The Perfect Beginning Ch. 03


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"Do I look different?" he asked Becky once in the Lesbian Lounge.  He was so grateful lunch had finally come!  

He still did not recognize that the Lounge was a refuge for him.  Ironically, his initial feeling of joining Becky in this girls only space caused him anxiety.

He seemed nearly frantic.  "I don't know, let me look at you."  Becky took his hands while facing him and stepped back to inspect him.  In a matter of seconds, "It's your eyebrows!  They look good!" said with real admiration.

"Oh god, I hadn't even thought about that!  Is it obvious?" he asked with overt anxiety.

"Yes, silly.  But mostly because I was looking for something.  Someone's a drama queen.  Calm yourself down, young lady!"  She smiled reassuringly.  

"It looks good though.  She did a good job!"  Bracing herself for something far more interesting, "So if you 'hadn't even thought' about your eyebrows, what on earth are you talking about?  Oh my!  I see she did your arms too!  They look so good!"

"Does it?" asked with serious doubt.

"Yes, of course.  It's darling, very pretty."

"She did everything."

"Everything?  You mean like everything, everything?"

"Yeah, I mean everything, everything."

"Oh my god, I can't wait to see it!  You are going to look so good!"

"But can you tell?"

"Tell what?"

" know...what I'm wearing underneath and the hair removal and everything!"

"No, of course not.  But let me see."  Every day Becky wanted to look down Tim's pants to see what cute panties he was wearing.  Michele gave her permission.

The two really did do and enjoy their little panty contest every day.

They ate in a somewhat secluded part of campus so Tim got used to Becky looking down his pants everyday. 

The girls in the Lounge were of a different and accepting sort so none batted an eye at the sight.  A few smiled warmly each day, knowing what was coming.  Initially at least, the two were a curiosity and in time were viewed as an intriguing spectacle that had many girls tuning in.

"Oh, those are adorable.  I love the little bows on the sides.  I really think I need to start shopping in the girl's section again.  Hey, I know, I'm going to call Michele to ask if you can go shopping with me this weekend.  It will be so much fun!" 

And then in her desultory way, "So how does it feel?  Doesn't it feel good?  God, I could not imagine having all that icky hair all over!"

"I don't know...I guess it feels good."  He was so wrapped up in the anxiety of it all that he'd not even really considered how different it did feel.  "I guess I kind of like it a little."

"Oh my god, you must look sooooooo much better in your undies!  I can't wait to see it!  I mean, you know, all the way see it."

Becky always calmed Tim down.  She made him feel like all of what was going on in his life was totally normal.  Actually, it was more like he was the most fortunate person she knew.  She was always so reassuring.

"If she lets us, I'm going to ask Michele if I can pick you up and let me see what she's done to you.  Tim, you are sooooooo incredibly lucky.  Do you even know what I'd do to have someone like Michele!"

In spite of it all, he did know he was lucky.


Michele and Tim had been together for some when when Michele had the pleasure of an unexpected and totally eye opening experience. Cindy taught her a little bit more about how the Becky's and Kimberly's of the world lived.  Michele left campus at lunch to get a science book she lent Tanya, who'd left it at her house.  Before letting herself in, she gave a courtesy knock.  To her surprise, Cindy opened the door.  Cindy's eyes were big and she seemed almost possessed of an excitement that Michele could only guess at.  Cindy met Michele on the step and closed themselves outside.  "Oh my god, Billy's here!"  

"Your new boyfriend?"

"Yeah!  Wanna see him...I mean meet him?"

"Yeah, um, okay."  Michele was a little confused by all the excitement.  

Upon entering the living room, Michele got two surprises.  First, Billy was way too young.  He was in her class! 

Why isn't he on blockers?

Before she could see the irony, her conditioning led her to upset.

Cindy was always attracting much older boys and since she was gorgeous, getting guys was easy for her. 

What the hell is she doing! 

The second surprise was that the two were just about to have sex.  There was nothing all that obvious, no naked bodies or anything else that made it outwardly obvious.  There was just a sort of tension, what Michele could only think of as a sweaty electricity. 

Cindy all but leapt on her new boy and had her hands all over him as she introduced the two. 

Emphasis on boy. 

Michele was a little red faced only because she felt a need to pretend she did not know what she knew.  

After the introduction, Cindy asked Billy, "Can I show her?  Please, please please!"  She was so excited and sounded like a little girl begging her daddy to be allowed to show off her new birthday pony.

Her very young guy just smirked, cool as could be.  

In an excited little girl voice, "Pretty please... with sugar on top?  Can I please, Billy?"

Billy responded, "Alright."

Cindy was vibrating with excited joy.  Turning to Michele with huge eyes, "Wanna see?  Oh my god, you've got to see it!"

"See what?" 

Reaching down and cupping Billy's crotch, she looked back up at Michele and said with labored breath, "See this."

"Ummmm, I don''s okay, I don't need to."  Michele could not have cared less about Billy's penis and found this entire thing to be more than very strange.  

"Please, Michele, just one look.  Oh my god, you've got to see it!"  

Now a little intrigued as to what could cause such a sensation as well as to just hurry up and get it all over with so she could get her book and go, "Okay, okay, but hurry up."

Cindy dropped excitedly to her knees, quickly unbuttoned Billy's jeans and dropped his pants and underwear to his knees with one quick pull.  

Michele's eyes almost popped out.  He was enormous.  Her first thought was to wonder if it was real. 

Okay, not a boy.

She'd only ever seen two penises in the flesh, and they were nothing alike.  She knew from all her reading that Tim was of average size or maybe even a little bit large, but this boy was freakish. 

It was not just that it was somewhere around nine or ten inches long, it was so damn thick!  Michele stood there with her mouth open and her eyes wide. 

Like a horse cock!

"Isn't it beautiful!"

Michele was at a loss for words.  Privately, she wondered what you did with something like that. 

Then it dawned on her, there were penises and there were cocks.  Boys had penises and men had cocks.  By comparison, penises are small, petite, delicate and cute. 

A cock is another thing all together! 

She knew it was not fair as it was hard to imagine too many guys with cocks this size but in a way, it did not matter; as far as Michele was concerned, this was big and everything less than this was small. 

Tim's a boy, he has a penis. 

She smiled.

If she was even into cocks, she would not even begin to know what to do with this.

Cindy was into it though. 

Kneeling before him, she looked up at Michele and Michele realized that Cindy had kind of lost her mind. "Oh my god, I just love it!  I think it is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!"  She began to kiss all over it. 

Billy's cock was so big and so heavy, it was a wonder it could stand up as straight as it did. 

As Cindy lost herself to her passion, she almost seemed to forget Michele was standing there.  She cradled Billy's cock in her hands and began to kiss passionately all around the head of his huge phallus.

And then she saw it: Cindy was not just kissing Billy's cock, she was worshiping it.  She saw in Cindy exactly what she'd seen in Tim countless times: addiction. 

Personality wise, Billy was not her kind of guy, but he was good looking.  For a second, she saw herself sitting on the couch next to him with Tim between her legs.  As each received the sort of worshipful attention they'd know for the rest of their lives, they'd each lean over and make out.  Michele smiled as she felt like royalty. 

That would be fun. Oh, I am the smug, smug girl.

Cindy sucked Billy's cock deep into her mouth and far down into her throat.  He grabbed her by the hair and kept her face impaled on his man-cock.  She could not even come close to getting all of him in her mouth.

Maybe a third? 

She sucked him into her as long as she could handle the constant gag reflex and eventually pulled away, took several deep breaths and sucked him back into her greedy mouth.  Michele was transfixed by the vision that repeated several more times before she let herself out.


After school, Michele and Tanya walked the half block from school to Tanya's house together.  On the way, she told Tanya about her unusual lunch break.  Although she was especially interested to get home to see her boy, she wanted to talk to Cindy.


"Oh my god Cin, what are you doing?" Michele asked with big eyes and even bigger smile.

Matching Michele's enthusiasm, Cindy rushed over to discuss the most exciting and important thing in her life.  The young women held hands while facing one another.  "Is he amazing or what!?"

"Uh, yeeeeahhhh!"

In conversation, Cindy admitted she had "kind of a size thing."  As she did not mind talking it over with her good friends. For her birthday, Janet Jones had a special present for her dear friend, Cindy: her little brother Billy. 

Cindy admitted she just wanted to play with it all day long!  In fact, Billy had promised to ditch school the next day so they could play again.  

Cindy admitted she was a little scared to fuck Billy, but Janet had advised her it would all be fine as long as she went really, really slowly.  Janet would not get into details about how she'd come to understand all this, but assured Cindy that it would all be fine if she just started out with Billy on his back while Cindy controlled it.  Once she could accommodate him, she could "let Billy take over.  And he's going to want to."  Further, Janet assured Cindy, "And don't worry, he's good at it.  We've seen to that."  

She and her mother took him off the blockers! They saw how big he was!

Michele could not tell if Cindy was truly submissive, but she knew if he wanted, Billy could have quite an influence on her.

Michele had no direct interest in Billy, and his huge cock, but she did like sex and wanted to know more.  She was especially interested in sex and power dynamics.  She thanked Cindy warmly for sharing with her.



"Hello, Becky."

Becky knew immediately that it was Michele on the phone and would have appeared visibly shaken had anybody been there to see her.  Michele had a profoundly deep and for Becky unsettlingly calm voice that it was a dead give away.  For an instant, she froze with wonder and a degree of fear. 

Why am I so scared?  Because it's Michele! 

Becky wondered why Michele would be calling her and then instantly prepared herself to assist Michele in some way with Tim.

"Michele, hi!"

"What are you doing?"

"Well, I was doing the dishes..."  She did not mention that she'd just gotten herself off with her dildo, "...and in ten minutes I have to go pick up my little sister at ballet.  I'm suppose to..."

"Leave her," Michele interrupted impatiently.  "I'd like you to come over here."

Considering that she absolutely had to get her sister, "But I need to..."

"Now, Becky."  She hung up.


Although flustered, apparently a bit emotionally disheveled, Becky looked as stunning as ever. 

Michele marveled at Becky's physical beauty. 

She looks worried and a little fearful? Confused and totally...I don't know, out of it or something and look at her.  She's still stunning! 

Physically she knew Becky was just on another level.  Besides, she knew the look of fear could be very attractive to her.

As she entered, "Hi, Michele."

Michele gave her the hint of a smile and without responding in kind, "Becky, be a dear and get me a water."  Michele knew better than anybody how important it was to set the tone from the beginning.  Precedence would be Becky's bondage, as it was Tim's.  

"  Would you like ice?"

This did make Michele smile.  "No."


Michele was sitting on the couch.  "Sit here."

Sitting, Becky could not wait to hear what Michele wanted her to do with Tim.  Every opportunity to become just a little closer to Michele, a little more important was an opportunity Becky was determined not to squander.  She looked on attentively.

"You are a good girl, Becky."

This caught her a little off guard as she was sure Michele would address her needs involving Tim and when it came to Becky, Michele did not usually waste time.  Then she realized Michele was just thanking her for the water.  Becky smiled shyly.

"Say it."

"Say what?"  Becky was now totally confused.

"Say you are a good girl."  Michele was as relaxed as a sunning cat.

"Ummm, okay.  I'm...I'm a good girl."  Her face immediately turned deep red and she felt the excitement pulse through her body.  Her chest was tightening.  Becky loved being told what to do and loved the tension it created in her mind and body when she obeyed.

"Do you want to be my good girl, Becky?"

Becky had to will herself to breath.  She could not imagine a more beautiful question coming from the lips of such an alluring woman.  Her face burned even more crimson.  "Yes," she whispered.

"Say it."

"I...I want to be your good girl."  Becky was now totally out of breath.

"You will be my secret girl.  Do you understand?"

"Yes, Michele."  She felt herself spinning out of control.  Her best friend knew the feeling all too well and in that moment she felt a spike of guilt.  

"'Ms. Michele.'  When we are in private, you will call me, Ms. Michele.  Understood?"

"Yes."  Once more breathlessly, "Yes, Ms. Michele."

"Do you like that?  Do you like calling me Ms. Michele?  Does it feel good?"

Becky loved Tim and Kimmy and she felt badly about what was happening.  Yet she felt powerless to stop it.  Michele was taking over and Becky felt as though she was being washed away by the swirling storm waters.  And this is what Becky lived for.

"Yes, Ms. Michele."  She was now somehow more attentive and her body was totally alive.  Every nerve ending vibrated and she could feel her nipples harden.  Subtly arching her back, she hoped her visibly erect nipples pleased Michele.  Becky had medium sized breasts but what made them exquisite was that her aureoles were a little larger than average yet still super pointy and obviously gravity defiant.  She enjoyed that they demanded attention every time she was excited.

Michele smiled for the first time and Becky was elated.  She'd really pleased her!  Michele reached out and touched Becky's hair, running it between her fingers.  For her part, Becky experienced a quick intake of breath and felt her body freeze.

She's such a pretty thing.  And I get to play with it!

It was different than with Tim.  Becky was so much more aware and likely experienced with who she really was.  Becky knew what "Ms. Michele" meant with all this, while Tim had to catch up to it all.

Michele adored the girl's fear.  It was not fear of being slapped or spanked, it was fear of the first time.  It was the fear of getting it wrong somehow.  It was the fear of displeasing Michele that brought on Becky's paralysis and fearful doe eyes. 

Right now she's wondering if she looks pretty enough.  Yes you do, little girl, but I'm not going to tell you.

Continuing to smile and with a relaxed bearing, "Why don't you come down here," indicating the floor before her.

Becky luxuriated in the rush of shame and excitement that came from obeying someone special to her.  In that moment, she absolutely loved focusing on the fact that she was submitting to a much younger girl.  It made it so much worse! 

With a bashful smile, she slipped off the couch and came to her knees before Michele.  Red faced, chin down, she bit her lower lip while glancing up at Michele. In graceful supplication, she presented herself with eyes averted to Michele's knees which were right at Becky's chest.  

This reminded Michele of her very first kiss with Tim, with him beneath her.  She knew this was how it was supposed to be, they both knew it.  Michele used the crook of her finger to lift Becky's chin and as she did so appreciated the girl's beauty all the more as it was somehow enhanced by her furtive eyes.  It was important to make a point as clearly as possible.  "You will obey me now.  Do you understand?"

"Yes, Ms. Michele."

Michele leaned down and kissed the beauty kneeling before her.  Becky gave her mouth to Michele and their kiss was gentle and a little wet with Michele's lips over her own.  Becky almost fainted when Michele's lips gave her that second of suction before kissing again...and again...


Not more than an hour after Becky left, Tim came home and Michele was a bit surprised to want him to go down on her right away to get her off again.  Though she should have been satiated for at least a few hours, what she'd done with Becky was just fun!  The girl had needs and was more than comfortable with her own sense of entitlement.

Of course he made her cum again just before going to sleep.  

Sometimes Michele felt like the luckiest girl and other times she felt like the most successful woman.  She lived and loved her life to the fullest.  


Dear Diary,

Becky's mine now too.  Feeling a lot like the Cheshire Cat!... or is that the Cat that ate the canary? 

I keep thinking about how amazing my life is and I feel so lucky.  But it is not just luck.  Doers, do.  I made this happen, this was a goal and now it is achievement! 

Sometimes I look at other girls and boys and their attitude and all, how cool they are and they have this like mountain of confidence and I think they are faking.  Like, what have any of them done?  A lot of times, I feel like a grown up or a woman going to school with children.  I feel confident and it's not all fakey either.  It's real...


Things progressed beautifully between the young couple through the winter and into spring.  Michele continued to enjoy an elevated, yet completely separate status at school.  It would not be quite right to say she was "popular" in the classic sense because she simply had no interest in school social life.  Her world was too rich and focused for any of that.  Yet, by far, she was the most respected girl in the whole school.

Tim had to work hard to except the challenges of being with Michele because he was deeply in love with her and as long as they were together, he had no choice.  Pleasing Michele was the most important thing in his life now. 

Yet he wondered about the long term viability of being with her.  It was hard. 

Again, he reminded himself that he was in love with her.  After how she spanked him the first time he tried to back out of any sort of romantic entanglement, he was not sure he even could break up with her.  Though intellectually he knew one human could not be owned by another, emotionally, he felt otherwise. 

Though the idea and feeling caused him stress more often than not, he took great comfort from the sense of belonging to Michele. 

Also, with Michele, he had discovered that he was a pervert, and who besides Michele was going to put up with that?  She helped him to understand that she might be the only one who would accept, albeit grudgingly, his perversions.  And Michele made sure he knew he was asking a lot of her in this way. 

He felt incredibly lucky to be with someone for whom he could direct every ounce of his considerable sexual energy.  He could not even imagine being intimate with someone else. She was his whole world and he felt so fortunate that she'd chosen him to be with.  Tim lived to make Michele proud of him.  Though he could not imagine leaving her, living without her, he also had a hard time imagining a future with her.  How, he wondered, could he continue on this way while going to college and starting a career?