.


His lover leaped at him, and gathered him in a crushing hug. "Don't ever do that again, you idiot! I'll kill you!" She wailed, and began crying, once more, completely overcome with emotion.

Jared eased up on the hug, and pushed back a bit, but was violently yanked back, and Za'ira's lips claimed those of her princely lover. They kissed for a long while, lost in their love for one another.

After a while, E'gwin felt enough was enough, and cleared her throat. "Umhmm. That's plenty, don't you think?" she asked the couple, who rose to their feet.

"You jealous, E?" Za'ira asked, and had her suspicions confirmed when her former master looked away, somewhat embarrassed.

Jared walked over, and put a hand on her shoulder. E'gwin turned her gaze onto the Prince, who was smiling. "There's no need for jealousy, E'gwin, you gorgeous girl," he said, and kissed her with a passion.

At first, E'gwin was startled, but soon began reciprocating, and eagerly so. Oh, he was such a wonderful kisser. The Futa soon began dominating their exchange, one hand grasping the hair at the back of his head, and the other wrapped around his back.

When they stopped, they were both breathing heavily. Jared turned to Ar'thas, on unsteady legs, and had just about faced her, when she tackled him to the ground, and began ravishing his mouth. He moaned into the kiss, completely drunk on Futa saliva, and lust.

"Ok, that'll do, for now," Za'ira said. "I'd like to know what happened."

Ar'thas helped Jared up, and they decided to go find a suitable place for a fireless camp, since they knew there might be enemies around. Eventually, they found a nice, secluded cave, which they settled in, for the night.

"So. What happened? And just stick with what happened after the battle, while you were under," Za'ira said, once they had settled in. "We pretty much know what happened, before we found you."

Jared took a deep breath. "I met Vala."

His three companions sat there in complete silence, for a moment.

"Vala? As in goddess Vala?" E'gwin asked.

"Yes, I did, and she had some interesting things to say..."


"Are you saying you gave our goddess a blowjob?" Ar'thas asked, incredulously.

E'gwin shook her head in annoyance. "That's what stands out to you, after a tale like that?"

"What?" Art asked. "It's interesting. I suppose we can say he gives divine head, now," she said, and gave Jared a lascivious grin.

E'gwin groaned. When would that whippersnapper grow up? "So, she wants you, and T'alis to Bond." she stated.

"That's right," Jared confirmed. He gave Za'ira a look. "I know it may be a shock, but..."

Za'ira hushed him with a smile. "Oh, don't worry about that, Jared. My sister and I share everything. I always planned on brining her into our relationship. I meant to approach you with that, once the agreement had been signed, and I'd taken you. Now, come here, Little One, and lie down with your Mistress. I want to sleep with you in my arms, tonight."

Jared did as his Mistress commanded. The Mistress wrapped herself around him, in a kind of protective cocoon, and she promptly fell asleep. As Jared was falling asleep, himself, he began wondering if the Queen was anywhere near as beautiful as her sister was, or any other Futa he'd seen so far. Oh, how wonderful that would be. Then he felt his Mistress' cock nestle itself up against his ass. Apparently, she had removed her leather underwear.

The sensation of her big, meaty member, brought on a host of other thoughts. Thoughts of the Futas he knew. He imagined their cocks, their shapes, and sizes. And their tasty, pleasurable cum. Did they all taste the same? How much each one could give him, and if he had any hope of actually being able to take all of it, because, apparently, there was another about to join the party. Four cocks! With those thoughts in his head, he fell asleep, only to be greeted by Vala, and her insatiable appetite for his mouth and throat.


When Jared woke up, he noticed his Mistress had disentangled herself from around him, and merely lay behind him, running her fingers through his hair. He turned to look at her, and noted her eyes were locked on something happening in front of her. He turned his attention that way, and was greeted with one of the most erotic, beautiful thing, he had ever seen.

E'gwin and Ar'thas were lying side by side, on the other side of the cave, engaged in a passionate lip lock. That wasn't the only thing that had captured Jared's attention, however. They had laced down their armours, and set their large breasts free, and they were utterly glorious.

His eyes went lower, and he noticed, to his extreme delight, that they had also released their huge cocks, which seemed to be only marginally smaller than his Mistress'. Of course, what they were doing with those cocks, had Jared salivating. Each Futa had a hold of the other's cock, and was slowly rubbing it up and down, and they let out low moans of approval.

"You like what you're seeing, Little One?" the Mistress asked in a low voice, and kept combing his hair with her fingers.

"Yes," the Little One said, with a shudder.

"Shh, don't interrupt them. This is the only way, we Futas are willing to engage in sexual intimacy with each other. We never willingly bottom. Not for anyone, so we take each other in hand."

Mistress Za'ira moved her hand from his hair, and down to his mouth, and inserted one finger into it. She moved it around in her Little One's mouth, and then began an in out motion, and her Little One began sucking on it, instinctively. Once she felt her finger was sufficiently lubed up, she slowly removed it from her pet's mouth, and brought it down, and into his breaches.

She then smoothly thrust her finger in his ass. "They're doing this, because of you, my darling Little One. You have them so hot, and needy, that they had to do this, because I've made it clear, that no Futa will ever touch you, save kissing you, until I've taken you," she whispered, and swept her finger across his button.

"Watch their cocks, Little One," she whispered, and pushed her finger down onto the button, causing her Little One to stifle a moan. "See how slick they are? Hard. Oh, but look! All that precum, sliding down their cocks, and onto the ground, when they should be feeding it to you! It's such a waste, isn't it?"

"Yes," her Little One whined, and a tremor ran through him, as he came, when his Mistress crushed his button with a particularly ruthless thrust.

"That's it, Little One. Cum for your Mistress."

And, at the same time, across the camp, both E'gwin, and Ar'thas shot their massive loads into the air, and slumped back, with a satisfied sighs.

Once the orgasm had run it's course, the Little One turned in his Mistress' embrace, and gave her a kiss, before reaching down for her cock, but, to his surprise, she grabbed his hand, and eased it to her breast. She then proceeded to fuck his mouth, with her powerful tongue.

"No, Little One," she whispered, once they broke apart. "Not this time. I will not release my seed, until I can fuck and cum in your ass. I want my balls blue, and absolutely bursting, when we finally express our love to the fullest. Just imagine it, Little One. I'll fill you up with so much cum, you'll look as if you're pregnant with my child, I promise. How does that sound? Not too bad, I hope?"

She already knew the answer, and gently eased herself away from her Little One, and set about dressing herself, as her other two companions were doing the same.

Jared quickly did the same, and soon, they were all ready, and they set out. Both E'gwin, and Ar'thas were giving him looks, that could only be described as hungry, and Jared wasn't hating the attention. But, he couldn't help but notice the dirty looks they were giving Za'ira, who was pointedly ignoring her friends. Finally, after a couple of hours, Jared wasn't having it any longer.

"So... Ummm. Did I happen to miss something, I shouldn't have?" Jared asked.

Ar'thas huffed, and made a show of not looking at Za'ira, while E'gwin scowled, but deigned to reveal the source of their mood.

"We didn't much care for the show she put on, this morning, Jared."

Jared blushed. They'd noticed? "You mean...?"

"Yes, she's talking about when Za'ira fingered you, while we were looking," Ar'thas growled. "Bitch."

Za'ira merely sent them a shit eating grin. "You two seemed to be enjoying yourselves just fine, Art."

"You're flaunting your advantage, Z! It's cruel!" Ar'thas almost whined. "You bloody well know how horny I am!"

"I will also admit to being somewhat frustrated," E'gwin added, in a much more composed manner, than the youngest Futa. She was lying through her teeth, of course.

Ar'thas knew that, of course. "Oh, frustrated, are we?" she asked in a mocking tone. "I could have yanked your cock for a week, or more, and still you'd be unsatisfied."

Za'ira merely laughed. "How long do you think I stared at Jared's ass, my cock stirring, before we shared our first night?"

She arched a disappointed brow. "A few days, and you're already gagging for it? Show some discipline, you two," she told her two friends, who looked properly chastised. "I've taken a vow of abstinence, until such a time, where I can finally acquaint my cock with my Little One's ass. Think on that."

Again, he was spoken of, as if he hadn't a mind of his own, as if he wasn't even there. Was this how they spoke of their 'sluts'? Jared wasn't certain he liked it. In fact, he decided then and there, that he didn't like it at all. He still had his pride. Besides, hadn't Za'ira told him they were equals in all things, outside of their sexual relationship? Perhaps she needed to be reminded of her own words.

"I'm right here, you know," he said stiffly. "I do not appreciate being spoken of as some thing, dedicated to take care of your needs." He turned a cold stare onto Za'ira. "A mindless fuckslut, I believe you call them. I seem to recall you telling me, that you would not see me become such, that you forbade it. A funny way of showing it, Za'ira."

Za'ira was at a loss for words, and glanced at her other two companions, who stared at Jared with wide eyes. No one spoke to her like that, except them, and T'alis. She looked at Jared again, and saw he was angry at her, a cold fire in his eyes. She felt ill, when she saw that look on his face, directed at her.

"Jared, I-"

"Your goddess has given me a task. To try and civilize you lot," Jared said, ignoring her, his eyes still cold as a winter storm at the foothills of Karaduk. "Perhaps the first thing to change would be a demand, that any person under the sun be given respect, that no one shall be treated as an object. The aforementioned fucksluts should therefore be no more."

And with that, he turned around, and marched on, without so much as a glance back. The three friends stood rooted to the spot, their mouths all but gaping in shock. Then E'gwin shuddered.

"You know, I like this side of our Jared. Goddess, I want him to ride me..."

Ar'thas laughed at her friend. "Can I fuck his face while he does?"

"Naturally," E'gwin said with a grin, then became serious. "But he is right, you know. Honestly, when you think about it, do you actually like what the Hinterlands are? We all know the rest of the Continent, considers us a joke."

"And we have only ourselves to blame," Za'ira said, having collected herself. "We Futas have badly failed our goddess. I once told Jared that it only makes sense, that Futas rule the Hinterlands, since we are the pinnacle of orc evolution. But what has changed, even if it's true, that we rule? Nothing. We are still the same brutes we always were."

"With this trade agreement, we have a chance of becoming more," Ar'thas said, her usual naughty self absent, for once. "We'll have to lead by example."

"Agreed. And we need to discover who's behind the treacherous bitches, Va'nja, and V'illa," E'gwin said. "Those two were always idiots, and never took any initiative. I have to admit, however, I was impressed, that Jared managed to kill V'illa, while also figting Va'nja. He truly is formidable."

The three Futas hurried after Jared, who was moving along swiftly. Za'ira came up on his right, and the other two on his left. Za'ira gave him a glance. "I am sorry, beloved. You were right, to be angry with me. I slipped into old habits, and I promise, it won't happen again."

Jared sighed. "I overreacted. It's a bit much, to expect people to change, practically overnight."

E'gwin shook her head, and put a hand on his shoulder. "No, you reacted appropriately, Prince. We, as a race, must change, if we're to move forwards." She then stopped him, leaned down, and fed him her tongue. "It's just so hard to resist you, Jared. If you knew how much I'd like you fuck yourself on my cock..." She shuddered, and forced herself to catch up with her friends, leaving an amused Prince behind.
