The Prince and the Orc Queen Ch. 01


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"Well, it's not exactly the same. But a ratheliem is somewhat similar to the concept and I think it's appropriate." She smiled sideways at him, obviously knowing something he didn't.

"In a weeks time we will hold a gigantic feast in the Orcish tradition, and the next day we will perform the human marriage ceremony followed that night by the ratheliem." She declared in a matter of fact fashion.

Seemingly satisfied that the matter was settled she turned away from him and began striding towards the door. Hearing her speak so frankly about their betrothal only cemented in his mind how dire his situation was. Despite his dejected stupor he felt the flames of anger bubbling up inside him. In one last defiant act he shouted after her.

"And when do you plan on raping me?" he spouted, unable to stop his own outburst.

Shaka spun on her heels in a flash and once again stuck him across his face. He was more prepared this time and was at least able to keep his footing by falling back against the wall for support. Whether by coincidence or purposefully she had hit the exact same spot as last time creating an explosion of hot pain all throughout one side of his head and down his neck. Already a small bruise was beginning to take form above his cheek.

"I hope for your own sake you learn to hold your tongue in my presence." She bellowed at the cowering prince. "Perhaps you do not fully yet comprehend the dynamic of our relationship, but you will come to understand or you will be very miserable indeed. Despite what you must think of me now I am not a cruel mistress. I will not mistreat you if you do not give me reason to, but neither will I hesitate to discipline you when you have earned it. From now on you will only show me the respect and reverence that I deserve. Do you understand?"

Several tense moments passed in silence while she glared angrily at him as he stood in terrified stillness.

"Do you understand!" she demanded again, raising her hand as if to strike him once more.

"Yes! Yes I understand, please..." Peter stammered frightfully.

"Yes.... what?" She asked him with her hand still in the air. "Is that how you should address your better?"

Peter swallowed hard before answering in an unsure tone.

"Yes.... uh, my queen?" He said as he felt the testosterone drain from his body.

The response seemed to please her and a smirk reappeared on her face. Seeing him cower before her made her heart race. She felt her pants growing tighter the more control she exerted over him. She certainly got lucky with this catch, she found herself thinking. In a surprisingly gentle motion she brought her raised hand to his face, slowly so as not to frighten him. Still he flinched heavily when she stroked the fresh bruise on his otherwise perfect skin.

"Good boy." She said quietly enough that only he could hear.

Slowly her hand drifted down past his chin and across his neck. His body shivered as her hand slipped through the tear in his shirt, Whether out of fear or something else she wasn't sure. She freely explored the flatness of his chest and run her large thumb over one of his small nipples, flicking it gently. She could feel herself start to leak in her pants and realized she had to stop this before it went to far. Reluctantly she took her hand away.

Peter had been holding his breath ever since she touched him and he finally inhaled again as she turned around to take her leave. He had never been put into such a position of vulnerability before. He couldn't believe how strong she was and how easily she had taken charge of him. He felt a burning shame spread throughout him, all the way from his still burning face down his abdomen and even into his groin. It was strange actually, how hot it made his crotch feel. It was a completely new sensation to him, being emasculated like this. He couldn't quite describe how it felt but he was pretty sure he didn't like it. Just as she reached the door Shaka turned over her shoulder to address him one last time.

"In answer to your question, I believe that your custom dictates we wait until our wedding night. Which I will certainly be looking forward to."

He could practically hear the lust in her voice and it only made the sensations in his privates grow more intense. He struggled to understand what was happening to him, how she had gained this power over him.

The two Orc guards who had stayed silent the whole time wordlessly followed their queen out the door and closing it behind them, leaving just the prince and his steward. They were both slightly shaking and for a long time all that could be heard was the heavy breathing of the prince as he came to grips with what just happened. Slowly he began to move again, taking small steps toward the door. His heart refused to stay still as he clumsily grabbed the handle with numbed hands and pulled it open.

"Um, m'lord?" The steward found the courage to spoke. "Perhaps we should just stay here. I- yes, I believe they want us the stay here for now."

"I'll be right back, I promise. I'm just going to... do something real quick." he said weakly.

The steward knew Peter almost as well as anybody, having raised him since birth, and saw right through his flimsy excuse.

"You're going to see Delilah, aren't you m'lord?"

The prince should have expected his steward to figure him out, he never could keep secrets from him. But he was still not fully thinking straight and was in a hurry.

"I just need to know that she's okay. And- and I just really need to see her right now, okay?"

Peter was afraid and confused. Dark and lustful thoughts clouded his mind and a strange new sensation was overtaking him. He had just bent to the will of his invaders and handed them the entirety of humanity on a silver platter. He had never been so conflicted in his young life before. He needed help to process what had just happened, and he knew there was only one person who he could freely speak to. Without waiting for the stewards approval he exited the room and started down the hallway.

He quickly broke out into a run, almost as if he might escape his troubling thoughts by outrunning them. Practically falling over himself he scurried down the twisting staircase of the ancient tower and out into the main complex of the castle. Once he got to the center courtyard he began heading north, towards the servants quarters. He flew down the stone hallways as fast as his legs could carry him, doing his best to ignore the burning ache that was spreading through his lower extremities. A growing sense of dread blossomed within him, every second that passed was one more terrible thing that could be happening to Delilah. He had to make sure she was okay, but from what he saw things didn't look promising.

The Orcs were everywhere, in every room and around every corner. They had already completely populated the castle it seemed. While a few of them were still in their battle armor, the majority looked to have changed into their more casual wear, and some of it was quite...casual. There were plenty of orcs wearing pants and tops similar to what he had seen Shaka wearing, yet there was also a large number of them with much more revealing outfits. Loin cloths were apparently a fairly common Orc garment which showed off their thick powerful legs. Unfortunately is also showed off a bit more than that. They seemed to be popular with the futa more than the women because more often than not Peter found himself inadvertently catching a glimpse of a swinging green member gently swaying back and forth as they walked. While he only saw quick flashes, it was enough to confirm his fears that the tales of their legendary size was certainly not exaggerated. Less disturbing to him were the copious amounts of tit flesh that were on display. The Orcs never wore bras, that much was clear. Most wore simple leather vests that were tied together in the front. For the majority of them their large breasts prevented these vests from fully closing, creating a vertical window of cleavage and abs. Still others wore only a thin strip of fabric wound around their chests, barely covering their nipples and squishing their teats to their bodies. Whether they were patrolling guards, or workers moving supplies around, or seemingly just lounging around, everywhere he looked he saw taunt green flesh brazenly on display

What really scared Peter was how few humans he saw as he went. Occasionally he would pass one or two, but they were far in between and were never without an Orc nearby. The Orcs were usually leading them down the hallways towards some unknown fate, corralling them almost like steers to be branded. Sometimes the humans were carrying things for them and scurried to keep up with their big gaits. None of them looked happy about their situation, they all wore the same expression of panic and uncertainty along with a healthy amount of perspiration.

As he exited the main hall and ran out into the alleys connecting the laundry rooms and the servants apartments he was stopped in his tracks by a sudden muffled moaning noise. As well as what sounded like heavy breathing. Taking several steps to the side confirmed the prince's fears as he saw an Orc and a human rolling around in the grass behind some bushes. The Orc clearly had the upper hand as she pinned the young noble to the ground and shoved her tongue down his whimpering throat. She moaned in satisfaction as their lips were mashed together, her sharpened tusks digging into the sides of his face and leaving deep red cuts in his cheeks. She had one large hand wrapped firmly around his neck and was intermittently squeezing down on his windpipe to deprive him of air. Both her legs were coiled around his torso and even though she still had her pants on, she was furiously dry humping his helpless form. The man struggled valiantly against her but was obviously no match for such a powerful warrior. She didn't even seem to notice as his fists repeatedly bounced off her body harmlessly. In any other situation the price would have stopped to help his citizen, but at that moment he could only look on in horror imagining the same thing happening to Delilah.

He quickly turned away from the disgusting scene with every intention of speeding away as fast as he could. He had only taken a single step however before smashing into what felt like a fleshy brick wall. He bounced away from the impact and looked up to see the grinning face of the Orc he had just collided with. Wasting no time she threw one arm around his neck and brought him in for a tight headlock. Trapped beneath her arm he was subjected to her powerful body odor, the smell of sweat and musk infiltrated his nostrils and caused him to gag. His body instinctively tried to breathe in fresh air but he only inhaled more of her overpowering scent, making his head go all swimmy. He struggled both against her embrace but also against the uncomfortably pleasant feeling of shame once more spreading through him.

"Where you off to in such a hurry, little guy?" She cooed to him as she tousled his hair roughly. Hey eyes glanced up to the couple in the grass before staring down at him again and lifting his chin up with her other had, forcing him to look at her face.

"What's the matter cutie? See them having fun and get all lonely? Well don't you worry any, I'll bet you and I can have some really-"

She stopped mid sentence as an expression of recognition and embarrassment appeared on her face. Immediately she released her captive and backed away from him as though she were afraid of the much smaller and weaker creature.

"Shit you're the prince aren't you!" she yelled at him accusingly.

Peter coughed out as much of her smell from his lungs as he could and breathed in the cherished fresh air before responding.

"Um... yes. I am"

"Fuck, you should be wearing like a sign or a collar or something so people can recognize you, damn! Listen, just forget this ever happened alright? I was never here." She said as she nervously shuffled away.

All the Orcs in the army knew that the prince was to be claimed by the queen and none dared risk her wrath by playing with her property without permission. Ever since they had first learned of the king and his fair son, whom the people so adored and looked up to, the queen had lusted after the young man. She had been infatuated with the idea of fucking the incarnated hope of all mankind into submission. To her this war wasn't won until she had her prince. His detailed description was given to all the soldiers along with instructions that if he were captured he was to be immediately delivered to the queen unmolested. Peter was of course oblivious to all this and so was left greatly confused by the strange encounter. All that mattered to him though was that his royal status had saved him from being raped.

Pushing the situation aside to be figured out at a later date, he returned to his previous mission of finding his lady love. He bolted in between the buildings and through the small door to where the servants lived. As he rushed around the much less opulently decorated quarters he began Shouting out the girls name, probably a bit louder than he meant to.


He pushed open the doors to every room he came across, all of them empty.


Sweat soaked into his clothes as he climbed the stair to the second story. Still every room he entered was void of both men and Orcs. Just as his inner colossus of doubt and fear was about to over take him he turned a corner and saw a female figure standing on the balcony at the far end of the hall, silhouetted angelically by the bright light from outside.


Hope jumped in his heart as he approached her and she turned to him revealing that she was in fact the only woman he'd ever loved. Despite being a simple serving girl Peter had become enraptured by her since they first met. Many years ago when one of his usual servants had become ill Delilah ended up filling in for them and was tasked with delivering his supper to his room where he often took his meals. When she entered his rooms and instead of seeing the decrepit old hag that usually brought his meals he beheld her supple young beauty, he thought for a moment that he must surely have died and she were an angel sent to collect him. He of course arranged for her to become a usual worker in his tower and the two quietly began their secret courtship. Nobody but their closest friends knew about them and unfortunately that was the way it would have to stay. Someone of his status could never marry a person that was so beneath him. He was destined to be wed to some noble lady of his fathers choosing where as she would most likely spend the rest of her days sweeping floors and washing clothes. At least that's the way things would have gone had the kingdom not been conquered by lustful green amazons, none of it was likely to matter any more.

Peter ran to her and threw his arms around her slender frame. Before she could respond he took her into a deep and passionate kiss, pressing himself against her and feeling her modest bosom press against his chest. Before long she returned the kiss, letting out a soft moan and melting into his arms. He needed this, after what just happened to him he needed a little bit of comfort. He needed to feel like a man again, to reclaim his dignity. For the first time in his life he had been rendered helpless, and rather than dwelling on how that made him feel he wanted to get things back to normal. Kissing Delilah felt normal to him. Running his hands down the back of her plain brown dress and squeezing the subtle curve of her ass felt very normal. With her he knew where he was, he was the prince and she was his secret lover. He held her head in his hands and ran his fingers through her long flowing red hair, which was always slightly frizzy no matter how long she brushed it. She always hated her hair for it, but he thought it gave her a certain natural beauty. In the right light, it created a haze around her head and shoulders as if she really were from heaven.

They finally separated with a wet smacking noise and locked eyes. She gasped at the sight of his torn shirt and bruised face.

"Peter, my god! What happened to you?" She asked as she gently stroked her hand across his face in a motion eerily similar to what Shaka had done earlier.

Peter took reached up to take her hand, not wanting to be reminded of the Orc queen. He softly squeezed it reassuringly. Looking into her kind dark green and hazel eyes he saw fresh watery tears spilling over onto the light freckles dusted across her cheeks.

"Don't worry I'm fine, everything's going to be okay." He lied. "But what about you, have they hurt you in any way?"

No, no... they haven't touched me yet, but..." Her soft pink lips began to quiver and more liquid gathered in her eyes as she embraced him yet again. She rested her head upon his shoulder and strained to keep from weeping. "But they're saying about you... that you and.... I've heard... Please just tell me it isn't true. Please!"

"I'm so sorry Delilah." He whispered to her while stroking her head. "It's true. The Orc queen and I are to be wed within half a fortnight."

In her heart she had already known it to be true, but that didn't make it any less devastating to hear it confirmed. Her body went limp in his grasp, forcing him to support her weight. She shuddered in distress as she silently began to cry into what was left of his shirt.

"We need to get out of here Peter." She choked out between sobs. "We need to run away, now! We know the palace better than these horrible creatures, we can sneak out without them ever noticing."

The prince pulled back and stared at the poor delirious girl. He had seen the number of Orc guards posted around the castle, a mouse most likely couldn't get in or out without their knowledge. Even if they could leave, he had a duty as a ruler to stay and protect his people...even if that meant marrying a sadistic barbaric creature like Shaka.

"Delilah that's crazy, we can't just leave. Where would we even go? The Orcs have conquered the entire continent. There is nowhere we could run where they wouldn't find us."

"The world must be bigger than just this land. If we keep running south we'd eventually reach the white mountains, they say there are halfmen who live inside those peaks. We could find them and live with them." Her voice picked up as she teetered on the brink of hysteria. "Or we could get a boat and set sail across the shallow sea. There must be something on the other side of it, it can't go on forever! We could even hide within the deep woods of Selladore and live as hermits, anything just so we can be together!"

"Del.... I think we both knew all along that we could never really be together forever. It was impossible before and it's even more so now. And besides... I can't just abandon my people. I have to stay."

Delilah lifted her head to stare him in the eyes once more.

"No Peter! If you stay they'll force you into marriage!"

"I know but... if I don't they'll kill everyone. I have to do this."

She stared at him in disbelief. A shocked and confused look spread onto her face and she started shaking her head.

"You can't mean that... you can't marry her. You can't! You can't marry one of those... those things! No, I won't let you! I won't let you!" She raised her voice to a desperate wail as she clung to him with all her strength.

Peter let her cry for several moments, stroking her back and holding her for comfort.

"It's a sacrifice I have to make for the people" He told her, partly still trying to convince himself in the process.

"Fuck the people!" She suddenly barked. "I don't care about any of that, I just want you."

Tears began to form in his own eyes as he realized the depth of her devotion to him. He placed both hands on either side of her face and brought her in close so he could intimately whisper to her.