The Perfect Pair Pt. 03


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On the way home they talked about nothing else.

At one point It occurred to them that if they ever didn't make their goal on Saturday. Sunday, wouldn't cut it, as the bank would be closed and they wouldn't be able to get to the keys -- on that day they wouldn't be able to get their release. All the more reason to make sure they earn their points.

Arriving home, Brooke stripped and started dinner, while Dennis changed his clothes, becoming Denise.

Their evening was quiet. Both of them were lost in their thoughts of sexual release.

Before going to bed, they checked their points totals, one more time.

At 6:00 tomorrow morning, Brooke will earn her 12 bonus points, giving her a total of 38. More than enough to earn her release.

Dennis will earn 8 more, giving him 32 points.

They were both relieved that they'd make their goals and be able to unlock their belts, for 12 glorious hours of sex. They couldn't wait!

"Of course, you realize that I'm the winner for this release, so I'll have to think up something for you, the looser. Hmm, I'll have to think about that."

Dennis wasn't too worried about what she may have in store for him, he's excited about getting out of the belt and enjoying 12 full hours of sex with his wife.

Pleased with their victories, they perform their cleansing chores and climb into bed. Dennis doesn't mind the enema ritual so much that night. He has better things to think about.

As always, he wears a negligee and Brooke sleeps in the nude.

They have a difficult time relaxing enough to go to sleep. Both of them want to be well rested for tomorrow's fun, but they're just too wound up and too horny to calm down and let it go.

Lying there, Dennis realizes that he only just made the cut, and begins worrying about next week when the goal moves up to 35.

Brooke, stretched out next to him, is feeling good as she had earned plenty of points, easily enough to cover next week's goal of 35.

Eventually falling asleep, they take advantage of the situation and stay in bed late. They can't get to the bank, and start on sex until the place opens its doors at 9:00.

They do eventually crawl out of bed and take their turns cleaning up. Enemas included.

Dennis feels a little weird, being dressed as a guy on a weekend, but it makes sense. He has enough points for his release and he'll be out of the belt, soon.

After breakfast they hit the road.

"Next time, you'll have to come as Denise," Brooke said with a mischievous smile.

Dodging the idea, "I don't think I can, they won't let me into the vault. My ID won't match my appearance."

Brooke disputes his belief, "Oh come on, the hand-print will prove who you are, and this is a progressive state where sexual identity is now very loose. They'll accept you as someone now sexually identifying as a female. And I'll be there as an agreeable witness."

She giggles at the thought.

Dennis just shrugged, uncomfortably.

One of the first customers in the door, they head straight for the safety deposit box customer window and go through the identification process. ID check, digital hand print, photo and key examination.

They're each carrying a back-pack, and those must be examined, too. At least on the way in.

When asked, they tell the banker that they wish to enter together and to even share one of the private little rooms, with their two boxes.

They're almost shaking with anticipation as they grab their boxes and enter the room, securely locking the door behind them.

Giggling, Brooke quickly lifts her skirt, in back and turns her ass to Dennis. He laughs and pauses in removing his pants while he uses his key to unlock Brooke's belt.

She purrs like a cat as she slides it down her legs and after placing it in a plastic bag, stuffs it into her backpack.

Dennis, meanwhile has succeeded in striping off his jeans and turns his back so Brooke can unlock him.

As he pulls his cock out of the thing, he moans as his cock hardens immediately and stands up straight.

Brooke reaches out to fondle it, but he steps back, begging, "please don't, I might explode right here and now."

She laughs, "OK, but it would be kind of fun to do it right here, with that stuffy banker standing outside."

"No it wouldn't. Let's get home as fast as we can."

He stuffs his belt into a bag and into his backpack, before pulling up his pants, delicately covering his raging hard-on with his panties. Once he's ready, they head out.

With the banker's assistance they return their boxes back into their slots, with the keys safely inside.

As they head out the bank's front doors, Brooke whispers, "If he only knew."

Dennis laughs, "knew what? That you're going commando and I'm in panties, or that we're so horny we might explode any second?"

"Either or both." Brooke laughs as they dive into their car and speed home. Praying that no cops are around.

They arrive home safely and in record time, run into the house and straight into their bedroom. Stripping as they go.

Brooke puts a damper on their mad dash, displaying admirable self-control as she heads straight into the master bath and into the shower.

Dennis, confused, "what are you doing? Get into bed with me, woman."

"Not until we're both clean, down there." She hollers over the sounds of the spray.

"Oh hell!" Dennis says, as he runs in and joins her.

She laughs, "I don't want to start our epic sex session with a smelly pussy or cock."

"I get it, but hurry." Dennis replies.

For a while though, they act like a couple of children, splashing, pushing and laughing under the water.

They don't do that for long though, and they push their way out of the enclosure, haphazardly dry themselves, and dive into bed.

Foreplay lasts only seconds, and Dennis is quickly on top of Brooke and hurriedly pushing his hard cock into her wet pussy.

But that's when things go bad.

Dennis is so very horny; he only moves in her for a few seconds before he starts moaning and explodes into her. He continues to pump like a mad-man for several minutes, thereafter.

Brooke can't believe it! She wasn't even close yet and here her lover had already shot his load. Like some 15-year old virgin with a cheerleader.

"Really?" she said, disgustedly as his rhythm started to slow.

Dennis, suddenly came to his senses, realizing what had just happened, and began to sputter apologies. They became more and more profound as he came to fully understood how pissed off his dear wife is. And understandably so, he had to admit.

Brooke almost cries in frustration. "You shit!" She shouts.

She can feel him starting to shrink, so she pushes him off, angrily and crawls out of bed.

"I'm going to go clean myself out. You use the other bathroom and then get back here. You're not finished." She says, indignantly.

When they meet up, back in the bedroom, "come here stud and get to work. You owe me, big time," she ordered.

"I really am sorry, honey, I was just so horny, I couldn't hold back."

"I understand, sort of. And I know you won't be ready for another round for several hours. So, I think now's a perfect opportunity for you to make love to me as Denise would. Mainly with your mouth and tongue. I expect several orgasms from your ministrations."

Brooke had never been so demanding, during their past sex sessions, so Dennis was a bit surprised, but he wasn't really put off by her orders, and he didn't mind oral sex in the least.

With a smile, he responded, "yes dear. Anything you say dear." Before climbing onto the bed and laying on top of her.

They started off kissing, passionately, but before long he was working his way down her lovely, hairless body, kissing, licking and nibbling until he arrived at Brooke's delightfully, large breasts. He worked on her nipples for a while, eliciting moans from her, before he continued sliding downwards. He stopped and licked at her navel jewelry for several minutes before continuing to her wonderful pussy.

Brooke was really loving his attention and when he started on her vagina, she started squirming and moaning in delight.

Dennis spent over an hour, laying between his wife's legs, licking and sucking on her lips and clit.

She had her much needed and wonderful orgasms under his attentions.

After she had recovered somewhat from her third and best one, she sighed, "enough."

It was a good thing, too as Dennis was exhausted. His tongue, mouth and jaws were sore and his face was covered in her juices.

"Don't go away," he said as he slid off the foot of the bed and went into the bathroom to rinse off his face, and get a much -needed drink of water.

When he returned, he crawled back into bed and snuggled up against one very satiated and contented young wife.

Feeling him, she opened her eyes, "I love you. That was very nice. For a while there I did imagine that it was Denise who was loving me like that."

Dennis was surprised by her comment, but with only a little thought he realized that Brooke was dreaming of her lesbian love fantasies and he was comfortable and even turned on by it. He pictured himself as both her male and, in a fashion, her female lover, rolled into one.

"I'm good with that," he whispered.

"That's good, because I do want to make love to Denise -- Denise the woman -- sometime soon."

"I think, I'd like that too." He replied.

He then fell into a day-dream of his own, picturing himself fully dressed as Denise, making love to his beautiful wife. Two women in love. A fantastically sexy thought.

The two of them relaxed for an hour, dozing in each other's arms, before they decided that they needed food, before they started another round.

As they staggered out of bed, Brooke smiled, "after lunch I hope your cock will be ready for another round, and this time I pray that you'll be able to exert some control on the little prick."

They laughed together as they walked into the kitchen. Both of them completely nude for the first time in a week. They did enjoy being totally hairless. Somehow, they felt more naked than naked, that way. And they both looked fantastic!

They played with each other as they prepared lunch.

It was the first time that Dennis had sat, naked at the table and the seat felt cold on his ass. Brooke was used to it, as it was a requirement of the chastity game for her. She reminded Dennis that she was earning a point for it, while he was again falling behind in the count towards their next release.

"Not fair," he said, smiling.

"Completely fair, you get to dress up like the woman you always dreamed of and I get to show off like the bimbo I've always dreamed of. It sometimes gets chilly, going around naked all of the time, and when it's nice on the patio, I can't really go outside."

"Of course, you can. Our yard is private enough. I'd love to see you out there, sunning. A nice all-over tan would look great on you."

Actually, Brooke, kind of liked that idea, but the discussion ended before it went any further as they'd finished eating and were ready to head back into the bedroom.

As they stood at the sink, rinsing their plates, Brooke reached down and confirmed that Dennis was ready when her hand came into contact with his cock, standing at attention.

He jumped, at the contact, and tried to back away, but Brooke grabbed ahold and led him back to the bedroom in complete command.

This time, Dennis had better control, having released much of his pent-up desire in the morning's ugly performance, so they both enjoyed themselves tremendously.

They spent a lot of time in foreplay, before the main event, and then fell asleep, exhausted from the poor sleep the previous night and all of the action of the day.

When Brooke awoke, Dennis was still sleeping, so she slowly slithered down his body and took him gently into her mouth. He woke to the touch and enjoyed his third orgasm of the day, a record for him.

Afterwards, they stepped into the shower and enjoyed washing each other. They took the opportunity to reapply their depilatory cream to the parts of their bodies that hadn't been treated with the laser, and that still sprouted occasional, fine hairs. Finished, and content with their smooth bodies, they stepped out, dried each other and applied skin cream to each other. The whole process was fun, loving and erotic, but Dennis was spent and Brooke was satisfied, so nothing more came of it.

As thy walked out into the bedroom, the site of their belts caught Brooke's attention. They were sitting on a chair where they had left them after cleaning them in between their sessions in bed.

Glancing at the clock, she sighed, "We'll have to put them back on in a few hours."

"I know. If you're sure you want to continue the game."

"It's only going to get harder. But..."

He cut her off. "But, we always dreamed about it, and we committed to it."

"Yes," she said, "I think, though, I've had enough sex for tonight, and I'm sure your balls are completely empty."

He nodded, smiling, "but I could still give you more."

"No, I don't need more." She replied, then after a minute, continued. "Let's go out tonight. I'll go a bimbo Brooke and I think you should go as bimbo Denise. We can earn points for going out in public. Remember you lost out on some points, today."

She paused smiling at him, "And, we can spend our four hours out and start the new week out right with a point, each."

Dennis thought for a minute, "now? Tonight? I'm not really in the mood. I'm not really horny enough, ah, motivated enough, to want to go out dressed."

"Oh, come on, don't be a spoil sport, and besides as the winner of the 'race to release', you, the loser, have to do what I say. And I say we're going out as a pair of bimbos."

As she said it, she giggled and slapped him on the ass.

"But we'll have to cut it short to come back and put our belts back on." Now he was whining. Trying to resist her impulse.

"No, we can put them on, now, before we go out."

"Early? Give up our freedom before we have to? I was looking forward to more time out, even if it's without sex."

"Come on. Man up, and let's do it," she chuckled as she stepped into her belt and began pulling it up her legs and over her hips.

Dennis looked at her like she was crazy for a few seconds, before he reluctantly followed suit, and soon he was tucking his cock into its position in his belt.

When she was ready, she turned and whispered, "please."

Dennis reached over and closed her belt where the three bands met near her tail-bone. The click indicating that it was once-again locked.

When she spun back to face him, they kissed for a moment before he turned and she closed and locked his belt.

They kissed again, longer and more passionately before Brooke pulled away, "now come on, let's get you dressed in one of your new bimbo Denise outfits and I'll do your makeup. That way you'll look as slutty as I will."

Dennis shifting into his Denise persona, began to get excited by the prospect. His mood started to change, and he was only a bit surprised when he felt his cock tried to grow within its confinement.

His cross-dressing fantasies had included dreams of him dressing as a total slut and driving the guys, and girls wild. Now he was going to actually try it.

To be Continued...

From the Author: Please comment on my stories. All thoughts, positive or negative are welcome. If negative, please extend the courtesy of providing constructive criticism. Thanks.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I enjoy the storyline.

One point of criticism: you switch back and forth between the past and present tense - at random as far as I can see. Either is fine, but try and pick one and stick with it, as the switch between is really quite jarring.

james_danimejames_danimealmost 4 years ago

Nice touch to have them reaffirm their commitment to/consent for the idea after a trial period. That explicit "yes, there are aspects of this I don't like, but I still want it more than I don't" really helps to reinforce what makes the tone of this story rare and special.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Excellent story

I love this story - I don't often comment but i've been enjoying this one so much and I really hope you can continue it. Can't wait to find out how this couple deals with all the challenges they've set for themselves and the embarassing scenarios that their predicament lands them in.

ChangeYourPasswordChangeYourPasswordalmost 4 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the feedback

Thanks for the feedback. I suggest you read my story 'The Locker' where I did include an electronically controlled Chastity Belt.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great story

Ace so far. I'd wondered also about them both into computers and programming whether the locks could be made remote control. or perhaps just the keys placed in a remote controlled box. Or other variations similar.

ChastizedChastizedalmost 4 years ago

What a fantastic story so far, thanks a million!

I hope that there are many more chapters to cum.

sparkysnail321sparkysnail321almost 4 years ago

Enjoyed it very much. I thought since both are computer engineers they have made a program/device to ensure lock up or come up with tasks. Still much liked the story! Keep up the good work.

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