The Knife Cuts Both Ways Ch. 01


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Lissy glanced at Madison, waggled her brows, then turned away, dismissing her.

Madison had a stern face until she realized she was now with William and wore the careful faux smile..

After lunch we had twenty minutes left of the hour. Lissy and I went back to the cabin and we had a quickie.

Lissy walked back with my cum running down her legs. She made damn sure Madison saw it. She carried a towel, setting it on the chair to not stain it.

The afternoon was a lot less shitty than it should have been with me losing my wife like that. Lissy was attentive, my water glass was never empty and always had a few ice cubes to keep it cool. When William was away using the restroom, Lissy walked to the front table where Madison was sitting. That table doubled as a supply table. She went to get me another pen and pad. It was bullshit as the pen I was using was perfectly fine. Walking away, Lissy 'accidentally' dropped the pen. She bent over at the waist to make sure Madison saw my cum still leaking out of her vagina. Madison looked at Lissy's cummy vagina angrily. Lissy just shot me a smile while doing it.

All afternoon Lissy was making sure everyone, including my cheating slut wife, saw that she was taking very good care of me.

Dinner was a bit tense and Madison was glaring at me a lot, and Lissy a lot more.

William asked to see us after dinner.

William said, "This will not do. I will not have my conference wrecked."

Lissy played innocent. William saw through it but smiled.

Madison said, "You walked by me with my husband's cum running down your legs."

Lissy said, quietly, "And you are sleeping with William. Where is the problem?"

Madison said, "You said replacement instead of substitute."

Lissy said, "Do you really think Andrew will take you back? Are you really that stupid?"

Madison got more angry

Lissy said, "You have William. Andrew will not take you back. Are you saying you want to stop seeing William?"

Madison was trapped. William smirked. It was the first time I had ever seen William smirk.

Lissy said, "You have William and I have Andrew. The trade was made and the deal was done. You have what you want. I get what I want."

Madison said, "After William... uh"

Madison was trapped. Lissy was running mental circles around Madison.

Lissy then switched her argument, used sweetness and emotion and said, "If you have any love left for Andrew, let him go. Sign a divorce for him so that he is free. You are torturing the man you got up in front of hundreds and swore your love to. Your vagina is full of another man's semen. Let him go if you meant even half of that vow."

I looked at Lissy in awe. I had never seen it before. She was smarter than that shy cute exterior advertised. She was smarter by miles.

William looked at me as if saying, "SEE! I got you someone MUCH MUCH better!"


Wednesday June 9 2021

The next morning, divorce papers were waiting in front of my door. Madison had signed them.

Lissy picked them up. She bent at the waist to expose her femininity to me. She handed them to me then smiled, "Here you go."

I said, "This is like a train running down the tracks out of control."

Lissy applied her calm sweet demeanor when she said, "The sooner you sign. The sooner you can let go so you can love me as much as I already love you."

I looked at her in shock.

She shrugged and said, "It was love at first sight for me. That is how I had such an orgasm with a man I barely knew. Then you held me after the sex and I was completely hooked. I loved you completely right then and there. I know you are not there yet. Just promise me you will try."

I nodded. A huge weight was lifted.

Lissy loved me

Lissy said, "I will take a bullet before I ever betray you. Just love me is the literal only thing I ask."

I said, "I am not there yet."

Lissy nodded, "I know. Sign the papers. Let go of the unfixable and go toward something wonderful with me. I promise I will never stray or deliberately hurt you."

I signed. Lissy took the papers from me with surprising strength.

I felt a thousand pounds lighter and smiled. I kissed Lissy. She did her best to reach my tonsils with her tongue.

We walked into the conference room. Lissy walked straight to William with the papers then returned. William almost handed them to Madison, but thought better of it and left for a few minutes.

She kissed me on the cheek and said, "I asked William to transmit them immediately. He said his lawyers will have it taken care of by this afternoon."

I took my seat at the back with Lissy next to me.

After a lunch of the best Chicken Parm I have ever had, William brought Madison back. William prompted, and Madison handed me a copy. They were signed and completed.

William smirked and said, "Look at the dates."

William had the papers backdated in the divorce. It was over and done. He had bribed someone and in a day, my marriage was dissolved.

William smiled. Madison teared up a bit but composed herself.

Lissy read the papers and gave a small shriek and said, "Ah! Yes!"

She kissed me and said in front of everyone, "Now. Andrew Abell, you are mine mine MINE!"

That pissed Madison off.

I felt in my pocket and made a decision. It was a dick move but I handed Lissy Madison's engagement ring right then and there. Madison's stare could have melted granite.

Lissy promptly put the ring on her finger and danced around with her delightful boobies bouncing saying, "Yes yes YES!" She again tried for my tonsils.

That one even took William by surprise.

William whispered something in Madison's ear and she relaxed.

Funny thing. No one was smirking any more and there were one heck of a lot less sad looks from others.

I sat down with the enormity of what I had done. I was happy and crushed at the same time. Lissy sat next to me and read me like a book, AGAIN.

Lissy said, "Look at me."

I looked into those crushingly gorgeous green eyes.

She said, "I promise you that I will only spend the rest of my life proving to you that I am the best wife. I will never hurt you or betray you. I promise every bit of my strength in proving this to you."

She was dead serious. In my entire life, that was the most solemn promise I ever received.

I was shocked at how fast my love for Madison died. It turned to indifference. The opposite of love is not hate. It is indifference and I no longer gave a shit about Madison. There were twinges, but they were brief and weak. That promise from Lissy was pure and true. Nothing else mattered.

At the end of the conference for the day, William smiled at me later and said, "I will email you later."

The email was brief. It was all of Lissy's keys. Every quirk. How to make her happy. I already had most of them, but everything from all her psychological tests. Everything told me exactly what Lissy wanted and why. It was ALL there.

At the bottom it said, "I know you still hate me. Deal with it. I have arranged for your future and Lissy is better for you. I know it and you know it. We are working on the West's future and probably all of mankind and you are part of it. I think we can make it happen. Fusion is just the start. I am working on ideas that many think are impossible including a new space drive system for inside the solar system and... Even... Possibly, a warp drive."

"I turned Madison with simple keys. Alpha, power and money. Lissy cares nothing about any of that beyond her basic needs. She is one of those rare women happy with cheap clothes and a small apartment. She needs only your empathetic love which I do not possess. William"

Someday I will tell you the rest of the trip and many of the adventures we had together. Our love grew to being literal soulmates who could almost read each other's minds.

I married Lissy a month later at a picnic ceremony in front of friends. No, I did not invite William. He never stopped that smirking when he saw me with Lissy. She was always glued to my arm.

Upon returning to Atlanta I got home at seven in the evening with my fiance Lissy in tow. There were eight large male truck loaders, two goons, William and Madison waiting for me when I drove up. A U Haul drove up a minute later. Her shit was gone in an hour. The only thing we disagreed with is the dog. She won that one. I will miss the dog.

An hour after that and without either of our knowledge, her car was towed to my place. Everything she owned was in that car. I moved her in and yes, it felt amazing. Once done, she went to the bed and we made love then showered together. The next day I offered to get her clothes at the Mall. We went to Walmart instead. She bought an oversize T-shirt and two pairs of shorts. She did buy four packs of socks. She reminded me she hates wearing clothes but has to wear shoes and socks. She has tender feet. The oversize T-shirt was the only thing besides shoes and socks that she wore to and from our commute to the office. She loved her naked role at work.

Yes, I kept working at Winston Energy Development. Upon arrival I was promoted to Level 2 scientist. Yes, it's bullshit. No, I don't care. I took the raise in salary and the title. Lissy was now my permanent naked assistant. I got an office with a locking door. I got nooners many times a week. So did many of my coworkers. No wonder everyone loved working there. My wife and I went to conferences together. It's all bullshit from a world class asshole but it was fun bullshit from a world class asshole. My expense account was absurdly high and I got to fuck my wife every night while traveling for work. The world's largest asshole made damn sure I got the best conference locations.

Lissy was sexually insatiable and I never tired of her. Our connection was complete and deep to the soul.

I still fucking hate William's guts for what he represents. A billionaire who preys on women in relationships.

Turns out only about a quarter of the naked assistants are so called substitutes. Many are simply wives or girlfriends unrelated to the trips. A few are just hires. The same but in reverse for the women employees. Many are just husbands or boyfriends.

One year later I heard Madison 'retired' as another yacht trip was coming up. Someone said she had a condo in Miami somewhere. I made a note to not visit Miami. I was 'conveniently' in London for the month before the trip and flew back the day before. I only found out the next victim during that first dinner. William was adept at picking substitutes I will say that.


Two years later, I got back from a conference in Austin Texas and the three finalists for the next what I called voyage of the damned had been chosen. I did not know who any of the women were until four days before the next voyage on his yacht. I found out who of the three it was exactly the day before. Lora Garmin. The wife of a motherfucking veteran. Yes, I had Lissy and Yes, I had a shit ton of money now but I still hated him and what he was doing. Who would I tell? No one in the company would do anything. The press is bought and paid for. Lora had already made up her mind and probably done the deed. Her husband was going to find out in a bad bad way soon and I am a motherfucking accomplice to the criminal.

Then I remembered something Lora had said offhand when she was introduced to my department and smiled.

My vengeance arrived. I never told William about Lora's husband. Woops. Must have slipped my mind.

There was no way for me or anyone to get a physical weapon that could be used near William. We were screened for weapons before walking aboard his yacht. My weapon walked right on board. Turns out two six foot eight inch goons are a minor inconvenience to a former Navy SEAL.

They found out William died of a broken neck... and an arm,both legs in five places, back twice, crushed skull. Sounds like a horror movie. Yes I think it is fucking awesome.

Her husband was just shaking in a corner of that conference room in front of his stunned soon-to-be-ex wife. The conference did not go as planned. Darn. It all came out. Yes, she had cheated already. Yes they divorced. He got a manslaughter conviction and 5 years. The governor pardoned him and said with a wink to stop destroying people that sleep with his wife. Turns out election season is useful for something. The pardon was an easy way for a governor running for re-election to score points with veterans. The feds wanted the case but veterans groups threatened riots if they did anything.

Another funny thing. They were taking William's corpse away and leading Lora away for questioning. I was the last in the area before they closed that area of the yacht. The fight in the conference room had made a huge mess. I looked down and that little black notebook was on the ground and no one was looking. Funny how it disappeared.

Our company promptly collapsed because William was the brains behind it. We were quickly bought by a Dutch firm. Most people think NATO is just a military alliance. It is also a giant R&D alliance of allies who have to keep ahead of the competition.

I kept my job as part of a much larger group now. Title and pay were the same.

We moved to Amsterdam for a year.

We lived in Bristol England for a year.

We lived in Dresden for a year.

We lived in Paris for a year.

Good times. Great times. Epic times. Heheh. Naked times.


Fifteen years later, we got bought out and I was laid off.

I still had the little black book and created my own LLC.

A friend had tagged me on social media that Madison got married six years later. He also tagged me two years later when she got divorced. Nasty fight. They both Cheated. Fuck I hate it when I have to admit William did me another fucking favor. Madison would probably have cheated after babies and mortgages as in child support and possibly alimony.

Lissy never cheated. One day I came home early and I heard her talking to a friend trying to get her to go on a Las Vegas weekend and that 'things might happen'." The look on Lissy's face when her friend said that was roughly equal to that if her friend had asked if she could poop in her mouth. Damn I love that woman. She never said anything to me about it, but that friend disappeared from our social circle and I am good.

We had a shit ton of awesome naked adventures together and I looked forward to every day with her. Shy little Lissy was damn near insatiable in the bedroom and she only had eyes for me. My daughter was born ten years after I married Lissy. I almost lost Lissy during that pregnancy. I got snipped to make sure it would not happen again. I have my awesome daughter and that is enough.

Fifty plus years later after I married Lissy. I sat in a large room full of the highest of the high VIPS. A giant sign on the wall said '2075: First Light.' Congresscritters, the fucking president, members of various parliaments and a dozen other prime ministers. The elite of the elite and I was the relative pauper with a net worth in the tens of millions. Lissy still bought her clothes at Walmart.

I had passed the concept onto my daughter who worked for EUNA. EUNA was an acronym for Europe, North America, UK, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand... Europe and North America were merely the first to agree. The UK signed literally a day later, Japan the day after that. One by one, the Western governments had formed a loose confederation by this point because it was a dangerous world. The economic and military end was EUNA. It was easy as there was broad agreement about these things across the countries. The social end was hopeless at that point so it was decided to let each country handle that part on their own. It worked very well. Everyone agreed about the first part and agreed to disagree about the last part.

China ran the other block. They were brilliant and ruthless. China had the bulk of rare earths and important minerals within its sphere Taiwan was settled with a twenty year lease. China got the island back but EUNA took literally everything including the people that wanted to leave and left a bare island. Everything was bulldozed if it was not some ancient cultural site. It was ugly but it worked. A third of the people chose to go to China. Sixteen million, more or less dispersed into EUNA. Entire cities were built by the Tiawanese in several countries.

EUNA dodged the bullet by two years when the Fusion Ion Drive came online in 2052. It was a sub-light drive but useful for mining asteroids and it could be applied to large ships. Even the Swiss were forced to choose and they chose EUNA. The world was at peace, but the two sides hated each other and little went across from one sphere to the other.

EUNAUKJSKANZ was too long and looked stupid so they simply called it EUNA. My company was bought out by EUNA and my daughter was a head scientist at age twenty three. We were unsure of her IQ. All we know is that it is above 200. There is no way to test that high accurately.

I remembered back to the call from my daughter about eight years previous when she exclaimed, "DAD I FINISHED IT!" I smiled, my daughter was an amazing woman. I sat with baited breath next to my wife Lissy, my son-in-law Jake, and my two grandsons as our Daughter, Dr. Alisa Abell sat nervously at her control desk. She used her maiden name professionally and her married name personally. Three probes were launched at Alpha Centauri with her life's work; a warp drive. They took three years to build. It turns out they are simpler than expected but the force and the stress destroys them pretty quickly and everything is a one way trip. The drive usually lasted around twenty minutes in tests before failing. It propelled a probe the size of a two liter soda bottle. Even the newer version was only going to last forty eight minutes and larger payloads and drives fell apart too quickly to be useful. Decades of work was still needed. They were launched four years and one hundred twenty seven days ago. The trip should have taken nineteen minutes. The trip for the signal to come back took the rest of the time.

There was a flicker on one monitor. Then an image. Two suns, one yellow and one orange and much further away, but still very bright. The first close up images of a star not our own. Cheers erupted then a second monitor flickered to life. The third never did light up. Someone famous said two out of three aint bad.

I was proud of her, my daughter, Dr. Alisa Abell; the inventor of the warp drive.

When I got back home, I looked at a shadow box on the wall of my home office with that little black notebook that held the initial ideas and smiled. I had gotten close, but my utterly brilliant daughter had actually done it. I just told people that the book was some of my college work. Yes. I stole the original idea for a working warp drive then passed it to my daughter. Sue me.

Of course, I am the only one that knows what is really in that notebook. I took the notebook and put it in our firepit then covered it with some firewood. It was a great night to have a nice warm fire. I sat down in front of the firepit on our patio in a wicker loveseat. My wife sat down, leaned over, gave me one of her patented butterfly kisses on the cheek and leaned against me.

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WargamerWargamer3 months ago

Read. It again liked it even more let’s a tongue in cheek story. raised it to 5/5

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Sorry but this one is just stupid.

shadrachtshadracht5 months ago

A little surprising. I didn't expect to like this that much, but quite frankly, a billionare that "steals" skanks that would trade up in a heartbeat, and gives psychologically evaluated to be great partners in return honestly sounds kind of awesome. It's too bad that he ended up dead, to be honest. It sounded almost like he was an alien and making evreyone's lives better in the long run. 5*

SorchakSorchak6 months ago

I *always* downgrade my score when an author effs up a name, and in this case Madison became Brittany. It was only once, and only for one sentence, but that's all it takes. It would be more understandable if there were a dozen people to keep track of, but when there's only 4 or 5, it's just sloppy.

inka2222inka22226 months ago

This is a really really amazing version of the cliche story. No BTB but who cares, he REALLY traded up!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Ok but the bitch needs to die.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

T you for a creative and enjoyable story.


moultonknobmoultonknob11 months ago

Totally ridiculous load of bollocks and why did Maddison change her name to Brittany and then back again. Fucking rubbish

RanDog025RanDog02512 months ago

I liked your story very much. Thank you for it not being a worthless Cuck Shit story. Great Imagination! Thanks for another chapter. Going to follow and in hope, you don't stray into the Cuck Shit category! 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE FLAMING NOVA STARS, for the story, Thank you.

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