The Law of Jungle Ch. 10


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"I want that whole day you make a round of the car around the jungle and before evening we will return to the bungalow, "she said.

Bipin stopped the car near the side of the road where there were a lot of fruit trees. The trees were laden with oranges, Guavas, and yellow tendus with sweet red and orange berries in the bushes.

"Can I get you something?" asked Bipin.

Archana smiled sweetly, those finely shaped dark eyebrows suggesting that perhaps the shoulder-length, rather pretty long black hair belonged to a sexy elderly lady looking like a young woman not only enticed the young driver, he was bewitched with this old woman who had given him sexual satisfaction quite a long time which he even not derived from that young tribal woman he fucked a few days before. He rushed towards her and kissed her frantically on her lips as if it was his birthright.

"Well Archana," he said, "A bunch of guavas and tendus with some sweet berries would be the best."

So pretty was she at that moment, Bipin's heart ached for her and he yearned to hold her to him, fully oblivious to the chronic age difference and the fact that she was probably more than 35 years older than him.

"I would like to accompany you while you pluck the fruits, "she said and kissed Bipin on his lips.

Both of them collected plenty of fruits and returned near to the car. Archana had stepped out onto the sidewalk and was walking to the car. Bipin leaned across and opened the left front door. Sliding onto the front seat near his driving seat in that purple-colored shalwar suit with matching kameez did wonder for the visuals for Bipin. He didn't think she even realized how sexy she was looking. Having changed into smart casual clothes, she was total a boy's dream. Whatever delicate scent that was also, merely heightened the overall effect.

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After going some way, towards the right side of the road both Dipankar and Arpita saw fallen logs crumbled into wood dust, and long splintered pieces of wood hung like javelins in the tree that had been struck by lightning. Then they could see jute plants everywhere ahead. All of a sudden their main road became narrow and led them through the bushes of jute plants on both sides and some of which were cut off. Then they found a small creek crossing over the road flowing near the jute plants. They crossed the small creek on a log which was like a tiny bridge made by the tribes. And just nearby there was the black muck of the swamp where they saw the jute stalks were tied into bundles and soaked in water.

Arpita asked, "Uncle Dipankar, what are these bundles soaked in water of this swamp?

"These are the bundles of cut-off jute stalks and this process softens the tissues and breaks the hard [pectin] bond between the bast and Jute hurd (inner woody fiber sticks) and the process permits the fibers to be separated. The fibers are then stripped from the stalks in long strands and washed in clear, running water. Then they are hung up or spread on thatched roofs to dry. After 2--3 days of drying, the fibers are tied into bundles, "explained Dipankar.

The whole nearby area was full of cornfields although the harvest was finished. There was a big mud hut near the creek.

"We are now entering into the farming areas of the tribes and that hut is most probably barn of some tribe, "explained Dipankar.

"Uncle, can we see the hut?" asked Arpita in an anxious voice.

"Sure, "he said and led her way.

They climbed a fence out of the woods and the trail was hard in the sun across the field with cropped grass and sheep sorrel and mullen growing and to the left the quaky bog of the creek bottom. Near the barn, there was fresh warm manure and the other older manure of cow dung that was caked dry on top. Then there was another fence and the hard, hot trail from the barn to the hot sandy road that ran down to the woods, crossing the creek, where the tall grasses grew.

Arpita walked barefoot along the path through the meadow below the barn tying her shoes in her rucksack. The path was smooth and the dew was cool on her bare feet. He climbed a natural fence of shrubs at the end of the meadow, went down through a ravine, her feet wet in the swamp mud, and then climbed up through the dry beech woods until they saw the piles of jute bark in long rows of stacks, roofed over with more bark, like houses, and the peeled logs lay huge and yellow where the trees had been felled.

Dipankar said, "These tribes leave the logs in the woods to rot, they don't even clear away or burn the tops. It was only the bark they wanted to make the ropes. "

"Sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," all of a sudden Dipankar signed her to remain silent, he whispered, "See those two chameleons. Pick out the net from your rucksack and hand it over to me."

Then Arpita saw two chameleons were waiting to cross the road ahead of them. Their heads had a distinct bony projection like helmets with attractive coloration. They were moving with a slow swaying gait with a bobbing movement. She could see they walked with their tails held straight, pointing obliquely upward, and displayed the typical swaying motion as if they couldn't decide whether to move forward or not. Dipankar rushed to the other side of the road with the net. Swaying their bodies in a funny way they crossed the road. When they reached the other part of the road, all of a sudden Dipankar spread the net on them. Then he picked up the two chameleons under the net with his two hands.

"Arpita come quickly and take photographs from close, "said Dipankar with a loud voice.

Arpita rushed near to him and started taking snaps of the two chameleons from various angles. She took many close photographs.

"Now, see them closely, touch them and feel them. They are harmless creatures and they would not bite you, "smiled Dipankar.

Arpita picked one of them up into her hands to see it better, where it tickled her to her immense enjoyment. She felt as if it was a little adventure.

"Arpita, now pick up your notebook and note down what I say, "said Dipankar

He continued, "This is Indian chameleon (Chamaeleo zeylanicus) which is a species of chameleon also found in Sri Lanka and other parts of South Asia. Like other chameleons, this species has a long tongue, feet that are shaped into bifid claspers, a prehensile tail, independent eye movement, and the ability to change skin color. Strangely, they do not choose the background color and may not even be able to perceive color differences. They are usually in shades of green or brown or with bands. The outermost layer of a chameleon's skin is pretty much transparent, and it has numerous layers of skin below this with each layer possessing cells called chromatophores with different pigments in them.

When the chameleon needs to change color, its nervous system tells certain chromatophores to expand, blocking off the others and causing light to reflect a different color. The deepest level of skin possesses melanophores, which, as the name suggests, contain melanin -- the brown or black pigment that we possess as well. The lightning-fast tongue is also incredibly accurate. While waiting for prey or moving about, the chameleon can rotate its eyes independently, looking in different directions at the same time. It has, pretty much, a 360-degree view of its surroundings. However, when it's about to grab its prey, it will focus both eyes forward, stretch out as much as it can toward the unsuspecting insect, and shoot its tongue out with uncanny precision."

"Now, Arpita, tell me which one of them is male or female? Can you distinguish?"Dipankar asked.

Arpita nodded her head.

"Male chameleons have two testicles which produce sperm; they are inside the body near the kidneys. Instead of having one penis like mammals, they have two penises. These are called hemipenes and are found inside the vent. Only one hemipenis is used at a time for mating. Male panther chameleons have paired reproductive structures termed hemipenes. When copulating, one of these hemipenes is everted from the vent, and inserted into the female's cloaca. When not breeding, the hemipenes are held inverted, inside the base of the tail. This causes two bulges to be visible at the base of the tail of mature males, though the bulges aren't always obvious with young animals, "explained Dipankar.

Arpita's face reddened with shyness after hearing the word 'penis' which Dipankar could feel but this was a field study and he had to explain her in detail.

"OK, Arpita, now touch under the tail of this chameleon and tell me how do you feel?" asked Dipankar.

Arpita touched and said, "Uncle, the base of her tail is nice and flat behind her vent."

"So it is a female who has a smooth taper starting from the vent area and moving down the tail, "he explained.

"Now, touch this one and tell me," Dipankar handed her other chameleon.

Arpita touched and said, "Uncle, I could feel two bulges at the base of the tail."

"Yes, that one which you have held is a male and the bulges you feel are its two hidden penises which are called hemipenes," he said.

Arpita was feeling so shy of hearing that word again from uncle Dipankar that she lowered her eyes but felt a strange sensation inside her body.

In a husky voice, she requested, "Uncle, can you hand over me the other one, I want to see the difference between them."

"Sure, "he said and handed her the other one.

With her two palms, she was watching them carefully, and then all of a sudden they jumped out from her palms and ran away.

"Sorry Uncle! They have slipped away from my palms," cried Arpita.

"Arpita follow them, "screamed Dipankar and ran after them.

Both the chameleons were running in open field chased by both Dipankar and Arpita. Then they saw a huge pile of hay like a small mountain at the height of nearly 12 to 15 feet ahead. There was scattered hay at the height of two feet all around the heap of the hay. The two chameleons climbed up at the top of the mountain of hay and from there they looked at Dipankar and Arpita and bobbed up their heads as if to challenge to catch them.

" One of us has to go up to top to catch at least one of these chameleons or drive them towards the bottom of the heap and the other one has to guard at the bottom side of the heap then only we could be able to catch at least one of them, "suggested Dipankar.

"Uncle, I will climb up to the top of the heap, "smiled Arpita.

Dipankar could see her jovial face like a child as she was thrilled to go on top of the mound of hay.

"Ok, ok, I am guarding at the bottom. Arpita, be careful, you will be slipping, "warned Dipankar.

"Uncle, I want to slip. I have watched on TV, how children play and jump on top of the hay and it would be my first experience, "she giggled.

"But dear, we have come here to catch chameleons not to play," smiled Dipankar.

Dipankar saw Arpita slowly climbing on the hay and reaching the top. She was crawling on the top of the heap and was approaching the chameleons with slow movement. Then Dipankar saw she suddenly jumped on them but the naughty chameleons slipped off from her clutch and with lightning speed came down. Dipankar rushed towards them to catch them but they jumped into a nearby bush and vanished. It was a futile attempt to search them again he thought. Then Dipankar noticed the loose stack of hay at the top under Arpita dislodged and became unstable, slowly, almost in slow motion the stack began to fall downwards along with Arpita who was also slipping along with the stack in slow motion.

"Look out!"He screamed and leaped across towards the way she was falling.

Dipankar landed in a pile of hay, flat on his back with Arpita on top of him and the force of landing of Arpita on top of him knocked the wind right out of him. He looked up at Arpita straight into her crystal black eyes. They both burst out laughing, a nervous response to the near missing of chameleons. Arpita started laughing as they rolled around the hay. He twirled Arpita and wrapped his arms around her before rolling her out again over the hay and bringing her back into the curve of his body. She laughed and followed his lead. Dipankar fell on top of her and again he rolled down and now Arpita was on top of him. Arpita couldn't stop laughing as she gasped for breath. He'd winded her, but she liked the feel of him against her.

He was laughing as well and she'd give anything to hear his deep throaty laugh. She got hay in her hair and clothes. Dipankar could not help but notice that her skirt had ridden up to her waist, and his eyes kept wandering to her pink-colored thong panties as he noticed a thin strip of her thong panties barely covered the streak line of her pussy showing the pulpy vulva bulging out from two sides with her curls of pubic hair that was peeking around the strap of her thong underwear. It was from so close just a few inches from his eyes that all of a sudden he was being turned on by this girl, his dick was hardening, his heart was beating faster, he felt his breath coming shallow and quick.

He could see clearly the folds of her labia, through that pink thin strap material. His attention to her knee had caused her legs to spread slightly, and he found himself watching feverishly out the corner of his eye as the edge of her pussy began to barely peek out from the elastic. Arpita might have seen him looking at her pussy, he was not sure, but something seemed to have made her react. Arpita was ready for some movement and her mind was working a hundred miles per minute. She was surprised to feel a tingle in that part of her body and then she felt herself blush too. It kind of turned her on to think that her Uncle thought of her as a sexual being. She reached over and kissed him firmly on his cheek.

In the next instant, Arpita was on top of him, then suddenly and without warning she leaned forwards and kissed him and felt his body. Her lips were warm and soft as she pressed them hard against his mouth. Due to sudden impulse without realizing who she was and where he was, he responded in the only way any real man would and slowly opened his mouth and Arpita slid her tongue into his mouth, his cock responding by swelling quickly. Arpita looked him deeply in the eyes again and his cock throbbed against the inside of her thigh. He guessed she felt it as she started sucking his tongue and a lot of salivae transpired between two mouths. He could see the top two buttons of her loose white shirt were already opened and two medium-sized perky breasts were peeping through her bra and he could even see her erected swollen pink nipples. Then all of a sudden his moral consciousness restricted his mind to proceed further. Soon, he realized at this teenage it was her infatuation as she was touched by a male person so intimately. She was an innocent girl and it was not her fault rather it was the fault of her age as he had known her from her infancy. Being a father-like figure, he should guide her properly that he was not her lover but he was her uncle.

"Stop it Arpita," he cried out, pushing her away from him, "Behave yourself, I want to get up."

Arpita was not listening to what he was saying to her as she was further trying to probe her tongue inside his mouth. Dipankar forcibly pushed her face from his mouth.

"What the hell is the matter with you, Arpita! Do you think it is proper to act this way?"Dipankar shouted.

Hearing his stern voice, she withdrew herself from him, stood up, and pulled her skirts up to her knees. Without looking back towards him, she started walking along the country lane towards the fence. She was not really watching where she was stepping because she was still so angry, upset, and humiliated. He found her walking, her head bent and arms folded. Dipankar halted for a moment and let her go at her own will. Then he observed she was heading in the path leading towards the mountain. Dipankar rushed towards her.

"Arpita, stop. Listen to me, that is not the way to go. Please stop, "he cried frantically.

She stopped her walking. Dipankar went near to her and touched her shoulder, "Arpita, come with me."

She pulled away from his hand from her shoulder and without turning back towards him said, "I'm happy walking."

Oh, Shit, was she sobbing? He thought.

"I'm telling you to come with me, that is not the way" he shouted.

Arpita turned toward him and he saw the evidence of her heartache. Her eyes were bloodshot and tears were running down her face.

"Stop ordering me around. You're not my father and no way in hell am I a child to be told what to do," she shouted back and stomped her foot.

He grabbed her and held her against his body. "I'm so sorry," he whispered.

He lifted her chin with one finger and ran his thumb over her lips. They were moist and warm.

Her body shook with her tears. "Why? Don't do this," she said.

"Why are you doing this?" she whispered. "You hate me, remember?"

"Arpita, listen to me, please don't misunderstand me, again I am telling you, I am extremely sorry," Dipankar appeased.

She turned towards him and said wryly, "Uncle Dipankar, how could you be so mean? How many times I have kissed you while sitting on your lap from my childhood? Was that indecent?"

"No, no dear Arpita, you are still my little Arpita. The difference is that you have now grown into a big girl, "said Dipankar in an embarrassing voice.

"So, what Uncle Dipankar? I am not that big enough that neither could I touch my Uncle nor could I kiss him who has nourished me from my infancy!" said Arpita like an innocent child.

"I shouldn't have shouted at you, sending you here alone and objected your kiss to me," he said in a soft voice.

"Only two of those do I agree with," she said, "The kiss and the shouting?"

Dipankar said, "No. The shouting and being sent out alone."

"You shouldn't have objected to the kiss," she said and Dipankar froze.

With her head held against his body, the swell of her breasts pressed against his chest and he couldn't deny the wonderful feeling of her figure snug within his arms.

"Don't say stuff like that, Arpita," he warned.

"Why not? I can't keep hiding from it and I won't lie. I enjoyed kissing you," she said.

He closed his eyes and looked away from her. Staring at her didn't help him fight the attraction, hence he said, "Not now. We'll talk another time,"

Arpita pulled away and nodded her head. The fact again of just how young she was. He should be tortured for the lustful things he thought about her. He didn't want to think about her admission or to think Arpita imagining him. After all, she was like his daughter, the best friend of his own daughter. After the long walk, she took a deep breath.

"The life should not be stepping over a boundary which God has created in our relationship, "he said.

"You kissed me but, you crossed the line or boundary, whichever term you want to use but I didn't mind your kiss," he said, "Arpita, I don't want to discuss this matter further."

Arpita nodded. Her plan of seduction wasn't working. "Can you at least tell me if you liked it?" she further asked.

She watched as he sighed and nodded his head. "Yes, I'll be honest with you. I did like your kissing me."

He picked the straw out of her hair and helped her brush her clothes off. He could tell that her eyes were teary. Then all of a sudden, she started sobbing with her teary eyes. Her sobs switched to soft hiccups. He cupped her face in his hands and tipped her head back. Dipankar was again puzzled and thought about what made this girl cry again.

"Uncle, you should know why I kissed you because I wanted to give all of my love and affection to you as I know Aunt Madhu no longer loves you as she loves my papa, your best friend, and for this, I hate my papa, "she said amongst her sobbing.

For a moment Dipankar was stunned and shocked as if he touched a live wire of electricity. How could this girl know about the secret affairs of his wife with Debasish, her father? He remained silent for a long moment. Dipankar looked ahead, there was still much forest stretched in the distance, virgin forest where the trees grew high before there were any branches and you walked on the brown, clean, springy-needled ground with no undergrowth and it was cool on the hottest day.