The Lost Prince Bk. 02


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"Certainly," Superbia smiled. "But this far away from the mainland, things are a little different. The Lamia are generally a passive people, and only riled when forced to defend themselves."

Colin thought about all the Lamia he had seen in Greymoore, Pratum and the villages. There really weren't all that many. And those he had seen, were all busy doing something. Which put a bit of weight to her words. Even now, Colin could see several Lamia just lounging about. Whether it was a pause between jobs, or even a guard who was sunning himself on a roof several blocks over.

"Alright," Colin nodded. "Let's get out of the way first. Make some room for Abella."

They murmured in agreement, as Alug and Gula slipped through the women and plastered themselves to his sides.

"We're your stress balls," Alug smiled.

"Just give us a squeeze, wherever you want," Gula winked.

Colin laughed as they hemmed him in. Mary led the way, directing them to a clear spot on the docks, before she turned and waited. When Colin joined the rest, he waited as Abella, perched upon her Moloch, was hoisted over the side with a crane. The big creature was wearing a saddle like an oversized horse. It also had a strip of fabric tied over its face, likely to prevent it panicking. The crane shifted over and Colin could make out the captain giving directions as it lowered Abella onto the dock.

As she set down, the beautiful Mino slipped off the creature's back and started working on the harness.

"Right, she'll be done in a moment. What's the first thing we should do?"

"I'm pretty hungry," Gula mumbled.

"Food actually sounds wonderful," Superbia nodded in agreement.

"You're just jealous you can't live on his cock, like I can," Libi giggled.

"We can try!" Kasey called from Harley's back.

That set off some laughter, although Ira remained stoic, she shuffled nervously, before rubbing her face on Colin's side. It was only for a moment, and then she was gone once more. Scowling and watching for danger. Colin felt comfortable even if someone tried to bother them. They wouldn't get all that far. Ira, his tool, monster and killer, wouldn't allow it.

When the heavy clomps of a Moloch's hooves joined them, Mary led the large group down the rest of the dock into town. They attracted many stares from the cities inhabitants. But like Superbia said. They were rather passive. Little more than passing interest in the large group, with only a handful of murmured complaints.

The first few buildings they passed were clearly warehouses. And calling them buildings was a stretch. They were stone walls, with doorways cut into the front. The roofs of these buildings were large tarps, suspended with metal rings, mounted in the walls. Buildings that actually had roofs, were made with terracotta tiles laid flat. Then there were the elaborate buildings, show casing tall, ornate spires.

"They build like that because wood is expensive," Libi smiled. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"It is," Colin nodded, before staring at Libi until she noticed where his attention was.

The Succubus blushed as a smile broke over her face. "As beautiful as my sister?"

"Don't compare yourselves," Colin growled. "You aren't your sister, and she isn't you."

"But what if I wanna compare with her?" Libi pouted, before stroking her stomach. "What if I wanna see how much my belly swells, and see if she matches me?"

Colin almost stumbled at the thought of having both sisters and their mother. On their knees, stroking their pregnant stomachs as they... He shook his head again to clear his thoughts. Then, as an afterthought, he gripped the twins' asses, making them giggle and press in close.

"We want it too," Alug whispered into his ear.

"All swollen and pregnant," Gula whispered into the other.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Colin snorted. "Enough, unless you want to make a public spectacle."

"Is that an off--"

"Ladies," Cupiditas sighed. "Now is not the time. Let's get something to eat, then look into supplies and whether or not there is transport."

"If there's transport, why do we need a guide?" Ira growled.

"There aren't any roads here," Libi reached back to stroke Ira's head. She would never admit it, but Colin watched his Fusa's reaction to the head pat, and her spikes shivered the same way when he patted her. "The transport will move us, but we still need to steer."

"Will the Moloch and Harley be fine in this heat?"

"They'll be fine," Abella said as she brought the Moloch closer. "Moloch are native to these lands, and the Ester's fur is a fantastic insulator."

"Great," Colin nodded. "What do we do for food then?"

Their day progressed slowly at first. People didn't really want to deal with their large group. So they opted for sending Superbia's soldiers around to make their purchases. At least, most of the purchases. There were many stands dotted about. Merchants selling their wares. These, at least, seemed not to care about the size of Colin's entourage. In fact, it seemed the opposite, with them being paid special attention.

Which is how Colin spotted the series of leather belts and straps. Gula and Alug paid no worries as Colin steered them away from the others as he browsed the wares.

"Yes, hello!" The Lamia merchant bowed. "What is it you seek today?"

Colin smiled and explained what he was looking for. Several minutes later, and a promise of silence from the twins, Colin rejoined his group as they continued their slow march through the town. Someone had collected a basket of the dark fruits from the palms for them to share. Colin hadn't tried one yet, but the smile from Kasey told him they were tasty.

A little further on, Gula stepped away to pay for a cook's entire tray of meats. There were drumsticks from a creature Colin couldn't identify. But he chuckled at how large it was, reminding him of a cartoon he saw as a kid. Like that caveman in the show, he held a haunch of meat with a bone in it that was as long as his forearm. He took a large bite. It was slightly sweet, with a layer of salt that made the smokey hint pop as he chewed.

"What is this?" He asked, eagerly taking another bite.

"Phrentie," Ira grunted as she ate the comically large drumstick. "Big lizard."

"We'll save some for Veronica," Kasey told the group, to a murmur of agreement.

Colin thought about the meat for a moment, before deciding he didn't really care. He had likely eaten all sorts of things since arriving in hell. It didn't really matter anymore.

"So," Colin swallowed his mouthful. "We've got supplies," he nodded at the bags hanging from Abella's saddle. "We've got new equipment," he nodded at the tent strapped to Harley's back. Their original tent was heavy and made of canvas. This was a far lighter material designed for the deserts and enchantments to alter the temperature. Colin had argued about needing the heavier one as they headed south into the frozen tundra. But Ira had refuted that, by stating they'd need something far warmer than heavy canvas to survive there. With the temperature controlled tent, despite its lightweight material, it would keep them much warmer.

"What else is there?"

"Mounts," Mary pointed to the edge of town. "We could use two between the eight of us. Though Ira might have to sit in someone's lap."

The Fusa growled menacingly, and Colin patted her head to soothe her. "Is there a reason we can't just bring three?"

"Feeding them can be tricky," Libi frowned. "More mouths need more meat. Phrentie can hunt somewhat. But there's not a lot of opportunities in the desert."

Colin nodded, despite Ira's ball of fury. He would just sit her on his own lap and keep her calm for the trip. "And how long will it take to make the trip?"

"Perhaps a week?" Mary guessed. "The weather can be unpredictable, then there's the time of year."

"Those without Phrentie travel only at night and shelter during the day," Libi started getting the group moving once more.

"And the Moloch isn't going to struggle on the sand?"

"We'll be fine," Abella smiled. "You'll see."

"What about Zippy?"

"The desert gets plenty of mist overnight," Mary nodded. "That amount of moisture will keep the Petulara going."

Colin let it go as they made their way to a business at the edge of the town. And he had to do a double-take as he spotted one of the massive creatures. It was as long as a school bus from nose to the tip of its tail. The massive lizard reminded him of the type that lived in Central Australia, although a bastardized version of the one back home, famous for its frills.

It had a rather short snout that was wide and rather flat. And it walked in an odd swishing pattern from side to side. The driver was perched on its shoulders in a strange saddle that looked more like a collection of pillows. Behind him was several crates, strapped into a special harness that didn't seem to bother the lizard at all.

"Wow," Abella nodded. "That's a big one."


"Yeah," the Mino nodded. "They can all get that big after a while. But only the merchants manage it. The rest either get killed in the desert, or butchered for meat."

Colin nodded as the lizard passed over the lip of the first dune. Its long tail swished from side to side, vanishing a few moments later. He made his way inside the stone building while Kasey and Abella waited out on their own mounts. The stifling heat was only slightly cooler than outside, and before they had truly started, Colin already wanted a brief reprieve. What he hadn't been expecting though, was the sudden swathe of bare flesh. All but Ira had stripped off in the front room, where a middle-aged Lamia woman was handing out thin travel garments.

"Ah," she smiled toothily. "You must be the Prince."

Colin heard the casual tone and immediately felt defensive. But all she did was offer him a set of clothing like his wives and lovers. Colin took it and opened it out. It was like something he'd seen while watching an old movie about a lost ark. With her task done, the Lamia slithered off, leaving Colin to dress with his women.

"We should get a spare for Veronica," he announced as he took off his shirt.

"Got one for her and the others," Libi smiled as the woman paused to stare.

"Take a photo ladies," Colin chuckled as he stripped down to his underwear, before pulling the new outfit into place. It was a bit breezy and left his nether regions a little too exposed for his comfort. But he could already see the advantages to that during the hottest peaks in the desert. With the show over, Libi blew him a kiss and led the group out a back door into... The strangest holding pen Colin had ever seen.

The Phrentie's were tied up like a horse would, with a bridle and a lead going to a post. But they only needed a small amount of vertical space. So they were also stacked four high, floor to ceiling in cubbyholes. The lizards had bindings around their eyes like Abella's Moloch did, which must have kept them comfortable.

"I'll set you up with a pair of the stronger ones," the Lamia nodded to the back. "We wouldn't want any trouble."

"What if trouble finds us?" Colin asked, still feeling off by the woman.

"Trouble is likely to find you, young Prince. But the troubles of the desert won't touch our mounts. In fact, everyone knows they will be rewarded simply for returning them."

"It's fine," Ira pressed herself against his side. "Their words hold more venom than their fangs. If she wanted to fight you, she would have done so already."

"Just means there might be a group of bandits out there waiting," Colin grunted.

"And after ripping their fucking limbs off, you can make love to me on their steaming corpses," she hissed.

Colin grinned and gently stroked her head as they watched the woman retrieve the two lowest levelled Phrenties'. The creatures were large. Not as large as the one he saw outside. But large enough that Colin could see three people sitting on it. Four for his own where he would carry Ira. They seemed happy enough to be lead along like horses would. And the woman brought them both around and tied them to the same post.

The next twenty minutes was a basic lesson on saddles and care. Colin and his lovers were shown on one, and had to repeat the actions on the other. And only when the Lamia was happy they understood what they needed, did they finally get to ride them.

Superbia climbed up first. She would sit directly on the big lizard's shoulders. Behind her, Colin climbed up, where he then held out his hand for Ira to join him. The Fusa stared furiously around the room at everyone, making sure they knew not to speak of the situation. But Colin was secretly happy as she snuggled back into him. The practice she had taken on keeping her spines flat was really paying off.

Behind him was Cupi. The dark feathered Raum winning the last seat. Not that Colin could fault her. Of all his wives, she was the one he had spent the least amount of time with. So he welcomed her aboard. At the very back, was Libidine. With her wings, it made it easier to stretch out without knocking anything. The four of them got comfortable while they waited for the other's to mount up on their Phrentie.

Alug and Gula went up first, with Invidia taking up the rear where her abdomen could lie across the back hips of the lizard. She was rather light for her size. But that weight was still spread out over a larger exterior than the rest of them. And with the three seated, the Lamia used the last Phrentie to hold a set of large saddlebags that would hold bundles of the dark-skinned fruit to serve as their water supply.

Set and ready, the Lamia took Colin's Phrentie by the reins and led them outside. The second lumbered along behind the first. And like Colin expected, it was a strange swaying pattern as it walked. The body shifted from side to side, rather than up and down. But it lacked the harsh bounce of a horse at a trot, which made the gentle movement easier to endure.

"Now, Miss," The Lamia tossed the reins to Superbia. "You're on steering. They're not hard. Just pull in the direction you want to go. Pull them both to stop. And keep pulling and they'll start moving back, just watch the tails. They really don't enjoy going backwards."

"Delightful," Superbia droned as she gave the leashes a few experimental tugs.

As Superbia got used to driving, Colin, Ira, Cupiditas and Libidine held on for what was a rather slow ride. They made a loop of the small area out the back, before a buzzing sound came from overhead. Colin looked up, to see Veronica buzzing low on Zippy's back. That must have been the signal for Abella, Kasey and Mary to join them.

Harley ran over the sand, unbothered by the loose shale. The Phrentie's ignored him completely as the playful cat rushed past them both. Abella was more subdued on her Moloch that... well it was like watching a hippopotamus hop through shallow water. Only it was far larger, and this was sand. And to Colin's great surprise, it was almost as fast as Harley had been, if not as excited as she slowed to a halt beside them rather than rush past.

But it was Mary that really drew Colin's eye. She hummed with power as bones burst up from the surface. Her pets as she called them surged into life, forming a living machine of bleached bones. They twisted, formed, broke and reformed once again. Until finally, she appeared to be riding atop some strange multi-limbed insect that skittered about the surface of the sand with ease. And as she got closer, Colin could see her saddle, was more like a throne.

"Well?" Mary called. "The day isn't getting any longer!"

"Now remember!" The Lamia called as she backed away from the Lich. "Something happens to you; those lizards will find their own way home. Same goes if you forget to tie them up!"

Colin waved at the friendly warning, before patting Superbia on the shoulder. "Let's go."

Superbia gave him a small growl, before pulling the reins harder than she had before. The Phrentie responded immediately, whirling around to face the Lich. But she too was already in motion. Colin looked over his shoulder and smiled at the sight of Alug moving to join them as Mary's mount moved off in the same direction as the merchant Phrentie.

The climb was swift and the big lizard's didn't seem to be bothered by the weight they carried. It hauled itself up over the dune, giving Colin the first real look at what was beyond. Not that it was going to help much. It was just dunes. Dunes as far as they eye could see, and in the clear mid-afternoon sunlight, that was a very long way.

Veronica buzzed overhead once more as she started her scouting patterns. She would be invaluable if there really was an ambush waiting for them. With the dips among the dunes, it would be easy for bandits attack unnoticed until it was too late. The only thing that broke the sight on the horizon, was the appearance of the Merchant Phrentie off in the distance.

"Do we follow?" Colin called out.

Mary turned her head back to regard him. "We're looking for the Capital?"

"Yes!" Libidine called from the rear. "That's where we'll find Flos Desertum."

Colin hadn't heard the name of the city before. But Mary acted like she had. The merchant seemed to follow a parallel line to the ocean. But Mary chose a path directly into the heart of the desert. As far as Colin could see, there was no distinguishing landmarks to navigate in the direction they were heading. But Mary strode onwards with an air of certainty. A sign in Colin's book that she knew where she was going. Which just left Colin bored enough to look for something to do.

And he knew just the demon to help him. Ira froze as Colin gently picked her up. She would have torn the arm off anyone who suddenly touched her like that. But not the Prince. Not her mate. She held herself steady as Colin turned her around and settled her down back in front of him.

Without a word, Colin lifted the front of his tunic. Beneath it, he lacked any of the layers he wore earlier. All except one, that held the bulge of his erection. Ira's eyes went wide as he pushed it out into the open air. She licked her lips, before Colin pulled her closer, pinning it against her crotch. Unlike his other wives and lovers, Ira wore nothing below her outer clothes. So he could feel the cleft of her tiny pussy through the front of the garment she wore.

Colin took it and gently lifted, exposing her drooling pussy to him. Despite her desires to be more gentle. She was no less a sexual being than the others. And Colin had allowed her to stand aside until they had more one-on-one time. He could see in her eyes, the desperate longing she held. And Colin wasn't in any mood to deny her. Careful of his claws, he cupped her hips and gently lifted her once more. She was easy to position, and Colin sighed as his head met delicious, silken, wetness.

"Sorry, did you say something?" Superbia twisted around.

Without a jolt of surprise, Colin pushed Ira down into his lap once more. The Fusa almost cried out as his cock speared into her. The sudden pain washed away under the delicious sensation of her mate sating his pleasure with her.

"N-nothing," Colin smiled. "Just yawned."

"Well..." Superbia sighed. "Actually no, that's not fair. I was going to ask you to tell me things. But truth be told that would feel more like an interrogation, an aspect of my job, wouldn't it?"

Colin glanced down at Ira, who was drooling slightly, her inner muscles tensing and releasing around his shaft. The gentle side-to-side sway massaged his cock, and the way her juices were creating a wet patch told him, she was as into the entire situation as he was. He gently stroked the back of Ira's head, while marvelling at the smoothness of her spines. Then pulled her into his chest as if she were taking a nap. To ramp up the delicious edging and prove a point, Colin rocked his hips forward, before leaning back. That drove him further into Ira, who gasped and throbbed deliciously around him. She was tight, snug and her lust called to him on a level that made him hum in satisfaction.
