The Perfect Beginning Ch. 03


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He knew perfectly well that few, if any, one hundred eighty somethings would consider his sex life ideal, but Tim could not have been more sexually devoted, nor overjoyed than he was by the heavenly splendor of their love life.  

The virginity issue was a challenge for sure.  Michele simply was not ready and was pretty good at helping Tim understand that if he really wanted to be a good boyfriend, he'd wait patiently...and not "bug" her about it.  

Some of the most challenging times came when Michele reminded him that she knew quite a number of echelon twelve and thirteen boys who were no longer virgins.  

This caught Tim by surprise and made him think that things were really changing for young people.

"Maybe  it's all about having a big cock, it just gives them that confidence, a confidence that makes us girls swoon.  Believe me, it can get your attention in a big way! 

"You could never understand.  They never have to worry about us girls laughing at their little baby-dicks." 

With concern, "Did Tiffany ever laugh at you, sweetie?  What am I asking, of course she did."  Michele laughed herself as though in on Tiffany's joke.  Then back at him with concern, "She can be so mean. Oh my god, I can just imagine all the mean things she said to everybody about your little baby-dick.  I think I can hear them laughing even now."  Again she laughed along with the imagined audience of peers who enjoyed Tim's deficiencies.  Laughter was the only reasonable response as a small penis was funny to everyone who did not have one.  Tim was the punchline.  

Tim's mouth hung open in shock.  The insight and unexpected concern felt like a slap to the balls.

Michele carried on with a smile, "Anyway, you can see it just in the way they walk, kind of a swagger.  Maybe that's what happens when a guy has that kind of manhood swinging freely between his legs.  Sometimes I wonder, like does it feel heavy caring all that extra weight?"  Michele projected a dreamy, far away look. 

Snapping out of it with a feigned sigh of disappointment, "You could never be that way," Michele laughed with a mean, condescending tone.  "You certainly couldn't fit a real cock into a pair of panties.  But you have a cute, pretty, little 'panty-cock'!  You're my panty-cock boy," she smiled gamely.

She's going to leave me! 

The thought of Michele leaving him haunted him with frequent regularity. This thought brought his whole life into relief: he was nothing without her.  He was emotionally undone by what he was beginning to think of as a near certainty.

Yet now, with Michele's guidance, he thought dejectedly of his penis bound in panties.  He thought enviously of imaginary boys, much younger than himself, walking proudly and confidently with man-cocks "swinging freely" between their legs. 

I wonder what that's like?

He experienced profound envy.

And as his penis grew hard, he felt the ever present constraint of his little, pink boy-short panties.  He felt an emotional gulf opening between them and was seized by the familiar panic that came from rejection and inadequacy. 

How could she ever stay with me?  

Suddenly, in an authoritarian voice, "Just look at your panties!  Your penis is getting all hard!  Come here, I want to take a look at you," she said commandingly.  Standing before her seated form, she slipped his shorts off. 

As ever, she was treated to the site of his hardening cock held down and to the side by the wicked, wisp of a waist band.  She smirked her mean and delighted smirky, smirk. 

"What on earth is getting you all excited?  I hope you don't think you are going to fuck me!"

Tim knew full well that this was a suggestion that could result in a serious slap down, followed by an even more serious spanking.  "No, I swear, I wouldn't even think about that.  It's just that... I don't know... the way you talk to me makes me get this way."

"I make you?  This is my fault?  Reeeeally?" Michele's voice was charged with amused disbelief.  There was too, a hint of warning in her incredulity, as though he'd insulted her with is need to blame her.

Tim did not know what "fault" had to do with any of it.  It seemed just getting an erection was offensive.  It's because I'm a pervert.  He was nearly lost in shame and was just able to remain present as she continued.

"Let's see, I want to know if I understand this.  I start talking about confident, young boys with big cocks, long, thick, heavy cocks and about how they fuck girls; I mention boys that would, in all likelihood, take me, force their cock in my mouth, or take me by my cute hips and thrust their massive man-cock inside my tight, wet, pretty, hot and very needy little pussy...all the while you are too frightened to even think about fucking me, hoping maybe, if you're lucky you'll get a warm pervo-spanking...and your tiny penis gets all hard? 

"They are fucking girls while you are wearing panties..." changing to her mean, little girl voice, "hoping I spank your little panty bottom... and you are getting all hard?  Men fuck while panty-boys get spanked and that excites you? 

"Pretty clear which one you are even if you don't seem to know."

"'s just that..."

"These boys would stand up to me, Tim," Michele said as though it were an accusation.  "They'd never be bossed around by their under-school, bitch girlfriend; they'd tame me with their cocks.  I'd be bent at the waist and out of breath from taking a big fat, totally hot man-cock as they'd shoot huge loads of cum into my pretty, little girl body and they are only boys!  And don't think for a second that I don't think about that! 

"Sometimes a girl just needs that, Tim.  They'd make me totally need it. 

"Do you know there are guys like Brad who are in my echelon?  I'm not kidding.  I happen to know first hand that a boy can have a cock that is so big, but so beautiful that it can make a girl both a little frightened and totally horny?  I mean like, lose her mind horny.  It did it to me.  To me.  Me.  I got that way when I saw it!  He was my age."

"Wait, when did you..."

With irritation, "Focus, Tim. I'm trying to help you. Besides, it's none of your business.

"Do you know a beautiful cock can make a girl a little scared but make her mouth actually water at the same time?  It can be so big, she's a little frightened of it but her pretty little girl pussy gets all needy.  Did you know it can be so big that her eyes will go wide with a little bit of fear, but her pretty, little girl pussy will get oh so very special? 

"It's just a natural response, Tim.  It makes her understand real desire. Like, 'I just gotta have it' desire.

"Once they slide a cock like that into a girl, she can never go back.  She could never be with a little boy like you after she's been with a man.  And at least physically, that's the biggest difference between a boy and a man.  His age does not matter, it's what he was born with and the confidence that gives him.  It's nature.

"God, can't you just imagine the conversations between Brad and Tiff?  Can't you see her beautiful eyes going wide as she saw his man-cock for the first time?  It must have been like Christmas morning for that pretty, pretty girl.  It's beautiful and intimidating and it's only natural that she'd compare him to you.  Like how could she not?  Right?"

He was too stunned to nod his agreement, but he knew she was right.  How could she not?

"She went from a boy to a man.  That's why she dumped you.  She knew it was time to be a woman.  She got the hunger and that won't go away.  Don't you know she had to compare him to you?  After marveling at its size, after she got the craving, don't you know they talked about you?  Can't you hear them laughing?  I can!  And honestly, I can't really blame them, cause it is funny.  I think it's funny."

The panic welled up further as he felt his stomach sink all the more.  He wondered if this was when she'd finally leave him to be with a guy with a real cock, to be with a man. 

"Months ago, in one of their therapy, play acts, she said that he was nothing more than relationship training-wheels for Michele, until she felt mature enough for a man.  That idea was with him always and he wondered if she was now, at last ready.

"You were too small to be a joke to were just a punchline." 

Once more he was shocked that he'd considered the same thing just a moment before. 

"I bet she got real mean with you after she started sleeping with Brad.  Wasn't she?  She didn't want to be with you anymore.  Totally understandable.  Your little penis irritated her and she did not want anybody to know she was with a little boy when some of her friends were getting with men. Poor baby.  She was such a mean-girl to you!  Still, you can't blame them for laughing."

Thinking back, Tim thought she might have, but that seemed so long ago.  Then he realized that it wasn't really.

"A real guy, a guy with a real cock can enslave a girl with his manhood and she can't ever leave him.  What on earth do you think happens to the Kimberlys of the world, your namesake? 

"And then there is you.  You get to go down on me and your little dicklet gets all hard in a pair of lacy cotton Kitties.  What's up with that?" 

Switching back to her pouty, teasing, little mean girl voice, "Ah, poor Timmy, if he'd only been born with a man cock instead of a dicklet, he might have learned how to be a man." 

Sitting before him, she held his wrists in her hands.  "Look at it.  Poor thing.  Know what a cock would do?  A hard cock would bust out the top of those panties like they weren't Superman.  Look at your poor little penis is just getting bullied and pushed around by those cute, pretty, little girl panties." 

They both watched as his penis throbbed and fought desperately in its failed effort to escape the evil clutches of those pretty, little girl undies.  She smiled joyously up at him and drank in his despair.  She trace tickled his penis with her fingernail while using her taunting little girl voice, "Just look at those adorable little girl panties.  Arn't they pretty?


"Yes they are, but they are so mean aren't they?  Those pretty little undies are just wrestling down your weak, defenseless, little, little-boy penis.  Poor, poor little penis can't beat a pair of little girl undies.  She's a bully.  A cute, pretty bully. She has so much fun beating up and manhandling that little penis.  She's such a satisfied bully too!  She's enjoying herself.  It's like she has it in one of those tight, constricting, little wrestling holds and she will never, ever let go.  Poor, poor, little penis.  Such a mean, little pair of girl panties!"

Tim had the most disturbing vision of a miniature teenaged beauty the size of a Barbie doll, dressed like a little girl, complete with little girl skirt, knee high socks, Mary-Janes and pig-tails straddling his cock as though it were her horsey.  Her skirt was pulled up to her waist and her pretty legs encircled his hard cock in a scissor hold with her ankles locked as she squeezed his boyhood unmercifully. 

It was almost painful and when she kicked her heel backward into one of his balls and he submitted utterly to the vicious and absolutely giddy, Barbie sized mean-girl straddling him.  He could see the crotch of her white cotton panties stretched over his hard cock as she wrestled down his hard penis. 

For an instant, the vice like pressure on his cock abated.  Again, for no reason, as she'd already gained his compliance, spurred her horsey.  The gorgeous girl kicked backward, driving her heel into one of his balls. 

Immediately, she reapplied the leg scissor and it was all nearly enough to bring him to his knees.

Every minute or two she'd give his balls a hard, little kick.  He knew he deserved it. 

It was just fun for her.  Her legs were not much longer than one of his fingers, but how she could kick! 

He looked down in his imagination and she held her cowgirl hat high above her head, showing off her riding skills to the whole rodeo.  He saw her and heard this tiny girl laughing as she slapped the head of his penis repeatedly while she strangled it between her strong, coltish legs. 

The unbelievably sharp pain he felt came from Michele who'd released one of his wrists and with her fingertip and sharp little fingernail, flicked his cock several times as hard as she could, right on the sensitive cock head. 

It hurt, but he remained in place.  Closing his eyes, he knew those incredibly painful flicks, the mean little slaps from tiny tyrant of a girl who was slapping his cock, would make him cum if they did not stop.

Sadly they did stop and he opened his eyes upon the beautiful and knowing smile of his Love.  

Michele knew damn well she almost made him cum from snapping his cock with her fingernail. 

Oh how fun!

On the other hand, visions of Michele being tamed and enslaved by fucking did not strike Tim as at all natural, but with her impassioned description, he could not help but visualize it.  He could see the boys and their huge cocks fucking the woman of his dreams and he could see her passionate and ravenous desire. This was the latent desire he feared would develop and cause Michele to leave him.

She'll want a real man...with a man cock.

What struck Tim as particularly sad was that he could not see himself in their stead.  Inspired by his standing, he'd forbidden himself from even thinking about fucking Michele. 

This was a singular joy not to be considered until Michele willed it.  Until then it was the unopened present which represented his greatest hopes and desires but could not be understood or even visualized until actually experienced.  And even then, he could never hope to achieve what these boys could do.  Michele made it clear that he lacked the necessary manhood required to make a woman actually need him in this way. 

When they did eventually have sex, would it just be one pathetic disappointment?  Would the greatest moment of his whole life just bore Michele; would she even feel it?  Would the singular act which most defines his masculinity be a simple matter of charity given to him by his one true love out of pity? These questions would haunt him.

"I asked you a question, Tim.  Answer me: What's up with you getting all hard in your panties?"

"I don't know," was Tim's quiet, pleading reply.  "I'm sorry, Michele."  

She absolutely loved that she could speak this way to him and he felt like he needed to apologize to her.  They'd come a long way.

"There is just something you do to me...not all the time.  Sometimes you make me feel like I'm less than you and... well... it just does something to me..."

In the most condescending tone, "Let me get this straight: I make you feel inferior and that makes your penis hard?" 

Yes, God, yes, this is the love I deserve!  More, more MORE! 

"Oh my god, that's sooooo perverted.  You get all hard and excited because you have an under-school girlfriend who's stronger than you, who you can never stand up to, who bosses you around, spanks you when you are naughty and makes you sit down to pee?  Really?"

Tim just went slack in utter defeat and dejection.  He had no idea what to say.  

"Say something Tim!  Stand up for your manhood!"

"I...I can't.  I'm...I'm sorry," was his only defense.

"Look down at your panty-cock Tim!  Look at it!  It's so little it can't even beat a pair of panties!"  With total disgust, "My god!  Honestly Timmothy!  What would you do without me?  What other woman would tolerate this?"

"I don't know..."

"Well I do: no other woman, that's who.  It's a good thing you do as your told.  Do you have any idea what kind of sacrifice I'm making by just being with you?  I don't think you fully appreciate me.  I'm better than you Tim, but I don't ever hear you openly acknowledging that obvious fact.  How do you think that makes me feel?  

"I need to be alone."  With that Michele went into the kitchen to finish her homework.  Tim sat on her bed, scared and alone, not daring to get dressed, not daring to call out or move.  After an hour alone with his feelings of inadequacy, he walked quietly into the kitchen and waited for Michele to acknowledge him.

Seeing him standing there so sheepishly, she eventually stood and held out her hand to him, signaling him to approach.  Two feet away, she stood still to behold and cherish the fear and defeat which radiated from her boy. His beautiful face was streaked with tears as he averted his gaze downward, only stealing, furtive glances up at his superior.

He was a broken mess and she could not be happier. She embraced him, wrapped her arms around his and settled her hands on his soft, firm, pantied bottom.  Together they rocked gently, Michele gently rubbing his bottom and Tim just emotionally melted into Her.  

Quietly and gently, "Ms. Michele, you are so incredibly beautiful and wonderful.  I know you are better than me and I'm soooooooo lucky.  Thank you.  Thank you for choosing me.  I only want to make you happy."  Michele smiled to herself as she held her boy.

Sweetly, "You are welcome, baby, but don't you owe me an apology?"

Jumping in in spite of his confusion, "Yes, but I don't fully understand, can you help me?"

With the warmth of a pleased, loving mother, "I think it is appropriate that you apologize to me for having such a small penis.  Also, with Tiff telling every kid in town how small your penis is, how do you think that reflects on me?  It's like I have damaged goods and everybody knows it."

The tears began to fall once more and Michele felt so much affection welling within her.  With his pain and suffering, she always got horny and experienced her greatest affection for Tim.

"I'm so sorry, Michele.  I'm so sorry."


"I'm sorry for having a small penis.  It's my fault.  I'm sorry.  You deserve so much better... but I'll try and make it up to you.  I'm so sorry!"

Michele gently, almost daintily fucked his eager mouth with her tongue and he sucked on her tongue with soft, gentle and tender need.  She took his hand and guided him back to her room.  

She still blushed when she considered the things she said to her loving boy; but as she nursed him and enjoyed his tender suckling, and felt his desperation, she knew everything was as it should be.

When he held his face to her sex, seeing and feeling him breathing deeply and physically shivering with desire, she smiled knowingly.  She liked that his warm tears ran into her bush.  When he licked her pretty pussy and she heard and actually felt his needy whimpers, she was reminded of his profound love for her and she knew that she was everything he needed in the world. 

Their eyes met as Tim looked up from between Michele's legs.  One hand held him firmly by the hair, she looked down at him and smiled.  In a warm, gentle and loving voice, "Good bitch.  You are a good bitch."  

Tim was elated as a sense of acceptance and real purpose and value and the affection came over him.  He was awash with gratitude and love. He began crying once more but this time they were tears of relief and joy.

She adored when he cried into her crotch.

Broken bitch.


"I'm not sure I can really tell by the way he walks, but I can get a pretty good idea by the way he carries himself.  Guys with big cocks do have a certain attitude.  But I wouldn't be surprised if some girls could tell.  A lot of girls will only go B-I-G.  Nobody calls me this, but when I'm in the mood, which I guess is like almost all the time, I call myself or think of myself as 'Big-Girl'  I guess you could say I would not have anything less."


Michele made it clear to Becky that she was to casually, almost nonchalantly support the idea that Tim had a small "penis."  After having asked Michele if she could see what she'd done with Tim, Michele obliged.  Of course Michele made clear to the girl,  her expectations.  Michele wanted to let Becky see who Tim really was so that there would be no doubt: Tim was not Becky's kind of guy.  Becky came by to pick up Tim so the two could go shopping and Michele stripped Tim of his pants and had him do a quick model for Becky.  Becky had no specific interest in Tim sexually, but she was absolutely delighted with Michele's work. She loved seeing her guy friend in panties.