The Lab Rats Ch. 06 - Sinking Ship?

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Return to the chamber
13.8k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/04/2020
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The Lab Rats 6: A Sinking Ship?


Alex exited the car park and headed out of the city on the same route that he had followed that fateful night of the wedding. They had chosen to go to the same hotel as they felt they were unlikely to meet anyone they knew. The night was starting to draw in as they turned off the A64 heading north towards Kirbymoorside and Alex and Rowan exchanged a loving glance in the rear-view mirror as they remembered the journey that led to the start of their love affair.

Ewan did as he was asked and kept quiet until the darkness enveloped them and they reached the edge of the moors and the SatNav chirped into life.

In 400 yards, at the roundabout, take the second exit. Your destination is on the right.'

"What the fuck, mate, there ain't gonna be a roundabout up here. Your SatNav is shit. Let me look at Google maps."

He fiddled with his phone.

"Shit, no signal! But we seem to be going round in circles as I've seen signs for Kirkbymoorside in front of us at every road sign since we left the town"

Alex's eyes widened and he glanced in the rear-view mirror to see his look of disbelief mirrored in his mother's eyes. As on the previous occasion they continued on a road where the surface was deteriorating as quickly as the low mist grew and swirled around the car but the sky above remained crystal clear.

'In 400 yards, turn right. Your destination will be on the left.'

There was no turn in 400 yards.

Ewan laughed sarcastically again but Rowan and Alex became increasingly concerned and Saskia noticed the frequent exchange of worried glances between them.

She whispered to her mother.

"What's the matter Mum? You and Alex seemed to be worried about something."

Her mother swallowed and decided that she might as well tell her daughter the truth about how she and Alex ended up in a loving relationship ... fucking ... having wonderful sex ... all because of the light and the chamber.

Keeping her voice low so as not to alert Ewan.

"We came this way the night before the wedding ..."

"When the car broke down?"

"Well, yes, that's not exactly how it happened but the SatNav went wrong then and suddenly there was a bright light and a lot of static electricity in the air and we blacked out. We woke up in a chamber ... with implants in the back of our necks ... which gave us shocks if we didn't do what they wanted us to ... and basically they forced us ... they forced us to ..."

Ewan's voice interrupted.

"What the fuck? That wasn't there before ..."

He was pointing at a bright light hovering over a hill to the right and rowan grabbed the back of Alex's seat and leant forward.

"Jesus, Alex it's happening again. Let's get out of here ... oh no ... the light is moving ... very fast ... "

As before the light did appear to be moving towards them and this time Alex and Rowan knew it did not come from any RAF base or helicopter or any other thing or place that had any logical explanation. This time Alex accelerated trying to get away from the beam of light but it continued inexorably towards them and it stayed in station right above the car and began to grow brighter. Alex could not see the road because of the glare so brought the car to a halt and all four passengers shut their eyes but the light was so bright it penetrated through their eyelids and a covering hand had little impact.. Alex could hear Rowan's panicked breathing behind him so reached back with his free hand to squeeze hers.

"It's OK baby, I'm here ... we'll be OK. We survived before so we know we can get through this."

Ewan picked up on the reference.

"What do you mean ... you survived before ... you know what this is?"

"Yes and no, we've seen the light before in this exact same spot but we have no idea what it is and don't say it's a UFO or I'll punch you. It may not be a UFO but we will be abducted if last time is anything to go by. We came out alive before so here's hoping ..."

Saskia was holding onto the clasped hands of her mother and brother when the atmosphere began to crackle with static electricity. Saskia desperately wanted to know what would happen in the chamber

"Mum, what did they force you to do?"

Rowan did not answer immediately as she and Saskia could feel their long hair spreading like a halo around them and a pulsing sound penetrated their senses but Rowan tried to make herself heard.

"They made us fuck each other ... that's how we came to be lovers ... it was the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me."

It was last thing she said as the assault on their hearing continued and the noise changed in pitch and intensity until it became unbearable and they slipped into unconsciousness.

The last thing any of them heard was the SatNav.

'Your destination is on the right.'

Chapter 49

Rowan was the first one to come round as the familiar but unwelcome low level buzz in her neck brought her to consciousness. She instinctively reached behind her to the back of her neck and groaned.

The implant!

She sat up and looked around and the buzzing stopped. All four of them had been dumped on the circular platform as before but this time they were completely naked. She was between the comatose bodies of her two children and Ewan was on the other side of Saskia. She rolled towards Alex and stroked his face and kissed him as she felt the back of his neck to find the expected implant.

"I love you more than life. We'll get through this and I hope it strengthens the bond that first grew here."

She rolled back the other way to the unconscious form of her daughter and checked for her implant before kissing her forehead.

"I love you my darling Saskia. Alex and I will get you out of here but we may have to do some ... stuff ... that you might find objectionable but I hope it will bring us closer together."

She slid off the platform and waited a few seconds to see if she was punished for doing so but there was no reaction from the implant. She breathed a sigh of relief and did a circuit of the chamber looking to see if there was a seam in the fabric showing an exit route. Just as on the previous occasion when Alex had tried multiple times there was no sign of any opening. She returned to the platform and decided to be childish and rolled Ewan's lifeless body onto the floor.

No reaction from her implant. Good!

No apparent reaction from Ewan's implant. Bad!

Maybe the people ... beings ... who were running this mad experimentation into human psychology would understand the dynamics of the group and act accordingly. Rowan started to reflect on that premise ... that there were sentient beings ... human or alien ... controlling what was happening here or was it just AI driven? Would they detect that they had returning victims ... previous subjects ... and that the prior knowledge gave them an advantage? Would they have to face the same ordeal because she certainly didn't want to have sex with Ewan?

She was still contemplating this when Alex started to stir and she instantly rolled over and cuddled him.

"Shh, baby, I'm here. Take it easy for the moment and relax. We're back in the chamber."

Alex opened his eyes and squinted up at her against the bright light of the chamber and then realised he had no clothes on.

"Oh, we're completely naked. Last time they wanted us to go through the undressing stage as a route to determining that we needed to have sex to succeed. So what does this mean? Anyway, are you OK, I couldn't bare the thought of you being hurt?"

Rowan kissed him softly.

"Yes, baby, I'm more than OK because you are here."

"Jesus, you two, we've been abducted and you're being all lovey-dovey about it!"

They turned to look at the groggy figure of Saskia sitting up who then realised that she was naked and hurriedly crossed her arms across her breasts.

"Fuck! I'm naked ... fuck ... so are both of you ... where have our clothes gone?"

Rowan reached out to take Saskia's hands and pulled them away from her body to unveil her beautiful firm globes and their large nipples.

"You have no need to cover yourself up, sweetie as you have a fabulous body. Doesn't she Alex?"

Alex had been trying not to stare but now took the opportunity given by his lover to look appraisingly at his naked sister. She was definitely gorgeous and he could feel his cock starting to stir so hurriedly looked back at Rowan.

"Certainly does babe, but then she takes after you so she's bound to be smoking hot ... ohh ... too much appreciation perhaps?"

The two women looked at him and then at each other and shook their heads in exasperation before Rowan continued.

"They left us in our clothes last time but we ended up having to take them off to avoid getting zapped. However, we were fully dressed when we woke up in the car."

"Getting zapped ...? What does that mean?"

"Ahh yes ... feel the back of your neck ... yes just there. That little beauty will zap you so painfully that you will do anything to avoid it which is how ...umm ... Alex and I ended up having sex ..."

Rowan blushed at the memory.

"Actually, that's not strictly true. They had been coercing us to become more and more intimate by zapping us when we didn't do what they wanted and we ... me actually ... decided where it was leading and suggested to Alex that we jump to the end point to avoid any more zapping! Your brother and I didn't just have sex we made the sweetest love I have ever had and the rest, they say, is history. Well not straight away ..."

Rowan turned and looked adoringly at her lover and stroked his face.

"This wonderful man tried to resist what he knew to be wrong ... a son having sex with his mother ... as did I ... but in the end it wasn't just about the sex ... fabulous as it is ... he's my soul-mate and I am his. There's no way we could remain apart and function as normal human beings."

Alex smiled at her and sat up and pulled her into his arms and kissed her gently before looking over at his sister.

"Mum is absolutely right.. I cannot contemplate life without her ... she's like oxygen to me ... essential!"

Saskia ran her eyes over the naked form of the two lovers and lingered on her brother's penis which was definitely showing signs of life. It looked even more beautiful in real life than it had in the visions at the weekend cottage and the video feeds, but she knew she could not stare no matter how much she wanted to.

Stare! Fuck it! She wanted to crawl across her mother and suck that glorious shaft down her throat before impaling herself on it in every orifice she had. It was was her turn to hurriedly look away but not before she could feel her pussy getting moist. She tried to keep a look of lust out of her eyes as she spoke to her mother and brother.

"I am so jealous of the pair of you, especially you, Mum. Your love for each other is so obvious and I'm envious that I don't have a man who looks adoringly at me like Alex does to you ... his body is not bad either!"

She blushed.

"Oops ... as he said ... too much appreciation."

Rowan looked daggers at her daughter, or tried to as a smile kept playing at the corner of her mouth."

"Keep your hands off, Missy. I know we both think he's the ideal man but he's mine and don't you forget it ... "

"Talk about me as though I'm not here why don't you?"

Rowan turned back to her son.

"Oh, you love it. Two hot women fighting over you ."

She trailed away and then looked worried.

"Anyway, who knows, the chamber may force the pair of you to ... make love ... or any of us to have sex with Ewan ... gross!"

Alex quickly interjected.

"I hope you were not including me in that last suggestion? Where is he by the way?"

"I'm down here listening to all the crap you've been spouting. Trust me I'm not having sex with you Alex no matter what this zapping thing does."

Chapter 50

Ewan stood up and when he saw the two naked women he leered appreciatively as he stroked his rapidly rising cock.

"Fuck, Mummy, you definitely are a yummy-mummy. I'm really going to enjoy having you as my three-hole-slut ... ooohh and Saskia ... Jesus, you're even sexier than I had imagined ... Now, which one to go for first ... eeny-meeny-miny-mo ... oh bugger that, Saskia you're nearest get over here and suck my dick."

Saskia looked horrified but did not move as Alex angrily scrambled off the platform and moved threateningly towards Ewan who backed away.

"Fuck off, weasel shit, you are not having sex with my women. Don't you get it? This is no longer about your little blackmailing stunt but possibly a matter of life and death. You wait until that thing in your neck goes off and then we'll see how interested you are in getting your jollies. I suggest you try getting on the platform and see what happens."

Despite his outward display of bravado Alex was desperately hoping that whoever was controlling the experiment would not allow Ewan anywhere near Rowan or Saskia before he was zapped. If they didn't then he would have to take matters into his own hands as he felt sure that he could take Ewan who was like a lot of computer geeks, a fat slob. The only thing he had to worry about was if he was an expert in some martial arts shit like jujitsu or krav-maga.

Ewan climbed back onto the platform ... no zap ... and crawled towards Saskia who was shocked into immobility by the fact that he had not been turned into a screaming, writhing wreck by the implant. She started to react when he grabbed her ankle and started to pull her towards him grinning lasciviously as he did so. She kicked out at him and felt the implant pulse in her neck ... it was just a low-level warning but was enough to cause her pain.

"Fuck! Alex , they zapped me! They want me to ... I'm not doing it ... Alex do something ..."

She continued to try to slide away and got another zap, harder this time. Rowan, who had slid off the platform when Ewan got on, cried out as she felt the implant in her own neck pulse at the same time.

"Fuck, that hurt! Why are they zapping me?"

Alex who was moving around the platform on the floor to grab hold of Ewan was also zapped as he got closer to the would-be rapist. He turned and screamed up at the chamber.

"You're zapping the wrong people ... he's the fucking monster ... not us!"

Ewan laughed as Alex tried to get onto the platform again and was zapped for the second time.

"Yes, I'm a 'fucking' monster who is just about to tap this sweet bit of sister-pussy and arse and whatever shit is happening here it does seem that the direction of travel is going my way. So, sweet Saskia, first I want you to use your mouth and it had better be a whole lot better than before."

Rowan and Alex looked at each other in surprise before the mother asked the obvious question.

"Saskia, you've given this piece of shit a blow-job before? Why?"

Her daughter who was still struggling but avoiding a zap by not pulling away as Ewan started to manhandle her and himself into a position where she could take his by-now rigid shaft into her mouth, looked guiltily over at her mother.

"Because he wouldn't give me the spy-cam unless I did ... twice!"

"Bite his cock off this time ... ahhh fuckk!"

Ewan laughed as Rowan grabbed the back of her neck.

"Yep, definitely on my side."

Alex made another attempt at grabbing hold of Ewan, who now had hold of Saskia's long hair and neck and was pushing her face towards his straining cock, but was zapped harder this time and fell to the floor. Rowan looked down at her son and realised that subtlety was needed to find out what psychological experiment was playing out. It was obvious that brute force was not the answer. She looked up to see the head of Ewan's cock disappear into her daughter's open mouth.

"Stop! I'll do it!"

No zap. Good!

Ewan didn't stop and continued to force Saskia's head down but then released her and grabbed the back of his neck.

"Oww ... what the fuck?"

Rowan chuckled sarcastically.

"Looks like the direction of travel isn't necessarily going in your direction. Let my daughter go and I'll come and give your pathetic dick the best blow-job it has ever had."

Alex caught hold of his mother's arm and turned her to face him.

"Don't do this Mum ... "

"No, babe, I need to protect my children. It's OK, it means nothing and will be over quickly but we need to think of alternative blow-jobs as a way to change the dynamics."

She winked at him but he was confused at her words ... alternative blow-jobs ... WTF?

He wanted to pull her back as she climbed onto the platform but resisted as she moved towards her daughter. Saskia was scrambling away from the odious Ewan but not suffering pain from the implant as she did. Result!

Rowan met Saskia part-way across the platform and hugged her daughter tight taking the opportunity to whisper something in her ear. Whatever she said caused Saskia's eyes to go round in surprise and to hurriedly look over at her brother before back at her smiling mother who gave a confirmatory nod. They broke apart and Saskia slid off the platform and ran to where her brother stood impotently watching their mother, his lover, knee walk towards Ewan. Alex was surprised when Saskia wrapped her arms around his neck and plastered her naked body against his. He put his own arm round her back and became aware of how good her lithe body felt to his touch despite his concentration on what was going on in front of him.

Rowan approached Ewan with an almost predatory look on her face and he became wary.

"I'm sure you will get zapped if you try to injure me so behave."

Rowan grinned evilly.

"They won't zap me, but don't forget that I've been here before and know how to play the game."

Ewan looked puzzled.

"What game?"

"Oh, it's simple. If you give them what they want then the pain goes away. So they may have started out testing the dynamics between you and us three and realised they could get their jollies if you fucked Saskia and me and would probably have got you and Alex involved in some nice homoerotic activities ... despite both your protestations as the pain would have forced you to.

"You see, the last time I was in here I came to the conclusion that this was some private live porno show and they don't mind what happens so long as they get their jollies. However, we're just about to change the game so they get a much better show and trust me they won't take kindly to you interrupting."

She turned to look over at her children and made a 'get on with it' gesture with her hand to her daughter. Saskia looked nervously up at her brother who looked confused as he was still trying to work out what Rowan had meant. His confusion turned to shock when his sister sensuously ran her hand down over his lean stomach to firmly stroke his large cock. He leapt away from her as though he had been electrocuted but then received a jolt from the implant and knew he had to move back to where his sister's caressing fingers recaptured his growing shaft; he groaned at her touch. She dropped to her knees in front of him and gazed cheekily up at her brother as her small hand gently frigged the thick organ to full hardness.

"Please Bro, can I share your toy, I promise I'll look after it. Like this ..."

She opened her mouth wide and ran the tip of her tongue along the sensitive frenulum before taking the swollen head into her mouth where she proceeded to suckle on it. Alex's shocked eyes rose to meet his mother's amused gaze.

"It's OK babe, I told her to. You see if we three put on a really good show of consensual, 3-way incestuous sex that will trump any rapey activities by dick-head here. The pair of you might want to get more comfortable up here as we might be at it for some time and I think the first activity is to teach your sister exactly how you like your cock sucked. Apparently she's had a dissatisfied customer before ... although he is going to be totally pissed off now because he will just be a spare part looking ... Owww."