The Making of a Man Ch. 01


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Nick had read about cock rings in magazines and knew from self-experimentation that a little bit of pressure on this area caused his cock to grow even harder. Nick watched in awe as she expertly manipulated him. He wasn't sure what to expect but he understood now that it would be earth shattering coming from an expert like Elyse.

Nick could see that his tender balls were tightly trapped halfway up his shaft, exposed for Elyse to torment in any way. Elyse looked pleased at the sight of his helpless balls. Her grip on him appeared quite comfortable as if she could maintain it for hours if need be. Nick's cock stiffened to an impossible level of hardness, his head swelling more and turning slightly purple. His cock was so rigid it was sticking out ninety degrees from his body, completely fixed and pinned in place for Elyse's next move.

"My god Nick, you could drive nails with this beautiful cock of yours. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a cock this rigid. It's like fucking steel right now!"

Elyse wet his entire cock with her tongue. Then she teased his trapped balls back and forth with the tip of her tongue, driving him wild. They were extra sensitive, and he wondered if he could cum just from that alone. Before Nick found the answer to that question, Elyse moved to back to his cock and sucked the upper half with precision.

Nick wanted the moment to last as long as he could. It was simply too wonderful to let end so quickly. He concentrated on not coming, trying to picture something nonsexual to help ground him but it was hopeless. As soon as he found the slightest bit of resistance, thinking he might be able to hold out for just a little while, Elyse turned up the pressure to her maximum.

With her head turned up and slightly to the side, she started suckling on the head of his cock using her lips as much as her tongue, all the while staring into his eyes as if she was speaking the whole time. If she was trying to communicate anything with her eyes, he thought, it was that she was in charge here. That his dick was her toy for this moment and he had no more free will in this experience than her dildo had earlier when he looked in through her window. Nick had absolutely no doubt now that his cock was not using her mouth...her mouth was using his cock.

As before, she let pools of saliva cover the head while her soft lips and tongue danced all around. Nick knew if she didn't stop soon, he was going to cum. He knew from her story the week before that she enjoyed giving blow jobs, and today was proof of that, but he didn't know if she was the kind of person who allowed a guy to cum in her mouth.

"Oh! I'm getting close! You better stop!" he said but it was like she didn't hear him.

He tried again, "Please Elyse...May I cum in your mouth? I need it so badly. I can't hold it anymore. Please?"

A moment later, she finally responded but not quite in the way he had hoped.

"Hold it back. Do it for me. Prove to me how obedient you are. Prove to me your strength of will and hold it back."

Back to the suckling she went. Her voice was so soft and alluring, Nick thought. Elyse had asked him to do this one small thing just for her and he wanted to try as hard as he could to gain her favor.

Nick focused on not cumming, but it seemed inevitable, particularly with her incredible technique.

"Please stop Elyse! I am not going to last! Please! I'll do anything! Just stop before I cum. I don't want to let you down and I can't hold it anymore!"

Nothing. Nick dug his nails into the seat cushion behind his back and tried with all his might to pinch the sensations off, pretending as though he had to pee and was trying to hold back the flow.

It worked for a couple of seconds, but he couldn't keep his muscles clamped down forever. And the look she gave him was breaking him down. Nick kept clamping down, gritting his teeth, but every time he let up, his orgasm inched inevitably closer. Elyse's eyes were almost daring him to just let go. He knew now she was okay with this, but he also knew she was testing him to determine just how much effort he would make to try to obey her wishes.

He was at the breaking point. Nick was shuddering as his strength finally failed. The first pulse of pleasure in Nick's orgasms was always dry but the second pulse brought a magnificent spurt under great pressure. As he finally let go, that first wave rolled over him. As hard as he had clamped down his muscles, the first pulse eventually crashed through with great force forcing him to cry out loudly. The high pitch cry actually surprised him. Nick lurched a bit and noticed the look in Elyse's eyes was actually one of triumph rather than disappointment.

The second wave brought great relief as he could finally stop resisting. He watched the first forceful spurt shoot into her mouth then onto her face only to drip back on himself. Nick was on cloud nine as she started moaning and slurping up the subsequent jets of his cum as they shot out. He groaned and shuddered and thanked her profusely as gob after gob spurted out of him. His relief was so complete, and his pleasure so intense that a tear actually rolled down his cheek.


Elyse caught most of Nick's cum in her mouth and as the jets became dribbles, he heard a loud swallowing sound though her lips and tongue never paused for even a moment. Nick considered that the sound of her swallowing his load to be the sweetest, loving sound he'd ever heard. Elyse never lifted her gaze from him either. It went on for ages and he knew he'd never experience an orgasm as wonderful as that again with anyone else.

Near the end, the pulsations were still very strong, but Nick's cock was so spent it was only able to ooze out tiny droplets. This didn't slow Elyse though, she just kept rolling her tongue over his slit collecting every precious drop. The image of her doing this was truly priceless. No man on earth deserved such pleasure but here he was getting just that from a gorgeous lady he once only fantasized about.

Elyse didn't ease up on him and this brought a new unexpected challenge. The hypersensitivity he felt was bad enough under his own hand but what Elyse was doing was bordering on painful. No matter what it felt like, Nick steeled himself to endure every bit of it for her. He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep his hands behind his back.

Elyse took his cock halfway into her mouth and started sucking hard, all the while swishing her tongue vigorously under the head. She wasn't looking up at him anymore and appeared to be focused on trying to suck more cum out of him. The feeling was incredibly intense, and Nick moaned loudly, thrashing a little bit as well.

"Oh god, Elyse. I'm dying. I can't take any more."

Nick tried to control his breathing which became labored. To an onlooker, it must have looked like he was having labor pains. His balls were still trapped, pushed halfway up his shaft and it didn't feel quite as erotic anymore. He almost cried out for mercy, but he kept telling himself to trust her and suffer through it because she wasn't going to listen to him anyway. And suffer he did.

"Elyse, I surrender, I surrender. Please show me mercy!"

Elyse never relented but eventually Nick was able to focus his mind and try to calm down. Over the next couple minutes, he finally started to settle down. He was now bucking his hips into her mouth moaning, but her suction on him only increased and his balls were beginning to ache.

For a moment, Nick sensed that he might actually be able to cum again. He got closer and closer trying to will himself to cum, sure that he could achieve a second orgasm if he concentrated hard enough. Suddenly, Elyse pulled off and made another of her lip-popping sounds from the suction as the head came out of her mouth.

As if reading his thoughts, she said, "If you want a second orgasm young stud, you must earn it!"

Elyse released the stranglehold on his testicles and Nick noticed right away that his whole groin area actually had a mild ache to it. His poor cock was finally allowed a break and while it didn't go soft, it was at least able to relax just a little bit.

Nick was about to speak when she surprised him again by licking some of his cum off his groin and stomach. He never imagined how erotic something like that could feel. She wiped the gobs of cum from the side of her mouth where he made a mess and licked her finger clean. It was an incredible sight. Before he could even think of saying anything, she wiped a drop up and held her finger to his lips.

Nick knew better than to refuse. He wasn't in charge anymore but more importantly, he wanted only to please her. He sucked her finger trying to picture that it tasted like something else.

As Nick started to sit up, Elyse leaned up and kissed him deeply. Their first kiss was sensational, and Nick could taste the flavor of his semen left over in her mouth. She continued kissing him deeply and he gave into her completely.

After a minute, she pulled away with a big smile on her face.

"So, are you a happy boy now? Feel better now that all that tension has been sucked out of you?"

"Oh god yes! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Well now that your balls are completely drained, you should find it easier to think straight. I'd love to know what's going through your mind right now."

Nick tried to compose his thoughts after the ordeal he just endured to answer her question. It took a few moments before he could respond.

"I told you last week about the most amazing experience in my life. What you did for me today was equally amazing. I've always had very strong feelings for you and now they are magnified. I'm bracing myself for what you're about to tell me. That this was you showing me some mercy and that it can be only a one-time thing. And before you tell me this, would you allow me to return the favor? I'd give anything to taste you, even just once."

"Nick, are you telling me you want it to continue?"

"I would love that so much Elyse, but I also know that you're an incredible sexy woman with lots of better options in men. You deserve so much from a guy in bed and I'm still a kid in that regard."

"I've never revealed this to you before Nick, but I actually prefer very young men like you. But before you get your hopes up, there is much more you must understand about me. For starters, I am a very dominant woman. I will only fuck men who submit to me as their mistress. As you just experienced, I am very capable of pleasing a lover, but I am extremely demanding as well. The men I fuck must always put my pleasure before their own and do exactly what I say, to the letter. When they do, they are well rewarded for their obedience."

"I want to submit to you Elyse. If you ever decided that I met your standard, I'd kneel at your feet ready to please you in any way."

"Don't be too quick to enter into a relationship like this. It would be very strenuous on you emotionally and taxing on you physically. My sex drive is insatiable. There would be rules as well. As long as you followed those rules, your joy would be endless. If you didn't, the punishment would be intense."

To illustrate her point, she grabbed Nick by the balls again and gave a mild squeeze, making Nick flinch a bit.

"I've noticed how much your world revolves around your nuts. They would become the source of all reward and all punishment."

"Elyse, nothing you have said so far is frightening me off. I'd strive to please you in every way and follow all of your rules. Not because I'm afraid of the punishment but because I would want you to be pleased by my behavior."

"You wouldn't be able to do my yard work anymore," she said teasingly.

"You're firing me?" He laughed back.

"Consider it a promotion."

Elyse stood up, took a step back and let her robe drop to the floor. Her body was glorious. Her breasts were beautifully shaped with perfectly hard nipples. Her tummy was flat with a belly button that seemed to invite a warm tongue. Her legs were trim and shapely, and her pussy was more beautiful than any he had ever seen in any magazine.

There was so much wetness on the inside of her thighs that it made Nick swell with pride to think that he helped create that. Nick's breathing sped up and his cock went back to full stiffness. Elyse scooped up her own wetness on her finger and offered it to Nick who sucked it clean.

"Would you like more of this young man?"

Finally, Nick couldn't take it anymore. He got down on his knees and embraced her body kissing her stomach.

He looked up and said, "Please let me service you."

Elyse gently grabbed Nick's head in her hands, moving him back slightly and smiled warmly down at him.

"Sweetie, the pleasures you have experienced so far in your young life will pale compared to what I have in store for you. In a moment, you are going to show me just how much you enjoy licking pussy. Study my reactions and listen to what I say. I want you performing at your peak!"

"There will be rules going forward Nick, but we can go over those later. The two that cannot wait are these: Unless we are in a public setting, you will always refer to me as 'Mistress.' Second, when we are together, you will never cum without my permission. I am going to permit you to continue seeing this girl of yours and satisfy her as often as she wants in any way she wants. In fact, I insist on it. It will be your responsibility to perform for both of us at your peak but that shouldn't be too hard for a strong young man like yourself. Do you agree to these rules?"

"Yes Mistress Elyse. I will never disappoint you. May I please satisfy your needs by licking your beautiful pussy?"

Elyse laid back on the couch and positioned herself much as she had done with Nick shortly before.

"Take your time. I enjoy a slow build up. Begin now"

Nick took his time kissing her inner thighs, slowly working his way upward, studying her reactions as he learned to do with Rachel. He assumed Elyse had many men in her life who had performed this service for her but he strived to be one of the better performers after the incredible blowjob he had just been treated to. He found that many of the techniques Rachel preferred worked nicely with Elyse as well and she offered very little direction or encouragement, other than her soft moaning.

"Nibble on my clitoris. I love that. Mmmmm, perfect. Now suck it hard! Oh, yes! Alternate back and forth while your fingers massage my lips."

Nick experimented with pinching her clit between his thumb and forefinger, to effectively trap it and this had Elyse arching her back very quickly. Her clit was significantly larger than Rachel's, he noticed, and far less sensitive. While it was pinched, he rolled it around and sucked at it vigorously. Within seconds, Elyse was on the brink of a powerful orgasm.

"Oh yeah, that's nice! Don't you stop! I'm going to cum soon and when I do, you'll notice I tend to squirt out fluid. You will drink as much of it as you can."

Nick tried to position his open mouth in a way to pleasure her and also catch as much of her juice as he could. He had heard of women 'squirting' and he was determined to make her happy in this.

"OOOOHHH, I'M ALMOST THERE! OH, YES! HERE I GO! AARRHHH! FUCK YES!! Oh, fuck yes! Drink me up! Now lick me everywhere while you keep massaging my swollen clit! Oh yes, that's perfect!"

Nick discovered Elyse wasn't nearly as sensitive during her climax as Rachel so he feverishly licked away at all her juices, taking time to lick her anus clean as well. Elyse particularly enjoyed that and he made a mental note to stimulate her there prior to orgasm next time. Nick inserted a couple wetted fingers into Elyse and was surprised by her reaction.

"You're very free with my pussy young man! I don't recall giving you permission to penetrate me."

Nick immediately withdrew, continuing to lap at her while he apologized.

"I'm sorry Mistress. I thought you'd like it. I only wanted to give you pleasure."

"I do like it. A lot. But my pussy is sacred to you. Treat it as such. Next time, ask permission first. Now reinsert you're fingers and continue what you started."

Nick did as he was told and massaged her G spot as he had done for Rachel. Elyse moaned in response but it didn't have quite the effect it had for Rachel. Nick was beginning to appreciate just how different each lover could be and how important it was to learn what they liked most. He tried combinations of clitoral, anal, and G spot stimulation though and eventually brought her to another shuddering climax.

"Damn, Nick. I made the right choice in seducing you today! You will be doing this for me regularly from now on. Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Oh god yes Mistress!"

"Let's go into the bedroom. I'm ready for more."

Elyse had Nick lie on his back and she mounted him, facing him. She rode him slowly, building up steam.

"Damn, your cock is so fucking hard right now. It's like steel inside me. Feels so fucking good right now. You are not allowed to cum. This is my moment. Understand?"

"Yes Mistress."

"You may have noticed that I have no trouble climaxing. I've always been blessed in that area. I can have dozens in a night. It's important that you stay nice and hard for me. If you satisfy me, I'll allow you a special reward now and then but right now you owe me a lot for the killer blow job I treated you to. Don't you agree?"

"Oh yes Mistress! It was the most incredible orgasm I've ever had! I'll stay hard for you as long as you like and eat you out all day long if you prefer. Just tell me what you want and I'll do it!"

"Perfect! I can feel my next one building now. Push your hips up slightly. Oh, right there. Hold still while I grind your cock! Oh, oh! AAAHHH, FUCK! Oh, yes! Damn that's good!"

Nick felt Elyse's pussy spasm as she came but what he felt most was the sensation of warm liquid streaming into his crotch. Wow! he thought, The wetness is kinda strange but also erotic at the same time!"

"Now slide down just a little. It's time I ride your face!"

Elyse straddled Nick's face and held him tightly by the hair. Nick enjoyed the way she took control of him and used him for her needs. Until recently, he expected to spend his life jerking off but now, he was being used for sex by two beautiful women.

Elyse humped his face harshly as she issued rough commands. "Purse your lips more. Now tongue. Stick it deep inside and wiggle it. More! Deeper! Purse your lips again and stick your tongue out just a little. Oh, that's it! Hold it just like that while I fuck your face! Keep holding that while I cum! OOHH, OOHH, AARRHH, YES! FUCK, I'M CUMMING GOOD! Drink me up! Drink up every drop! Keep lapping at me! That's it. Make it nice and clean! I better be spotless when you're done!"

Nick licked and sucked and swallowed every drop. Most of her juices poured down his face and neck but he did his best to clean her as ordered. As she lifted up, he licked her inner thighs as well, bringing satisfying praise from his new lover.

"You are proving to be a very capable, obedient young stud Nick. Let me spin around so you can finish!"

Elyse lifted and spun around, presenting her ass for Nick to clean. More of her pussy juices had dribbled down and he was all to happy to lick her clean here as well.

"OH, YEAH! You like that, don't you?"

"Mmm hmmm."

"Such a good boy! Keep licking! You're making me very happy young man! I know what you're thinking and since it's hard for you to talk, I'll go ahead and grant you permission."

Nick plunged his tongue into her ass and Elyse cried out, her nails digging into his skin where she had been bracing herself.

"FUCK YEAH! You sweet, sweet boy! That's it! In and out! Keep fucking my ass with your tongue!"
