The Journey


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And were greeted with a massacre. Orc bodies were lying all over, covered with cuts. Jared had done well. They noted the gate mechanism, and saw one of Jared's knives embedded in an orc. Za'ira picked it up. Why had he left it there?

"Z!" E'gwin called.

Za'ira ran to her friend, and saw her holding another of Jared's knives. "Why-"

An enraged scream filled the gorge, and was quickly followed by the clash of steel, a pained howl, and someone fell. The shape of the gorge carried sound extremely well, but also made it impossible to tell how far away the fight was taking place. The Futas ran as fast as they could toward the noise. There was even more clash of steel, and further howls of pain.

Za'ira's superior hearing could finally make out someone's voice. "Beg, Prince Jared, and I'll make it quick."

"Fuck you!" she heard Jared say. "If my sword hadn't broken, you'd be just as dead as your sister, bitch!"

There was an enraged growl, and a series of grunts, as Jared was clearly being laid into. Za'ira was becoming desperate. How far were they?

"Oh, you're in for it now," Jared's torturer snarled, and Jared's scream of pain spurred Za'ira and E'gwin on.

"You're all alone, Prince! Your friends are dead! The troll killed them!"

Jared's laughter, laced with pain echoed through the gorge. "Do you honestly think a mere troll will stop Za'ira? And E'gwin? I thought you Futas were supposed to be smart! I guess-"

The bitch that had captured Jared had obviously had enough, and Za'ira could clearly hear as he was beaten severely.

Eventually, Za'ira and E'gwin rounded the bend that would take them to the scene, and what they found turned their blood cold. A Sister was standing over Jared's body, her knuckles bloody and torn. Za'ira saw the body of another Sister nearby, Jared's sword lying broken beside her. Za'ira recognised both treacherous bitches at once.

"Va'nja!" she snarled, and charged the bitch, her fury making her see nothing but red.

The offending bitch retreated, but she was clearly injured, and barely managed to bring her warhammer to bear, as Za'ira's sword came slashing down. Va'nja heaved, and managed to push Za'ira back, and even sent a swing of her hammer Za'ira's way.

Her enemy was too fast, and blocked it with her sword, and twirled in a circle, and off went Va'nja's head. Not wasting any time, Za'ira dropped her sword and rushed over to E'gwin, who had immediately begun seeing to Jared. A sob escaped Za'ira's lips as she took in his appearance. He was missing an eye, his face was terribly swollen, and his nose broken. His arms were covered in cuts, and his left was clearly broken, as well.

"He has a strong pulse, but it doesn't look good, Z," E'gwin muttered. "He's not bleeding too badly, but she really did a number on his head, and I have no way of knowing if he's been hurt internally."

"What do we do?" Za'ira asked through clenched teeth.

E'gwin released a breath. "Ideally, we'd stay here for a few days, while the swelling goes down, but that's not an option. All we can do is tie him to our backs in turns, and run, girl. If we go as fast as we can, we'll reach Stormhold in thirty six hours. It'll be brutal, but manageable, I should think."

Both Futa's looked up in alarm, when a voice echoed through the Gorge.



Ar'thas was pacing the floor of her study, her mind extremely uneasy. It had been three days since her friend, and the Prince had set out, and she was still banging her head over the fact that she hadn't persuaded them to wait until she was ready to leave with her entourage. There was just this feeling that something wasn't quite right.

And she kept thinking about the Prince. She simply could not remove him from her head. There was just something about him that had taken her completely by surprise. There was also the fact that she was becoming less and less interested in fucking her sluts, and she desperately wanted a male.

Despite the fact that the sluts Fut'anari took into their service were almost exclusively female, practically none of the Futas were lesbians, as such. They were all bisexual, but in a cruel twist of fate, orc males were not interested in a relationship of any intimate kind with the very dominant Futa.

Some Futas, who journeyed outside of the Hinterlands, brought back a male of another race, since it was so much easier to deal with, but most didn't last very long, and ran away, or were released.

But there was more to it than simple boredom, to Ar'thas. Jared was obviously kind, and honourable, and he quite clearly loved Za'ira. And it wasn't anything her Futa friend had done, either. No, they were genuine feelings, from the heart. But she couldn't help noticing the looks of desire the Prince had sent her way. How she had loved them! Perhaps Za'ira would share? But for that to be a possibility, they had to reach Stormhold alive.

Eventually, she simply could not take it any longer. She buckled on her full armour, put her sling in her belt, and grabbed her spear. She rushed out of her study, and out onto the street, where she was greeted by her second in command, a rather stunning Futa, named Bi'rna.

"See to everything here, Bi'rna. I'm heading out!"

"Aye, will do Ar'thas. Where are you going?"

"Gram's Gorge. I should have gone with them! Fuck!"

And with that, Ar'thas set out, at a punishing pace, the feeling of dread increasing, the further she went. Why was she feeling this way? She grit her teeth, and kept going. She'd find her answers with her friend.

On the eve of the second night, Ar'thas reached the Gorge, and there had indeed been a rousing battle, just moments before. She ran past the fallen troll, and through the gate, continuing past the massacre, and further into the gorge. Finally, after going quite a ways, she came upon Za'ira, and E'gwin crouching by a fallen Jared.

"Za'ira!" she exclaimed, and rushed to her friends, and cringed when she saw how badly the Prince was hurt. She looked around, and recognised the enemy Futa.

"Treacherous cunts!" she snarled, and turned her attention back to her friends.

"What are you doing here, Art?" Za'ira asked, as E'gwin did what she could to dress Jared's wounds.

"I'm not sure, Z. I just felt I needed to be here. I should have insisted on you waiting for me and my men. I am sorry," she said mournfully.

"It's not your fault, my friend," Za'ira said firmly, and motioned toward the fallen enemy Futa. "It's theirs. What I don't understand, is why they're here. I thought all the Sisters were on board? There's not so many of us, that we can't keep tabs on one another."

Ar'thas shook her head in confusion. "I've not heard anything about any splitting factions among the Sisters, Z. You know my information network is the best in the Hinterlands, so this is very troubling."

"Alright, ladies," E'gwin said, and stood up. "I've done all I can for Jared with what I have here. Like I said before, I don't know if he has any internal injuries, so we must hurry."

"Strap him onto my back," Za'ira told her friends. "I'll carry him the first while."


Jared was standing in a poorly lit hallway, the shadows flickering in the light of the few torches. He looked around, a bit confused, since the last thing he remembered was being beaten bloody by an enemy Futa.

He suddenly felt a draft breeze by, and a fresh scent of dewy grass found its way into his nostrils. He began walking the way the scent came from, and on the way, rounded a corner and found himself in a spacious room, that had a large opening on the opposite end, the sunlight streaming through.

Jared entered the room, and looked around, and discovered a large, curved wall, that had intricate images chiselled into it. The Prince made his way toward the left edge of it, and began exploring it. It was clearly a sequence of events, which he quickly surmised, was the birth of the orc race. According to this, assuming he was understanding it correctly, the orcs had come into existence by emerging from the belly of some kind of a fallen beast.

At first, there was peace, and the orcs prospered, as society grew. One day, however, a bloodthirsty god turned his gaze upon the world, and found the orcs were ideally suited for his barbaric impulses. And so, over the course of many generations, he subtly influenced the orcs, to make them into the savage, brutal race the were known as in this age.

Then something happened. A goddess took exception to the way this evil deity had sunk his talons into the orcs, and introduced an orc in her own image. She descended from her throne in her part of the heavens, and found a few willing orc females, who gave birth to her children, and that was the origin of the Fut'anari.

Having reached the ending of the sequence on the wall, Jared made his way outside, and brought his hand up to shield his eyes against the intense sunlight. The familiar scent of dewy grass assaulted his nose, but with the added flavour of wildflowers.

Jared's eyes eventually adapted to the light, and he learned he had found himself in a small, beautiful grove, with a few trees and a stream. Noting his parched throat for the first time since he woke up, he walked over to the stream, bent down, and took a long drink. It was extremely refreshing.

"Well, well, seems we finally meet, Prince Jared," an intensely sensual voice came to soaring to his ears. "My! Aren't you the prettiest little thing!"

Jared whirled around, his hand going for his sword, but stopped cold when he saw the owner of the voice. She came walking out from among the trees, naked as the day she was born, and by every god and goddess, she was beautiful. Her black hair flowed around her shoulders, and her more than bountiful breasts. Her face was beyond lovely, her violet eyes practically glowed, and her small tusks were just perfect.

She had a kind of motherly grace to her, as if she had raised many children. She wasn't as muscular as Za'ira, or E'gwin. Nor was she like Ar'thas, for that matter. No, she was softer, more supple, and pleasantly curvy. Jared made no mistake, however, and realized she was immensely powerful.

Jared's eyes went from her large, bouncy breasts down to her abdomen, and eventually found the treasure dangling between her thick thighs. It had him almost instantly salivating at the thought of falling to his knees to worship its perfection, and the idea of possibly receiving the nectar from the large balls made him giddy. Seeing it, also flared up his need for it.

She had reached him by now, and stood in front of him, and eyed him up and down, making appreciative noises in her throat occasionally. Then, Jared thought he noted touch of annoyance in her brow. He was proven correct momentarily.

"Tsk, tsk. All those pesky clothes in the way of my pleasing view!" the unknown Fut'anari exclaimed dramatically. She snapped her fingers, and just like that, Jared was completely naked.

"So much better," she said with a satisfied smile.

Jared stood completely frozen. What the hells was going on? The Futa was staring at him with an amused expression, which turned into a low chuckle. "I'd have thought you would have figured it out by now, Jared. You're quite intelligent, after all."

Jared was silent for a while, before a light went on in his head. "I'm dreaming, aren't I?"

She smiled. "Of course you're dreaming, my son."


"Naturally. As a goddess of this world, I consider all and every living thing in it, to be mine, and I must say, I am very proud of the way you have turned out, love. One of these days, I'll have to go by Liandrin's and feed her my cock as a reward. That girl is constantly horny, and practically gagging for it," the Futa said with a smug grin.

"I'm confused. Who are you?" Jared asked.

"I am Vala, the goddess of the Fut'anari," the gorgeous orc said with all the commanding flair she could muster.

"Really?" Jared simply asked.

The goddess tilted her head to the right. How curious. Most mortals would have fallen to their knees in reverence. But not him, apparently.

"Is this how one usually behaves, when in the company of the divine?" she asked.

"I don't know," Jared said, and shrugged. "I've never met one, before now. Besides, if this is my dream, shouldn't I be able to do anything I want?"

Vala stared at the boy for a moment, before she let out a roar of laughter. Oh, she liked this one!

"You and Liandrin are friends, then?" Jared asked, a bit curious to know how she and the wife of Andras, one of the gods at the top of the elven pantheon, knew each other.

"I wouldn't say that," Vala replied, with a self satisfied smile. "I just fuck her, whenever I feel the urge. I've got her addicted to my cum, sweetie."

"And her husband allows that?"

She laughed at that. "Of course he does, Jared. He prefers the company of other gods, after all."

"And what did Liandrin do, that makes her so deserving of a good fucking?" Jared asked, and willed some clothes on his body, which were promptly vanished by the Futa goddess.

"Oi!" A long jerkin appeared, with a sturdy belt.

"No,no, Prince. I much prefer you the other way."

And he was naked, again.

Jared sighed. "So, my earlier question?"

Vala smiled, and ran a hand through Jared's hair affectionately. "She's responsible for your birth, darling."

Just a few short weeks earlier, Jared might have been startled, and even outraged, but now, he merely raised a brow. "How so?"

"She descended from the heavens, and whispered the idea of seducing your father into your mother's ear. At my urging, of course. Well, technically, she was riding a cum-high, but that's pretty much the same thing."

Vala bit her lower lip, as her eyes became wistful. "Obviously she succeeded, and I fucked her non stop for a whole day, after that. When we finally stopped, the girl looked pregnant, she was so full with my cum."

Jared mulled over those news. "Why did you do that? What are you hoping to accomplish?"

At last the goddess turned serious. She sighed, and sat down on the ground, and motioned of the young Prince to do the same. She settled herself comfortably, while Jared waited expectantly.


"I want peace, and prosperity for my orcs, Jared. All, of the Continent, actually. For far too long, have the orcs been mired in warfare. If they're not fighting humans, elves, or dwarves, they fight each other, and their society has suffered, because of it. I've already done what I can, by creating the Fut'anari, and as I suspected, they became the leaders of the Hinterlands. More or less, but it's not enough. They haven't changed enough."

Jared frowned. "I can see your point, and I agree, that the orcs deserve better, but I fail to see, just how I can help with that. I mean, sure, the treaty should bring your dream closer, but what can I do more than that? A Half-Elven, bastard son of a serving girl."

"A serving girl?" Vala asked in surprise. "You mean you don't know who your mother is?"

"She was a serving girl, at the palace of the High Priest. She died when I was a few years old."

Vala was fuming. This wasn't the way it was supposed to be. Jared had been supposed to be raised by his mother, at least for a while, then shipped off, to the Kingdom, well aware of his heritage.

"Sweetie, your mother is Yuna, the youngest daughter of High Priest Kashiro."

Jared simply stared at her. His mother was who? The young Prince began reminiscing, and small details were coming back to him. The fond gazes Lady Yuna would send him, her occasional visits to his mother's room... Things he hadn't thought about, back then. He looked at the goddess, and simply nodded.

She gave him a smile, and took his hand. "You're such a good boy. It's not really a wonder Za'ira fell in love with you. You don't expect anything from her, other than for her to be herself. And I can see you're rapidly falling for E'gwin, and Ar'thas, as well. And they for you."

"I don't blame you, sweetie," she continued. "They are the greatest among the Fut'anari, after all. Well, there's one more, and you'll meet her, soon."

Jared closed one eye in thought, but kept the other one on the goddess, who was looking at him with an unreadable expression. Then he scoffed at how thick he could be, sometimes. The revelation of his mother's true identity, made it all clear.

"You want Queen T'alis and me, to be Bonded, don't you? To tie all the realms together."

Again, she smiled at him, and it made him somewhat heady. She just looked so pretty, when she did that. "Yes. It would be such a good thing, for all races."

"I agree," Jared confirmed. "There are bound to be revolts, though. On all sides. There will always be those, who resent, and reject change."

Vala nodded. "Yes, but the good thing is, most of the idiots in the Hinterlands, that would oppose it, are marching on Stormhold, as we speak. I'm more worried about the Kingdom. There are uncounted different factions, all vying for power."

Jared snorted derisively. "My father has dirt on all of those jackals, Vala, and all of them are cowards. Threaten them with some of their most sordid secrets, and they'll behave. It's just a question of maintaining a balance. Stick and carrot."

Vala scowled. "Meaning, so long as you fatten their purses, they'll remain loyal."

Jared simply shrugged. "It is what it is." Then he became thoughtful. "What about the elves?"

Vala scoffed, and waved a hand. "Oh, please. When those lazy shits have discussed, and argued, whether or not to revolt, and go to war, the rest of the Continent will have moved on."

"I suppose. But, for all this to be possible, I need to actually reach Stormhold, and I'm fairly certain I'm dying."

Vala smiled at him. "You are. Za'ira, and E'gwin have you now, and Ar'thas has joined them. E'gwin did what she could for you, which has helped a little. They mean to carry you to the capital, on their backs."

"I won't survive it," Jared said, and frowned.

"Not without my help, you won't," Vala replied, and gave him a searching look. "I can help you, but you must trust me, and accept my help, without reservation. That's the only way I can influence a mortal, in any way."

Jared looked at the goddess, and didn't quite know, how to respond. Was he willing to trust someone he had only just met? Someone who had basically told him she had planned his life for him, and that he was basically her puppet?

Then he thought of Za'ira, and how devastated she'd be, if he died. She would feel as if half her heart had been ripped out of her chest. He knew it for a fact, because he would feel the exact same way, if she was in his place. And he would never get the opportunity, to explore what things could be like, with E'gwin and Ar'thas. And T'alis, apparently.

He turned his eyes onto Vala, and nodded. "Please, do what you can. I can't leave them, like this."

The goddess moaned in glee, put her arm around Jared's waist, and pulled him to her. She leaned down, and kissed him wantonly. She moaned into his mouth, and ran her hands down his back, grabbed his butt cheeks, and squeezed.

"Such a lovely ass," she muttered, as she broke the kiss. She ran her hands back up Jared's back, and grabbed his shoulders. "If you want my help, don't you think I deserve a little something in return?" she asked, and gently, but firmly pressed him down on the ground.

She hefted her immense cock with one hand, while the other played with Jared's hair. She stared intensely at him. "Suck."

Jared stared at the cock in front of him, and was honestly a little surprised at just how much he wanted to put it into his mouth, and coax out of it the pleasure inducing nectar. The Prince gasped in delight, as a large dollop of liquid formed at Vala's tip. He eagerly opened his mouth, and took her cock in, as far as he could.
