The Payback


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Martha came to Tara's station. "I don't think we need to do much unless you want a completely different style. I can trim it and style it. Or do you want more?"

"No, that would be perfect," Tara said. "I like the current length as it is easy to maintain. Haven't been to a salon in months."

"Yes, dear, I can see that." Martha went to work on Tara's hair combing and snipping.

Meanwhile, Robin was having her nails done. Alyssa used the same nails as for Tara and glued them in place. She painted them the same bright red color as Tara's. Robin watched with mixed emotions. The nails made his fingers look slender and longer. She hoped very much Tara gad a solution to remove them before work on Monday. There was no way he could turn up for work with nails like that. She tried to look at Tara who smiled back reassuringly. She was sure Tara had that solution covered.

"Next time we should also do your toe-nails. They will look fabulous with open-toe pumps," Alyssa volunteered.

Robin had a hard time explaining that there would not be a next time and said "Yes" softly. She sat quietly admiring her nails as Martha finished with Tara's cut.

"OK, ladies, now for the makeup," Martha said. "Obviously we will have to use a much heavier makeup on Robin as she'll be the star tonight. But Tara, you'll look fabulous too. First question: eyebrows. We can't match Tara's thinner eyebrows to Robin's. So we can wax them to look more arched and feminine or I can cover them up and paint them on. This is quite popular with our customers."

"I don't think we want to shave or trim Robin's eyebrows," Tara replied. "If you can cover them it may be better. Agreed, Robin?"

"Yes," was Robin's soft reply. She would never be able to go out as Rob without eyebrows.

"I guess," Martha said. "Debby may be disappointed as she has really thin arched brows." Alyssa stood by Martha with something in her hand. It was a wig cap. Martha pulled this tight over Robin's head and then use a clear tape across the top from the right forehead corner to the left corner of the neck and vice versa. The head now looked bald. "We clip the wig to the net so you can move your head and dance without the wig becoming askew. It will stay in play even during sexual games."

Robin and Tara had the same thought: Martha had no idea but guessed correctly at tonight's planned event.

Martha used a glue stick to pastedown Robin's eyebrows. They now lay flat against the skin. Robin tried to absorb how Martha applied concealer and then a thick foundation with many layers of powder to reduce her face and neck to a blank canvas. Using a stencil, Martha painted on two eyebrows with a dark brown color. They were perfect matching arches higher than the natural brow line. Bow there was ample room for various colors of eyeshadow.

Robin tried to see what Alyssa was doing with Tara but she had to restrict her head movements. Martha applied shades of grey and red shadow, blending them with a white highlight below the painted brows. Robin stared fascinated at the transformation and trying to forget what would be happening later.

After lining the upper lid with a thick black line, a thinner line was drawn on the bottom. To her surprise, Martha glued on some rather long lashes causing the eyes to be large windows of her face. Many layers of mascara were next. A dark pink rouge was blended up the cheekbones before Martha painstakingly outlined Robin's lips with a dark red pencil. A bright red lipstick was applied with a brush. Robin was asked to press her lips against a tissue and may more layers were applied. Then, even more layers of gloss sealed in the color.

"Don't look so surprised. With this base girls can kiss or do other things with their mouth without smudging their lipstick too much," Martha explained with a smile. "We'll put a tube of lipstick in your purse so you can touch up your lips. There is also a small kit for other repairs to your face in a small kit."

Martha looked at Robin's face and smiled. "Just a few more things and you'll look gorgeous. See Tara?"

Robin and Tara now looked at each with shock and excitement. Both had the same lipstick but Tara's eyes looked different. She also had large eyelashes with many applications of mascara but they seemed shorter than Robin's. Tara smiled at Robin and mouthed 'beautiful'.

Alyssa stood next to Martha with something in her hand blocking Tara's view of Robin. In a moment something cool touched her ear and then she felt a sting. Martha inserted a long earring with three bright ruby red oval stones. "We need to do the other ear too," Martha said and moved to the other side. Robin suddenly had two long dangling earrings.

"Sorry, Robin. But if I asked you may have said 'no'. I can explain away not reshaping your brows, but not earrings. We are not supposed to use these long earrings after a piercing, just studs but we have no time. As you may know, if you take them off and never insert an earring again, the holes will heal without a mark. You need to clean them every day and you could try studs at night and remove them at work. But many young men have pierced ears now." Alyssa placed a ring on Robin's right hand that had a matching stone to the earrings.

"Now, for the hair." Martha had selected three wigs in different styles: a curly dark blonde, shorter redhead and shoulder-length brunette. She placed each on Robin's head.

"I think with Robin's coloring and dress, the blonde is the only fit." Martha tugged the wig into place and pushed the curls up in an updo style and secured them with a clip. Some curls fell around Robin's ears. She was the ultimate starlet with a red carpet look. The wig was secured by pins clipped discreetly to the cap.

"All set, you both can now get up and admire yourselves. I must say, you both look fabulous." Martha was very proud of her achievement. "It's 5.45 and just in time."

Robin and Tara stared at each other. Both their transformations were spectacular. Tara had a big smile on her face as she pressed herself to Robin careful not to disturb the makeup.

"You look gorgeous," Tara said. "I can't believe it. Look at me? I have never had so much makeup and the lashes? My mum wouldn't recognize me."

"Yes," Robin replied softly blinking her large eyelashes. "You do look fabulous. Can't wait to see Debby's reaction."

"Shock, surprise and jealousy all missed up. Careful, though, it may make her more aggressive."

"Martha, can you please take pictures of us individually top half and a full length? Also two of us together?" Tara asked.

"Yes, but I have a suggestion before we do that. Tara, you look beautiful but may I suggest garters, stockings and a pair of higher heels? We have everything here."

Tara looked at Martha and then at Robin. It was true. Robin was a stunner and she needed to match her style. Robin saw her hesitation.

"Don't worry," said. "I'll be happy to pay for them."

"Don't worry about payment. Debby left her credit card here and said to do anything we wanted. She didn't mention you but she won't notice." Martha smiled. "She didn't want a makeover from us which was a surprise." Obviously Martha suspected there was more to all of this. "Come with me," She held out her hand to Tara. Robin watched her walk away with Martha. She did look beautiful and Robin looked forward to enjoying her Robin time with a glammed up Tara. She tried not to think of what would happen later. Tara would be at her side and she felt strength from her support.

Some twenty minutes later Tara returned beaming. She had grey stockings and heels as tall as Robin's. This was the highest heels Tara had ever worn. Although her calf muscles were straining, she saw the look of admiration on Robin's face and decided that if Robin could endure it, so could she.

Tara gave Martha her iPhone and Martha asked them to pose and took many pictures in many different poses. Tara and Robin posed hugging each other and arms around each other's waist. They wanted to share a kiss and brought their painted mouth close but not touching. Martha approved and encouraged other sexy poses.

"We need to call an Uber," Tara suggested. "What about the clothes? When do we return them?"

"Nothing to return. Debby has bought everything. Why don't you both come back next weekend and we'll do it again?" Martha had a big smile on her face.

"We'll call," Tara said, linked arms with Robin and thanked Martha and Alyssa who handed them a bag with their clothes and shoes. Just as they were leaving two gents arrived. Martha's next customers.

"I can't believe how we look," Tara said. "You're a knockout and much better looking than Debby or me even when we are dolled up."

"In some strange way, I am excited too. I don't know why and what will happen later," Robin said softly.

"I am tempted to go back and use my strap-on before Debby does you. I can't believe how turned on I am by my special boy-girlfriend." Before Robin could reply, the Uber arrived and they slid in.

They entered the apartment and hugged each other tightly. Tara could feel the way Robin's breasts pressed against hers. It was a new experience. They wanted desperately to kiss but knew they couldn't afford to mess up their lipstick. They just looked at each other and used the tips of their tongues.

"Robin, it's just 8.20 now. I'll send Debby a text to say you will be ready by 7.30 pm. Maybe she can come earlier. But, we have to do something first." Tara saw how Robin's mood changed. "Sorry, but it is necessary. Then I need to change into a more simple dress. I can't change the makeup unless you want to stay in."

"Can I decide after Debby leaves?" Robin asked.

"Of course." Tara led Robin by the hand to the bathroom. Robin leaned over the sink whilst Tara pulled down Robin's panty. She rubbed his cheeks and stroked the tops of his stockings. With gloved fingers, she inserted the lubricant into Robin's puckered hole. This was not new for Robin but she squirmed as Tara went in as deep as she could.

"I think we need to do something else too, Can you please turn?" Tara sat on the toilet seat and pulled down Robin's panty carefully. She took out his cock which was still limp and kissed the tip. She tore open a packet and pulled a condom over his cock. "I'm sure I can bring you to life again later," Tara said pulling the penis back between Robin's legs. She put the liner in and pulled the panty up tight. "I don't think she'll pull down your panty. She just needs access. So she may not even notice the liber," Tara said thoughtfully.

After straightening out the dress and making sure everything was in place, Tara led Robin back to the living area. She put some sachets on the low table. "If possible, get her to use the condom on the strap on before she puts it back there."

There was a message on Tara's phone. Debby was leaving and would be there with thirty minutes. She would text Tara as she approached so Tara could wait in her car. That was ten minutes ago.

Tara saw the nervous look on Robin's face. Despite the heavy makeup, her anxiety was evident. Tara hugged her tight whispering, "It'll soon be over." Robin stood there passively.

"Where do you want to be when she enters?" Tara asked. "Standing, sitting?"

Robin shook her head. "Don't know."

"I suggest you stand around here so she'll see you as she walks into the living area. I think she will also be nervous and want it over quickly."

Robin said nothing and had that dejected look. It was just moments away and she would experience humiliation and even pain.

The ping came. "I am double-parked at the entrance." Tara showed the message to Robin.

"Be brave, my darling. I'll be thinking of you every second. I promise you it will be over soon. Let that drive your thoughts - and what will come later tonight." Tara pecked Robin on the lips, gathered her phone and purse, blew Robin a kiss and left. The door was unlocked.

Debby was waiting at the entrance. As luck would have it she had managed to find a spot in the visitor's park of her building. She was dressed in jeans and a T-Shirt and wore a baseball cap. There was not a trace of makeup on her face. She threw the keys at Tara and pointed to her car.

"Is the bitch ready?" she asked in a gruff voice staring at Tara's normal clothes but fully made up. She stared at Tara's face.

"Robin wanted me to be there and they wouldn't let me sit there occupying a chair. So Robin asked them to do my face too," Tara explained.

Tara just nodded. There was no way to change things. Debby knew the apartment and entered the building. Tara went to the car trying to imagine what Robin was feeling. She hoped it would be over soon.

Debby's car was just a few steps away and appeared full of boxes on the back seat and some other items on the passenger seat. Tara climbed into the driver's seat wondering what Debby had in the boxes. On the passenger seat, there was a bag that appeared to contain bottles of water and bags of crisps and snack bars. There was also an open carton of cigarettes, a lighter and a pack that must have just been opened. The interior smelled of smoke. Tara didn't wander too much at the contents of the bag. She was worried about what Robin was experiencing. She wished she could be there. Robin looked beautiful and she was surprised at the transformation. With nothing to do she took out a cigarette and decided to smoke to pass the time. Her mind was in turmoil. She took deeper drags. She was an occasional smoker but now needed the cigarette to occupy her fingers as she tried to imagine Robin's plight. She was barely at the end of the cigarette when she heard a ping. It sounded like a text message and it wasn't from her phone. The ping sounded again. Curious, she looked around and found Debby's phone in the bag with the water and snacks.

She stubbed out her cigarette and pulled out the iPhone. The message was from Brad. The message was short. 'When are you leaving?" Tara's fingers were shaking as she lit another cigarette and tapped the message. She had seen Debby's passcode as she wanted to introduce Tiffany. Tara had mentioned that the password was not really secure with 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Tara threw her inner thoughts away and opened the phone looking at the series of messages. She smoked rapidly as she read through them. A sudden urge caused her to respond. Was Debby planning to go back to Texas? Was that the reason for the water and snacks? The boxes at the back?

Tara felt betrayed. Clearly, Debby had some plans to return to Texas. As she scrolled through the messages she saw the many messages with 'Sorry for what I did', 'Come back and be my wife', 'I promise I'll do anything you want'.

A wicked thought entered Tara's mind. She typed a response to Brad. 'Just finishing drinks with my friends and hoping to leave soon. I hope you keep your promises.'

The reply was instant. 'Can't wait. And yes I will keep my promise to do whatever you want.'

'I talked to the therapist and she has taught me a lot. She said I should be more accommodating.' Tara typed.

'What do you want me to do?'

Tara stubbed out the cigarette, immediately lit another, thinking. 'Therapist says I must learn to please you and suck your cock and do it every day and swallow. She also thinks you should fuck my other holes as often as you can. That I would learn to like it. I must learn to give you pleasure.'

'You sure?'

'Yes, it's the best way to put what happened behind me. I reacted badly in surprise. But I will suck you every day if you want.'

'Well, babe, that's a promise I'll hold you to. I can't wait to see you. I'll make sure your other holes are filled regularly too.'

'Remember that. If I protest, show me this message and I'll remember what the therapist said.'


'I have to go back to my friends. I will message you later.'

Tara smiled as she took a deep drag on the cigarette. She had smoked four cigarettes in rapid succession; some only part smoked. Her smile was broken by Debby's message that she was done. Tara put the pack of cigarettes and lighter into her purse and put Debby's phone back into the bag. She might need some nicotine later depending on how she found Robin. She hoped Robin was OK and exited the car leaving the keys in the ignition.

She hurried out and met Debby at the entrance. "Keys are in the ignition," was all Tara said as she hurried past.

Tara burst through the door into the living space. Robin lay over the arm of the couch, leaning on her elbows, behind up in the air and dress pulled up with the strap on still partially buried in her behind.

"Robin, are you alright?" Tara asked trying to take in the scene.

"Am OK," came the brief response.

"Hold still, babe, let me take this out." Tara gently eased the plastic penis out of Robin and pulled up the liner and panty.

Tara went around and helped Robin up. They looked at each other and hugged tightly.

"Are you really OK? Did she hurt you?" Tara asked concerned.

Robin shook her head. "I'm glad we prepared. She was more nervous than me."

Tara kissed Robin lightly. Her lipstick was barely smudged and Tara was curious as to what happened. Robin's makeup still looked pretty good. She couldn't wait to tell Robin of her exploits in the car.

"Are you sore back there?" Tara asked.

"Not really," Robin said softly still standing.

"Want to celebrate? I'll open the prosecco." Tara paused. "You really do look beautiful."

Robin followed Tara to the kitchenette as she opened the bottle and poured out two small glasses. They toasted. "I'll save this for later," Tara said re-sealing the bottle. They walked back to the living space leaning against each other. Robin sat on the arm of the couch, Tara remained standing by her side. Each had questions and was waiting for the right moment.

"You look beautiful. I bet Debby was surprised."

Robin thought for a moment. "In a way, I was glad to look that way. She spent the first five minutes cursing and calling me all kinds of names. She pushed me on my knees..."

"Just a moment, babe," Tara said seeing something on the floor. She bent down and picked up an envelope. It was addressed to Tara and Rob and obviously from Debby. Tara's hand began to tremble as she tried to open it.

She stopped for a moment, found her purse and took out the open pack of cigarettes she had found in Debby's car. She lit one, staring at the envelope. Robin could see Tara's indecision as she inhaled rapidly. Robin gently prized the letter from Tara's hands.

"So what did Debby tell you?" Robin asked.

"Nothing. Threw me the keys and walked in. Didn't appear to be in a good mood. I was nervous waiting in the car. Debby had several packs of cigarettes open. So I decided to smoke to pass the time. I was nervous for you and looked for a lighter and heard a beep. She had left her cell phone in the car. I saw it was from Brad. There was a whole thread between them over many weeks. Debby had planned this for some time, I think."

"Didn't you say you wanted to invite your new girlfriend for a drink tonight to celebrate?" Robin interrupted seeing Tara's anxiety. "You can tell me later. If you change back into the other dress, and fix my makeup or whatever, we can have a drink and some food. I am hungry."

Tara continued to smoke looking at Robin. "We can read that note or whatever tomorrow," Robin continued, standing up and wrapping her arms around Tara.

Robin took the end of the cigarette from Tara and stubbed it out in the plastic plant on the table. She led Tara to the bedroom.

It took another thirty minutes for both to get ready. Tara changed into the cocktail dress and heels, repaired Robin's lipstick and ensured her dress was sitting perfectly. Robin looked content that the ordeal was over. Both were curious as to hear about what had transpired but tried to curb their impatience. It was a Saturday. Just a little after 8.30 pm and the two girls were ready. They called an Uber.
