The Payback


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Tara opened the pack with the douche and read the instructions. "I will need to insert his back there and fill you up. You have to wait for a little and then expel. They suggest doing this twice and holding it in as long as possible."

Rob looked miserable. "What do you want me to do?"

"Let me fill this bag and then bend over the sink. It has a smaller nozzle than what you had in there before. Then hold it for as long as possible. Sorry." Tara kissed his cheek. Rob endured the insertion twice and expelled it. That Tara was with him helped him accept the intrusion.

Then Tara applied the nair all over his body even going up to his neck and cheeks. She also applied it between his cheeks. He waited patiently and was pleased when he could enter the shower. It was a small cubicle but Tara joined him rubbing him down.

They dried off, Tara rubbed some lotion all over Rob's body and legs. Her hands wandered also to the groin area and the growing member. Holding his member in her hand Tara led them back to the bedroom. "This guy needs to stay down tonight. Then he can rise at any time and it won't be a problem."

Tara sat on the edge of the bed and gently licked the head. She squeezed the foreskin and poked her tongue into the slit. S moment later the head and slowly she absorbed the whole length. It was slow with frequent stops. She sucked each ball in the sac and teased the penis until it was hard. Then she took him from tip to root several times, massaging the sac. She could feel the pulsing and knew it would soon erupt. Rob was compelled to hold Tara's head lightly when he had the biggest orgasm of his life. Tara didn't stop. She swallowed all and continued to suck. After some minutes she concluded it would be some time before it could rise.

"I was not ready to share," Tara said planting a small kiss on the head. "I never enjoyed the two bjs I gave before I met you," Tara said. "I did it because my friend wanted me to, not because I wanted to. And I never did swallow. Now, I can't wait to put it in my mouth, taste it and swallow."

Rob gave a small smile still coming down from his ejaculation. "We'll have to use that lubrication after the salon," Tara continued. "But I suggest you use the pad to give a flatter front," Tara suggested and handed Rob a plain cotton panty and a pad.

Rob pulled up the panty and pushed his flaccid penis back and slipped in the pad. Tara came to him and pulled it higher and tighter. "I think he'll sleep for some hours and I'll definitely wake him up tonight," she said planting a quick kiss on his lips. "I don't wear stockings as you know and pantyhose may be too much. I am sure the salon has a garter and stockings planned."

The bra was next and Tara spent some time padding it out with cotton wool. As much as she was able to pad it in, it still felt softer than natural breasts. It would have to do. Nobody would touch them except Tara.

The brightly colored sundress was next. Tara pulled it down so that it fitted Rob's frame well. A broad stretch belt went around the waist. Next came the 2" heels. Robin was quite comfortable in them now. Tara kissed Robin lightly on the lips and applied a dark cherry lipstick. This was Tara's normal color. She left Robin for a moment and came back with the clip-on earrings. These were simple red discs but suited the colors of the dress.

"I don't have a wig for you but we can use a broad straw hat that I have. It'll cover your head till we get to the salon. I haven't worn it in years." Tara went to her small cupboard and pulled something from the top shelf. She straightened out the rim and placed it on Robin's head. "I can't see any hair but the hat will hide hair anyway."

Robin looked at the small mirror over the dresser. She could not see her full figure. The body appeared to have the right curves. The face with the gash of color was hidden by the brim of the hat and would pass cursory inspection.

Whilst Robin was admiring herself, Tara was getting ready. She wore her standard skirt and blouse and low heeled shoes. A dash of lipstick and she was ready. Earlier she had put her cocktail dress into the plastic carrier as she wanted to change at the salon. They had facilities as Robin was going to change there.

Tara called an Uber and waited for it to arrive. She could feel Robin's anxiety and held his hand tightly. "Don't worry," she said reassuringly. "I will be with you and we'll have a little time when we come back here. Just speak softly if you have to. The salon knows who you are and why you are doing this." She hugged Robin.

They walked down the short flight of stairs to the Uber. It was a short fifteen-minute drive to the salon. They didn't speak. Tara sat very close to Robin with thighs touching.

The salon was located in a smaller strip mall with a series of small shops. It didn't appear to have any distinguishing features. There was a series of large pictures in the window.

Tara knocked and entered. A small bell rang. She was holding Robin's hand. As they walked in they could see just four salon chairs, two in a row opposite each other. Large brightly lit mirrors were on one wall and the two chairs on the opposite wall had sinks facing them. Obviously, two chairs were for makeovers and the other for hair styling. Several rooms were leading off a short corridor.

"Tiffany?" Tara asked the lady wearing a smock. She was about Tara's height but with a heavier build and rather heavy makeup for daytime salon work.

"Yes. You must be Tara and Rob." Debby had obviously forgotten to tell Tiffany that it was Robin. "Alyssa and Martha are at the back getting everything ready. "

Tara was surprised there were no other clients. Normally a Saturday should see a busy salon. Tiffany saw Tara's questioning look but ignored the unasked question.

"Did you depilate thoroughly?" Tiffany asked.

"Yes," Robin said softly.

"Good. It will be easier and quicker."

"What has Debby planned?" Tara asked. "You know we are going to a party as three girls."

Tiffany's smile indicated that Debby had shared more with Tiffany than just a regular transformation. "She said she wanted Robin looking a 'hot bitch' if I remember the exact words," Tiffany replied. "It's good that you also want a makeover so we can try to keep it to a similar glamour look."

"I brought my dress so I can get changed with Robin if that is OK," Tara asked.

"Sure, we have everything planned back there. Alyssa and Martha will help Robin change. Alyssa and I'll be doing the makeovers. It is better to change first before the makeover," Tiffany explained. "I can do your hair whilst they are getting Rob ready."

"Oh, I wanted to watch what they are doing," Tara said seeing the anxiety on Robin's face. "I got Robin to dress like this to come here but she has never dressed before. She is a little nervous." Rob could have come here in jeans and a T-shirt but Tara couldn't imagine this salon was empty.

Tiffany had a small grin on her face. "For the first time, she looks OK. But we have to make her a beautiful doll." Tiffany's smile and demeanor caused Robin to be even more nervous. "We'll have to start. We need to finish by six as we have two customers coming then. Let's go to the back."

Tara and Robin wondered at who might be coming so late. They didn't ask glad that they might be alone in the shop without outside observers.

Tiffany led them down the short corridor to a room at the back where two ladies were waiting. There was a waxing table in the middle of the room and some curtained cubicles where customers could change. One cubicle had the curtain drawn, the other three cubicles had open curtains.

"Rob, why don't you undress and remove everything except your panty or underwear," Tiffany suggested. "Alyssa and Martha know what we have to do."

"I think we need to call her Robin," Tara said. "Rob won't fit the girl he'll become." Tara was trying to reduce Rob's anxiety. Rob hung up the hat and with Tara's help stepped out of the dress. Tara unhooked the bra and Rob was now left in the panty.

"OK, Robin. Let's see your body and what we have to do.," Martha said. She was slim and had a pleasant face.

Robin stepped forward nervously as Martha ran her hands over his nude body, from the chest to legs. "You did a good job with the hair. We won't have a problem with the breast forms," she said

Robin looked at Tara for some kind of explanation. She assumed the dress would cover the breast forms inserted into the bra.

"Robin, please lie down on the table," Martha requested. "Just for perfection, Martha took a razor and pulling down the panty scraped away the sparse public hair into a straight line. "If you want, we can trim the hair down there into a nice shape."

"Why?" was all Robin was able to squeak out. "The dress will cover everything won't it?"

"Oh yes, but it looks prettier if it is trimmed down. But you can do that later." Martha was smiling at Robin's discomfort.

Alyssa brought a box to Martha and some sachets. "Now you have to lie still until this sets."

"What sets?" Tara asked interrupting Robin's question.

"Well, because of the cur of the dress, we are supposed to attach the forms to the chest with medical adhesive."

"What?" Robin shouted

"Well, the dress is low cut and will show some cleavage. A full bra would be visible. So we need to use a demi-bra." Martha's explanation was professional.

"How does she take it off?" Tara asked. "It can't stay on for days."

"Oh, no. You can keep it glued for some hours or up to a week probably. But we have a solvent that allows easy removal whenever you want."

"I don't think Robin was expecting that for one night. Can't you just insert them?" Tara asked moving to Robin and holding his hand.

"I don't think it will work as the dress is cut low. But we'll give you the solvent and you can help her remove them. Just rub the solvent around the edges and apply more as you lift them off. It is not too bad and won't hurt. Alyssa, please get the bottle from the cupboard. Some Drag performers do this daily," Martha smiled. "We have a few regulars who come here for makeovers and a body transformation. I think we have two coming tonight. They like to go out to clubs all glammed up."

Martha opened the box and took two jelly-like forms that truly resembled natural breasts. The edges were thin and almost transparent. Robin couldn't see much but gripped Tara's hands tightly as Martha laid the forms on his chest. She then used the sachet and cleaned around the chest area. Then she sprayed the underside of the forms and positioned them, one at a time on Robin's chest. She pressed down firmly and ran her fingers around the edge of the form. Even at close range, Tara had a hard time seeing where the edge and Robin's body met.

"We were told to use C sized forms," Martha explained. "They are a little bigger than normal for his frame but that was what the lady requested. Robin, you can sit up now but be careful of the pull. They are the weight of a natural breast and move like real ones too." Martha inspected the edges. "Sometimes we use a little concealer to hide the edges," she said in a matter of fact voice. "I don't think we need to do that here."

Robin struggled up and Tara held on to her hand. She was amazed that the breasts looked so natural and were probably the same size and shape as her own. Even though she knew they were not real, seeing them on Robin brought back memories of her college room-mate who walked about their dorm room bare-breasted from time to time.

"When you stand, you can hold them to relieve the pull on your skin," Martha said. "When we have that demi bra and dress on you'll have plenty of support."

Robin's face had a mixture of horror and curiosity. What else would she need to endure? Thank God Tara was here and had the solvent. She felt the weight as soon as she stood up. She understood why ladies needed to wear bras.

"You are slim so we don't need a full corset. But we will use a cincher to take your waist in a little. It also has the tabs to hold up your stockings. Today we will use a special strapless bra as the dress has no straps."

Alyssa held out a garment and Martha wrapped it around Robin's new breasts and attached it firmly at the back. Robin felt immediate relief. She looked dazed at the two rather large globes at her breast. They looked so natural. Tara had an enigmatic smile on her face as she stroked a breast. "Wow, it'd hard to tell the difference."

"Yes," Martha smiled. "Some of our customers who dress surprise their boyfriends until they reach down lower." Martha's smile indicated what some of her customers liked to do. The difference here was that both Robin and Debby knew in advance what was down below.

Alyssa then handed Martha a garment with gooks in front and laces hanging from it. It was tied around Robin's waist and pulled tight. The waist was drawn in by several inches. The tabs for the stockings hung down. It was constricting but Robin accepted this torture in silence.

"Now, if you were going all out to please we would use a longer girdle and pad out your behind so you would have a truly great figure. We were told that that was not needed but to use a tight panty to flatten the front." Martha was a professional but she had dealt with these crossdressers before. The only reason to not use the girdle was for easy access to the back. She wondered briefly what the intention was here but kept a straight face. Robin did not appear the type to want quick fun. Her girlfriend was also in the act so something was going on.

Alyssa knelt at Robin's feet and rolled up a shiny pair of stockings up her legs attaching them firmly to the tabs. Tara watched in amazement as Robin's female form changed before her eyes. Her figure was not as shapely and Robin's bust was as big as her own. She was also surprised at herself for admiring the transformation and the thought of a lesbian affair. She knew full well what Robin had between her legs but this was a new and exciting adventure she could never have imagined.

"We have some shoes you need to try. I hope you will find them comfortable." Alyssa brought out two shoe boxes. The first box contained some red heels, probably about 4" in height, with a sequin finish. Alyssa lifted Robin's leg and fitted the shoe. Then the other foot,

"How do they feel?" Tara asked helping Robin. "Take a few steps." With Tara's arm around her waist, Robin took a few steps.

"OK," Robin replied softly.

"Let's try the other and you can decide. You have to spend the whole evening in them so make sure you are comfortable, especially if you are dancing or standing around for some time," Martha suggested.

Alyssa slipped off the shoes and replaced them with the other pair. Once again with Tara's arm around her waist Robin walked a few steps.

"So, what do you think?" Tara asked. "You have to be honest."

Robin looked at Tara and then at her feet. "I think the other pair is better." It was the first time she said anything since this process started.

"Makes sense," Martha interrupted. "They are somewhat wider. I am glad you shoes that pair. They are more stylish for evening wear." Alyssa took the shoes off and Robin felt the tension in her calves' ease, Tara's shoes were more comfortable and she hadn't felt any pain.

"Let's get the dress on her," Martha said opening the section that was curtained off. "Tara, why don't you get dressed too so we can start on the makeovers at the same time?"

There was the red dress that Tiffany had mentioned to Tara. "We'll pull this over your head," Martha said and slipped the dress off the hanger. Meanwhile, Tara was hurrying to change into her cocktail dress and shoes.

Martha asked her to stretch her hands upwards and pushed the dress onto Robin. The dress was tugged into place over the bust. It was made of some stretch material and clung to Robin's slender frame. The sleeves were off the shoulder and attached to the dress under the arm. The top of the breast was very evident and the globes looked very natural. Robin tried to peek down the dress but the globes prevented her from seeing the full length. It appeared very short and ended well above the knee.

Tara suddenly appeared and gasped. The dress clung to Robin's narrow frame and looked extremely sexy. The sleeves off the shoulder added a touch of glamour. "You look amazing," she said enthusiastically.

Robin's face was blank. She wondered why her new girlfriend found her in a dress she described as amazing. With Robin's fair coloring, the red dress would definitely draw attention. The prominent bust line would only add to the spectacle.

Alyssa knelt at Robin's feet and slipped on the sequined heels. Tara came immediately to Robin and hugged her and helped her find her balance and walk a few steps with her arm around Robin's waist. It didn't take long for Robin to find her balance.

Tara guided Robin to a long mirror on a stand near the curtained area. For the first time, Rob was able to see 'Robin' in the full-length mirror. From neck to toe, Robin was the very form of a slender female with a prominent bust; certainly a magnet of attention anywhere she went. Whilst Tara looked very pretty in her black velvet cocktail dress, the two of them side by side was a study in contrast below the neck: a black velvet cocktail dress and a red outfit; both outfits hugged the wearer's frame.

"It's past 4.00 and we still have to do the makeovers," Martha said. "Tara, do you want your hair set and styled? We should have time depending on what you want."

Tara looked at Robin. "If you can style my hair in a neat bob without washing that would be great. Then the makeover and I think we should be done by 6. You said others were coming."

"I think we'll manage," Martha said. "Let's go to the salon. I assume you both want matching looks. Debby never mentioned that Tara would be here. But she did tell us to go all out with Robin."

"Yes, well, we want to look good," Tara replied. "Of course we need Robin looking great."

"Debby said you were going to a party so I guess we'll need you both with heavier evening makeup."

"Did Debby explain what is happening tonight?" Tara asked quietly.

"Of course," Martha replied with a laugh. "We think it's a hoot to have her male replacement at work come in drag to her leaving party. She said Rob was a good sport to agree to dress up."

Tara looked at Robin. So this was the story Debby gad told to explain Robin's transformation.

Martha and Alyssa were talking in soft tones. Robin and Tara walked to the salon area trying to absorb their pending transformations.

They were seated side by side in front of the mirrors surrounded by bright lights. Martha and Alyssa wrapped capes around the two. Robin had to stop admiration of her upper female form.

Martha felt Robin's face. "It is smooth but we can't risk 5'O clock shadow. So, I'll have to shave you." Alyssa was instantly at her side with a bowl of foam which Martha applied liberally to Rob's face and neck. A cutthroat razor applied in her hand. She began to shave Robin sat there still. A slip and her throat would be cut. Martha was obviously experienced in doing this as in a few moments Robin's face was baby smooth. She rubbed some soothing lotion into the skin.

Meanwhile, Alyssa pulled up a small stool to Tara's chair and began to work on her nails. She filed and shaped them and then added extensions. Then, she applied several coats of bright red color. Tara watched as her bails grew far beyond their original size. Using a computer and doing chores would be difficult. But for tonight, they would look fabulous.

"Martha will cut and style your hair whilst I do Robin's nails," Alysa said. Tara's nails looked fabulous and her fingers longer. "Then I'll do your evening makeup and Martha will do Robin's."
