The Live-In


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In the afternoons, Jake would arrive home and immediately strip down and fuck Amanda wherever he found her. During these sessions, she was usually preoccupied with some other task. Jake learned quickly that she liked to draw and play video games as well. Their afternoon fucks usually involved Amanda bent over the dining room table with her sketch pad in front of her. Jake would then continue his afternoon with the same old hobbies and past times until he was ready for bed. He would ask Amanda into his room for one of their more impassioned sessions. In general, Amanda let him fuck her and, even though she came sometimes, she barely paid it any attention. But for the last fuck of the day, she gave it her full attention.

Amanda rarely wore clothes around the house. She explained that her biomods made them a lot less necessary, and Jake did not pry any further as he saw no reason to complain about the beautiful naked woman in his apartment. Ultimately it didn't matter much until the weekends. Lounging around the house, he would watch her go from one room to the other and call her over to have him bounce on his dick until he filled her up with his cum. After a week, it was all second nature.

Jake, too, started to lounge around naked or, at best in his underwear. It simply made things easier. Also, it accommodated his rising libido. He noticed it during their second week together. Since Amanda had arrived, he'd gone from masturbating one or two nights a week to fucking and cumming buckets three to five times a day. He asked Amanda if that had anything to do with her biomods, but she didn't think so. They told her that men tended to rise to the occasion. With no social constraints on sex, demand had increased, and a man's body would kick in with extra supply. At any rate, it resulted in a dramatic improvement in Jake's mood.

He did not know of this change in his attitude until the morning that Robin sat down and actually spoke to him. "So what's up with you?"


"You're all cheerful and helpful nowadays," she explained as the bus lurched forward. "I'm starting to think you're a pod person or something."

The sudden conversation flummoxed him. He found himself trying to look less cheerful, though he didn't know what that would look like at all. "No, same old me." The lie faltered on his lips and behind it came a welling of shame. Amanda had been a wonderful addition to his life, and it felt wrong to pretend that she didn't exist. "No, that's not true. I enrolled in that new Residential SSA thing. I have a woman living with me now. She's great."

If Robin was shocked, it did not show on her face. "Oh, well good for you," she said. They rode the rest of the way in silence. Though Jake imagined a cloud of anger between them, he had no evidence that the commute was any different than any other.

That evening, after finishing on Amanda's ass, they sat together watching television, and Jake decided to tell her about Robin. Amanda listened patiently as he recounted a romanticized version of the previous year. He ended with the story of that morning's conversation. At the end of it all, Amanda shrugged and said, "You should ask her out."

"What? No, I can't do that. She's...I mean she's obviously not interested in me."

"How is that obvious? She brings you coffee in the mornings. You have lunch with her most days. There's what? Thirty people in that office and for how long were you two the only ones not fucking the office SSA volunteers?"

Jake's head felt as if it had been thrown into a wall. How could he have missed something so obvious? "I mean, yeah. But I'm not the reason for that. She had her own thing going on. Like I told you."

Amanda leaned back into the corner of the couch and spread her legs. Her fingers went down to her pussy and started to stroke it mindlessly while she conversed. This had embarrassed Jake the first time he saw her do it, but now it only served to arouse him faster. His eyes focused on her fingers tracing slowly up and down her slit, and he felt himself getting hard again already. He definitely believed it was more than a supply and demand scenario for his refractory period to be diminishing so quickly. "So, you ask her out and what's the worse that can happen? If she says no, you can come home, and I'll blow you. If she says yes, then you go home with her and maybe she blows you. Then you can come back here, and I'll blow you again anyway." She giggled at her own vague cleverness and pushed her fingers into her pussy.

Jake considered the idea carefully. In the short time Amanda had been with him, he'd let go of many of his anxiety hangups. As hard as he could, he tried to remember why he hadn't asked Robin out before. The old worries came back again like "what if she hates you" but the answers had changed. He made his decision and resolved to talk with her the next day. In the meantime, he moved Amanda's hand out of the way and slipped easily into her pussy.


She said yes. No fanfare or fumbling, but a simple "sure." Jake asked Robin out during lunch. He suggested they have dinner as a date later that week. And they did. During the overpriced meal, they talked about their histories and a few of their hobbies. The conversation was much different than any the two had before. Outside of work, Robin seemed more relaxed and open. She told Jake about growing up in Florida and where she was educated. Jake in turn told her about his own upbringing and tried not to bore her with his somewhat boring life. On the whole, the meal went very well and at the end of it, the two stood outside of the restaurant and exchanged awkward smiles. That was when the inevitable conversation arose.

"So, do you go home and fuck your roommate now?" Robin asked. Jake knew her well enough to hear no malice or jealousy in her tone. She asked as she would have asked what time he was leaving work so that she could get him some information before he left. But, out of her own need to be clear, she elaborated. "I'm not judging you or anything. I don't know much about how the live-ins work. After you told me about her, I looked it up and did some reading, but you know they don't tell much of how it works once it's set up."

Jake nodded along, feeling the bloom of red on his cheeks. He nodded down the street, and they began to walk back towards their neighborhood. "Uh, yeah. If I feel like it when I get home."

They continued, not speaking, and hearing the click of their shoes on the sidewalk. They passed their bus stop before Robin continued, "It's crazy though, right? The world's gone crazy?" She asked in a way that showed her more vulnerable than Jake had ever seen. For the first time, she wasn't the tall, proud woman with a will of steel and a mind full of wit. She looked smaller and afraid, as if a core foundation had been dislodged.

Jake shook his head and chose his words carefully. "I thought that for a while. But then I thought that we made up all the rules in the first place. The old way isn't any more right than the new way. Maybe the world was wrong up until we fixed. Maybe the world should be like this. I didn't use the girls at work because I felt like that was breaking some rule that I had for myself. With Amanda, I realized that my rule was dumb. I kept that rule, that line in the sand, because I worried about what would happen if I crossed it. I imagined that everything would get worse. That I would be more lonely and more unhappy. Maybe I was lucky, but taking that step and letting go of my hesitations made things better."

Robin looked at him dead in the eye. Her gravitas seemed to return and with it came a warm smile. "I like you, Jake. A lot. I'm not great at showing it, and I never have been. When you told me that you had a live-in, I freaked out because I thought you'd finally gotten away from me. So I'm telling you now. I —"

He interrupted her with his lips pressing against her own. He'd kissed Amanda many times over the past weeks, but none of them had felt like this. His heart fluttered in his chest and he felt lightheaded. More than ever, he was aware of his body, and her hands pressing against his hips. They broke apart smiling. "Sorry."

"That's ok. It was nice." She took his hands into her own. "Look, I don't want to be to quick about this, but I've wanted you to kiss me for longer than I can remember. And for not much less than that, I've wanted to do other things. Since it's a brave new world and all, why don't we go do them."

Jake felt an explosion of panic in his chest like cold, spikey tendrils wrapping around his guts. "Sure, yeah."

"Also, I want to meet this Amanda."


"Oh hi, you must be Robin. Wow, you're pretty!" Amanda greeted them as they entered Jake's apartment. As usual, she was stark naked. If that bothered, Robin, she didn't show it. "How's your date going?"

Robin answered, "Pretty good, I think. Personally, I've decided that I've been a prude for entirely too long."

"Yeah? We just got Jake past that. You two are probably perfect for one another. Jake's a good guy. Big fat cock too. Not one of those modded ones."

Jake's face turned beet red as Robin's eyes widened in surprise. "Thanks, Amanda, good seeing you. I think we're going to go back to a bar or something now—" he joked, half serious.

Robin stopped him. "Actually, I have some questions for her. Can we talk? In your room. You don't mind if we have a little girl time do you Jake?"

He minded very much. The idea of his live-in telling things to his potential girlfriend horrified him, but he had no real grounds to object, nor did he think Amanda meant him any harm. "Sure, I'll have a beer and sit awkwardly in the living room." He watched Robin follow Amanda into the back. Right before they turned the corner, he saw Robin's hand slide against Amanda's delectable ass. Nervous, but still aroused by the thought of Robin being in his apartment at all let alone in the back with his live-in, he grabbed a beer from the kitchen and swigged it down. The minutes ticked by with a heavy weight settling on his shoulders. He felt uncomfortable and trapped. He'd not been in his apartment this long fully clothed since Amanda's arrival. By the time he finished the beer, he was almost angry enough to barge into Amanda's room and demand to know what they were talking about. At that moment, Amanda appeared.

"Jake? Robin would like to see you."

Confused, he followed Amanda back to her room. As he entered, he discovered Robin sitting on Amanda's bed. She'd stripped and had her legs spread wide with her fingers rubbing her pussy much like Amanda did. "Us girls had a chat." Amanda crawled on to the bed and lowered her head between Robin's thighs, eliciting a gasp. "I think it's too forward for us to fuck on the first date, but that doesn't mean we can't both fuck Amanda. I want to watch you use her. Take that fat cock she keeps bragging about out and let me watch you shove it in her."

Jake needed no further instruction. His cock ached at the sight of the woman he loved being pleasured by a woman he had come to love entirely differently. Amanda's bubble butt swayed in the air as she lapped at Robin's pussy. Jake eyed Robin's naked body as he stripped down to his boxers. She squeezed her tits and licked her lips while keeping her eyes on the bulge in his boxer shorts. Jake climbed onto the bed before lowering the band of his shorts and letting his dick spring out and slap against Amanda's ass. He grabbed it by the base and whacked it against her flesh, enjoying the sight of the ripples in her butt. Then he locked his gaze to Robin's, gripped his cock in his hand, and pushed it against Amanda's pussy. He slid inside her with ease. Amanda sighed with pleasure and took that opportunity to slide her fingers inside Robin. The threesome paused for a moment before Jake began to fuck into Amanda.

"Is this what you do every day? Come home and fuck her hot little pussy?" Robin taunted. "Her mouth is pretty good too. Does she suck your cock to wake you up in the morning?" Jake's hands gripped Amanda's hips tighter, slamming harder and harder into her. "Do you want to fuck me like that? Do you want me to turn around and slap my ass against hers so you can take turns feeling how tight our pussies are? Is there enough cum in those balls to fill us both up with your spunk?" Her eyes started to involuntarily close as Amanda's tongue and fingers worked faster. Amanda's own orgasm neared and Jake felt her pussy walls contracting around his length.

Robin cried out and grabbed the back of Amanda's head, pushing her hard against her pussy. Jake slowed his pace to long strokes as he watched Robin's body shake with orgasm. He'd never seen anything so amazingly beautiful and hot. As Robin came down from her waves of pleasure, he pulled out of Amanda with a wet slurp and rolled her onto her back before plunging himself back inside of her. "You want me to fuck her? Are you sure you don't want to take her place?" Jake started to pound into Amanda harder, the wet slap of skin against skin filling the room. Robin's fingers had replaced Amanda's as she watched Jake fuck the other woman, but envy was clear on her face. "If you want my cock in you, all you have to do is turn around and stick that tight ass in the air."

Surprisingly, she did exactly that. She moved quickly and was soon arching her ass up at him, begging him to fuck her. Amanda looked up and said, "Go ahead big boy, fuck her like you fuck me." Jake moved over behind the woman he loved. His hands groped her body as his cock nudged against her pussy lips. Before he could do anything else, Amanda had taken him into her hand and guided him into Robin's slit. Amanda laid back down on the bed and wriggled underneath Robin, taking one of the other woman's heavy breasts into her mouth as she started to play with her own pussy. Jake didn't last much longer. He wrapped his arms around Robin's stomach and pulled her up against him, managing to stay buried inside of her as he came, filling her up with more cum than he thought possible. It dribbled out of her wet pussy and down her thighs as Amanda stroked her from the bed. The three of them collapsed into a tangle as they all sighed in contentment.

"That was fucking amazing," Jake finally whispered. "What were you two talking about in here for so long?" His right arm wrapped around Robin and the left around Amanda as they pressed their naked bodies against his.

"Oh, Amanda gave me the number of her recruitment officer," Robin said. "You know, if sometime down the road I wanted to enroll."

Amanda's hand drifted down to his cock. "Plenty of this to share whether she's enrolled or not. But if you two stay together, the breeder program pairs well with the live-in one."

Jake looked to Robin, "So, are we staying together? Do you want to go on another date?"

Robin's hand joined Amanda's on his cock. "I think this one went ok. Can't wait for the next."

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TxHoss060TxHoss060about 1 year ago

Definitely one of the best free use stories out there. Love to read another...

Junglemania13Junglemania13over 1 year ago

Amazing. Simply amazing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This was one of the few good free use stories on this site. Well done.

BlaflerblooBlaflerblooabout 3 years ago

I would love to read a follow up!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Fun read. Please explore further!

Would be cool if you could write more. The fantasy of a loving relationship with one woman, with a "live-in" on the side is something i find really interesting.

PiscatorPiscatorabout 4 years ago

Nice pace and exploration of an alternative future,

ShadowRosieShadowRosieabout 4 years ago
Not a good choice

Not a good thing. Having a third in a relationship always screws everything up. Been there, been divorced twice, I eventually learned.

ShadowRosieShadowRosieabout 4 years ago

Sorry, you screwed the pooch right there. Have fun, the ball is now dropped in the dirt.

LiterKnightLiterKnightabout 4 years ago

Definitely a lot of world left to really explore, plenty is hinted at or referenced (ie the breeder program) that can be explored further in later additions to the setting (should you decide to write more). I wasn't sure I'd enjoy it at first, but it's pretty good

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Really liked it.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great chapter

Thinking about the entire thing as a possibility my honest answer is of course,

“Yeah, why not?”

So many problems revolve around sex and relationships, this concept is sexual freedom at its best. Love the story it’s very cleverly done.

Tess (UK)

SirCarlSirCarlabout 4 years ago
Well Done!

Exceptionally well thought out, written, and presented. Keep going.

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