The Movie Room Pt. 01


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Jess fidgeted with my fingers, interlocking them with her own. "Are you confused Chris?" She asked me.

The color drained out of my face, and I felt the blood rush into my cheeks. My chest was already thundering so loud, I am surprised she couldn't hear it. She could see my instant change of appearance and I am positive she could feel my palms were sweaty. She reached up and touched my face.

"Scratch that. I'm sorry for asking that." She shook the hair out of her face and scootched in closer to me.

"Do you love me Chris?"

I nodded, a repeat of the previous night. "Yes."

After several minutes of internal struggle, I made the final decision to talk with Jess, and attempt to voice my concern, whatever that was. It was hard to get the words out, it felt like there was something lodged in my throat. Through the silence I could hear her breathing harder than normal. Of course, during all this, being so close to Jess has made me painfully hard. Before we made a mistake, I let go of her hand and move back a good foot or so and gave Jess my best serious look.

"Jess. Seriously."

She looked concerned. "Chris?"

"Listen. What we are doing, we both know its wrong and we both know where this is going."

She shook her head and pulled her hair back in to a ponytail as she spoke.

"Where is this going Chris?" She sounded slightly annoyed. It was so hard to make eye contact.

"We are going to cross a line we can't take back. It's inevitable."

"Maybe we will. I don't care. I'm not putting a label or a limit on what is happening." She moved closer to me on the bed again, which caused me to move away and stand up.

"Damnit Jess!", I swore, walking to the door and turning around. I was raising my voice and didn't even know it. "We can't be going on like this. One of us is going to get hurt."

She looked hard at me, and her eyes glazed over. I hurt her with my words. I knew I would. I could see she was about to cry and that was going to break me, so I turned my head to the TV for a second. After a few moments she wiped her eyes and stood up to face me.

"Fine. Please leave me room them." She pointed to the door.

"Jess... please..." I stuttered a few words out trying to calm down the situation. I felt the emotion start to crush my chest again, and I felt tears welling up. "Jess, please, let's talk about this."

I could see her jaw muscles moving as she clenched her teeth and she pointed at the door again.

"I want to be alone. Please leave Chris." She looked at me, then looked at the door.

I put my head down, turned around, and walked out and closed the door behind me. I heard the click of the lock solidifying my fate. This whole situation was killing me, but I know it had to be done. I was literally falling in love with my own sister, and it was scary how close we were getting. One of us had to come to reality of the situation and do something about it, so I guess it had to be me. Jess made it very clear that she wanted to continue what was going on, and we both knew it was going to cross a line, possibly tonight. The worst part is, I almost let it happen. Some part of me was wanting it to happen and encouraged it.

I flopped down face down in bed and let out a series of deep sighs, trying to clear my mind of Jess and everything that has happened in the last few hours. Circular, ruminating thoughts kept penetrating my whole being, everything coming back around to Jess. Her smile, how she talked, the way she wrinkled her nose when she laughed... everything. It was hopeless, and I'm hopeless. As I started to drift off to sleep, my last thoughts were how desperately in love I 'am with my own sister, and I don't know what to do about it.

I woke up the next morning way too late and the urge to talk to Jess right away and apologize for last night. I do not know what I could have done differently to diffuse the situation, but I think I did it all wrong and I did not want her to be mad at me no matter what. We rarely fought about anything and I did not want to start that now. I went to the bathroom and saw her bedroom door was open, and peeked in, but no one was there. I heard a car start and watched Jess pull away from the house and drive down the street through the window. There was a note on the counter next to the phone for my Mom saying she was going to spend the day with Brandy and possibly spend the night over there. My heart sank, but I understood she did not want to be around me right now and being around friends was the best thing for her right now.

I went for a run to get my mind off things and took a different route than normal and ran for way longer than I normally would to try and exhaust myself. When I got home, I jumped in the pool and did some laps, and took a quick shower in the outdoor shower. No one was home, so I made myself a pretty pathetic ham and cheese sandwich and ate it over the sink and tried not to think about Jess, school, work... anything.

After several hours of wandering around the house, checking the mail, cleaning my room, I gave in and got some snacks, threw on some sweatpants and my favorite Mossimo shirt and went into the movie room and put a movie on. I pushed my SAT study work away on to the floor, so I didn't have to look at it, closed my eyes and took a nap. I'm not sure how much time went by.

Suddenly, a light turned on. I heard laughing outside the movie room door, and it burst open, Jess and two of her friends obviously drunk, piled in squealing with laughter and not making much sense at all. I looked at the clock on the cable box, and it read 11pm. Holy shit, I slept really late. Jess saw me on the couch, gave me her best 'get the fuck out' look and went over the bar with Brandy and Becca to fix themselves another round of drinks.

"CHRISSSSS!" Brandy yelled when she saw me and plunked down into my lap, smelling of some sweet vodka drink. "Chrissssss I'm drunk!", She planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek. She was wearing some kind of short, very tight dress that showed off her ample bosom almost down to her tummy.

"BRANDY!" Becca yelled laughing at her. "You are SUCH a whole. Get off Chris!" She spilled her drink on the Jess, and they both hugged and laughed. Wow, they were really drunk.

"NO way. Chris is mine!" And she wiggled around in my lap and kissed me on the other cheek and squeezed my face together comically with her hands. "You are SO cute. You know that. Like so cute. Becca! Isn't Chrissy-poo cute?" Her hands were in my hair now, and a tent was growing larger in my sweatpants by the second. Her wiggling and moving around was bumping into my cock over and over, and I'm pretty sure she could tell.

"He is cute. Jess your brother is cute as fuck right?" Becca agreed with Brandy, slapping Jess on the shoulder.

"Yeah, he is, but he is a grade A asshole." She stared at Chris as he attempted to turn around to see her speak while Brandy was grinding his cock and kissing his cheeks and neck. If there was a look of pure contempt, it was on Jess' face right then.

"Brandy, come here and stop dry-fucking my brother and take this shot with me you skank!" She held up shots from the bar, Becca had fixed four of some yellow shot, I'm assuming one was for me. I shook my head and stood up to walk to the bar. I noticed Jess was wearing the short jean shorts and spaghetti string white tank top that she wore when we went to the mall.

"Woah, woah, woah. What do you think you are doing?" Jess looked a me up and down with a look of sheer disappointment. I looked to Becca to avoid the eye contact.

"Getting my shot, she obviously made one for me."

"You don't get any shots; you don't get shit." She stuck her tongue out at me and moved the shot almost out of my reach. Her actions did not seem playful, more spiteful if anything.

I squinted my eyes and grabbed the shot from the bar and gulped it down without waiting for them to toast or cheers and stared at Brandy while doing it. She smiled and took her shot and licked her lips. She started walking towards me, some extra swing in her step, her ass swaying back and forth the whole ten feet to me. She smoothed her dress down and put her arms around my shoulders.

"Where have you been all my life Chris?" She leaned in for a kiss, and I closed my eyes to meet her halfway, shooting a glance at Jess. Jess and Becca had their mouth wide open in shock, Becca's shock was twisted in to more of a surprise than anything. Our lips met, and I felt the heat of her lips move over mine, just barely touching, no tongue, just a chaste quick kiss and she pulled away laughing.

"Oh my god you really went for it!" Brandy yelled smiling and pulled away poking me in the chest.

"You were going all in!" Becca yelled, gulping her shot down.

Becca wiped her mouth off and made the post shot burn face, turned, and looked at Jess. Jess stood there, her face still a picture of shock. "Chris! You dog!", she yelled again.

Everyone was laughing but Jess, who stood there staring daggers at Chris, she took her shot silently and spoke up. My lips still burned where Brandy kissed me.

"That's enough guys, Chris is not cut out for this, he has no idea that you're joking."

Brandy smiled ear to ear and adjusted her tits in her dress. It was apparent she was not wearing a bra, and they jiggled around as she tried to get them under control.

"Maybe I was joking, maybe I wasn't."

Jess clapped Becca on the ass with a cute yelp and pointed her to the door, pushing her out. She grabbed Brandy by the arm and handed Brandy the bottle of vodka.

"Wait on the pool deck, I have to have a talk with my brother."

"OOooooo! Chris is in Trouble!"

Becca was snorting she was laughing so hard and pulled Brandy out the door closing it behind her. Jess sighed, and put her back against the door, essentially blocking my only exit.

"What the fuck was that?" She looked incensed. Angry was not the word to describe what she looked like. Her eyes were glassy and her whole face was red, clenching her fists. Jess was fucking MAD.

She repeated herself. "What the fuck was that!", louder this time.

I took a step back and assessed the situation. I thought it better that I just go, rather to upset her more. She was already mad at me, and now she was drunk and crazy. I had to go. Her eyes were darting up and down my face, and she bit her lip until it turned white. I reached down past her waist to grab the doorknob, and she slapped my hand away.

"Say something Chris! What the fuck was that!"

I didn't even move, I just stood there less than a foot away holding my stinging hand.

"It was just a kiss. Relax. I'm single, who cares?"

"Just a kiss? Seriously?"

"Yeah, it was! Why do you care? Goddamn." I was getting annoyed now, but in the back of my mind I wanted to keep some semblance of peace. "Just let me out. Please. I don't want to do this right now. You're drunk."

"Why do I care?! You asshole. You know I fucking care."

"Why should you care? You're my sister!" I reached again for the doorknob and she pushed me back, with both hands on my chest. I have to hand it to her, it was a good shove, and I was not expecting the force behind it, which made me trip slightly and hit the bar with my arm. I grabbed the rail of the bar to steady me and redoubled my efforts. I was pissed now, and I wanted to go before this got even futher out of hand.

I went to grab the doorknob again and when she went to push me, I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards me, and with my other arm, maneuvered her by the waist to hold her still, while I turned around, so I was the one with my back to the door. I couldn't help noticing this put us almost nose-to-nose, and I could smell her perfume she put on earlier from going out with her friends. I could see down the front of her open shirt, the sweat from her anger still wet on her chest. Our closeness was immediately stifling. I closed my eyes to block out the sensory overload of my beautiful sister and used my other hand to reach behind me and open the door. She surprised me; Her free hand came up around my neck and pushed my head back in to the door with a thud. Not a huge impact, but it smarted for sure. I opened my eyes and looked down to see my sister, red faced, hair astray, grinding her teeth. I was trapped and for once in my life, I had nothing smart assed to say, had no ammunition for the situation, no witty retorts. We just stood there, her beathing heavy with her hand on my neck, close as we could be without our faces physically touching.

I wanted to do something crazy. I did the only thing I knew how to do, I kissed her. Hard. Not a sibling sisterly kiss by any means. This was a kiss that had real passion behind it, passion that was built up and contained for over a week of longing and closeness to my insanely attractive sister. She pulled her head away and showed her teeth in anger, but I noticed she did not try to get me to let go.

"How fucking dar..."

I cut her off again and spun her around, slamming her back to the door, pinning her arms above her head, and kissed her so hard, I felt the circulation to my lips was being cut off. I pulled back for a second and she tried to say something, but I just cut her off with another kiss, this one lasting almost 10 full seconds. I pulled away to catch my breath and I saw tears in her bloodshot eyes. She was breathing hard too, erratic, and at that moment I decided I was not going to fuck around anymore. My chest and felt like it was going explode. I kissed her again and this time was not like the previous ones, she immediately softened and opened her mouth and our tongues danced together, intertwining. I sucked her bottom lip softly, and let go, and she would do the same to me, then alternate back to the deep tongue kissing. We kissed again and again, sucking and releasing. I let her arms go from their pinned position above her head and they instantly shot around my neck and face, holding me with such an intense pressure, like she never wanted to let me go. Her grip was like a steel trap, crushing me to her. My hands went around waist and down to her ass, where I squeezed both cheeks at the same time. I wanted to do something crazy, well, this was crazy.

After a few minutes of intense kissing and feeling, Jess pulled away and looked at me intently. Her hands were still in my hair, not letting go of me. Our faces were less an inch away from each other.

"Chris... can you believe it?"

"No, I can't. It's incredible. You're incredible. You are a fantastic kisser Jess."

I ran my hands up her back under her shirt, and back down to her ass, squeezing it like before. Her breathing quickened and she bit her lip and let out a small moan.

"This doesn't feel wrong. I want to kiss you again. I want more of you right now."

No sooner did the last word leave her lips, I crushed myself into her, reaching under her skirt and grabbing her supple ass cheeks and lifting her up. She squeaked and locked her legs around my back and waist to steady herself and put her arms around my neck. She let out a long moan as I sucked her neck and then kissed the wet stripe it left behind. My hands were under her skirt now and I could feel her panty covered ass as I dug my fingers in and moved my mouth ministrations to around to the front of her chest and the tops of her breasts. Something was burning inside of me, something very primal and it was manifesting as pure uncontrollable lust for my sister. Every time I kissed and licked a different part, Jess stiffened up and let out a small moan to let me know she wanted what I was doing and didn't want it to stop. I had no clue how far she wanted me to go, but at this moment, I was so wrapped up and invested in the situation, I did not care either. The sound of a sliding door closing broke my concentration for a moment, and I lifted my head away from her cleavage to look at her in the face for the first time in a few minutes.

"Did you hear that?"

"Yeah. Quick. Let me down."

I slowly released my grip on her perfectly shaped ass and she slid down the front of me, her skirt covered sex rubbing over the top of my cock as she slid down. We never took our eyes off one another as I let her go. Before she turned around to leave, I fixed some errant strands of hair that escaped her ponytail, and tucked them behind her ears and kissed her one last time, slow and soft while I held her face. When I pulled away, she was smiling, and made a cute sniff sound and leaned her face into my hand with a purr.

"Let's talk later. I have to get back to the girls."

"Okay. Talk later. I'll be in here."

"I'm coming to your room later don't lock the door."

She almost never came to my room, I always went to hers, I thought. I nodded in agreement, and with that, Jess left the movie room and left me in silence with the biggest hard-on of my life. So many thoughts swimming around my head, it was almost too much to process all at once. I flopped down on my normal section of the couch and put my feet up, adjust my cock so it didn't get caught in my boxers, as it was about to pop out all on its own. My whole body was vibrating. I could still feel where Jess; hands were around my neck and my lips tingled with whatever lip gloss she was wearing. I could smell her perfume on my shirt, and it was absolutely driving me insane. I took a deep breath and flipped on the news to distract me and closed my eyes.

I'm going to burn in hell for this.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

You need an editor, but that is all you need.

Little tiny details, like a smidge more detail when he sees her masturbating might make this perfect, but maybe it already is.

Emotion, love, care, confusion, desire, mistakes, flirting, nice build-up,

Love it

Five for you

tlanuwa1963tlanuwa19636 months ago

The best I've read in a long time.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Very good and well-told story! Internal thoughts/conflicting feelings of MC definitely helped drive and contextualize it.

Less favorably, fairly numerous writing errors are distracting. Incorrect homophones, incorrect words, missing words, and shifts in tense are the main culprits. Some phrasing seems a little awkward, but I’ll chalk that up to style—I’m not a total meanie 😉

NickCaveNickCaveover 1 year ago

It baffles me just how stupid some people are. Like, this anonymous pussy who left feedback rating the story 3/5. Why did he give the story only 3 stars? Because she (I'm assuming this is a woman) doesn't like the way a confused CHARACTER in a story handled an incredibly awkward situation...and then accepted a 2-second kiss from HER girlfriend who SHE KNOWS is a slut and wants to fuck her brother. Are you kidding me?! You shit on the stories rating because the author actually put in some thought and didn't just make this a cookie-cutter "brother and sister fuck like its no big deal" story.

Oh...and the sister never confessed her love for him. HE is the one who brought up that something was starting to happen between them and he was concerned because incest is WRONG and he didn't want to hurt his sister if they did fuck around and then it fell apart. The only thing his sister admitted to was that she was fine with how close they were getting and she wanted to see how things might continue to progress between them. She didn't confess her love. Jesus...It's amazing how poor people's reading comprehension can be.

If anything, you should be saying that this story deserves 6 fucking stars for the fact that the author actually wrote a story with the characters having very real feelings. You shit on the story because an 18-year-old boy CHARACTER didn't jump up and down over his growing incestuous feelings. You are a trip...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Her brother is an asshole. His sister confessed her love to him. He starts squealing that they're brother and sister, so he's against moving on. Then he kisses his sister's friend right in front of her.

Looking for Brandy's cunt just to fuck doesn't add to the romance either. Bottom line: 3/5

wuz2bluwuz2bluover 1 year ago

Very well written! A few typo here and there, but that's one reason even the best writers employ editors, right? I loved the realistic, slow (but not too slow) build up. I am fighting with myself to hurry up and finish this review so I can dive into part two! I really hope you decide to write more stories. Whether they are about the same people or someone wildly different, I just want to read (a lot) more from you!

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 2 years ago

Excellent! 5/5

I can't tell you how many other stories that I have read recently that totally bored me to tears with the immature writing and sophomoric sexcapades. Thanks for ending my drought!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Enjoying it so far! I see part two is up, that's good!

I laughed when he was saying something like, "if we don't stop this, something is going to happen!"

And all I could think was, not at the rate you're going, ROFL!!

To me she seemed like (well we knew where it was really going, but..) all the things she was doing, even getting in bed to cuddle with him, was just a sister's love and probably all a hard ditch effort to get him out of a spiral before he lost his shit in a spiral of depression and slut, err, slit his wrists. (Damned auto correct, if I had WANTED to type 'slut' it would have written something else, hehe!

Really though, he is an excitable, flighty kind of guy!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

It's a great start looking forward to part 2.

Klubot99Klubot99about 3 years ago

Where the heck is #2!? Been 9 days since original submission ugh

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