The Law of Jungle Ch. 10


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"Uncle, the surface of the water is not deep, it would be hardly below my knees, neither I can take bath nor swim here," said Arpita.

"Don't worry dear! This part is downstream flowing towards the river near tribal villages where it has merged. But the origin of this stream is some meters above, a little distance from here where a waterfall is there falling from a small rock mountain and the ground where it is falling, it has made a small basin of water which resembles like a big swimming pool with clear water which is called Plunge pool. This plunge pool has water up to your chest level. If you stand, your feet could touch and feel the surface ground. A person can swim easily there even a person who doesn't know swimming also cannot drown there," Dipankar explained.

"No, uncle, I am a good swimmer and after catching chameleons, I want to take bath and swim there, "her face beamed with joy.

At the edge of the meadow, Arpita looked down the stream at the trout rising. They were rising to insects coming from the swamp on the other side of the stream. The trout jumped out of the water to take them. While Arpita walked through the little stretch of meadow alongside the stream, trout had jumped high out of water. Now as she looked down the stream, the insects must be settling on the surface, for the trout were feeding steadily all down the stream. As far down the long stretch as she could see, the trouts were rising, making circles all down the surface of the water, as though it were starting to rain. The ground rose, wooded and sandy, to overlook the meadow, the stretch of stream, and the swamp. Arpita could see two Kingfishers circling above the stream; they must have wings to stay up so long. Iridescent (brilliant of color) kingfishers flashed by in a flurry of blue and gold, using the stream as a superhighway. Apart from the plunking of trout and the thrumming of wings, in the side water of the stream, she could see two strokes preying on trouts. It was convent quiet at the bottom of the stream, a haven of peace and solitude. She bent and looked straight to the clear water and looked at her reflection, "You've got to do this now with uncle. This is your only chance here, If you leave here you won't get it done," she talked to her reflection.

The sun was just up over the hill. There was the meadow, the stream, and the swamp. There were birch trees in the green of the swamp on one side of the stream and the other side was laden with fruits. She could see the sprouting of red and yellow pineapples from the ground along with the branches weighed down with full of oranges about to touch the ground. Then she could see nearby a lot of banana trees where the stems were hanging with green as well as yellow ripe bananas. The stream was clear and smoothly fast in the early noon. Down about two hundred yards were three logs all the way across the stream. They made the water smooth and deep above them. The meadow was wet with dew and Arpita wanted to catch grasshoppers for bait of chameleons before the sun dry the grass. She found plenty of good grasshoppers. They were at the base of the grass stems. Sometimes they clung to a grass stem. They were cold and wet with the dew, and could not jump until the sun warmed them. Arpita picked them up, taking only the medium-sized brown ones, and put them into the bottle.

"Come Arpita and see," Dipankar called from the side of the stream.

There were a few big trees with shrubs near the side of the stream. Arpita could see uncle sitting on a small rock and signed her to come nearer him. She rushed towards him and then she could see a lot of chameleons hopping around the branches of the trees. Due to rustle sounds on dry leaves caused by her feet, some of them vanished to nearby bushes and the other few were raising and bobbing their heads towards them.

"Uncle from this distance, I cannot take their photographs clearly. To lure them, I have brought some baits of grasshoppers if they would come near to us, "she suggested.

"That's a good idea. The Chameleons aren't active predators, but they need to eat regularly. Although they nibble on vegetation occasionally, they primarily feed on insects. This means they need a high density of bugs around them. Put the grasshoppers there so that other chameleons could come. Bring the bottle and place the grasshoppers there, "he said.

Arpita went near to the tree and opened the bottle. He placed 4/5 nos of grasshoppers on the ground near the trunk of the tree. The grasshoppers couldn't fly away due to their wet wings. Her idea worked, 3 nos of Chameleons noticed the grasshoppers and came down near the grasshoppers. One was in green color, the next one was brown and the third one was in dark purple.

Dipankar whispered, "Take maximum snaps as you can, this is the opportunity."

Arpita started taking snaps from various angles, she was very happy as their mission was successful. After taking maximum photographs, she picked out her notebook and started jutting down their various behaviors.

She asked, "Uncle, how could these chameleons be in three different colors?"

Dipankar went on explaining, "Though many lizards can change color, these chameleons have made art, as we see them go from brilliant yellow through shades of green and brown, all the way to dark purple. The chameleons can change the structural arrangement of the upper cell layer by relaxing or exciting the skin, which leads to a change in color, they found. For instance, a male chameleon might be in a relaxed state when it's hanging out on a branch and in an excited state when it sees a rival male. They can change color rapidly and the primary purpose of color change is for communication with other chameleons and for controlling body temperature by changing to dark colors to absorb heat. (Brown to red). A change can occur in as little as 20 seconds. The Chameleons are born with special cells that have a color or pigment in them. These cells lie in layers under the chameleon's outer skin. Scientists believe that chameleons change color to reflect their moods. By doing so, they send social signals to other chameleons. For example, darker colors tend to mean a chameleon is angry. Lighter colors might be used to attract mates. Some chameleons also change colors to help their bodies adjust to changes in temperature or light. For example, a chameleon that gets cold might change to a darker color to absorb more heat and warm its body. However, only adult male chameleons change color, especially when they see a rival male chameleon they want to chase away or a female to attract. "

After eating the grasshoppers, all of them jumped to a nearby bush and vanished.

Then all of a sudden Dipankar whispered, "Ssshhhhhhhhhh, I could see two chameleons, most probably one male and another one female on the branch of the tree. I guess they are going to mate with each other."

Dipankar went near to the tree and there was a small rock lying under the tree, he sat there and closely watched above. A curiosity arose in the mind of Arpita and she felt a sensation in her body when she heard the word 'mating'. She went near to uncle but couldn't see anything.

"Uncle, I cannot see them from here but you can only see them, I have to take photographs, "she said in a displeasing tone.

"From that angle, you cannot see them. You have to come behind me, look through my shoulder then only you can see them, "replied Dipankar.

Arpita stood behind uncle and bent down her body. Then she could only see one of them, the other one was hidden in the leaves of the tree.

"Uncle, I could only see one of them. The other one is hidden from this angle. Do you mind if I put my head on your shoulder?" she asked.

"Not at all dear!" he smiled.

Arpita put her entire body weight on his back and put her chin on his shoulder. Dipankar could feel the softness of her breasts pressed against his body.

"Yes, now, I can watch them clearly, "she said with a pleasing voice.

Both of them watched a small green lizard stalking another small green lizard on the branch about six feet away from them. The stalking lizard was coming up on the other one from behind, moving forward very slowly and very cautiously, and when he came within reach, he flicked out a long tongue and touched the other one's tail. The other one jumped around, and the two of them faced each other, motionless, glued to the branch, crouching, staring and very tense. Then suddenly, they started doing a funny little hopping dance together. They hopped up in the branch. They hopped backward. They hopped forwards. They hopped sideways. They circled one another like two boxers, hopping and prancing and dancing all the time. It was a queer thing to watch.

Dipankar whispered, "Arpita, I guess it is some sort of a courtship ritual they are going through before mating."

Arpita kept very still, waiting to see what was going to happen next. Then she said, "Uncle, I want to take snaps of their every action but I cannot take from here by standing and bending. I feel very inconvenient even I feel little pain on my backside due to the constant bending of my body. There is no alternative unless I sit on your lap. You will go on explaining otherwise I cannot know their body language and simultaneously I could take photographs also."

"Sitting on my lap? "A bewildering expression flickered in his eyes.

"Yes, on your lap, do you have any problem? Cannot you bear my weight on your lap?" asked Arpita in a cool voice.

"No. It's okay. Just sit on my lap," Dipankar glanced down at her two white legs protruding from her knee-length skirts.

Arpita gingerly sat on his lap. He widened his two legs to make space for her. She moved her skirt a little out from under her, and he could see a flash of her pink thong panties. Then Arpita placed her thong-clad ass on his crotch area. Her ass was rested on top of the crotch area of his pants. Her soft little ass was warm. She adjusted a little causing his dick to jerk. Dipankar held her waist and she rocked her ass a little for her convenience to sit comfortably. Dipankar felt he was going to be crazy. This girl and her movements were so filled with lust and yearning. He tried to divert his mind and attention as he was already successful to resist his urge and temptation due to close intimation of her body touch in woods a few hours before.

He became acutely aware of the shape of her body against him. Two buttons of her loose shirt at the top were already unbuttoned which allowed him a bird's eye view of her perfect cleavage. He could almost see the faint outline of a nipple near the outline of the cup of her bra through the top of her unbuttoned shirt. Arpita adjusted to try to get more comfortable and he could feel the crack of her ass lightly trace his cock. Dipankar knew she didn't intend for it to do so, she was just too innocent. Plus, she and he didn't have that kind of relationship which he made clear to her in the woods. Arpita looked at him like her papa. How could he betray her trust? So he tried to focus his concentration on the chameleons.

"Uncle, it is too hot here, "she said and unbuttoned two more buttons of her shirt.

Then both could see the male chameleon slowly grabbing the tail of the female and both were still in that position. Arpita's heart was beating fast what would be next? But there was no movement from either side of the chameleons.

It had been about ten minutes, but the warmth and softness of her body against him were too distracting. She was taking snaps of the two chameleons from different angles resulting in her body was moving frequently. As she moved more to adjust her ass on his crotch area often, it was creating awkward friction between her ass and his crotch area, and her body melted into his; the closeness felt amazing. His cock was getting harder and pushing up along her crack toward her pussy. Luckily the tension in his briefs was keeping his cock from pressing fully into her crack; otherwise, he was sure she would feel it.

All of a sudden she said, "Uncle, I have a problem, something is biting me under the flesh."

Dipankar was shocked. Oh my God! The girl must be feeling his erect cock on her naked flesh.

"What!" he exclaimed.

"I think that is the prong, the pointed portion of your belt, "she said coolly.

He was relaxed, "Dear, just stand up for a while, I will unbuckle my belt."

When Arpita disengaged from his lap and stood up, she glanced towards his crotch area and found a big bulge there. She smiled for her victory. With back towards her, he unbuckled his belt but at the same time, he unhooked his pants and pulled his briefs down past his knees. But hardly was he aware of the fact that from her side glance Arpita was watching his action and was smiling. He zipped his pants making free his erect cock just below the zipper and sat on the rock.

"I think, now it would be ok. Dear, you can sit comfortably, "he said and spread his legs.

Arpita sat on him and now she could feel the cylindrical shape of his cock directly on her naked flesh as her ass was grinding against his cock. After some time, she whispered, "Uncle, see, the male is moving slowly on the top of the female."

Both of them could see slowly the male mounted on the female. Dipankar whispered, "Now, their mating will take place."

Then they saw once properly mounted, the vent of the bulged area underneath the tail of the male chameleon opened, and a pink and fleshy organ like a small stick of match popped out. At the same time, a small slit was opened under the tail of the female, and the mounted male without delay inserted the fleshy stick inside the hole under the tail of the female.

Arpita felt a twitch inside her pussy. The scene was so erotic that Dipankar's cock was almost completely hard, and the pressure buildup felt like he could explode. Arpita could feel his throbbing cock beating near her ass crack. She lifted her ass a little above and sat above his erect cock as if to adjust her seat and felt that his erect cock was nestled within her ass crack. My God! This girl was crazy, what was she doing? Dipankar was on the verge of ejaculating but he controlled himself because it would be a sheer embarrassment for him. Dipankar needed some distraction or he would go crazy as the warm ass was grinding against his cock. It would be better to start some conversation with her.

"Arpita, take some photographs of their copulation," he said.

"Yes, uncle, I am taking, "she said and started taking some snaps.

Then she asked, "Uncle, what's the name of that stick-like pink fleshy thing of the male?

"Dear, I told you the name near the barn when we caught those two chameleons but you forgot so soon. Note down the name. This pink fleshy thing is the penis of Chameleon, but they have two penises as I told you earlier. These reproductive organs are called Hemipenes which become moist during their copulation. They are located just under and on either side of the male chameleon's vent which is called cloacal opening under the tail. Many male lizards and some other reptiles like snakes have hemipenes."

They saw the male chameleon after inserting its organ was still without body movement over the female.

"Uncle, how much time they will remain in this position?"Arpita further asked.

"The copulation between the two can take anywhere from ten to thirty minutes. Once done the male leaves the female and both the male and female go out to search for another potent.

Actual mating can last anywhere from around 10 minutes to around 45 minutes. Many times, the male will try and mate again (and sometimes, again and again). As long as the female goes along with it and doesn't show gravid coloration. Now they will not move from their place. You can take photographs comfortably, "said Dipankar.

He immediately noticed her long perfectly smooth legs. Her hands had risen to either side to hold the camera and take snaps from different angles and her skirt was now riding high up on her thigh. The top portion of her shirt was virtually opened with exposure of her black bra making her perfect cleavage even deeper. It already took all his willpower not to grab her juicy breasts with one hand, hoist her up with the other, and fuck her right here. He closed his eyes.

"Uncle, I have finished my photographs and there is nothing to do more except wait for the end of their copulation. Isn't it funny that these lizards and reptiles have two organs whereas animals and human beings have one organ! "she smiled.

"How did you know that animal has one organ?" asked Dipankar.

"I have seen a dog doing that thing to a bitch near our house and it had a long pink thing, "she replied innocently.

Ohh my God! This girl was so innocent that she might not have heard or understood the meaning of words like'fucking', 'cock', ' cunt' and 'pussy'except'penis'and 'vagina' he thought.

"I am glad that you have some general knowledge, "smiled Dipankar.

"Uncle, now we have nothing to do anything except wait for the ending of the copulation of these lizards. So, in the meantime, why don't you train me and teach me what you promised me in the woods? Uncle, I am very much afraid of the boys of our college as I have heard they take some of my friends to a lonely place and do those sex things. Please train me how to deal with them and tell me the details of their doing those things with girls for my precautions, "asked Arpita in a simple voice.

Then further she said, "Wait uncle, it would be better if I sit facing you so that I should listen carefully to what you say even it would be easier for you to demonstrate me by touching me, "she said and got down from his lap.

Then Arpita climbed again by straddling her two legs on either side of his thighs, encircling his waist with her two hands, and pushed herself forward with such a force that his erect cock was nestled just at the entrance of her pussy, and then she kissed him on his lips. Dipankar remained silent for a moment then thought really this girl was completely ignorant about sex although she was fingering herself to satisfy her sexual urges. If he did not apprise of the details of sex, definitely this girl would be exploited and end in fucking by some boy of her college.

"Boys will be ready to do sexual things when they first pick you up for your date. But you shouldn't just jump right into that. Sex can be a wonderful thing, but you need to have some feelings for each other before you go that far. So the first thing you should do is get to know each other."

She nodded and he went on, "Talk about all kinds of things. Ask him questions about himself and he'll talk for hours. Talk about movies you liked and didn't like, whether he likes cars, jobs, all that kind of thing. Probably the first thing you should do physically is a dance with him. "

He took Arpita in his arms and began to sway back and forth. She put her arms around him and pressed her body against his. She felt so soft and warm. Her pointed breasts were pressing into his chest and he started to get hard again. He dropped his hands to her buttocks and pulled her towards him resulting in his erect cock was touching the entrance of her pussy.

Arpita giggled and said, "Like this, touching each other's body closely."

"But when both of your bodies touch each other intimately, the boy may indicate to take a privilege to touch any part of your body and the decision is yours to allow him or not, "he said.

After a few more minutes of this, all the friction, body heat, and pressure added up, and he couldn't think straight anymore. His body started acting on its own. First, he gently set his right hand on her right thigh. God, her skin was so soft. He lightly wrapped his left arm around her skinny waist and pulled her tight against his body. Arpita stirred slightly, and he quickly relaxed his grip around her waist. She relaxed again and slumped her body against him. He held this position with his arm around her waist, and his hand on her right thigh for a while, just enjoying the feel of the young girl pressed against him. He used his left hand to softly massage along her flat stomach, slowly rising higher and higher until he reached her under boob.