The Ravencroft Women Pt. 03


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"So?" Isabelle pressed me, clearly anxious for an answer.

I looked at her then, really looked at her. The gorgeous little sex-fiend that had just waltzed her way into my life. Then I remembered Emelia, all her pictures and videos, and the cheeky way she'd been flashing her tits at me just a little while ago. They were two ridiculously attractive women who appeared to be a package deal. And the only price I had to pay was allowing myself to give in to my mildly embarrassing affinity for taboo roleplay. After feeling a pleasant shudder at the memory of Emelia's sexy whispers, I made my decision.

"Alright, fine. Whatever you want...Izzy."

As soon as I said her name, Izzy's eyes lit up as she began smiling from ear to ear.

"Yes!" she yelled as she got off the couch and hugged me with so much force that if felt more like a tackle.

"Jesus! Take it easy!"

"So, I can keep coming over, right?" she asked, looking up at me expectantly. "You're not gonna bite my head off again?"

I groaned. "Come on. Can't we meet up somewhere else."

"Big brother, noooo," she whined. "I want to come heeeeere." She was stomping her feet like a child, but the movement also caused her tits to rub against my chest in a pleasant way. As such, my dick ended up having the final say.

"Fine," I sighed. "Whatever."

Izzy whooped in victory and surprised me by kissing me full on the mouth. She didn't close her eyes when she did it though, so, for a moment, I was given an up close view of those beautiful grey jewels. When she finally released me, she flashed me a playful grin and then quickly started gathering her things.

"Wait, where are you going," I said.

"I have to get ready," she said simply as she fixed her clothes.

"Ready?" I said. "Ready for what?"

"You'll see," she said, flashing me another smile. Once she had all her things, she came over to me again and gave me another kiss. However, she closed her eyes for this one. It was much slower than before, and I could feel her tongue invading my mouth. It wasn't long before my desires got the best of me and my hands started wandering over her body as I returned the kiss passionately. By the time my hands came to a rest on her round ass, she leaned away and smirked at me.

"You like kissing your little sister?"

"...Yeah," I said after a second's hesitation, slowly easing myself back into the role of 'older brother fucking his younger sister'. If Izzy noticed, she didn't complain. Whatever I was doing appeared to be good enough for her. However, when I moved in to resume the kiss, she dodged.

"Let me go, perv. I said I have to get ready."

"Jesus. Ready for what? You go through all this work to get into my apartment and now you just want to leave?"

Izzy flashed me another smile and started struggling with me, trying to escape my grasp. Naturally, I tried to keep her soft body as close to me as possible. This gradually evolved into a little wrestling match between us, one that Izzy was clearly enjoying. She laughed as she writhed and wriggled in my arms, twisting and turning until she was facing away from me and her perfect ass was pressing into my crotch. I couldn't really complain about the outcome. I felt myself getting hard again as her butt moved back and forth. Izzy felt it too, giving me a coy look over her shoulder before managing to slip free of me.

"I'm coming back, big brother," she said. "I promise. I just need to get ready."

I frowned as she repeated herself for the third time, but she didn't offer any further explanation. She just danced her way over to my front door, winked at me as she opened it, and then she was gone.

I didn't find out what 'get ready' meant until the following day, but I should have known it wasn't going to be anything good.

Izzy showed up at my apartment, an hour before my shift at work, with two suitcases. When I asked her what in the flying blue fuck she was doing, she told me she just wanted to leave a few things at my place to make staying over easier. The problem was I barely had enough room for my own stuff. There was no way there would be room for hers, too. This turned into a small argument, but it felt more like bickering. Almost like we were actual siblings? In the end, I gave up and let her have her way and left her in my apartment on the condition that she would keep quiet. This turned out to be a poor decision on my part.

By the time I got home from work, I found that several changes had been made. She had hung a curtain around my exposed bathroom to create some semblance of privacy. She also taped something over the massive hole in the wall so that it wouldn't stand out so much. These things weren't so bad in and of themselves, but it was the third change...

"Izzy! Didn't I tell you not to buy me a fridge!"

"Why not?! You needed one! I couldn't even get the door closed, it was so full!"

"But..." I lowered my voice when I realized I was shouting and continued in a near whisper. "But what about Mr. Faulkner? Didn't he see you?"

"You mean the old guy? Yeah, he saw me."

I almost sputtered in shock. "Wait, what?! You... Jesus fucking Christ... What did he say?" I asked before adding, "What did you say."

"Well he saw me coming up with the delivery guys and asked me who I was and what I was doing. Of course, I told him I was you sister and I was delivering a gift for you. Then he start asking a bunch of really annoying questions, so I accused him of staring at my tits and threatened to call the cops on him. He went away after that."

My jaw literally dropped. I didn't know whether to be impressed or terrified so I chose neither and went back to trying to convince her take back the fridge instead. Long story short, I have a new fridge now.

After that, Izzy basically moved in to my apartment and, to be honest, it was actually kind of nice. Over the next week she saw me off when I left for work and welcomed me back when I came home. She even made sure to have food ready for me. Take-out, of course. Izzy couldn't cook for shit and she was proud of it. And when she wasn't acting like my live-in girlfriend, she spent the rest of the time embodying her role as my bratty little sister.

She'd make unreasonable demands of my time or space, seemingly for no other reason than to get a rise out of me. She'd pester and nag and just be a little bitch in general, all with a shit eating grin on her face. It would have annoyed the hell out of me in any other situation if it wasn't for the fact that this behaviour always followed a specific pattern. First, she'd verbally pick a fight with me, and I would inevitably retaliate. That back and forth between us would then continue and escalate until things became more physical. Once it got to that point, it almost always ended with Izzy bent over something in my apartment while I slammed my cock into her pussy. It almost got to the point where whenever I heard that familiar sassiness in her voice, I would start to get hard in anticipation. It obviously wasn't your typical sibling relationship, but I wasn't complaining.

However, it wasn't all good. Although I had told myself that I would forget about Noah, it was clear that he had no intention of forgetting about Izzy. He just kept calling her every day without fail, and, every time she got off the phone with him, Izzy would start acting...odd. Sometimes she would ask me random questions about my favorite foods, or the kinds of music I liked. Other times she would sulk for a minutes before getting up and leaving without a word, only to come back an hour or two later like nothing happened. Whenever I asked her about this, she'd always say she was just working. I never pressed her for a more specific answer, but I couldn't stop myself from wondering: 'What kind of work?'

It only got worse as the days wore on, with Noah's phone calls becoming more frequent, and their arguments more heated. It was the sixth or seventh day after Izzy 'moved in' that it all finally reached a breaking point. It was a day off for me and I watched Noah call Izzy three times in a row. It was after the third time that Izzy lost it. She had a full blown shouting match with Noah. I couldn't hear his side of the conversation, but it definitely seemed like the fight was centred around work and Izzy not doing enough of it. When I tried to get her to quiet down before she drew Mr. Faulkner's attention, she abruptly ended the call and stormed out of the apartment.

When I didn't see her again for the rest of that day and the day after, my mind started spinning as I tried to figure out what the hell was going on. Obviously, Emelia and Izzy had been less than honest about who Noah was and what he meant to them. Sure, maybe he wasn't her boyfriend, but he was definitely something... Something having to do with work... Like, her boss maybe? But what kind of work would a rich, pretty girl like Izzy...

"Holy shit," I said out loud in my empty apartment. "Is he her pimp?" It sounded reasonable given everything I knew about her, but then I remembered the way Izzy had laughed at me the first time we met when I mistook her for a prostitute. "Well...maybe not."

Either way, it didn't matter. The one thing I knew for sure was that the situation was getting worse between the two of them, and, the longer that went on, the greater the chance I might get caught up in it. So, on the second day of Izzy's absence, I went back to the sporting goods store I saw with Sam and bought the baseball bat I saw in the window, hoping that I wouldn't have to use it.

Aside from that, I made the decision that the next time I saw Izzy, I'd have a nice long talk with her about Noah and this time I wouldn't let her dodge my questions. I needed to know just how serious this situation was.

Unfortunately, I never got the chance to have that talk.

On the third day of her absence, Izzy suddenly sent me a text out of nowhere.

'Hey, you home?'

I quickly replied.

'Yeah, just got back from work. Why?'

After a strangely long pause, she replied.

'I'm outside. Could you buzz me up, please?'

Immediately after she sent that text, my intercom rang out. I thought it was odd that she chose to send me a text rather than speak to me through the intercom, but I brushed it off. I was just glad that I was finally going to have the chance to speak to her. I walked over and pushed the button to let her in, unlatched my door, then sat down on my couch and began to think about how best to approach the conversation about Noah. However, a few minutes later, Izzy sent me another text...

'Sorry. I lied. Noah is coming up to see you.'

I stared at the screen of my phone, my mind struggling to process what it was seeing, but it was the next sound to reach my ears that really drove home the situation I was in...

-Knock- -Knock- -Knock-

Three solid impacts on my front door that literally made me jump in surprise, but I instinctually remained silent. Part of me was hoping the he would give up and go away if I could make him believe that I wasn't home, but then I cursed myself when remembered that I'd just buzzed him up; playing dumb wasn't an option.




He knocked again. This time they were more spaced out. More deliberate. It was like he was saying: 'I know you're in there. Open up.'

Realising that I was backed into a corner, I slowly rose from the couch and started making my way over to the door, my eyes drifting over to the baseball bat that I had strategically placed right next to it. And thank god for that; no matter how I looked at it, there was no way this was going to be a friendly visit. He obviously pressured Izzy into helping him get into the building. That's not the way you do things when you have good intentions.


He was getting impatient. Hopefully that would work to my advantage. My best bet would be to catch him off guard. I probably wouldn't even have to hit him. Just showing him that I was willing to put up a fight might be enough to scare him off. But that might have been wishful thinking. Either way, I lifted the baseball bat, feeling it's reassuring weight pulling at my arm, placed my other hand on the doorknob, and waited. A few more tense seconds went by, and then-

-Knock- -Knock- -Kno...

Before he could finish knocking, I quickly flung my front door open and raised my baseball bat, doing my best to appear as threatening as possible, ready to tell this asshole to piss off before I caved his head in. However, those words became firmly lodged in my throat when the person found standing in my doorway failed to match up with the man I was expecting. In fact, it wasn't a man at all.

Standing in front of me was a woman wearing a navy blue business suit, a white blouse, and a skirt that stopped just above her knees. She was tall, easily matching my own height, and she wasn't even wearing heels. She had long, jet-black hair and full lips, but I couldn't see her eyes because of the dark sun-glasses she was wearing. However, I could see enough of them through the lens to notice the way she eyed the baseball bat that was still raised menacingly. I quickly lowered it, placing it behind my back, before addressing the woman.

"I'm sorry. I...I thought you were someone else," I said awkwardly, my eyes searching the space behind her. The thought that she might be acting as a decoy for Noah crossed my mind, but she appeared to be alone. Just for safe measure I backed away from the door a little to make it harder for any unseen assailants to get the jump on me." Can you?"

As I put some more space between us, I couldn't help but notice her striking figure. Her clothes hugged her curves in a way that allowed her to look sexy while at the same time professional. Her ample breasts strained against her blouse and blazer, and her wide hips fit snuggly inside her tight skirt. Her body appeared so soft and pillowy, inviting you to touch it. But that was offset by a severe case of resting bitch face that was noticeable, even with the sun-glasses she was wearing.

"...Help me?" the woman said. "What do you mean by that, exactly?"

For a moment, her voice sounded really familiar. I couldn't quite place it, though, but I could have sworn I heard it somewhere before. But where...

"Surely, Isabelle told you we were coming."

As soon as I heard the word 'we', my guard went right back up.

"So you did come here with Noah!" I said, once again searching the hall, certain that he must have been hiding just behind the wall or something. However, the woman just frowned at me.

"...Forgive me, but did you just say 'with Noah'?" she said.

"Oh, come on," I said, growing a little impatient as I slipped back into fight or flight mode. "Stop playing dumb. I know you came here with him, so where is he?"

She looked at me silently for a few seconds before finally removing her sunglasses and pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

" little bitch," she muttered.

She then looked at me and, for the first time, I was able to look directly into her piercing eyes. Grey eyes, in fact. Just like Izzy's.

"I'm sorry," she said. "It looks like Isabelle has played a bit of a prank on us."

At that moment, I remembered where I'd heard this woman's voice before. It was the same voice as the woman who left Izzy a voicemail that night in the park. But if that was true, then that meant the person standing in front of me was...

"It's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance," she said as she extended her hand. "My name is Noahlyn Rosana Ravencroft, oldest daughter of the Ravencroft family. But please," she added with a sudden smile, "you can call me Noah."

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albertaboyalbertaboyabout 2 months ago

Too bad this story has died, would love to read more of it

JvitoJvitoabout 2 months ago

Really Liked the story would like to see the next installment to tie up all the Lose ends

seasteve123seasteve1236 months ago

Sadly it looks like this storyline has been abandoned.

nicho1855nicho18557 months ago

Hey Lucille, are you going to post another chapter to this story, or is this the end of the road? Please let us know one way or the other.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Where's the next part ?

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