The Love Shack Pt. 02


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My Jen was sitting on a jet ski, in case the kids needed rescuing. She caught me looking and smiled. She could still rock a bathing suit at 41.

The kids played until they were exhausted. Then we went back to the marina and settled into the park/playground, where Jason and I grilled and the ladies lounged, keeping a careful eye on the kids who seemed to regenerate at the sight of the swings and slides.

After eating, July packed all the kids into her minivan and took off. They were having a sleepover. They were all out before she left the parking lot. I hoped they just napped, if they slept too long, she was in for a long night.

The 'old folks' went back to the boat and we cast off, heading for our favorite cove. There was good fishing there and we intended to wet a few hooks, drink a few beers, with mostly wine for the ladies, and just relax. We needed it. Jason had gotten really big, national artists lining up and begging to book studio time. Ed had several attractive offers and was thinking about going out on his own when Jason offered to sell him 25% of his studio. They came to terms and hired some really talented people so they decided to take a few days off. Annette had enough time in with the school system to retire so she did, going to work for Jason. Her guidance counselor training stood her in good stead as she helped a few artists through some meltdowns.

Sandy still ran the Love Shack and it was still doing very good business. We had been around so long we were getting second generation business, kids and younger relatives of those who had used us in the past. We even talked about opening a second location that Jen would run, but then the kids came along (quite by accident, she'd say, trying to keep a straight face) and she wasn't willing to be away from her babies that long. In fact, she gave up working altogether so she could be a full-time mother.

We could afford it, my business was still going strong although I had retired at 50, turning it over to my kids. They paid me 20% of everything the company made so I was doing all right. I'd bought a house on the lake we loved so much, and I built a workshop on the back of the property. To keep myself from turning into a fat slob I made outdoor furniture and sold it at the local farmer's market, surprised they would let me. The coordinator explained they allowed all kinds of crafters and I fell into that category. I worked it every other Saturday, most of my business coming from word of mouth advertising. It kept me busy without being stressed and we were all happy with it. Oddly enough, it was fairly profitable.

My first set of kids had a ball at my expense when they found out Jen was pregnant and joked about the fact that my grandkids would be older than their new brother and sister. They liked Jen and the kids and were frequent visitors especially in the summer months.

We had fished for an hour before we gave it up. Sometimes they just don't bite. We cleaned up, grabbed a fresh beer, and joined the girls. They had their heads together whispering and separated quickly. "What mayhem are you girls plotting?"

Vickie grinned, holding up a bottle of vegetable oil. "Not plotting, remembering." It hit about that time they were all topless. Age had gotten to some of us, but they wore the sag and wrinkles with pride and style. I grinned while the guys laughed.


To this day I couldn't tell you what made us decide to do it.

It started out as a joke. Vickie, Rhonda, and Annette were telling tales about our misspent youth to Jen and Sandy on one of their nights out, or in this case in, as they were all At Vickie and Rhonda's, drinking wine, a girl's night in. They had gone to see a male review and were more than a little drunk and 'horned up' as Vickie like to say.

Sandy was the one who got the ball rolling. "You know, when we lived in California and Ed worked with all those artists, more than one had a 'relaxed' lifestyle. One would only work with Ed, saying he was the only one who understood her. Ed said it was because she was right in the middle of a 'drama queen' moment when he snapped."

"Fine," he said, "Blow the session off. You're still going to pay for it. You're a great singer honey, but in the end it's just a job, like a butcher or a tax account. If you make a mistake on their taxes, or give them a ribeye instead of a T-bone, how likely do you think it is they'll use you again? You keep trying to grind out the crap efforts you're giving me now, and soon enough you'll see you CD's in the five-dollar bin at Walmart. Your choice."

"She calmed right down and while he worked with her, she was an ultimate professional. She got another reputation for being hard to work with because she demanded the best out of the musicians, singers, and technical people. Anyway, she became friends with us, and one night after a few Long Island Iced Teas confessed that she and her husband sometimes 'dabbled' outside the marriage. Always together, in very tightly controlled circumstances. Then she invited us for an evening in with them. We seriously thought about it but before anything happened her husband left her for a man and it left a sour taste in our mouths. I still think about it from time to time, wondering if I missed anything."

Vickie, Rhonda, and Annette smirked. "You did,' said Annette. "of course, we were little better than teenagers at the time and had no relationship commitments, but that's what made it fun. Most of us were already fond of each other anyway so there was a good amount of trust in place. I still remember sliding from body to body, being pulled at random and fucking for a few minutes before someone else slid into us and we coupled with someone else."

Jen sat there quietly for a bit. "You know what I hate most about that island trip? I never got to experience any of that. Of course, my then husband was a jerk and the thought of letting any of his friends touch me rolled my stomach. Jimmy was the only reason I went. I was already regretting it when it blew up and we flew home."

"It wasn't all that great, honey. Booger kind of creeped me out but Jules' boyfriend was downright slimy. It's a world of difference with someone you love and trust."

They drifted off to other subjects but the conversation stayed with all of them. Four weeks later we were all in my hot tub. The rule now was completely naked, for everybody. The flirting and touching had been getting a little heavier and Annette must have decided the time was right. She had already talked it over with Jason, and Sandy had clued Ed in.

They were dancing on egg shells around me and Jen but 'Nette had just the right amount of alcohol in her to bring it up. "We've been thinking about this a lot. All of us except you guys have agreed to have an old-fashioned Mazola party. It's up to you but we'd like you to join us. It can be a onetime thing or a tradition, we'll just have to see how it goes. Grunt, I know Jen wonders what would have happened if you'd have stayed on the island and face it, you got good memories of us except for Sandy. Unlike the other time, us you can trust. Nobody is going to leave anybody over it, nobody is going to love anyone any less. It will just be fun. You guys think about it."

Then they changed the subject to the antics of one of the artists they were producing.

I thought about this for a few days before sitting Jen down. "Do you really want to do this?"

She stuttered around for a minute before I stopped her. "Jen! Stop trying to edit yourself down to what you think I want to hear. I'll ask one more time and if I don't get an honest answer this will be the last time we discuss this, ever. Understand?"

She nodded her head. "Yes, I'd like to try it, just once. You all have shared memories that I'm not a part of, and I want my own memories. That being said, if you have the least bit of reservation, the whole thing is off and will never be discussed again."

I thanked her for her honesty. I spent the rest of that day and part of the next talking to everyone individually to gauge their desire. All wanted to but all were hesitant remembering how badly the last attempt went. I had them all over to the house the next evening, ordering pizza so we could concentrate. The tension was almost knife thick when I sat down on the couch beside Jen and took her hand.

"I'm in, on conditions. One, no matter how much fun we have this is to be a one off, never to be repeated. I'd like to make a good memory here so everyone has to agree it stays in the group. The last thing I need is Bonnie and Jules finding out. Not because I care about their feelings although I do but because I don't want to hear any shit from them, especially Bonnie. Lastly, I set it up. You want to go down memory lane? Mazola Party! We'll do it at the Shack on a day they're closed. Questions or comments?"

They all looked at each other before grinning and all trying to talk at the same time. The upshot was after consulting schedules it would happen in two weeks.

Jason and Ed helped me build the frame. Twenty-four feet long, ten wide, two feet deep. Triple lined with tearproof, waterproof plastic, padded bumpers all the way around the perimeter to avoid bruises, filled with foam rubber to a height of eighteen inches, to avoid spillage. The top was double layers of shrink wrap that once heated held the form intact, assuring no lumps or valleys. Our very own adult version of a Slip'n'Slide.

Instead of cooking oil I'd gone on line and bought eight gallons of massage oil. I didn't think I would need that much but better prepared than sorry.

Ed and I assembled it the night before the event, testing to make sure everything was secure. Once it was assembled, we sat at the bar and had a couple of beers.

"You sure about this?"

Ed grinned. "Yeah. You?"

"Yeah. I feel like Jen needs this. Oddly enough I think she's doing it to prove she loves me. Don't understand the reasoning, but I understand the importance. I just hope I can keep up. I'm far from my teenage years. Five women is a tall order."

Ed blushed and looked a little sheepish. "Jason and I worried about the same thing. We both went to our doctors and told a little lie about our ability to perform. We both got samples of the little blue pill. There's two for each of us if we need them."

Well then. Looks like all options were covered.


Suddenly it was time. They all stood watching as Jason and I emptied five-gallon containers of massage oil on the pad. The tension was evident, each having second thoughts. I solved that by stripping naked, then helping Jen. The others quickly followed suit.

As they were undressing, I grabbed Jen and threw her on the pad, her scream following her all the way to the other end. Then I dove on and joined her. Her scream had turned into laughter as she pushed off the bumper pad and shot to the other side.

I was just turning around when a body slammed into me and I was face to butt with a pretty impressive ass. It was Sandy and she let out a scream when I did what I thought was natural. I bit her on her ass, leaving a pretty good hicky. I was going to town on her when someone else slammed into me. I turned and there was Annette. I latched on to a breast, sucking mightily while she cradled my head. I felt something warm and wet and looked down to see Vickie, trying her best to get me down her throat. She almost bit me when someone else slammed into her, then let out a little squeal as Jason grabbed her hips and pushed in to the hilt. I looked back, surprised to see Jen with her hands tangled in Rhonda's hair as she dove between Jen's legs. Ed had slid into Vickie so I grabbed Sandy. She held on to the rail as I slid in, hissing as I bottomed out. I enjoyed about five minutes with her and was pretty close when a body dislodged me and I turned. Annette was grinning.

"Hey, that holding on to the rail was a pretty good idea."

I dove between her legs, tasting her as she cooed. I managed to get her off just before I was knocked off again. Ed slid right into my place, sliding his well-greased cock into Annette without missing a beat. I slid over to Jen as she went down on Rhonda. I was a little surprised but went with it, managing to get a grip on her hips and sliding in. Jen looked around, grinned, and went back to work. I was suddenly very glad I'd agreed to take the blue pill.

We'd all worn condoms because we knew there would be a lot of oral and nobody wanted to taste another man, but it really didn't work in the oil rich environment. The girls solved that by having us pull out and come on their bodies, which they immediately lapped up. It was definitely strange to see Jason splash a load across Jen's breasts, to seeing Vickie immediately lick and suck until it was gone.

Sandy had always wanted to be double-teamed so halfway through the evening she was on her knees, me slamming into her while Jason held her head as she sucked. As soon as I was spent Ed slid in, giving her another dimension to her experience. Jen tasted every woman, fulfilling her bi-curious fantasies. Of course, every woman returned the favor. We went for two hours before we finally said enough.

Finally, we were just a mass of tangled bodies in the middle of our playground, caressing each other lazily as we rested. Everyone laughed at my attempts to get out. Finally, I just slid up to the bumpers and rolled out into the towels we had laid around the outside. I think the ladies had brought every towel they owned, and we needed them all.

Jason and Ed followed my example, and soon we were helping the girls out. There was a lot of brisk rubbing and we did the best we could but we knew we would all head straight to the shower when we got home. We spread fresh towels over the barstools and I played bartender, getting everyone a drink. We were all a little quiet, digesting what we had done, when I raised a glass.

"To the memories."

They all raised their glasses, smiles breaking out for the first time. "To the memories!"

After that we laughed and chatted like the close group we were.

"I can't believe you bit me on the ass!"

I grinned at Sandy. "You have a delicious looking ass. I've always wanted to bite it."

She turned a little red and cooed as Ed slid off his stool and raised her up, biting her other cheek. "Ow!"

Ed slid up and gave her a kiss. "You looked unbalanced. Now you have a matched set."

We dressed, slowly, basking in the afterglow of a memorable experience. Then we drifted off, everyone promising to come back the next day to clean up the mess.


Jen and I showered together when we got home, a slow, gentle affair. I could tell she was a little stiff. Finally, she blurted it out.

"Do you still love me?"

I was still running on the after effects of the pill, and rubbed my erection on her bottom. "More than ever."

It must have been the right thing to say, because she turned around and jumped into my arms, wiggling around until she sank down. I held her until I couldn't, then she turned around and leaned over. I think she wanted this as reclaiming sex, reaffirming that we would still be together. We both climaxed at the same time, something rare, then we finished cleaning each other off and went to bed. I think both of us were asleep before our heads hit our pillows.

I woke with morning wood, firmly planted between her cheeks. She wriggled and groaned. "Not today, honey. I'm pretty sore."

"I am too. I feel like I wore the first layer of skin off last night. No more blue pills for me."

She giggled before going quiet. Then she said in a voice so soft I almost didn't hear her, "are we all right?"

I kissed the back of her neck. "We're fine, honey, unless you want to do it again."

"Not in this lifetime. Once was enough. You?"

"I like what I got right here just fine. So the answer is no, never again."

We spooned for a bit before someone was banging on the door. I looked at the security monitor to see the whole group on our doorstep. I kissed Jen's neck and answered the door, forgetting I was naked.

Vickie arched an eye. "Casual Tuesday?"

I looked down and grinned. "More like forgetful Tuesday. Why are you here?"

"We brought you breakfast. When you've eaten, we're going to help you clean up. Sandy has an event planned for Thursday and it needs to be spotless."

I smiled. "You know, none of us can ever go back there again without looking at the floor and grinning."

Jason smiled back. "Good memories always make you grin."

That set the tone for the day. We joked as we cleaned. It took six hours to clean and disassembled our playground. In the end it looked just as it did before. Ed and Sandy went home to their kids but the rest went back to our house. We grilled a late lunch and Vickie eyed the hot tub the whole time.

Finally, she stood and removed her clothes. "I need to soak. Anybody else sore?"

Soon all of us were in the tub, groaning as the jets soothed us. An hour later we were all out and dressed. With kisses and hugs they were gone.

I thought it might be awkward at first but we all went back to our lives. Oh, we'd look at each other and laugh once in a while, but that was it.

Four months later I found Jen on the couch, crying, every woman in our circle surrounding her. I thought maybe someone died. "What's going on?"

They all went out on the deck, leaving us alone. I sat down and grabbed her, hugging her tight. "Are you all right?"

"No. Yes. Maybe. I have to tell you something you may not like."

Thoughts of her leaving me ran through my head. I was starting to tense up when she blurted out. "I'm pregnant!"


"I said I'm pregnant! I'm going to have a child. Your child. What do you want me to do?"

Never in a hundred years did I suspect I'd be a new parent this late in life. I thought about that, for about three seconds. I'd seen Jen look wistfully at Sandy and July's children and the thought made me grin.

"First, we have to get married. Then we need to get you a good doctor. I want the best for our baby. Oh, and we'll probably have to move. This little love nest is fine for two, but I want a bigger house with a bigger yard, that has a swing set and an inground pool. You all right with that? I don't mean to sound unromantic; you know I love you and I'll do the knee/ring thing as soon as possible; I'm just being practical here. Are you with me?"

She started crying harder but with the death grip she had on me I figured they weren't tears of sadness. The others were peeking through the patio door and seeing her actions they charged back in, smiling and crying.

"You leave everything to us. You'll be married at the Shack. It will be the best wedding we've ever had." Sandy was grinning like crazy.

"We got the flowers, napkins, that sort of thing," Rhonda chimed in. I was glad she and Vickie owned a florist shop and did event planning. Sandy used them exclusively for any wedding at the Love Shack.

I leaned back and watched them chatter, enjoying the look of happiness on Jen's face. I rose and they all looked at me. "Excuse me, girls, but I have to go find a ring. Then I have to corral Jason and Ed to make sure we have matching tuxes."

I left to admonitions to not be a cheapskate.

When the planning was over, I had Jason as Best Man, with Ed and Vickie as groomsmen. She and Rhonda had a ball with it, and Rhonda was a bridesmaid. Vickie wore a slightly feminine version of our tuxes, and she and Rhonda looked great in the pictures. I believe that was the night Vickie finally asked Rhonda to be her wife.

I didn't try to keep the wedding a secret but I didn't really advertise it. All my kids showed up and July's daughter was the flower girl, while my youngest grandson was the ringbearer. I didn't invite Bonnie because to be honest I didn't want her there. This was Jen's day, and she didn't need ghosts of the past hovering around her.