The Making of a Man Ch. 01


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Nick nearly jumped for joy as he got closer to her window and heard moaning inside. Like before, the curtain and window were cracked open enough to see inside. The moaning increased in volume and he dared another look. Just like before, he found her lying on her back, like a beautiful goddess working the dildo feverishly in and out of her wet pussy.

Nick could see her snatch glistening with wetness and he knew she would taste sweet. He felt jealous of her dildo. As Elyse climaxed, she cried out and arched her back. Nick was about to move away before she finished but suddenly, her eyes opened, and she was looking right at him through the window.

"What the fuck!" she yelled, her eyes snapping wide open.

Elyse scrambled to her feet as Nick fell over backwards. He worked frantically to gather his equipment and tried thinking of the words he could use to talk his way out of this awful situation but his mind simply wouldn't work.

Elyse was quicker on her feet than he thought, impossibly fast it seemed, for seconds later, she came stomping around the corner, barefooted and wearing only a fluffy white robe.

She looked pissed and hissed at him through gritted teeth to get inside, trying her best not to draw the attention of any neighbors who might overhear. Nick had never seen her so angry and he knew immediately that he crossed a very serious line with her and this time, she wasn't bringing him inside to flirt with him.

Nick sat on one of the chairs and Elyse towered over him as she chewed him out. Nick sat perfectly still, scared stiff, and stayed properly cowed throughout the ordeal. In his mind, he recognized that he was eighteen and what he had done could get him into a lot of trouble. Elyse had been flirty and playful lately but that didn't mean she had to tolerate this kind of behavior.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She blurted.

Nick stammered and stared at Elyse's feet. He was still very aroused from watching her masturbate, but he was also scared seeing her so angry. He realized to his horror that he still had a hard on. Even if she noticed it, at some point she'd realize it wasn't diminishing and this was likely to piss her off even more. He tried to will his erection away but that made it throb even more.

Nick's attention drifted as he stared down praying this whole scene wasn't actually happening, but she snapped at him again, breaking him from his thoughts.

"Well, are you going to fucking answer me or not?! And stop looking down! Look at me when I talk to you!"

Nick looked up at her and despite his terror, his lustful feelings for her only intensified. There was still fury in her eyes, but she was also incredibly beautiful, like a building storm. He stared into those eyes and found he couldn't even blink.

Nick tried hard to stammer out an apology, even going so far as to make some ridiculous promise to never look at a woman in that way ever again. In those agonizing moments, he started to see the hardness in her face slowly soften as she came to realize she was probably overreacting. Elyse slowly bent down in front of him, so he didn't have to stare up and her angry lashing turned into more of a firm lecture.

With a calm and firm tone, Elyse said, "Listen to me Nick and collect your thoughts. What you did was wrong, and I want to know why. I need to know that you haven't been peeping on me all these years. Now slow down and explain yourself."

Nick tried to slow his breathing and started apologizing profusely. As he spoke, he found his gaze again dropping submissively to her feet. He swore that it would never happen again. Nick's terror subsided as he began to realize he might actually get out of this situation, but he felt a sense of loss that he had just ruined the fun flirty relationship that was developing between him and the woman he wanted so badly. That it could never really be the same again.

Nick felt compelled to plead with her not to tell anyone, reassuring her that he'd learned his lesson and would never look at women as sex objects ever again.

Elyse chuckled slightly and said, "I don't think you need to go to that extreme, Nick."

Nick's surprise was complete when she knelt down, put her hand on his knee and told him again to look at her. Nick's hard on never completely diminished from watching her through the window and her touching his knee was absolutely electrifying. His cock was swelling to full strength once again.

She further softened her tone and said, "You still haven't told me why you did this. The bulge in your shorts pretty much says it all but I want to hear it from you."

There it was, Nick thought, she noticed his erection. While she didn't seem angry anymore, Nick figured she wanted him to feel embarrassed and perhaps even some shame that he was getting hard at her expense. As though she wanted him to understand how inappropriate his hard on was at this moment.

He knew then that he would have to be honest with her, despite his growing shame, and tell her everything. Nick lowered his head and prepared to confess all.

"Elyse, or Mrs. Johnson if you prefer, this isn't very easy for me, but I can't hold it back anymore. I have had a huge crush on you for many years. It has grown in strength and lately I can't stop thinking about you."

Elyse intently listened to Nick's explanation.

"The other week when you were sunbathing nude, I saw you out there but what I didn't tell you was that I stared at you longingly for quite some time before making noise to wake you up. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't help myself. There's more and you're probably not going to like it."

In a lighter tone, Elyse prompted him further, "Go on."

"Last week, I heard you on your bed and I stared in as you pleasured yourself. I watched it all and found you mesmerizing. I just couldn't turn away as I watched you have two incredible climaxes. I'm so sorry. Today, I secretly hoped to see you do something like that again. When I heard you inside, my heart raced, and I just couldn't find the strength to move away. You're so beautiful and I find it impossible not to wish for something more from you."

"It never occurred to me you might feel this way. Please continue."

"I know you meant nothing by it but the past couple times we talked, I found the tension unbearable. To you, I'm just a silly boy but to me, you are a beautiful, sexy, highly desirable woman. Your attire, your attentions, the provocative discussions about sex have left me delirious and somewhat out of control. I'm not strong and in control like you."

"Is that kind of self control something you wish for?

"No actually. I can't explain why. I don't understand what these feelings are about, really. There is something inside me that wants to surrender in these kinds of situations. To let my partner have all the control and follow her lead and direction. I think that is why I've always been so strongly attracted to women who are more experienced than myself."

"I am so sorry for what I've done. I know I misread everything and took liberties that weren't mine to take. Please forgive me Mrs. Johnson. It will never happen again."

"Do you think of me when you touch yourself?" she suddenly asked.

Unable to look up, Nick softly said, "Yes." After more uncomfortable silence, he added, "Always."

Elyse leaned forward a bit and lifted his chin to look at her. Her touch was gentle, and her eyes had a warmth and softness that he hadn't noticed before. Nick no longer felt scared or ashamed. He was able to once again hold her stare as she spoke.

"Do you feel better? You have probably wanted to say that for a very long time."

"Yes. I do feel better. I never expected to say those things to anyone, ever. Now that I've said them, I feel so much lighter. Does that mean you forgive me? I couldn't bear it if you didn't. I know you don't see me this way, but I still have feelings for you, and I'd be crushed if I thought you were still angry with me."

"Thank you for that sincere apology," she said. "I know you're a good person and meant no harm. You were only doing what comes naturally to young men, and I do forgive you."

Elyse laughed and said in a somewhat provocative way, "You know Nick, you still seem rather tense, don't you think?"

With that she started tapping the very tip of his cock where the bulge in his pants was most pronounced.

"Here's what's going to happen Nick. You've seen me nude three times now, but I've never seen you naked. The way I see it, I'm entitled to a show like you've had of me. I'm not taking no for an answer so don't even think it. How long has it been since you've cum? How many days?"

Nick assumed he was going to be asked to masturbate for her amusement and if that was the case, he'd be happy to do so. He hadn't cum in weeks and was simply aching. As impossible as it seemed, he might still be able to maintain this flirty thing he had going with Elyse. The thought of jerking off while she watched sounded fantastic!

"It's been weeks now."

"Damn. No wonder you can't think straight. Nick, guys are different than girls in that a backlog of cum can cause a guy to think wildly and make crazy decisions."

"Get undressed. You're going to relieve that pent-up tension. Now Nick! Do what I say."

Nick got undressed and she directed him to sit back down. It was like a dream, he thought, being nude in front of the woman he worshipped, his dick throbbing in excitement in such close proximity to her. As he sat though, she knelt down between his legs with her hands on each leg. Nick was excited that she wanted to be so close to the action. All the better, he figured.

Nick moved to touch his cock, but Elyse stopped him.

"Nope. Hands off. This is my show. I'm in charge. Now slide lower in the recliner so your ass is starting to hang off the edge. I want full access to you."

Nick's face lit up as he realized she was going to give him a handjob. He couldn't move quickly enough into position. He loved the way his balls were hanging freely in front of her with his legs spread wide.

"Now put your hands behind your back and keep them there. That's it. Just like that. Keep them there. If they come out, I'm done. Forever. Consider it a test of obedience. Are you okay with that?"

Nick readily answered that he was when without warning, she grabbed him by the balls and squeezed very firmly. Not enough to be truly painful but enough to exert her dominance over him. Nick nearly moved his hands out from behind his back as a normal defensive movement, but he was able to stop himself in time.

"Very good Nick. Keep them behind your back no matter what I do. Now who's in charge right now?"

Nick softly answered, "You are."

Elyse tightened her grip, twisting slightly and firmly replied, "I can't hear you."

Nick's eyes widened and this time there was a little pain, but he controlled his hands, giving in to her control. He was understanding then that giving in to her felt wonderful.

"You are in complete control of me, Elyse."

"That's right, I am. Keep that in mind or you will never experience the incredible things I'm about to do to you."

Elyse released her hold on his balls and began lovingly stroking them along with his cock. Nick let out a stream of incoherent groans.

"Is this better? Hmmm?" She teasingly asked.

"Ooohh, god yes!" he blurted.

Elyse took a moment to toss him a small throw pillow from another chair and instructed Nick to prop his head up with it.

With a firm voice, she said, "I want you to watch everything I do to you. Don't look away or close your eyes. Look into my eyes when I look at you. I want you to watch the way I tease your cock until you can't take it anymore."

Nick marveled as Elyse slid her fingers up and down his cock pausing at the tip to collect all of the precum which she then swirled all over the head. He groaned with pleasure and she seemed very satisfied with his response. Nick's thoughts were all a jumble and he couldn't believe how sensual and stimulating the sensations were. He considered himself a real expert in masturbation but nothing he ever did came close to matching her touch.

The more Elyse swirled his precum around the swollen head, the more he was driven mad with desire and that only made his cock leak even more, which of course Elyse used to torture his swollen prick further.

Throughout the entire stroking experience, Elyse talked in a soft, sexy, and alluring voice. Complimenting him on staying trim and how women found that a real turn on. Asking Nick if he liked this and that. Elyse discovered all his sensitivities and then exploited them, making him beg for mercy.

Elyse particularly enjoyed licking her fingertips and thumb then spinning them on the head of his cock like it was a top. A couple of those had Nick bucking his hips very quickly only to have her tell say, "not yet."

Every time Nick got close to coming, which seemed like every thirty seconds, she backed off and did something different like massage his balls, giving him time to cool down. After a while, being taken to the brink again and again became maddening. Elyse refused to allow Nick to simply close his eyes and focus on the pleasure. If he tried, she stopped and reminded him to focus on her.

"What did you like best about my naked body"

Nick struggled to answer but she suddenly stopped all sensation until he finally gave her a complete answer.

"Nick, tell me again how much you enjoy licking a woman's pussy?"

Nick struggled again to answer but this time she squeezed his balls again to help him concentrate.

"Do I have your attention?"

"Yes, Elyse. My full attention."

"Good, fight through the sensations and answer my questions. In detail. I want you to enjoy this, but I also want you to never lose sight of who's in control here."

"You're in full control Elyse. I'll do whatever you say. Just please let me cum. I can't take it anymore."

"You'll hold out for as long as I want you to. Do you understand?"

"Yes Elyse. I'm sorry. It's just that I'm desperate to cum."

"Right now, it's not your orgasm. It belongs to me as long as I'm in control of you. You must earn it. And the best way to do that is to obey me and answer all my questions in full detail."

"Yes, Elyse. I'll be good. I'll obey you."

"Don't misunderstand though," leaning in and lowering her voice to a sexy whisper, "the sound of begging makes me unbelievably wet. You can beg all you want, and I won't give into it but it will please me greatly."

Elyse continued with her teasing questions and Nick struggled to obey her with detailed responses, all the while telling himself he must be in a dream. Nick also found himself coming to realize that he did not want to disappoint her in any way. Not because he felt pleasure when she wanted to reward him or because he felt pain or discomfort when she was 'correcting' him but simply because he wanted her to feel good about his positive behavior.

Nick gave into begging and found that it did indeed have an effect on her state of arousal. He couldn't have held back his begging anyway though for he was ready to cry in frustration at all the teasing he was forced to endure.

Nick now understood that Elyse was mastering the ability to read him. Not that he was difficult to read. Every time he got close, he bucked his hips and shamelessly pleaded for release, but this only seemed to egg her on even more, taunting him with little comments and asking him how bad he really wanted it.

"Please Elyse! I'll do anything! I'll lick you for hours if you want. Just please end my suffering."

"Sweet boy. You still don't get it. You don't get to negotiate here. If I wanted you to eat me out, you'd do it whether I ended your suffering or not. I'm in control here. I could make you pleasure me a dozen different ways and send you home with balls full of cum. How would you feel about that?"


"I'll think it over..."

Eventually she revealed her final, deliciously cruel torment.

Elyse looked Nick in the eyes and said, "You've been magnificent so far Nick. Let's see how you hold up to this!"

With one hand, she pointed Nick's cock straight up and with the other hand, placed it onto his flat stomach. Elyse kept her eyes fixed on Nick's and lowered her head to his cock. She licked the tip and he shuddered in pleasure.

She quickly wrapped her lips around the head and slid all the way down, her tongue massaging the underside vigorously as she bobbed upon it. Nick absolutely loved the way Rachel had sucked his cock, but he never imagined getting head from Elyse could feel so different. As wonderful as Rachel was at sucking cock, Elyse seemed to have it mastered.

Elyse slowly slid off Nick's cock adding a bit of suction as the tip slid out of her mouth. Their eyes locked again, and she slobbered all over the head, rubbing her pillowy lips all around the tip along with strokes of her tongue. Her eyes stared into him the whole time as she worked her magic. Nick gasped at how this method of hers, a gentle suckling of the tip, was insanely pleasurable. Far beyond anything she had done to him thus far. As quickly as it started though, it ended, and she lifted her head off of him.

Nick stared up at her in awe and several seconds passed before they both realized he had been holding his breath.

Nick gasped and tried to recover only then realizing he also had his mouth gaping open as if in some sort of silent scream. He simply wasn't prepared to feel such intense pleasure and coming from his true heartthrob, no less! He found the ability to speak a second later.

"Holy fuck, that felt good!"

Elyse had the most delightful looking smile on her face, almost an all-knowing kind of grin that caused him to just melt. If her hands could make me beg, what the hell could she reduce me to with her mouth, Nick thought.

With a bit of devilish laughter, she teased, "So you like that, do you? Hmmmm? You must, because I can feel your heart banging in your chest! It would seem I've found your Achilles heel, don't you think, young man? You are in some serious fucking trouble now young stud!"

Her eyes narrowed a bit and her voice became low and almost chilly in tone as she said, "You think you were begging before? Now I'm going to teach you how to beg!"

Nick had never been more ready to learn!

Elyse started with his balls, licking them slowly while he moaned, getting more aggressive with them as she gauged his reaction. Nick trusted her fully and was determined to take whatever she dished out.

First, Elyse sucked on one nut, then the other, going back and forth increasing the sensation each time. Nick found the feel of her tongue swishing back and forth as she sucked was simply breathtaking. Nick figured he must have had a look of puppy love in his eyes because she just smiled at his reaction and kept going.

At one point, she sucked on one ball pulling it away from his body impossibly far. As it slipped out of her mouth, her lips made a popping sound and the sensation caused him to jump and gasp. Although it was actually a little painful, Nick refused to chance ruining the best time of his life by crying out in pain. Elyse took the other nut in her mouth and repeated the process. She seemed pleased with his response and rewarded him by licking his shaft back and forth as he groaned with joy.

Elyse increased the pressure on him even more. Using the webbing between her right thumb and forefinger, she reached under his nutsack which was now hanging nice and low. She grabbed his balls in a miniature 'C clamp' and pushed them up alongside his cock, as high as they would go. She wrapped her thumb and forefinger around the base of his shaft adding a little pressure to the vein on the topside.
