The Kiss Ch. 02

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Another sroty where a kiss is crucial - but which kiss?
13.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/19/2022
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Maybelline Blevins, May for short, slipped into the rear driver's side seat of her friend Bella's Ford SUV. Her suitcase was in the rear cargo area. She waved goodbye to her husband of twenty-four years, Jerry. Jerry looked real nice as he stood there waving. He was a six-footer, slim, brown hair and eyes, and a delightful smile. He was forty-nine. May thought his appearance somewhat deceptive. He was slowing down.

He wasn't slowing down in his work for an accounting firm, nor in his workout routine. He was slacking off in the bedroom. May was now the one pushing sex. She was speeding up. Since they'd had the empty nest, May was always ready. She was forty-six, and was a nice looking woman, blond, curvy, eight inches over five and feet. May worked as a high school science and math teacher at the local school where their three children had gone. Those kids were out of the house, two out of college -- Mary and Joseph, twins. Joan was twenty and a junior at the state university.

So, the nest had been empty for about two plus years. The first eighteen months was great for both of them. But gradually Jerry slowed down, and May ramped up. Lately, it had been a problem, but an undiscussed one. Undiscussed between them, at least. Bella knew about it.

Normally May would be in the front with her BFF, Bella. But two other teachers from the school were going on the trip. They were Jane Harris, and Cindy Watson. Cindy was not May's favorite person, but circumstances dictated that she'd be along for this trip.

They were all attending a seminar and convention in Chicago. It was a four hour drive, and gas was way up. So, one car, not two. Bella and May were in one room, while Jane was with Cindy in an adjoining one. It was Thursday at noon when they pulled off. The conference was on teaching methods. Each of them would get some credit for taking the classes there, and so would get a small extra amount on their salary from the school district.

That wasn't May's reason for going, nor Bella's. May wanted a change of scenery and four days away from home. Bella didn't need that, but went along for May's sake. Bella was May's age, pretty, slim and happy in her marriage to Tom Jones. Tom had no bedroom problems. Bella knew about May's recent dissatisfaction. One reason that she agreed to go was to watch May -- carefully. May hadn't said anything to her, but Bella thought that three nights at a convention might be risky for May. Bella really liked Jerry. The couples had been friends for ages, and their kids came up at the same time. Jerry and Tom were good friends, who played in men's sports leagues together- baseball and basketball. Both were good at those sports, and fit. Bella wanted nothing to go wrong between May and Jerry.

Because May was riding in the back seat, with Cindy, she had time to consider the trip, and what might happen. She had had passing thoughts about it before. Now, she considered that the entire trip might be an excellent opportunity to -- cheat. May had never before considered such a thing. But in the last few months, she was much more in need of sex than ever before. She craved it, in a way that at first shocked her. She hadn't been shy before about initiating sex with Jerry. But mostly it had been him who did that.

Now, though, she'd become the aggressor. Almost always. The first time she really noticed the change was when Jerry was too tired one night when they retired. He liked it better in the morning now. But she wanted what she wanted that night. She wouldn't take no for an answer. She pulled his dick out from his boxers and went to work on it. She stared at him while she licked his cock, kissed it, sucked it. Jerry got hard. When he did, she quickly moved up on him and impaled herself. She was still looking him in the eye as she took him. She saw his surprise, and his lust. Also, a little bit of fear. She was in control, and she liked it. She started having orgasms every couple of minutes -- good ones. Jerry was more and more into what was happening, and when she came for maybe the fourth time, he erupted and filled her up. She was screaming as he did that. Then moaning. Then she fell onto him, breathing hard.

"Thanks." She whispered in his ear.

"My pleasure. What got into you?"

"You. Your hard cock. I needed it, Jer. Bad."

"I...I'm sorry if we haven't been doing this as often, May. My fault."

"Not really, Jerry. I seem to be in some hyper-sexual phase. I read up on it. It happens to some women my age. I guess you'll just have to work out more in bed and less at the gym." She smiled at him. His return smile was tentative. She didn't notice, though. She was only half joking.

When they woke up the next morning, they brushed their teeth, but then Jerry picked May up and deposited her on the bed. He gave her a good solid missionary effort, for which she was grateful.

Over the next few months, May continued to treat Jerry to some pretty aggressive action. She was normally on top now, unlike before. She also liked oral -- both ways. Jerry was good with his tongue.

But, while they had sex about three times a week for a while, there were times when Jerry just didn't get very excited. He seemed never to take the initiative. She had to tell him what she wanted, and sometimes he couldn't provide that. She was wearing him out.

About three months before the conference, May and Bella went to see a men's basketball game that their husbands were playing. They sat away from the small crowd. Bella asked how it was going with Jerry, and May said it was only okay.

"I'm hot all the time, Bella. All the time. I don't blame Jerry. He tries hard."

Just then a guy on the other team swooped in for a dunk on Jerry. May paid that some attention. Bella saw her looking at the guy. He was well over six feet, and built, long and lean like a basketball player. He was black, very light. His arms and legs had very well-defined muscles.

Bella said, "Easy, girl."

May said. "I wonder where he goes after the games." She was ostensibly joking, but Bella heard a note of lust, maybe desperation.

They both watched the game with much more interest after that. One player had their focus. Bella was not immune, but May was almost drooling. That is, until the game ended -- when Jerry swished a three pointer as the buzzer sounded, winning the game. May's eyes followed the other guy. He went to the stands, and gave a hug to a nice looking black woman who had two youngsters with her. She thought, 'Maybe that's his sister.'

May went down to the floor to congratulate Jerry and Tom. She gave them both sweaty hugs. Jerry got a kiss. Bella didn't hug either one. She wasn't into sweat.

That night Jerry was bushed. But May managed to get what she wanted form him -- twice. When they finished, she said, "I'm sorry, Jer. I need it so much. That game was so exciting. My hero!" But it wasn't her hero that got her so worked up.

After that, though, Jerry slowed things down in bed. May couldn't fault him. She bought a vibrator.

She'd been using that for six weeks, when Jerry wasn't around. Jerry thought she'd settled down. He was wrong. But their sex went back to two or three times a week, with May initiating. She was rationing cock for herself. Some live, some electric.

On the evening before they left for the conference, May and Bella were at Bella's house, out on the patio. Bella asked May, "Are you going to fuck up your marriage, May? On this trip?"

May was surprised for a second, then not. Bella knew her well.

"I don't believe I will. No promises, though. Anyway, I'll be in Chicago. What happens in Chicago stays in Chicago, right Bella?"

"Not right. If something did happen, May, your man would eventually find out."

"How? You?"

"I might go pretty far to stop something, May. Be warned."

"No, you wouldn't. Him finding out would screw us up."

"Please, May. Please do not do it."

"Relax. The opportunity will probably never arise. It would have to be some superman type."

The conversation turned to other matters. So, Tom moved away from the guestroom window, where he'd overheard the conversation while touching up the paint on the sill.

When May went home, Bella and Tom spoke after dinner.

He said, "Bella, I heard you talk with May. I wasn't eavesdropping. I was painting. But I'm upset and worried."

"Oh. Tom. It's really none of your business. Stay out of it, please."

"He's my friend, of many years. I wish I hadn't overheard, but I can't do nothing. Can I?"

"I'll be there, Tom. I'll stop anything dangerous."

"Okay. Okay, I guess. I want you to give me your word on it. You're her best bud. Maybe you wouldn't tell."

"I said I'd stop it. I didn't say I'd rat her out."

"So, I don't have your word. If she goes ahead? You can't kidnap her."

"She has some sense, Tom. I can handle her." She said it, but she didn't fully believe it. Neither did Tom.

After dinner on that Thursday, Tom hiked the half mile over to see Jerry. He knocked and Jerry let him in."

"Wanna beer?"

"Sure. Maybe a light."

They sat outside and talked for a while about the baseball season. Then Jerry said, "Why are you here, really, Tom?"

Tom looked away. "I heard Bella and May talking yesterday. Bella is worried that May is....susceptible right now. She's worried about the conference."

"Oh. I see."

"I mean, I don't want to worry you if...."

"Please rest easy, Tom. You're being a friend. They're at the Mission Hotel. I've stayed there a lot because a friend from school owns it. Maybe I'll give him a call."

"Sounds reasonable. I hope it's just a case of Bella being careful."

"But you don't believe it."


After the beer Tom excused himself. Jerry had a longish think about his marriage. He was trying to decide whether to try to stop May. Or leave her. In the end it wasn't a terribly difficult decision. He loved her, and she was a fantastic sexual partner. He knew that if she cheated, he'd divorce her. He wasn't the sort of person to overlook that. But he wouldn't divorce her for wanting other men. He wanted other women. Only he didn't act on those desires.

Jerry also didn't really believe that May would cheat. Not at home, at least. He thought that at a conference there was more risk -- drinking, new people. He called his buddy John Mason, who was the major owner of the corporation that owned the hotel. He explained that May would be staying there, and he'd appreciate it if someone could look out for her during her stay.

John said, "You mean keep tabs on her to see if she strays, right?"

" a way. If it appears that there's some reason to fear that, maybe someone could give me a call."

"Okay. Done."

John gave Jerry the number of the security guy at the hotel, and gave that guy -- Rick Blevins -- Jerry's number. Jerry then texted him a photo of May.

Jerry thought that May's recent hyper-sexuality could get her into problems spontaneously, if the women went out in the evening.

May called Jerry at eight that evening. She and Bella were in their room, ready for the seminars the next day. The spouses had a rambling talk. As they were saying goodnight, Jerry said, "May, I worry that you might slip up there. You know what I mean. Please be careful -- about drinking and socializing."

May was surprised and a little offended by this. She said, "I won't mess around. I know why you're worried. Relax."

"Okay. I love you."

"Love you, too." May meant the love part. Maybe not so much about not messing around. Still, she had those three women with her, and she didn't think she could fool all of them. Especially Bella.

Friday at the conference May had a seminar on how to teach trig. A newish method was explained. It was in a small room with twenty seats. It was a math subject, and most of those there were men. One of them was beautiful. That was the only way to describe him. He was over six feet tall, had curly dark hair and startling blue eyes. Maybe he was late thirties. He was wearing a short sleeve shirt, and the arms that came out of the sleeves were tan and muscular. May watched him from across the room. He was sitting next to the only other woman in the room. She was a nice looking woman in her twenties.

When the class started, each of them introduced themselves, even thought they had name tags. He was Eddie Mason. From Evansville.

At the break Eddie introduced himself to May. He walked up to her as she was getting coffee, stuck out his hand and said, "Hi, May. I'm Eddie. Are you a math teacher?" May shook his hand, and he kept hers for longer than necessary.

She said, "Yes, I am. You?"

"No, I sell textbooks. This one you're hearing about is mine. After this class I hope for feedback. Maybe we could have lunch."

May was taken with the guy, and agreed. When they went back to the room, he sat next to her, not the young woman. May thought that was likely because she was older, and more likely to give good feedback. She hoped that wasn't the only thing, though. Sitting next to him was causing her to lose concentration. She buckled down.

The remainder of the day saw May and Bella in an afternoon class about pedagogy. A waste of time, May thought. Eddie wasn't there.

The two got back to their room at five. They decided to go to dinner with the other two, at the hotel restaurant. The dressed casually and met them at 6:30 for drinks. Dinner at seven. The food was good. By eight they were done with desert. The place had a dance venue next door. They could hear the music start. All four decided to see what was up in there.

All of them were at least okay looking. Cindy was short and maybe a bit plain, but acceptable. Jane was slim and taller, gawkish but cute. Bella and May were both knockouts, even dressed casually. They were in the place for about ten minutes, ordered drinks, and got hit on. May and Bella did. Two youngish guys asked them to dance. They were teachers from downstate, and seemed to be in their twenties. Not bad looking either. May accepted right off, and Bella hesitated only a small second. The two of them were having fun, dancing fast. May's dance became a little risqué. Her fella, Brad, seemed to enjoy that, and reciprocated. Bella and John just danced. After two numbers, the DJ played a slow dance song. The two guys were only too happy to clutch close. Bella kept a discrete distance from John, but May and Brad were plastered to each other. The song ended, and the couples broke. The women went back to their table, where Jane and Cindy had once been. Both were dancing. The two guys sat down. Bella made it clear to them that both of the women were married, and dancing would be it. It was subtle but effective. She had seen that May had gotten Brad aroused. It was like there were pheromones wafting off her, bringing men around. Several were nearby, and Brad was getting jealous.

One of the guys who came up to the table was Eddie. Bella saw him first, and she was impressed. He dressed well, and he was very handsome. She saw he was headed to their table, and was slightly disappointed when he sat next to May and said, "Hi, May. Fancy meeting you here."

Brad slid out the other side of the booth and John went with him. May gave Eddie a big smile and introduced him to Bella. Just then the gym teacher from their school came and asked Bella to dance, and she accepted. Eddie held out his hand and May went out to the floor with him. By then May had had two drinks, and was ready to party. Bella knew to watch her. If it looked like she was going to leave with Eddie, Bella decided to intervene.

But Bella was a little distracted by Big JIm Wayne, the gym teacher. She had always liked him, and he was attractive and a good dancer. He was married with three kids. But they were having fun dancing.

May and Eddie were tearing it up, two fast dances in a row. Eddie could jitterbug. A slow song came on and May and Eddie were by then in a corner of the floor, with no space at all between them. Eddie was completely aroused and May could easily tell that. She subtly moved so than she would stimulate him. She heard a small groan from him.

He said, "I know what you're doing. You better stop, unless you want a lot more."

She whispered in his ear, "Maybe I do want more, Eddie." That was coupled with a slow drag of her belly across Eddie's groin. His moan was louder.

Eddie was a married man, with two children in middle school. But he and his wife had an open marriage. So, he had a definite plan in mind for May. He thought that May was super-hot and that she was ready for anything. The looks he got from her were way more than suggestive, and the slow dance confirmed everything.

When the song ended, the two were still in a far, dark corner of the floor. Bella had lost sight of them, but Cindy hadn't.

Eddie pushed May's chin up and kissed her, with tongue, rubbing his hands on her ass and his hard cock on her belly. Now it was May who moaned. She was in heat, and ready to do it right there.

Cindy had it all on her phone's video app. She didn't like May and considered her a slut. She looked up May and Jerry's email on the school site. She emailed the short video to Jerry. A sentence below read. "Do you know who your wife is with?"

May and Eddie headed to his room on the seventh floor. It was clear to both of them what they would do there. Bella saw them cross to the elevator. She hustled to catch them, but the door was closing fast. She heard Eddie say "Seven, please." There were others on the car. Bella pressed the button for another car, and one opened right away. She got in and pressed seven. No one else was in the car with her. When she arrived on seven, May and Eddie were nowhere in sight. She didn't know his room number. All was lost!

But May and Eddie had been slowed when their elevator stopped on two floors. So, just as Bella was phoning May, the elevator door opened and out they came, followed by a young man in jeans and a t-shirt. He passed on by them all. He was hotel security, assigned to May due to Jerry's call.

May and Eddie had their arms around each other as the exited the car. Eddie saw Bella.

"Oh. Shit." May looked up, and paled. "Bella."

"You can't do this, May. I won't let you."

Eddie said, "Bella, what's the harm? Her man will never know."

"You don't know that. In fact, May, I'm calling him now. She looked at her phone, and punched in a number.

"No! Bella, no, please. I won't. Please." May was very frightened now, and no longer in lust.

Eddie said, "Damn, Bella. Come on."

Security was doing video from a doorway down the hall.

May said, "Eddie, I was wrong to do this. I can't do it. I don't have an open marriage. I'd get divorced if he found out. I can't."

"You know you want to do it, May. Your friend won't tell if you go ahead now. She'd be fucking up your marriage."

"It's you that's fucking up her marriage, Eddie. Piss off!" Bella grabbed May's arm and pulled her down the hall. Their room was on the same floor, around the corner. Eddie watched the women go, then went into his room. He'd have to think about this all. He didn't believe he was giving up.

Bella and May went into their room, where Bella lit into May. "What THE FUCK? ARE YOU TOTALLY NUTS?"

May started crying.

Meanwhile the security guy sent the video to management. And the night manager, following orders, emailed it to Jerry.

Jerry was sitting at his home office desk, looking at the small video sent by Cindy. He had tears in his eyes. He assumed from watching that May was now in bed with Eddie, getting fucked. He knew who Eddie was because security gave him a heads up. He called her cell phone for the fourth time, with no result. (She had it on silent.) So, he had to decide what to do now that May was being fucked by some salesman.