The Perfect Beginning Ch. 03


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As damning as it was that he was a grown man in little girl panties, it was far more damning that he became aroused by the shame he endured at the hand of a girl.  And they knew he felt shame as it was all over his red face, his inability to make eye contact and his entire body language.  He was profoundly ashamed, as both women thought he should be, but totally aroused.  This was fascinating to each lady neither of whom would ever guess this possible.  

Man is supposed to be man! How this?

As for Michele, she'd learned at the department store, that providing this sort of special, humbling experience for Tim was a treat for both of them.  She'd never cum harder than when they'd returned from their panty shopping.  Humiliating Tim this way was a total thrill for her and once more, proved to be an activity, a ceremony if you will,  that brought them closer together. 

She took great assurance from the clear understanding that this was a form of love as well as therapy for her boy.  Tim had never been so affectionate and needing of her approval than when they left the department store.  He'd been a complete nervous wreck until she'd reassured and calmed him with her powerful pussy.  She smiled at the recollection of him crying into her crotch. 


Tim was absolutely baffled by his own involuntary response. 

Why do I always get hard at the very worst time!!! 

He cursed himself as he felt his body betrayed him.  He still had no idea, was in fact completely incapable of recognizing that intimate humiliation was a sexual trigger for him.  He still did not want to understand his sexual makeup.  

Michele took Tim by the wrist and stepped away so that each held their arm out straight from their bodies.  She was showing off Tim the way a proud, doting mother might show off her daughter who's sporting a new dress.  Then she let his arm fall and had him turn slowly for the ladies who stared and marveled at Tim's panty-cock and pert ass.  Michele knew it was a lot to take in and wanted the ladies to fully enjoy it and for Tim to wither under their intimate scrutiny.

As Tim stood all but naked before the women, Michele explained that she wanted all of his body and facial hair removed permanently.  She even wanted his eyebrows thinned just a little.  The only exception would be a small, dainty triangle above his penis, going just below his panty waistline.  

Tim was in a state of total disbelief.  Panties were one thing, but this...this was permanent!  "Michele, you can't do this!  

Michele just ignored Tim and went on as though he had not said a thing.  

"I won't do it!  Stop it!"

"Be quiet."

"I said stop it Michele!  I mean it!  Stop i..."  

Michele whirled and slapped him across the face as hard as she'd ever hit him. 

"Don't you EVER embarrass me like that again!  When I tell you to do something, you mind me!  You do as you are told and do not forget your place, young man!  I don't want to have to punish you so not another word out of you!" 

Holding his cheek and with eyes to the floor, Tim went dead silent.  

Minh looked on almost with a look of pride on her face.  Mai threw her hands to her mouth once more to cover her smile, but her giggles could not be held back.  Both women noted that after being slapped and totally cowed by this young woman-girl, he looked on the verge of crying but his big cock was as hard as ever and perhaps more so.

Michele took a deep breath to modulate her baring and bring it back to the business at hand.  To the women, "So how long should it take?..."


Tim was left alone with Mai as it would take a couple hours to complete his mani-pedi and to rid him of body hair.  Michele decided to do a little shopping.  She gave explicit directions for Mai: if Tim did not do exactly as she asked, if he did not happily cooperate, Michele would spank him soundly, in front of the women.  

Tim was shaken as he knew this was no idle threat.  He resolved to obey instantly.  

Mai was amazed at what had befallen her.  She harbored this ideal that American men were like Superman, all alpha males.  Yet here was this girl who totally commanded this young man.  And she could see that he was frightened of her. 

She just girl and he is man! How?

She started on his feet and worked up.  She surprised herself when she realized she actually looked forward to peeling those cute panties off this girlyboy.  

"You love her?"

"Um, yeah, yes I do," he responded with surprise.  He'd hoped and actually expected this to be a silent affair.  Tim would learn that girl talk, the intimacy between customer and beauticians was a common and oft appreciated interaction in the salon. 

"She boss woman.  Boss girl.  You like boss girl?"

"I don't know...I suppose so..."

Mai started laughing.  Tim's erection came back with a force. It was not lost on Mai who instantly noted his association between humiliation and arousal. "Ha!  Yes, you like boss woman.  I boss you.  You obey!  You weak man.  In my country, many woman want man like you."

"Really?"  Tim was genuinely surprised.  He assumed Vietnam was a country in which many women were oppressed and forced into the sex trade.

"Oh yes, many tiger woman.  Tiger mother.  Tiger wife.  Tiger women in my country love man like you.  Boss you hard, work you harder.  Make you do thing.  Please woman.  You no do good, she beat you.  She beat you good.  She beat you real good."  Mai smiled happily at the thought.  "You girl beat you, yes?"

"No!" he said adamantly.  Then feeling some concession was in order he said more softly, less stridently "No, she does not really beat me.  She..."

"No lie, I see her!  She hit you hard!  I like she hit you.  Feel good."

Tim felt assaulted, offended and wanted to defend both Michele and himself.  He did not like that Mai saw this all as some sort of abuse.  "She does not 'beat' me, Mai.  She just..." Tim trailed off, too embarrassed to confess his shameful secret.

"She what?  You tell me now or I tell her you bad."

"She spank...spanks me," he responded quietly, trying desperately to hold onto some shred of dignity that was nowhere to be found.  When spoken aloud, he knew Mai would misunderstand and just assume spanking and punishment was just abuse when he knew it to be anything but. 

Michele spanks me for my own good.  And for fun too. 

He wanted to curl into a ball and disappear.

Mai laughed hard with this joyous news.  Tim's faced burned red as his cock pulsed beneath his Kitties.  Feeling deep shame but wanting to defend Michele's honor, "A lot...a lot of times I...I deserve it.  It's my fault, she just wants to teach me.  It really is for my own good."

"Oh, I see, she teach you good.  She make you.  Good she teach you.  Make you good.  And she dress you like little girl!  I like America!  I like it here.  I take off nasty hair and then you be pretty girlyboy.  Mommy spank little girl.  She marry you, make you good wife!"  At this, she laughed a hard, joyous laugh.  "You be wife now!"  She laughed some more.

"She make you cry?"

He hated this largely because it was so easy to misunderstand and assume Michele was doing something bad. Just as shameful was that in fact she did make him cry and she was only a girl. "She...she does, yes...sometimes. But only because I deserve it."

Mai laughed at the joyous discovery. She'd love to make a girly-man cry.

Make man cry so good! Oh, make him cry and cry!

Suddenly inspired, she broke from her work to retrieve something on a table.  Returning she shoved a magazine at him.  "You read now!" she said with sheer aggression.  

Tim saw it was a fashion magazine featuring wedding gowns and felt the wind knocked from him.


She went to a different table this time and returned with a Victoria's Secret catalog.  "You be pretty.  Be good.  Make her want you."  Mai laughed at him.

Tim was more than intimidated and did as he was told.

As he complied he heard, "There, you good now!"  More laughter as she removed all his pubes.

Although shamefully aroused, this girl frightened Tim and he could not wait for Michele to come back for him.

To protect me? he wondered. 

It was then that he knew that was exactly what he wanted: Michele's protection.  

When Michele returned, Tim all but ran into her arms, so grateful for her comforting embrace.  Upon inspection, Michele decided he looked perfect.  He was totally hairless and she LOVED the pretty, girlish, trimmed, little bush Mai left him.

Michele did not understand why so many young women shaved their pubic hair.  It made them look like little girls. 

What's wrong with looking like a woman?

Michele enjoyed growing her bush.  She'd trim the edges and at times trim it short or let it fully grow out, but she thought there was something almost intimidating about a woman with a full bush, and it was definitely beautiful and definitely sexy. 

She did not want Tim to hide behind any such imagery.  Near total exposure suited him.  He seemed somehow more vulnerable this way.  Besides, she liked a more girlish look on him. 

In the end however, she simply enjoyed exercising power over Tim.


Mai, already could not wait for the next follow up sessions.  She was so glad to have moved to the United States!


Once home, she stripped him down to his panties and was amazed.  She thought Tim had a really good body, thin but toned.  Now hairless and in panties, he was transformed. 

Ever since the party, she'd had him continue to shave his legs but this was so much more comprehensive. 

Is his movement more feminine?

Perhaps being hairless and in cute panties simply appeared more graceful? 

She could not stop admiring the curvature of his butt, the way the panties showed it off.  All she wanted to do was touch him, cup his ass and feel his panties.  Though more muscular, being hairless and in cute panties did sort of create the illusion of feminine curves. 

His bottom is so pert! 

"Hold still."  She found her hands were gently touching, smoothing and tracing all over his panties as though Tim were a pretty girl.  And it was all super, gentle girl-touching.

Tim closed his eyes and savored the sensation and affection.  He arched his lower back, thrusting out his cute, pantied bottom.

Softly, encouragingly, "Good bitch." 

Michele smiled as she realized she actually wanted to teach him to do some things like a girl, actually teach him to move like a girl and not as a performance like on Halloween but for real. She wanted it to become second nature. 

"Stand before me.  That's a girl!"  Michele sat on the edge of her bed.  "Look at my pretty, pretty, pretty little girl!" she said in this excited, sexy, little girl voice. 

With just a drop of additional humiliation, Tim's penis, already at full attention, convulsed with need. So often he could not see the distinction between Michele's affection and his own humiliation.  Michele laughed to really allow the humiliation to burn and sting.  

With just her fingertip and as light as a feather, she traced his cock, bringing full attention to his excitement.  "Missy is sooooooo happy!" Tim's cock responded immediately by throbbing and writhing against the tight, stretch, cotton confines. "Cute itty-bitty girl feels so very, very pretty!  What a petite, little girl!"

How could she still do this to him, he wondered.  How could she still humiliate him so easily?  After all he'd been through, he thought he'd be hardened to it by now.  Yet Michele's shaming words always worked their magic on the boy. 

He was not far enough along to acknowledge the profound link Michele had established between humiliation and arousal.  All Tim knew was that she was humiliating him terribly, and his cock was super hard and that his arousal made the shame so much worse.  He was very confused.

"Little Missy is extra happy isn't she?" Michele giggled with genuine mirth.  Doing this to him made her feel so mean and it was so much fun.  She was as aroused as he was.  "Little Missy makes me think of that Cindi Lauper song, Girls Just Want to Have Fun.  This little girl just wants to feel pretty and have fun in her little girl clothes. She wants to be pretty."

With each degrading comment, the boy felt his cock get somehow harder, yet what she was doing to him was so fundamentally wicked.  With each passing comment and every casual giggle, Tim felt his masculinity drain away a little.  And Kimmy wanted to give in to it.  He heard Becky in his ear, encouraging him to let go and give into Kimmy, her little sister. 

He was terrified that she had the power to fundamentally change him in some permanent way.  Tim wanted to be a boy but he was frightened that she could take that away from him.  She was a dark, powerful mystery to him and he still had no idea just how much power she really had over him.

It was then that it occurred to Michele in very clear terms, that she was playing with Tim's gender. 

Yes, the panties were about claiming him.  But it was more than that.  She was demonstrating to them both, that she had the power to simply strip his masculinity away from him.  She could take his cock, the symbol of manhood and dress it as a little girl...and there was nothing Tim could do about it. 

She did not want him to be a girl...though maybe sometimes. Almost since the beginning, he'd been Kimberly when they made love; just as often, Kimberly was her preferred lover. They'd never actually spoken of it, but she was pretty sure they both enjoyed Kimberly in bed.  Not always, but often enough. 

She smiled.  She remembered what she told him the first time she spanked him, 'you are whatever I say you are.' 

Damn, that's power.

Worse was that a part of him felt special for what Michele was doing to him.  He came to realize that part of him wanted to be her pretty, little play thing. 

She was touching him the way she did when she first dressed him as a girl for Halloween.  She was touching him like she did in the dressing room at at the store. She touched him as though he were a sweet, simpering, submissive little girl.  Her little girl.  Her needy lesbian girl.  Michele's fingertips kept touching and tracing him.  It was gentle and feminine. 

All the women touched him when they went shopping.  He was devastated by it, ruined in a way.  Never had he been more aware that his body was not his own.  Mother, daughter, Brenda and Michele all happily touched him, bonding delightfully with one another as they molested his body and mind.  All of this while Michele demonstrated her mastery and ownership to them all. 

Yet this time it was different.  He knew she did it not just to humiliate him, and to show off, but she did it because she was totally into the way he looked.  He could not believe how important it was to him that Michele think he was attractive, or more accurately, pretty and a girl. 

He had no idea how important it was to him that she wanted to humiliate him.  It was challenging in the extreme, but he knew this was affection.  Emotionally, he needed to hold still for her and let her do this to him.  And he LOVED the attention.  It seemed like she could not take her hands off of him and it made him feel totally objectified, but also valuable and special.  

Caught up in the moment, Tim allowed himself to give into it completely.  "He" started to slip away as Kimberly became self realized and took over.  As Michele sat on the edge of the bed, touching and admiring him, he stood passively before her.  Without thought, he allowed himself to strike a little girl pose.  All Kimberly wanted was to be sexy and desired.  It was all she could ever want for herself beyond Michele's love.

In response to his posing, Michele clapped her hands together and laughed!  She felt awash with power and a sense to complete triumph.

Kimberly felt a little self conscious and her face turned bright red with shame, yet she maintained her girl pose, hoping desperately that it pleased Michele.

On some intuitive level, she knew this was very, very important and hoped always that Michele would think she/he looked...pretty...pretty in pink.  Kimberly and somewhere deep inside, Tim knew to be pretty was to be loved, a lesson learned by little girls the world over.

Please, please love me.

Michele had planned a future for Tim that was traditionally more for young women, and eventually, she would have her young boybride.  It only seemed fitting to Michele that he assume some of the trappings. 

She'd still let him be a guy, or at least a boy plenty of the time, most of the time (she liked boys), but he'd need to learn how to be more than that.  He'd need to learn how to be Kimberly too. 

Exactly what she meant by that, she did not know, but she was sure that she and Tim together would discover just who Kimberly was.

At moments, he did not know that he and Kimberly traded places and vied for possession of the body they shared.  There was no doubt, Tim felt different.  He felt different about himself.  Seeing himself in the mirror shocked him. 

God, I look...pretty? No, not pretty, but... 

It was so unsettling but also, and he HATED to admit it to himself, sexy.  Neither one of them could wait long before burying Tim's face in Michele's strong bush.  Tim had never needed to go down on Michele so desperately.  He LOVED her scent and usually took the longest time savoring it as he teased her crotch, kissed it with his dry lips and gently rubbed his smooth, hairless face on it, but not this time. 

Tim was such an emotional mess from all that he'd gone through, he was desperate for Michele's affection, approval and validation.  He started by gently sucking on her pubes and quickly transitioned to delicately licking her perfect muff.  And thank god Michele did not get annoyed (Tim was never quite sure when she might direct her ire at him).  She seemed to understand how hard all this was on him and wanted to help calm him down with her pussy.  She would reward him with her orgasm.

It was funny how Tim was affected by giving Michele head.  It excited him physically, but soothed him emotionally.  He could start off nearly hysterical, but once between Her legs, he began to calm at once.  Her pussy was his pacifier.  After he made her cum and she showed her affection and appreciation, he was saved.

Afterward, they lay in bed kissing and she happened to look down at Tim's body and there it was, his struggling masculinity.  The waistband of the pretty pink panties, hooked down bellow the head of Tim's erection, mastering it.  Tim's cock was all wet and it pulsed and writhed, but try as it might, it could not, on its own, spring from the tight confines of its little panty prison.  His penis was essentially trapped in femininity. 

Tim was in the prettiest, pink, feminine bondage.  Some soft, pink stretch cotton and laced elastic was simply overpowering Tim's manhood.  Not just his cock, but his entire masculine identity was easily wrestled down and pinned in pink by a pair of panties! 

Michele's English teacher had just reviewed with them the idea of metaphor which brought a warm smile to Michele's pretty, young face. 

It seemed everywhere she looked, there seemed a clear indicator that what she was doing with Tim was the best possible thing.  Smiling brightly, Michele felt inspired when she reached down and smartly slapped his penis, spanking it no less than three times as she said, "Naughty, naughty, naughty penis."  While he flinched from the shock, he also looked like he might cum. 

"Who's my little girl?"

"I am," he said shyly and looking away.  He was exhilarated.  

They went back to gentle touching and kissing.  They were in love.


Tim was so unnerved the next day at school.  He was certain that everybody knew he was a hairless femboy wearing panties.  He read into every look and was on edge all day.
