The Luckiest Man Alive Ch. 03-04


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As we sat together, we made small talk about how the day had went. Mostly I just sat and listened to Gaia preside over her little secret coven of devout worshippers. If we slaves got too much in depth about what we'd been up to today, we'd have to lie. So, instead, we just mentioned how boring our day was grocery shopping and being stuck in the dorm and let Gaia carry the conversation. She was eager to do so, having so much to tell about her classes and her first day on the slopes.

As good as the food was, I couldn't beat the feeling that I was being watched the whole time. There was a simple reason for that feeling -- I was watched the whole time. Bringing a slave or two up here to the student's cafeteria wasn't a big deal. That happened every day and every morning. But bringing four at a time seemed like a bit of a faux pas. We were quickly isolated and had a table to ourselves.

Gaia didn't seem to care and so, neither did we. We were not stupid enough, though, to actually call Gaia by her name. Here it was always 'domina'.

We listened eagerly to domina tell us all about her day. That done, she turned to future plans.

"I want to go out," she finally announced. "A group outing this Venus day! I'll have completed my first week and want to do something fun, relaxing and mildly celebratory. That said, funds are tight. Any suggestions?"

"Drinking, domina!" said Cat enthusiastically.

"I don't mind a bit of drinking," she said, "but I want something more stimulating than just sitting at a bar all night."

I could tell Cat was surprised by this. I'm not sure our Hibernian pixie could think of anything more fun than hitting a bar and slaying a bottle of cheap hooch. You know, other than sex. Stella on the other hand had slightly more breadth.

"A play, domina," said Stella.

"Good suggestion, but I already looked into it. The campus theater season starts in a few weeks and off campus performances are outside our price range. Think a bit more plebian."

"A movie, then," I suggested, and then hastily added, "domina".

"I like it. The price is right but does anyone know if anything good is out? I haven't been checking the papers for showtimes or options!"

"Oh, I know, domina!" said Zee. "Amadeos! Siskel and Ebertus both gave it a thumbs up!"

"Amadeos?" asked Gaia, interested. "Never heard of it."

"It's just released. I hear it's based on a play and supposed to be quite good, domina," supplied Stella.

"The name confuses me. Is it really a movie about loving the gods?" Gaia asked curiously, while snacking on a piece of saucy, impaled tortellini.

"Amadeos as in Wolfgang Amadeos Mozart, the composer. It's about music and murder, domina," Stella said with a shrug.

"Sounds good," she affirmed, "and I remember reading about a tavern right next to the movie theater, so movie then drinking, Cat?"

"Goodie, domina!" answered the pixie.

"And we'll be off campus the whole night," said Gaia, " so no uniforms. You'll need to stick close to me of course and have your ownership papers with you always, but other than that -- it can be just like old times!"

"That could be a bit of a problem, domina," I said, a little embarrassed, "You see, I currently find myself without any clothes. You know, other than my uniform."

"Oh, Gaius, you foolish boy! Any young lady can tell you, having no clothes isn't a problem," said Gaia. "It's an excuse... to go shopping!"


Jovesday morning arrived and was cold wet and rainy. On the continent, I've heard that some of the more northern kingdoms called this day Thorsday to honor their storm god. We here in the New Empire were so fond of our own storm god, mighty King Jove, that we had promoted him to the head of the whole damn religion. Whichever religion had the right of it, neither seemed to be able to do anything about this incessant downpour.

Rain or shine, we still had morning exercises. Today because of the rain, we got to do it in the covered gym. It was a longer walk and out in the open, so we all got drenched regardless.

But all of that quickly was forgotten as we walked into the great covered space. Calisthenics were quickly the least of our concerns. Deedee had caught her first prize.

A sopping wet naked slave girl was dragged before us by two of the floor matrons. Her hands were bound. DeeDee began this proceeding by explaining to all the assembled slaves of the Q why this pitiful girl required the lash.

"We have a thief in our midst," said DeeDee with a sneer.

It turned out that a girl five rooms down from us named Millie had been caught sneaking into the other dorm in her suite and stealing a soda. I had breakfast with her just a few days earlier. When her lady reported something had been stolen, Detective DeeDee was on the case! When the slave's things had been searched they found not only the incriminating empty soda can but also a smuggled pudding cup from the cafeteria. This was her first offense so five lashes for the soda, five for the pudding cup. All in all, the slave girl had taken less than three denarii worth of food, but that was enough to earn her ten stripes across the back.

Millie was first forced to apologize for being a thief. She was so terrified she could barely speak, but she still managed to squeak out how sorry she was. She would never do it again, she promised over and over again, sobbing and desperate to avoid the lash.

"No," said DeeDee sternly, flexing her lash, "you shall not."

Millie was tied to a rough pole, naked and weeping. DeeDee uncoiled her long leather lash like she was rediscovering a long lost lover. Then DeeDee inflicted her dreadful art on Millie's back. In ten brutal strokes, she transformed the desperate, shivering, beautiful Mille into a mass of pain and bleeding flesh. Unshackled, Millie collapsed in pain. The rain did not relent and beat down on the gymnasium like a horrid drum roll. DeeDee administered the lashes dispassionately. She did not smile or give any sign of pleasure during the deed, but neither did she flinch or show any regrets. She wielded that lash like a practiced artisan of pain.

When DeeDee was finished, she did take a moment to look straight at me and flex her still bloody length of leather. She then signaled and two orderlies carried Millie off to see the school nurse. Slaves were allowed to be lashed, you see, but they weren't allowed to die. We weren't savages here in the New Empire.

"My heart is broken!" lied DeeDee loud and joyously. "Gods, let this be the last time I must perform this sacred duty! But be certain of this also. If there any other thieves amongst our number, my lash is waiting."

She gave us several more demonstrative whip cracks before we began our regimen of calisthenics.

The brutal display put a damper on the rest of our day. We did our appointed tasks. We did our exercises, made tea for Gaia (who was not required to attend the lashing), cleaned up and so forth. What we didn't do was engage in any more high spirited exchanges about Gaia's love life, play cards or even have oral practice. We simply let this day go by. Honestly, I was glad to be rid of it.

Gaia and Stella arrived back to the dorm comparatively early from classes. Dinner was a quick affair and then Gaia and I had an errand out and alone. Gaia asked if anyone else wanted to go but made no order of it. The other three, given the rain and the nature of our errands, agreed it would be easier if it were just the two of us.

Our first stop was at a pawn shop. Gaia sold a fine silver chain bearing a pendant of gold and emerald. She got near three hundred denarii for it even though it was probably worth at least five times that.

The transaction done, as we got back into the car. I whispered sadly. "Was that one of mother's pieces of jewelry?"

"Yeah," said Gaia with a sigh, "but one she never favored. I don't think I ever saw her wear it. It was rather gaudy truth told. I had no sentimental attachment to it, Gaius."

I nodded. "Still, I hate that you have to sell it because of me. It seems these days I am destined to be nothing but a burden to you."

She then turned to me. "Gaius, you are no burden! You've already made my experience at the Collegium far more joyous. Having you waiting for me, every day after classes, has truly made my dorm feel like home. And besides, mother left me a chest full of jewelry. I won't miss a few and, if she were here, she would have wanted this."

I couldn't argue with that. "Just promise me, you'll not sell anything you'll truly regret."

"I'd happily sell everything I own, my other half, if it would make you smile again. Now are we going to sit here and mope all night or are we going to shop?"

I smiled at her. "Lead the way, my other half!"

We drove for almost thirty minutes, well away from the campus. I could tell we were entering into an entirely new neighborhood and an entirely new demographic. There was a much newer mall just a few blocks away from the Collegium. This was instead a strip center catering to discount shoppers anchored by a large chain known as Maximus Mega-Mart.

Here is my confession -- this was the first time in my entire life I had been inside a Mega-Mart. I'd seen them of course. How could you not? They were everywhere throughout the New Empire. But this was the first time I'd ever stepped inside such a place. I'd always had slaves for such menial tasks.

The place was massive, a vast shopping emporium all contained beneath a single roof. Everywhere there were signs featuring the store's short friendly mascot, Maximus Aureus aka Golden Max himself. He looked like a stylized cartoon centurion in shiny golden armor. This little man was at war, a thousand signs and standees assured us, with high prices! His golden gladius slashed its way to savings!

I was dressed in slave garb, which meant I blended in. Gaia on the other hand had gone to some trouble to be incognito. She had taken off her signet ring and wore no visible emblems of House Vetronius. She wore casual garb -- jeans, a long-sleeved button down cotton blouse the color of wine, sunglasses and no jewelry of any sort. I don't think my sister was ashamed to be seen in such a place. She just was trying to not make a scene.

It was a legitimate worry. If the store manager knew Imperial nobility was coming to his store, he likely would have met her at the front gate and we'd received several rounds of "Hail Vetronius!" from the staff. She was trying to avoid such fuss.

There was only one clerk in the shoe department who I think figured out who she was. As I was trying on a pair of non-descript sneakers, he kept staring at her quite intently. Maybe he knew he had seen us before but couldn't figure out from where. Or maybe he was just lusting after my sister. Either way, we concluded our business quickly and moved on.

The shopping itself was brief but fun. I picked up two pairs of shoes, some actual underwear, socks, a few pairs of jeans, a pair of black slacks, an assortment of plain shirts and even a bath robe. Look -- the clothes themselves were nothing special. After a lifetime of wearing designer high fashion largely made of imported silk and other similar finery -- this was rough plebian gear. What made it fun was Gaia's critiques and commentaries.

"I think that shirt is..." she paused, "let's be charitable and call it not right for you."

"You're saying it isn't fit for the young, eligible death-marked slave on the go?" I asked.

"What I'm saying is that with your complexion that shade of crimson makes you look positively cadaverous," she remarked.

"Cadaverous," I repeated tentatively. "That seems a bit harsh. Red is fun!"

"Father has that exact shade of crimson cut into a jacket and wears it frequently, Gaius," she reminded me.

I stripped that shirt off so fast, I almost gave myself rug-burn. I went back to the rack and got a better shirt.

We didn't dally too long. We finished up quickly, Gaia paid for everything and we left the MaxiMart with the management none the wiser about Gaia's visit. Now I had a wardrobe. Not a fancy one, by any means, but more than enough for my present condition.

We stopped at a coffee shop and got lattes. I used the bathroom to change out of my slave garb and into my new clothes. This was partially to try them on but also -- just to take a break from being obvious property. This also seemed to greatly please Gaia, which thus also pleased me.

The rain which had been hammering all day chose that moment to stop. It was night by now and so we used that opportunity to stop at a local park and take a walk together. It was a rare moment of privacy for just the two of us. She surprised me by, unbidden, holding my hand as we strolled about the park. With her dressed down and me in my new clothes -- we did actually look like just a pair of friends taking a stroll. And the day-long bad weather meant we were almost entirely alone in the park.

"That was fun," she said.

"Oh, yes, trying on jeans -- so riveting," I said with a chuckle.

"No, not that -- us, having a chance to just be us together. We've actually done precious little of that in our lives."

"You're right of course," I said. "I've thought about this often. Everywhere we used to go, we were always playing a role. I was the heir and you were the baron's daughter. We were the scions of House Vetronius there to represent the family. But rarely were we ever..."

"Just Gaia and Gaius," she said, completing my thought.

"I prayed to the gods for this while I was in prison," I said. "I thought of nothing but you and wanted more than anything to be reunited. I assumed then that this would only happen beyond the veil of death, but now miraculously, my prayers are answered."

"We'll never be apart again, Gaius. Now that..." she trailed off.

"Now that I'm your slave," I supplied.

"Yes. Gods, I still hate even thinking that," she said. "If I could free you..."

"Let that go, Gaia," I said smiling. "You know, if you would have asked me at any time in my old life if I wanted to be a slave, I would have been quick and emphatic with my 'no'. But now, I think I've never been happier. I was never cut out to follow in father's footsteps and rule over millions. You'll be far better as Baron than I ever could have been," I said, firm in that belief.

"I doubt I'll get the chance," said Gaia. "Camille or even Victor are more likely to actually get the job. I doubt father will ever forgive me for what I've done, what I'm doing."

"Hah!" I said. "If I owned anything that wasn't already yours, I'd happily wager it all that you're wrong. Victor isn't even his blood. No, you're his favorite, Gaia. You always have been. You remind him so much of mother. No, I am certain that one day, you will be the Vetronius."

She shrugged, "I think if the last few months have proven anything, Gaius, it's that neither of us can be certain what the gods have in store for us."

"Now that is the damn truth," I said. "Personally, I'm taking things day by day."

"That is wise, brother," she said. "How are the others doing? I feel like I've barely spoken to them since the semester began. I've been so absorbed in my school work."

"As you should be," I said, "The Collegium may be the most prestigious university for nobility but it is also reported to be the most demanding."

She nodded. "I've always done well in school, but it's largely felt effortless. Here I'm truly being challenged."

"Effortless?" I laughed. "You don't get to be valedictorian by putting in zero effort. Have you forgotten the innumerable late night study sessions with Stella? The constant reading? The stress you put on yourself? I remember that time you got a B on an algebra exam in middle school. You were heart-broken for an entire weekend."

"I thought father was going to disown me," she said.

"Fortunately," I chided her, "you had me to step up and make you look good. You got a B, but I nearly failed. You're welcome, by the way. Do you think I wanted to be the pot-smoking temperamental, moody layabout of the family? No, Gaia, I was doing it all for you."

Gaia giggled, "A thousand thanks, dear brother!"

"But seriously, I think the others are doing fine. I mean, I guess. What do I know about women? I'll tell you this, though, I've gotten to know Cat and Zee better in the last week than I did in four years of high school."

"That's great to hear," Gaia said. "They are fine people and I feel very fortunate to have acquired their friendship. I am very fond of the other three queens, you know."

"That's another thing I've learned over the last week," I said. "They are not fond of you."

She seemed startled by that.

Before she could speak, though, I continued, "No, they are far more than fond. They adore and love you, Gaia. Intensely. As do I."

She strolled on ahead of me, lost in thought, till we came to an ornate footbridge that crossed a tiny stream. The recent rain had swollen the creek and it rushed between its narrow banks beneath the wood and wrought iron bridge.

"I know that, Gaius," she said with a sigh, pausing in the center of the bridge to look out across the dark park. "There was a time I thought that I could perhaps..." she paused. "But, I suppose that is behind me now. No slave truly loves their master."

"That's father talking," I said. "He said those exact same words to me once. And I think that usually it must be true. But, in this case..."

"I'm going to free them, Gaius," she said. "I've decided. As soon as I can. This was a terrible mistake. I should never have enslaved them. I had they lashed a girl today. For stealing a pittance. I couldn't bear it if that happened to them. They deserve to be free." It was only then that I noticed that the sound of the rushing water beneath the footbridge was concealing her tears.

"I know you want to and there will come a day, I think, that you will," I said, "but now it would be a terrible mistake. Stella is enjoying the classes here I think as much, maybe more, than you. Would you send her back to her father? The bastard would likely just resell her. Certainly he was willing to sell her once." I moved near her and leaned upon the bridge's railing.

"Zee also would be heartbroken if you sent her back. And Cat..." I continued, "she might be the happiest of us all here. You know, she told me a strange story about you feeding her a truffle and making her lick the chocolate from your fingers quite sensuously. Did that happen?"

She smiled and nodded. "Cat... Cat has always brought out a strange side of me," said Gaia. "She was sleeping over once. It was supposed to be all four of us, but Stella and Zee had to cancel last minute because of family obligations. I asked Cat if she would mind brushing my hair and do you know what she said to me?"

"I can guess," I said.

"She said 'I'll do anything you ask, domina.' That was before... before, all of this. And you know, right at that moment I felt an overwhelming desire to..." she stopped.

"Command her?" I asked.

"I'm a wicked person, Gaius," she said suddenly overwhelmed with sorrow. "I have power now over my friends, over you, and every night I dream..." she paused. "I dream dark thoughts about what I want to do with that power."

"By dark, Gaia, do you mean sexual?" I asked.

"Yes," she whispered. "Very sexual, Gaius."

Here was my moment. All I had to do was tell her about the conversation that her friends and I had yesterday afternoon. She would be relieved and we could all go back to the room and be one big happy fucking fivesome. The Court of Five Queens was poised to be born!

But then she continued.

"The truth is that I am going to send them away, Gaius, because I don't want to be sexual with them. If the girls were gone, it would be just you and me. You told me once that you had a madness. That you desired me above all else. Is this still true, Gaius? Do you still desire me?"